Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia put on her swimsuit, the logo of the Superstars shining in bright red letters on the right side of her chest and she just had finished doing her beautiful blonde hair into a long braid. She looked at herself, the braid always gave her something more playful and cocky, worthy for a day like this.

Harmonia would meet up with one of her fiercest rivals again. The one and only Tina Armstrong the Tigress, Ex-Middleweight Champ on a mission to prove her worth which of course led to budding heads with the other aspiring talent in the division. Harmonia had challenged Tina to a "Test of Strength Duel" that Tina won 2:1 and a rather brutal Tables Match with Tina barely getting the victory and both women having a date with the doctors afterwards.

In all honesty, Harmonia was a little nervous. She had'nt seen Tina since then and Tina also had'nt attempted to get in contact with her either. Was it because she was mad? Because she was hurt? Or was she ashamed herself that things got out of control? Well she had agreed to do this beach match, but this could be to appease her fans and not because of Harmonia. Questions over Questions and the usually energetic Blonde stood there with her shoulders slumped.

But the work and especially then fans called for her and Harmonia put on her biggest smile together with her red sunglasses and cowboyhat and turned around. Everything would be fine and today she would beat Tina, fan event match or not, she still had to beat the Tigress who was always a step ahead.

Harmonia went to the corner of the stage and peaked out. Many people wearing her and Mollys colours, their sunglasses, hats, T-Shirts, everyone was excited to see their favourite wrestler up close.
And just as Harmonia relaxed a bit, telling herself that everything would juat work out fine she heard a door behind her.
"Please wait here with Miss Edelstein, Miss Armstrong.".

Harmonias insides turned to ice, now the moment of truth was here. How she wished for Molly to be at her side now but she was far away in the good old US of A to visit Astrid and William. Harmonia was on her own. She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders as she turned around. "Tina. Long time no see, huh?",Harmonia barely managed to get out before looking away. Even with her sunglasses on she did'nt want to look in Tinas eyes directly, afraid what she would find...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Tina was ready for this match today. She was wearing a yellow bikini and standing with her hands on her hips. She hadn't talked to Harmonia in a long time. Harmonia took offense to some of Tina's offense their last time out then went on a rampage that Tina barely was able to come back from. She wasn't sure why Harmonia reacted the way she did, and in truth she didn't really care. Tina had wrestled a lot of women by this point and when it came down to it unless it was someone inside her circle she didn't care one way or another how often paths crossed.

Tina soon approached and was confronted with Harmonia and the crowd. Tina saw a good deal of fans there for her, but she was strictly a wrestler. A nobody that barely had a family to speak of from Liverpool, England. She was up against an otherwise famous person turned wrestler.... there seemed to be a lot of them these days. Harmonia showed up to fanfare, having a giant following and that helped fuel her rocketing rise through the ranks. Was Tina jealous that she had to just go out and win making a name for herself to build up from the ground while others showed up with a big following? Honestly she was. But right now she was mostly happy with where she was. She was near the top.... nowhere near as good as being at the top itself.

Tina smiled and nodded to Harmonia who spoke and then turned away seemingly as Tina answered. "Uh hey there." Tina said, shrugging as Harmonia turned away from her. "Are you all right or.....?"
Last edited by Highfly on Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Harmonia entered in her usual fashion, go loud or go home, and her fans ate it up with pleasure as their hero in the reds and whites stepped out and greeted them with a big grin on her face! Fireworks exploded around Harmonia as her logo appeared behind her in giant letters.
Meanwhile, her iconic theme by Ozzy Osbourne pumped the crowd to no ends as Harmonia grabbed a box with merchandise and throw stuff into the crowd with a big smile. She saw the fans of the tygress who were'nt that eager to cheer given the circumstances and Harmonia gulped as she turned around to see Tina standing next to her, handing out stuff herself, like they were supposed to do.

When Tina answered Harmonia it was as if a weight was lifted off of her heart and she took a step towards her. "It's about what happened in Miami. We messed each other pretty good, more then I wanted too and I just wanted to say it that...", she began as the host of this fan event came out and Harmonias features lightened up as she saw Karl Schneider,Ex Wrestler turnee Journalist and member of the prestigous LAW Magazine Crew.

He was his usual unshaved self, with uncombed hair but instead of being gloomy and followed by darkness as he had been when he arrived at the mansion, a smile crept over his face as he greeted both ladies. "Moni, Miss Armstrong. May I call you Tina?",the big Ex-Wrestler asked friendly as he casted a shadow over the two women, reaching out his hand to greet them.
"Guten Tag Karl. Du siehst gut aus."
"Kompliment zurück, Moni.", they exchanged in german with a thick dialect before her turned to Tina.
"Karl Schneider.", he said friendly and offered her his hand.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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"Don't worry about it. It is a match type that is supposed to be nasty, it happens." Tina said with a shrug. Before she could say anything else she was approached by a guy speaking... something... to Harmonia who then turned to Tina to speak English. "Oh, hey Karl it is nice to meet you." Tina said with a smile, trying to hide the fact that she was trying to focus on her wrestling match. She was handing things out as well while Harmonia's music played and she went about her business looking back over at Karl. "Here to cover the match huh? We'll put on a show." Tina said with a wink. She was trying to maintain her focus and confidence right now as the two headed for the ring.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Harmonia stood still as Tina declared that she harboured no ill feelings against her and the Blonde felt as if a ton was shoved from her heart.
She turned to Tina and just could'nt help herself but give her a tight hug.
"So you don't hate me. You don't know what that means." she said and then looked at the Tigress, the hands on her shoulders.
"Let's give it our best out there, ok?",she smiled. "This time I finally beat you!"

