Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
Carmelita De Leon was relaxing in her private lounge, preparing for her upcoming match. Most wrestlers would be preparing themselves in a typical locker room setting. However, Carmelita was NOT "most wrestlers"...She was better than most wrestlers. She TOWERED over them in terms of beauty, grace, speed, power, name it. When she stepped out to that ring, the crowds praised her as if the heavens were singing her name. No one could compare to her magnificence...especially not her opponent tonight, Chiyo Hamamoto. Some greenhorn bright-eyed loser could never hope to measure up to the likes of Carmelita. The Spaniard looked at some of the woman's clips online from her debut match. Minutes in, she was generally unimpressed. What Carmelita focused on was this 'Katsumi' chick giving her soon-to-be foe a hard time. By the end of the match, Chiyo was practically cowering in fear, literally shaking in her boots before Katsumi.
Such a sight delighted Carmelita because she knew that she was TWENTY times better than this Katsumi woman, which meant that dealing with Chiyo would be the easiest thing she'd ever do here. "What a shame, this poor girl has no idea what I'm about to unleash upon her. She'll rue the day she had the unfortunate fate of facing me in the ring." Carmelita said to all of her cronies amid her entourage, all of her "yes men" who agreed alongside her boisterous claims of dominance. "Now then, it's time to make some babyface brat into my whore...Tell them to hurry along and start my song...let them know that their QUEEN is on the move." She said, snapping her fingers. Immediately, one of the cronies would run off to report to the backstage crew. As her theme song begins, she heads out through the hallways, out to the ring.
"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"
Carmelita arrives on the scene, standing tall at the top of the ramp. She is flanked by her entourage yet again, who roll out a literal red carpet for her, pulling out a bunch of cameras and flashing her like the paparazzi, making her feel like an A-list celebrity by giving her the five-star treatment. These coattail-riding goons pull out all the stops to make the spoiled, bratty, arrogant heel's entrance as snobbish and obnoxious as possible. Instead of walking up the steel steps, the cronies lift a marble staircase down to the ring, setting it up perfectly so that Carmelita can walk up to the apron in such a regal, glitzy manner before two of the hunkier goons open up the ropes for her to slip through and enter the ring.
She poses for the cameras and gestures to the crowd, demanding they all bow before her glamorous glory. She would have nothing less than everyone cheering her name on. After all, she was their QUEEN, their 'Orchard of Gold'...She deserved to be treated with reverence and respect. As far as the general public was concerned, they should be GRATEFUL that Carmelita was gracing them with their presence again tonight. She is handed a mic and turns it on, speaking directly to her opponent as she calls her out.
"Oh dear...ladies and gentlemen, I do believe that we have a bit of a mismatch tonight. It seems my dear opponent is facing QUITE the uphill battle. I mean, gosh...after such a TERRIBLE debut resulting in her loss, a pretty ugly one at that...She has to face ME. As gentle as I am...I'm CERTAIN that things will turn out even worse for her. Think about it. You're stepping into the ring with ME. I make what Katsumi did look like child's play. So you know what, Chiyo Hamamoto? Come on out here. No need to be shy...these people would LOVE to see such a beautiful face before it gets trashed again. You should join me here so all these people can hear you thank me for even being here tonight. Having to wrestle against some no-name is SO far beneath me...but I'm an incredibly generous lady willing to take time out of MY schedule JUST to indulge you with a simple match, even if it means crushing you like an ant~. So come on out, 'Chiyo'...Come out and thank me so we can move on to seeing you have your ass handed to you as you did with Katsumi. Let's just make this quick~...It's impolite to keep a woman as fine and spectacular as myself waiting." She said, arrogantly bashing her opponent and demanding she comes down to the ring.