Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

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Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The 'Orchard of Gold', Carmelita De Leon vs 'Red Hot' Chiyo Hamamoto
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.

Carmelita De Leon was relaxing in her private lounge, preparing for her upcoming match. Most wrestlers would be preparing themselves in a typical locker room setting. However, Carmelita was NOT "most wrestlers"...She was better than most wrestlers. She TOWERED over them in terms of beauty, grace, speed, power, name it. When she stepped out to that ring, the crowds praised her as if the heavens were singing her name. No one could compare to her magnificence...especially not her opponent tonight, Chiyo Hamamoto. Some greenhorn bright-eyed loser could never hope to measure up to the likes of Carmelita. The Spaniard looked at some of the woman's clips online from her debut match. Minutes in, she was generally unimpressed. What Carmelita focused on was this 'Katsumi' chick giving her soon-to-be foe a hard time. By the end of the match, Chiyo was practically cowering in fear, literally shaking in her boots before Katsumi.

Such a sight delighted Carmelita because she knew that she was TWENTY times better than this Katsumi woman, which meant that dealing with Chiyo would be the easiest thing she'd ever do here. "What a shame, this poor girl has no idea what I'm about to unleash upon her. She'll rue the day she had the unfortunate fate of facing me in the ring." Carmelita said to all of her cronies amid her entourage, all of her "yes men" who agreed alongside her boisterous claims of dominance. "Now then, it's time to make some babyface brat into my whore...Tell them to hurry along and start my song...let them know that their QUEEN is on the move." She said, snapping her fingers. Immediately, one of the cronies would run off to report to the backstage crew. As her theme song begins, she heads out through the hallways, out to the ring.


"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"

Carmelita arrives on the scene, standing tall at the top of the ramp. She is flanked by her entourage yet again, who roll out a literal red carpet for her, pulling out a bunch of cameras and flashing her like the paparazzi, making her feel like an A-list celebrity by giving her the five-star treatment. These coattail-riding goons pull out all the stops to make the spoiled, bratty, arrogant heel's entrance as snobbish and obnoxious as possible. Instead of walking up the steel steps, the cronies lift a marble staircase down to the ring, setting it up perfectly so that Carmelita can walk up to the apron in such a regal, glitzy manner before two of the hunkier goons open up the ropes for her to slip through and enter the ring.

She poses for the cameras and gestures to the crowd, demanding they all bow before her glamorous glory. She would have nothing less than everyone cheering her name on. After all, she was their QUEEN, their 'Orchard of Gold'...She deserved to be treated with reverence and respect. As far as the general public was concerned, they should be GRATEFUL that Carmelita was gracing them with their presence again tonight. She is handed a mic and turns it on, speaking directly to her opponent as she calls her out.

"Oh dear...ladies and gentlemen, I do believe that we have a bit of a mismatch tonight. It seems my dear opponent is facing QUITE the uphill battle. I mean, gosh...after such a TERRIBLE debut resulting in her loss, a pretty ugly one at that...She has to face ME. As gentle as I am...I'm CERTAIN that things will turn out even worse for her. Think about it. You're stepping into the ring with ME. I make what Katsumi did look like child's play. So you know what, Chiyo Hamamoto? Come on out here. No need to be shy...these people would LOVE to see such a beautiful face before it gets trashed again. You should join me here so all these people can hear you thank me for even being here tonight. Having to wrestle against some no-name is SO far beneath me...but I'm an incredibly generous lady willing to take time out of MY schedule JUST to indulge you with a simple match, even if it means crushing you like an ant~. So come on out, 'Chiyo'...Come out and thank me so we can move on to seeing you have your ass handed to you as you did with Katsumi. Let's just make this quick~...It's impolite to keep a woman as fine and spectacular as myself waiting." She said, arrogantly bashing her opponent and demanding she comes down to the ring.

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Akari Ito:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by PuroQueen »

Though she lacked the cozy accommodations of her opponent just a few doors down, Chiyo wasn't in any less high spirits! It was hard to believe that the young rookie currently lacing her boots in the lowly locker room was the same girl of just two weeks ago. That Chiyo had been a sobbing mess, a broken heap on the mat that had been tortured far beyond anything a debutant should have to endure. But she did endure, and that was the important thing. It was no small miracle that Chiyo had managed to recover so quickly, not only on a physical level, but a mental one too. In fact, it was no miracle at all. She had trained everyday nonstop since that match, slowly sapping her mind of that traumatic experience through hard work and determination, revising every last move in her arsenal until she was confident that she had them all down pat.