They were lead to the ring with Karl where three chairs were seated. "Oh, not just to cover it. We have a short interview for your fans beforehand, if you are up for it."
Harmonia, who felt light as a feather nodded. "Sure, that sounds like fun, does'nt it Tina?",she said as they entered the ring and took a seat next to each other.
Karl took out some notes and cleared his throat as a stagehand gave Harmonia and Tina a mic each.

The reporter clearled his throat. "Welcome LAW Fans to this special summer fan event! On this beautiful day, you can spend your time with two of the biggest names of the company. On one hand we have the as beautiful as she is powerful, Harmonia Edelstein!"
"Dankeschön Karl! Helloooooo Superstaaaaaaars! BURNING...LIKE...FIIIIIIIIIIREEEEE!",the Austrian cheeree and the fans joined in for every line followed by thunderous cheers.

"And her opponent, or should I say, her rival? A woman I don't have to introduce, she is the former middleweight champion and shows us to this day how a champion handles things. Let me hear it for Tinaaaaa Armstrrooooooong!",Karl said and the fans around the beach showed as much appreciation as to Harmonia.

Karl let Tina say some words and smiled.
"Now for a few questions that were sent in by our friends. This one goes to Tina. Miss Armstrong, how did you feel when Harmonia Edelstein challenged you for the first time. Did you know about her and her rise to fame or was she unknown to you? Why did you accept the sudden challenge? sincerely...uhm...KatHartSimp92...",he said while trying to hold in a chuckle.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Tina smiled and nodded to Harmonia as she spoke. "Well I always go in thinking I will win and this isn't any different you.." Tina said before Haromina hugged her. "Okay... well someone is happy haha." Tina said, patting Harmonia's back. Aside from certain people Tina wasn't generally a touchy-feely person.

As the two walked out they were brought to a couple seats. Tina said down and leaned back crossing her leg as se looked around and winked to a few fans. Karl's first question was directed at her and it was a pretty easy one. "A Kat simp eh? Someone loves buff blondes huh?" Tina said with a laugh. "Well I really had no clue who Harmonia was before she got into wrestling but I saw some of her work and knew she could hang in the ring. I also never back down from a challenge. I don't care if it is a rookie or champ. If someone calls me out I answer n' I come out to win against all comers." Tina said with a confident grin.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Harmonia had been nervous but Tina being so nice and corteous soothed her to a point where her heartbeat had a normal rate again. She smiled her best and most beautiful smiles at the Tigress and Karl as he interviewed them. Finally Harmonia could concentrate on what laid ahead. It was the third time for them meeting each other inside a ring and both times, even if it was close, Tina went out as the winner.

Harmonia, eager without any limit, of course made it her most important task to even things out and bringing the tigress down. Being in skimpy bikinis and surrounded by her fans was just a bonus. Still, her smile faded a little as her expression got serious again, looking at Tina. She had to concentrate. The Liverpudlian wanted nothing more then to prove herself and so Harmonia had to watch out not getting beaten at her own game again...

"Harmonia...",Karl said and got her out of her daydreaming. "A question for you before we start. LAWWarrior1999 wants to know how you intend to finally beat Tina?"
Harmonia did'nt expect such a forward question, but knowing her reporter friend she knew damn well who "LAWWarrior1999" was and she complied.

"Well, Warrior, easy. I have taken on Tina twice now and since then I have intensified my training...",the beautiful Blonde said and showed off her well formed biceps. "I have studied Tinas matches and worked at my own flaws. So if this was all...",she said and stoos up, looking Tina in the eyes. "Let's do this, Tina.",she said as both women walkes on to the ring, sliding through the ropes and getting in their corners.

The ref followed but Harmonia did'nt even recognize her as her gaze was lockes on Tinas eyes, searching for anything in them...


Then it started...Harmonia vs Tina, Part 3...

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

Unread post by Highfly »

The bell rang and Tina waste no time in rushing right at Harmonia. She didn't care that she was smaller than her opponent. Tina wanted to try to catch her off guard with a direct hard hitting attack if possible. Tina rushed her, lowering her shoulder and looking to use her speed and power to spear Harmonia to the mat before landing a few hard punches! It wasn't elegant but Tina hoped it would be effective otherwise things would go south quickly for the tigress right at the opening bell!

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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The Superstar knew very well that Tina was not willing to let her streak against Harmonia end so uncerimoniously at a simple bikini match for a fanevent. So Harmonia was aware that even if this was just a load of fun and games, she had to give it her all.

Her muscles under the swimsuit rippled when she saw Tina attack and when the Tigress went for a spear, Harmonia lowered herself into a crouching position, catching the Liverpudlian.

Of course she had to take a few steps backwards, but she managed to hold Tina in check long enough so she could sidestep her. "Not bad, Tina, really, but I learned a trick or two since we last met...",she announced and held tight onto the struggling tigresses neck! She transisted into a headlock and pumped her fist in the air as she went running, jumped and intended to smack Tinas face into the mat with a ringshaking bulldog!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tiger and Eagle watching the emerald horizon

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Tina's plan had backfired entirely as she was grabbed and thrust forward, flying until her face smashed down into the canvas! She was surprised and more importantly stunned as her face was throbbing! Tina groaned and kicked the mat in pain as she covered her face, rolling over onto her side. She thought she was going to surprise Harmonia but instead it was Tina laying on the mat at the start of the match. To make matters worse the counter was plenty effective and painful giving Harmonia a great window of opportunity to act.

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