LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
The Ominous Future
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LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Standard Match
Victory Via Via Pinfall, KO, Submission Or DQ
The Winner of This Match Will Be Eligible For Selection As The First LAW Openweight Champion In The Apex Event

There was no sparkles nor theatrics from one Eileen Sommers this evening. Which was odd, given that the stakes in the match before her could not have been higher. At least in terms of accolades, that was.

But practically barging her way backstage, with her entrance music only just blaring out by the time she had hit the ramp, the red haired beauty would descend the ramp with frightful speeds as the crowds began to roar. In an odd change, Eileen would bare them absolutely no mind, despite her many attempts in and out of the ring to win over the crowd. If only to have them under her thumb - just like the rest of LAW itself.

But today, they might as well have not even have been present - for in Eileen's mind this was the same crowd that attended the contract signing for this very match a few weeks ago. The same crowd that had seen her be literally thrown out of the ring like trash; a memory that made Eileen redden enough for her face to match her hair, as she clambered her bottom heavy frame through the ropes. Finding her corner with enough pace to her to shake the ring, Eileen looked like a woman possessed as she practically ripped her own jacket from atop her frame. Haplessly throwing it to an attendant who was ringside - with said jacket haplessly landing right on their face - Eileen could not be heard for her music as she screamed at the official.

A scream that would all but demand she hurry up the arrival of her opponent for the evening. So that Eileen could proceed in absolutely obliterating her in front of an audience Eileen felt was no longer on her side!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Tonight was the night. The Apex match between Selket and her opponent that she had been taunting, manipulating and grinding at for months at this point. The night that Selket cemented her spot for the world title once and for all at Eileen's expense. Even if not all of Selket's plans and machinations had worked as well as she had liked, most notably their contract signing, but that was neither here nor there, and in the end everything had fallen into place as she wanted. All that was left was to beat Eileen for good and close this chapter so she could start a new one. Stepping out from the shadows of the guerilla position Selket would wait calmly as her music started before proceeding.
Coming out from behind the curtains wearing a purple cloak Selket would look up and smirk calmly and proudly before the crowd, a mixed response raining down from her given the less than sterling reputation of not only herself but her opponent as well. Not that it mattered to Selket at least. How the crowd perceived her was nothing to her besides.. she would give them a reason to change their tune. Throwing the cloak she was wearing off there would be a sudden spike in cheers as Selket revealed herself to be wearing the shiny golden attire from her match with Astrid. An outfit that had previously been stained by defeat would find its redemption today.
Waltzing down the ramp in a measured and elegant gait Selket stood in stark contrast to her opponent who all but rushed to the ring as soon as possible while Selket was content to take her time, taking the scene in... and deliberately making Eileen wait just to anger her further. Making it to the ring itself Selket would hop onto the apron, climbing between the ropes while keeping an eye on Eileen with a smug smirk on herself. "Ready to be thrown out again trash?" Selket would ask mockingly referring to their last match with a evil grin on her face before leaning up against her corner to await the ring of the bell.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Selket looked akin to a golden statue with the way the light bathed her, which only agitated Eileen all the more. To instigate this rivalry - to take control of the contract signing - and now to upstage her before the match had even begun?

The only thing stopping Eileen from quite literally gauging out Selket's eyes the moment she was in the ring was the fact that doing so would have disqualified her from the contendership for the openweight belt. And whilst Eileen wanted to truly hurt Selket in ways the larger woman likely couldn't fathom, she wouldn't risk throwing away her chance at being the first openweight champion to do so. Even despite the fact that until Selket rolled along, the redhead did not even have an opponent set for this event!

Hell, the only one to mind was Eirina, and Eileen had absolutely no intent of having a fair fight with the former hentai champion the next time the two of them met!

But with her mind on the task at hand, Eileen pushed out her strong front whilst placing her hands to her hips. She wouldn't bother going to the center of the ring to literally size herself up against Selket, given the fact that those watching would see just how outmatched Eileen was in the size department. Eileen of course had taken much bigger, in the form of the legitimate giant Origa, but such a encounter was not comparable to the one now at hand. Given that the woman before her didn't have an outright weakness, unlike the aforementioned giant...

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Entering the ring fully and standing across from Eileen the Egyptian priestess would smirk confidently towards the woman, a gloating look upon her face as she stood across from her while surveying her expression. 'Someone looks distracted. Excellent, the more distraught she is before the match begins the better.' Selket thought to herself eagerly, her smug smirk getting just a bit wider as she heard no clap back from Eileen at her words. "Too scared to speak then? Alright." Selket said feeling victorious right out of the gate as she set her shoulders back and awaited for the bell to ring and start the match. the moment it did than Selket would approach Eileen, arms up and ready for whatever it was the red head may try and start off with!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Eileen didn't opt to respond verbally. This larger woman had already revealed enough of Eileen's true nature before the masses, leaving Eileen with quite the task before her. Not only in dismantling the woman to claim a victory over her, but in reaffirming herself in the eyes of the crowd. It would be better she felt, to remain stoic for the time being. There'd be time enough to verbally cut this woman down to size when she had done so physically - until then, the best Selket would get from the bottom heavy redhead was snares and glares!