But by the looks of it, perhaps she trained a little too hard. Unlike last time, Chiyo had actually done her due diligence on her opponent. She didn't have to go very far into Carmelita dossier to get a good read on this woman, her record spoke for itself! That didn't seem stop her from thinking she was queen of the ring though, a fact that Chiyo was about to get very acquainted with as soon as she stepped on into that stage and into the limelight, that was for sure. But if she had learned anything thus far from her short but bubbling career, it was to never preemptively judge an opponent. Her post-match encounter with her inaugural foe had taught her that much... But that was neither here nor there. Carmelita was gonna be greeted with Chiyo's all, whether she could take it or not!

As she made her way to the entrance, she felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Even now, lingering memories of her debut couldn't help but float in the back of her mind. This is gonna be nothing like last time! Chiyo silently reminded herself. This time you're gonna win, and look great while doing it! A small smile creeped up on the young rookie as she concluded her mental pep talk, more determined than ever to grace the ring once again and prove to the world that Chiyo was back hotter than ever baby!

"And her opponent! At 5'3", and weighing in at 114 lbs! From Osaka, Japan! Give it up for RED...HOT... CHIYOOOOO!"
She took in a deep breath before pulling aside the curtains and stepping out onto the ramp. The crowd erupted into cheers as her theme music blared through the arena. She held her head high and walked confidently down the ramp, high-fiving nearby fans along the way, although her ears slowly began to pick up a heightened wave of jeers and taunts. A sudden pang of guilt began to creep up on the pinkette: Did she really perform that badly on her debut to deserve so much ire from some in the crowd? Suddenly she remembered one of the bullet points in Carmelita's profile: Ahh yes, the infamous paid goons of the Spaniard. Chiyo's smile returned brighter than ever, her ears now atuned to her small but vocal fanbase as opposed to the irrelevant jibes of her opponent's lackies.

She hopped onto the apron and waved once more to the crowds. Both hands gripped onto the top rope as she offering the referee, her opponent, and the ring itself a respectful bow. Spreading open the top and middle ropes, Chiyo slid inside the ring, raising both hands way up high for one last wave of support. She slowly brought them back down, her attention now solely focused on her opponent as she offered Carmelita nothing less than a proud stare. The Spanish wrestler loomed over her, but Chiyo refused to be intimidated, her face scrunched up in a cute, but staunch show of defiance.

Chiyo's face hardened as she was handed the mic, her voice calm and steady despite the anger boiling inside her over the callous mentioning of her debut performance. "What's all this then, red carpet, paparazzi!? Uhh ma'am, this here is a ring - you know, to uh, wrestle?... buuuuut I think the photoshoot's next door!" Chiyo said with a sarcastic glint, facing the crowds with hand splayed limp in a confused gesture, as if to say what is this woman thinking? "Now listen here you spoiled brat, you may think you're all that, but in this ring, you're just another wrestler for me to bend all over..! although judging by your record, calling you a wrestler might be a bit of a stretch too!" A surge of confidence coursed through the rookie as she continued to riff on her opponent's ego."But don't get it twisted Missy - I'm WAAAAAY too hot for you to handle!" the pinkette teased, licking the tip of her finger and placing it on her derriere with an audible sizzle. A round of cheers and laughter spread throughout the arena, competing with the corrupted boos from Carmelita's camp.

Soon, Chiyo's face hardened as a she concluded her speech with a more stoic tone of voice. "You mock the ring and everything it stands for Carmelita, and tonight, I'm here to set you in your place!...Now let's do this!" Chiyo roared, tossing the mic aside and firing the proverbial bullet towards your opponent with an outstretched finger gun. But despite her goading, Chiyo hadn't forgotten one of the most important tenants of her personal in-ring philosophy: Sportsmanship! Slowly and cautiously, Chiyo's fingers uncurled and stretched outwards, palms faced up as she offered her opponent a firm but fair handshake to precede their battle!
Last edited by PuroQueen on Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Upon setting her sights on her opponent, Carmelita merely smirked with the confidence of a goddess, unbothered by her opponent's presence. However, when Chiyo began to speak, the Spaniard quickly recognized how the woman was attempting to get beneath her skin with her words. They cut at Carmelita's ego like a hot knife through butter. "Hoh?! You've got quite the mouth on you. I'm not spoiled, you DOLT. I'm well taken care of...something someone like you could NEVER hope to experience." She said, puffing her chest out as she sneered at Chiyo. "Secondly, don't even think that for a SECOND you think you're a better wrestler than me...Listening to you now, I realize how delusional you are. I will have those silly baseless claims of yours disproved in just a few moments. And thirdly-" She pauses, walking right up to Chiyo and pressing her chest against her opponent's, mashing her pillowy breasts against the Japanese woman's as she tries sensually intimidating her. She holds Chiyo's cheeks and chin in her palm, between her fingers. She brings her face closer, examining her with her luscious amber pupils while looking her dead in the eyes. "Don't kid yourself, Chiyo. You may be beautiful and radiant like a ray of sunshine...but compared to the gilded glory of yours truly, you pale in comparison...and you're nowhere NEAR hot enough to melt GOLD." She said, passive-aggressively flirting and taunting the Japanese woman at the same time while smirking before shoving her face back with a gentle push. "Now ready yourself, whelp..." She said, getting her stance and beckoning Chiyo to move forward as the bell rang and the match began.

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Akari Ito:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by PuroQueen »

When Carmelita came to close the distance, Chiyo was ready. Her hands immediately clenched into fists, ready to pounce at the slightest hint of a surprise attack. But that wasn't Carmelita's intentions at all. The woman sought solely to intimidate her, not only with words, but with her physical presence as well. Her curvy body pushed right up against her more nimble frame, her bountiful mounds layering overtop of the Japanese girl's smaller, but firm pair. She felt the warmth of Carmelita's breath on her cheek as the Spaniard spoke, her words intended to cut Chiyo down. But Chiyo refused to be maimed. In fact, she didn't even budge. Her boots stood firmly anchored to the canvas, unwavering despite the added weight and height of her opponent pushing against her.

Despite the tension in the air, Chiyo couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. This really wasn't an act - Carmelita really did think she was the biggest thing since sliced bread - maybe even bigger! Chiyo was confident in her own abilities as well, but there was something about Carmelita's haughty demeanor that made her want to challenge the Spaniard even more.

But then, Carmelta's fingers cupped around her chin, a tenacious and intimate addition to the woman's honey-coated words. Chiyo could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, a result of slight embarrassment at the underhanded compliment. She may look flustered, but that didn't meant she wasn't going to give as good as she got! "Oh Carm, you sure do know how to gild a lily like me" Chiyo smiled coyly at Carmelita, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? Your exterior may be shiny and cute, but it's what's inside that counts. And from what I can see, you're about as fake as fool's gold," Chiyo retorted, her tone light and playful as she brushes a stray strand of hair from Carmelita's face. "But don't worry, sweetie, I won't hold it against you. Even gold needs a little polishing every now and then... and I'd be happy to oblige." She winks at Carmelita, the corners of her lips tugging upward in a playful grin.

A round of oos and awes spread throughout the crowd as Chiyo displayed her newfound confidence in the form of verbal and sensual wit. It was clear that the two were playing mind games with one another, using words and sex appeal as weapons in this pre-emptive clash of wills. The results - inconclusive. Only a battle between bodies would prove who indeed was the better wrestler!

The referee indicated for both wrestlers to retreat to their respective corners. Chiyo performed a few last minute stretches, testing the ropes against her nimble frame while the rest of her muscles acclimated to the lingering warmth left from Carmelita's up-close body. The bell rung shortly after, signaling the start of the match!

Rather than go for the same explosive start as her debut, Chiyo opted for something a little more tactical this time. She crouched down low, crossing one leg in front of the other as she circled her larger opponent. Slowly, she raised one arm up in front of her, fingers spread wide in a clear invitation to a test of strength! "C'mon Carm, why don't we really test you're mettle, huh? You know what they say; all that glitters is not gold".
Last edited by PuroQueen on Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The Orchard of Gold believed herself to be uncontested on the microphone, a force to be reckoned with whenever she stepped in the ring. She's the goddamned future queen of LAW, people should start treating her like it. Yet...and yet, for some reason or another, Carmelita actually liked this. She enjoyed the challenge. The thought of someone like Chiyo contesting her seemed oddly intriguing. Typically, Carmelita would throw an enraged tantrum and start a catfight, but with Chiyo calling her abilities into question, Carmelita felt this need to prove her opponent WRONG. "Best watch your tongue, Chiyo...I'm not against turning that pretty face of yours into something uglier than the greasy fanboys in attendance here." She said.