Cutting the distance as the bell was rung, Eileen's arms were high but she had absolutely no intention of locking up with her foe. Selket had already showcased her raw power in actively throwing Eileen around as if she were a lightweight - something the redhead not only fully remembered, but had no intention of repeating at any point in the match. Instead, she'd rely on speed provided by her ample thighs, as she ducked in and out in rapid fashion as if to tease a lock-up.

Only for the last faint to be followed by a swift kick with her right - as Eileen swung out her strong leg to give Selket's left shin a painful check. One that would hardly drop the giant to her knees, but could go a long way in whittling her foe down for the long match to come.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Finally the match between two women who couldn't have been more different had begun, even now Selket was throwing insults and barbs Eileen's way with the red head remaining stoic throughout. But Selket knew the words were having their effect on the woman and it was evident she would take all that angst out on Selket the moment the bell rang.

Which was why the moment the bell rang Selket would raise her arms up and brace herself as Eileen came running in, swinging one of those meaty legs up to drive into Selket's leg! "NGH!" Selket groaned out with a hiss of pain before glaring at Eileen. If the woman wanted to play a game of physical strikes fine, Selket was more than capable of hitting back, literally and figuratively.

Trying to take advantage of the position of Eileen, as well as the height disparity between them, Selket would pull her arm back and swing it forward, trying to drive an open palm strike directly into the chest of Eileen as a effort to drive the air out of the woman's lungs and hopefully push her back, if not taking her off her feet entirely!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Eileen was playing it fast and crafty, with less intent to lock up with Selket the closer she got to the bigger woman. Finding success in striking at that leg, Eileen wouldn't be so confident as to simply jump into the claws of the tiger as Selket still raised her arms - at first seemingly for a lockup, only to then rear her arm forward. Eileen didn't have to be told that Selket was seeking revenge via a horrendous strike, but it did not matter all the same. For the redhead looked to get the hell out of dodge nigh instantly, as she reared her bottom heavy body back with a spin to it the moment her leg connected with Selket's own!

With caution thrown to the wind, as Selket would find herself throwing a strike seemingly at a foe who had opted to turn her back to her!

Though Eileen had not suddenly grown in confidence, she was instead looking to rear back her other leg as she came back around. To snap the end of her boot into Selket's gut, via a spinning heel kick!

Though it would be down to luck on who hit first, or whether either woman could endure the hit of the other to power on through all the same!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Selket knew that Eileen wouldn't want to avoid a lock up with her, it was only logical since she had nearly every advantage in such an occasion and as a result Selket was planning for alternate attacks from Eileen. In this case strikes from Eileen's meaty thighs. Starting off with a kick to her leg that made her wince slightly before attempting to retaliate with a palm strike aimed at her opponent's bulbous chest.

Unfortunately for her however the witch managed to turn back and avoid it while also spinning to pull her other leg up. Eyes widening and knowing she wouldn't be able to avoid the move in time Selket would pull her arms towards her right as Eileen's foot sank into her gut! "Ugh!" Selket groaned out in pain, the move definitely dealing some damage... But Selket had been able to react in time to grab Eileen's foot.

"Adorable." She hissed out with a a growl before taking one hand off Eileen's foot while pulling on it with the other to force Eileen towards her, her arm coming up as Selket pushed forward, aiming to drive a brutal lariat across the red head's chest!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Eileen spun around with all the grace of a ballerina - her foot extended, she'd look to outright cave in Selket's sides and make her splutter her lungs out. A motion that seemed to be successful, given the easy connection her foot had with her tall foes midriff.

Only for Eileen to immediately regret her choice of attack! For Selket had saw fit to roll with the punches and grab that leg before it could fully retract. Leaving the redhead awkwardly bouncing on one foot!

Trying in vain to pull away without falling flat to her ass, Eileen wouldn't even make headway before Selket was on her with vengeance. Pulled against her foe, Eileen would have fallen on her front had she been given space to, only to find Selket's strong arm waiting to catch her!

Heavy chest struck with all the force of a train, Eileen's precarious posture had her quite literally spin through the air! Head going back thanks to the impact put upon her top half, Eileen's legs would heave up and out in front of her before she'd hit the deck. Shoulders and head first, with her body bent into an awkward position indeed!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Eileen S. Vs. Selket

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Admittedly Selket had been caught somewhat off guard by Eileen. The woman showing more speed than she had expected which when paired with her use of kicks to land a solid hit. That being said however Selket was far from caught off guard enough to be done in easily. So when Eileen swung her leg out again Selket would reach down and manage to catch the offening limb, using it to swing her arm out to clothesline the woman and send her head over heels!

Getting up and glaring down at Eileen the Egyptian woman would smirk smugly upon seeing the rather compromising position her foe was in. But it was also one that left many opportunities to continue her offense. "Oh Eileen, far too eager I see." Selket said mockingly as she reached down, aiming to wrap her arms around the woman's raised waist before pulling up, grunting slightly as she lifted Eileen straight up off the mat!

As she did so Selket would smirk softly before giving a slight huff and throwing herself back! Swinging her body backwards and pulling Eileen with her Selket would aim to throw the red head down with a dead lift german suplex!

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