This was the point where Carmelita would've ABSOLUTELY ripped strands out of Chiyo's hair, but she didn't...none of her entourage cronies or fans had ever seen her this composed and reserved. Carmelita felt the need to forcefully attain her opponent's approval by actually outwrestling her. She wouldn't stand for this disrespect, nor was she about to back down when actively challenged. She looked as if she was going to say something else, but she was instructed to move back to her corner, so she followed suit without uttering another word, simply turning around with a mean hair flip.

After moving to her corner, Carmelita sneers at her opponent, feeling challenged and disrespected. She stretched a little herself, showing off her stunningly beautiful body to the adoring audience, making sure that her opponent saw every inch of her as she flaunted her physical charms...she'd show Chiyo who the REAL fool was by putting her in her place. The bell rings, the match is on, and the two wrestlers come face-to-face in the center of the ring again, with Chiyo kicking things off by prompting Carmelita with a taunt paired with a Test of Strength contest.

"'re going to eat those words...I'll make sure the entire locker room sees 'Red Hot' Chiyo being snuffed out." She said, grabbing her hands and interlocking fingers with her. She presses herself against Chiyo's body and tries to force her back, attempting to use any leverage she can to overwhelm and overpower her opponent. Although the arrogant Spaniard was putting up a pretty solid fight for once, one could tell that she was struggling a fair bit. Still, this didn't stop her from talking smack during this grappling contest. "Hah...go ahead and give up now, Chiyo. Save yourself the embarrassment. I can already feel your heart racing. Are you panicking? Perhaps you've now realized just how mighty I am~?" She said, whispering right into her ear.
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Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by PuroQueen »

As Chiyo's fingers meshed with Carmelita's, the young rookie was determined now more than ever to show her opponent exactly what she was made of. Her face lacked the whimsical muse it had shone bright with only a few seconds before, a hardened, stone cold look of determination now emboldened on her face. She heard the malice in Carmelita's voice when she had hissed that threat, she saw from across the ring the way the Spaniard looked her up and down with nothing but deviant contempt, and Chiyo wasn't allowing any of it to get to her! She furrowed her eyebrows, staring straight into the deep brown eyes of her opponent as both of them slowly began to amp up the pressure.

The first few seconds seemed even-ended, but it was Carmelita who was the first to assert herself. Chiyo grimaced as her feet slid against the mat, unprepared for this initial burst of power from her opponent. But Chiyo was just as resilient. She ground her heels into the canvas and straightened out her elbows, pushing back with a considerable amount of force herself. "Panicking? Hardly. In fact, I think I can already feel you melting Carmelita.

Chiyo puts all her strength into a sudden, explosive burst, surging forward with a burst of energy in hopes of catching Carmelita at her moment of weakness. Her breasts bumped into her opponent's, their ample cleavage clipping against one another. It was enough to elicit a soft moan from the Japanese wrestler, barely audible above the loud grunts of exertion both wrestlers exuded. But truth be told though, Chiyo wasn't sure how long she could maintain her stance during this tug of war, and while neither wrestler was well known for their strength, Chiyo feared that given enough time, Carmelita's size advantaging might be enough to eventually overpower her. Right now, momentum was on her side, and if she wanted to keep it that way, she had to get out while the going was good.

"My heart ain't racing for you sweetheart - you wish!...I'm just getting warmed up."

With that, Chiyo all of a sudden transformed her momentum behind her, attempting to roll back towards the mat. She placed both her feet flat against Carmelita's belly while still holding onto her hands to bring her up and over her. If she was successful, Chiyo would then try to jut both legs legs outwards while unweaving her fingers from her opponent's, aiming to send the woman flinging above her head with a monkey flip!

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Carmelita could not believe this...something must be wrong...Carmelita must be off her game today because she was actually STRUGGLING to overtake this woman. Despite Carmelita's shoving and thrusting, Chiyo wasn't budging an inch. Typically, Carmelita would whine and moan at this point, but strangely enough, she was discovering that she was a little...fond of this back-and-forth action. The way she and Chiyo moved, the way their bodies pushed together...Carmelita felt a new side of wrestling she hadn't savored before. Chiyo's sass only bolstered Carmelita's attitude as she cracked a smile due to her comments. It was a rare occurrence that the Spaniard was AMUSED by what her clearly inferior opponent said. "Go ahead and warm up all you like, Chiyo. Your lukewarm struggles won't a change a thin-GUAAHHH!!!!." Carmelita shouted while being flipped over by Chiyo.

After being tossed across the ring and tumbling onto her backside with a rough grunt upon landing, the Spaniard lets out a soft, confused groan as she tries shaking the cobwebs out of her head, utterly perplexed as to what just happened. Just moments ago, she was just about to put Chiyo in her place after taking it easy on her. Next thing she knew, she had been thrown all around, her head spinning from it all. "'re gonna pay for that." She muttered, turning around and trying to track down Chiyo, wanting to ensure the woman didn't escape her gaze for too long.
Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Emelie de Toussaint:

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by PuroQueen »

While she only caught the last half a second of Carmelita's distressed expression as she was flung overtop of her, Chiyo's satisfaction was completed by the sound of her opponent hitting the mat behind her with a loud thud. Chiyo smacked the canvas hard with the palm of her hand, raising her pointer finger high in celebration along with a mighty cheer from the crowd.

But she still had much to show the audience and Carm. Without missing a beat, Chiyo sprang to her feet and quickly closed the distance between herself and Carmelita, who was still reeling from the previous throw. As she approached, she could see the anger and frustration etched into the Spaniard's face. But Chiyo didn't pay her much attention. She was a speeding bullet, but rather than target her downed opponent, Chiyo leaped right overtop of her, heading for the ropes on the other side instead. Once she was with a few steps, Chiyo leaped upwards, her boots landing flush on the middle ropes. They bent downwards, tension straining like the coils of the spring before they shot her back and upwards!

She immediately began seizing the aerial momentum to perform a feat of beauty in the air. If the rookie had managed to catch her opponent before she could flip over, then the Spaniard would be greeted with an early glimpse of Chiyo in her element: Pink hair splayed wild, smile wide and bright as she gracefully soared overtop of her, aiming to land a springboard moonsault precisely on her belly!
Springboard Moonsault
Last edited by PuroQueen on Sat Mar 04, 2023 10:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Carmelita was just about to retaliate against her pink-haired opponent, but Chiyo was quicker to the draw. By quickly capitalizing on her opponent's current positioning, the Japanese woman caught Carmelita by surprise, going for quite a spectacular follow-up in the form of a Springboard Moonsault. Carmelita was unable to counteract the woman's movements as she dashed forward, hopping over her and landing on the ropes, stretching them out, and using the elasticity's recoil to fling herself into the air. She flips backward and builds momentum, with gravity eventually doing its thing by bringing the Japanese woman back down to earth and landing RIGHT on top of the Orchard of Gold, their midsections colliding with a heavy -SMACK- which leaves Carmelita gasping and wheezing as her eyes widen with shock and pain. She shoots off of the canvas for a moment upon impact and settles back down with a heavy wheeze, letting out a deep and long groan in the process. Still, Carmelita tried fighting through the pain she felt while trying to push Chiyo off her so that she couldn't immediately pin her. However, her limp attempts at shoving Chiyo's body was less than stellar.
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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Jiyuu June:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Ring Rat
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Re: Hot Molten Gold: Carmelita De Leon vs Chiyo Hamamoto

Unread post by PuroQueen »

The loud, meaty smack of Chiyo landing perfectly on top of Carmelita filled the girl with a rush of satisfaction! The crowd roared in approval, but all she could focus on was the warmth emanating from the body beneath her. The Orchard of Gold's stomach had cushioned Chiyo's landing, while providing none of the same soft, plush comfort to her opponent below. She relished the sensation, even as she began to focus on the task at hand.

With Carmelita dazed and gasping beneath her, Chiyo moved to take advantage. She positioned herself carefully, lying overtop her opponent's torso, making sure to keep her legs grounded firmly into the mat with her knees. With a deep breath, she began to lower herself down, her upper body pressing firmly against Carmelita's. She could feel the Spaniard's heaving chest beneath her own, the heat of her body mingling with Chiyo's.

But the pinkette didn't let herself get lost in the moment. She hooked one arm underneath Carm's leg, lifting the limp appendage high above the rest of her body to signal the start of a pin. "Alright Carm, lets end this while you're still lookin' cute, shall we?" Chiyo teased. As much as she wanted to continue playing with her opponent, Chiyo still had a match to win! And she certainty wasn't got miss an opportunity to cap it off with an early victory. She could feel the other woman struggling beneath her, but Chiyo attempted to stamp that out by angled herself down even harder, using her weight to pin Carmelita's shoulders to the mat. The referee began the count, and the japanese could hear the sound of her hand slapping against the canvas as she called out,


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