Boiling Point

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Boiling Point

Unread post by Devastated »

Continued from here...
Cecilia had been informed shortly after the beginning of a certain promo cut by some small redhead. Not the kind of people she had thought would call her out or anything, but she quickly took to watching it. Seeing what Angelina Tarrant had to say caused the blonde powerhouse a fair bit of rage....but seeing what she had to show caused The Hardcore Queen to pretty much boil over. Not only had this random chick decided to break into her home, but she had also decided to rob her! Taking the keys to her motorcycle and even an old pendant which...had sentimental value!

She was pissed, furious. To say that the locker room she had been in when watching the promo, had managed to remain unscathed would have been a lie. She had punched big dents into more than a few of the steel locker doors. Those who knew Cecilia were well aware that she did have a bit of a temper problem, she had a short fuse and she had quite a big boom when that fuse finally set off the charge.

The blonde had burst out of the locker room when the promo ended and she rushed out. Grabbing whoever she could by their collar and shouting at them to tell her where Angelina Tarrant was! She grabbed a poor unfortunate stage hand and when he couldn't tell her where she was she had thrown him into a wall. Things looked as if they were going to turn violent if she continued to grab people who hadn't seen her. Though one brave young soul decided to direct Cecilia to Parking Lot!

"I-Ithnk....I think! She was heading to the p-p-parking lot..." He managed to squeak out. It stopped Cecilia in her tracks, as she would turn and head off. Stomping her way through the halls of LAW as she made her way towards the parking lot! Leaving the building and heading into the parking lot, the eyes of Cecilia scanned, like a big cat on the hunt, she searched for her prey.

For the moment it seemed as if she may have been fooled. That she had been tricked into simply not causing damage to anymore staff members. Sent away to the parking lot so that she wouldn't do any damage inside the actual building. the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a flash of red! Red hair to precise. She turned and seeing a shape similar to the girl she had seen on the screen before, Cecilia would pounce! Charging at her as she would try and grab at Angelina and throw her right into the nearest car! Literally trying to slam her against some random...probably audience members motor-vehicle.

"...Give....them....back...!" Cecilia let out, voice dripping with mal while it wasn't to the level it had been in the locker room earlier, she was clearly still fuming.

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Monsy »

Laying out that promo squeezed the sweat out of her palms.
Her steps were irregular. She looked both ways around corners - then continued, always looking back, listening to the steps and paces of everyone around. When she arrived at the concession stand, she put her back to it, looking out and waiting, always watching. It came about a minute later - felt more like hours. She slammed down the amount on the counter, taking the slushy, “Ok-bye!”

Two steps away, the employee lifted some change, “Your money.”

She stopped, turned on heel, paused and then came forward, “Right.”
A shaky hand reached out, receiving coins that fell to the floor like water through a colander. “FUCK!” Her voice snapped as she crouched, picking them up, one by one, sometimes the same coins again and again. And again. And again. The world zoned in to just the floor, zoomed out then shot back into full view when she stood up. Everyone looked like tall rugged blondes with mean mugs. Did she wander into a bike club? She scanned around, wide-eyed. The room was getting tight, squeezing her chest. “Ugggh. Stop it.” She closed her eyes, slapped her head and opened her eyes open. It was normal again. So she wandered on, taking slow sips on her slushy as she traversed the halls. Around one corner, she bumped into someone. “Shit-” She looked up and for a second, the person was a spitting image of that blond devil. Colour flushed from her face. “Ooooo-- hell-”

“Pardon?” They replied. Angelina paused, shaking out the mirage until they turned to normal.
“A-Ah nothing. See ya.” Then she hurried off around them to continue. This hall was growing thinner and longer, so she power-walked. Oxygen went dry. There was a dizziness about it. Light-headed, a ripple in her vision. Then her arm slammed into the door and she was outside. Things were normal again. She blinked, looking everywhere - then down again, where the slushy was squeezed into spilling a majority between her feet. “Well… At least I’m out.”

It was quiet. Skies were a fading blue. Distant purrs of scars and sirens peppered her ears, and the cool summer wind was all she needed to inhale - then out. Her bike wasn’t too far from here. She walked on the concrete sidewalk, unwinding her shoulders to slump. Her feet began kicking out more, taking semi-exaggerated steps that let her curling feet relax. It was that moment that she’d fly from her footing. The world whipped. She didn’t compute the grab, just the exploding ache as she flew and dented a car hood with her body. It focused on her shoulder, tensing, ripping and burning all at once. “AAAGH!”

She sprawled over the hood, looking to her attacker. The slushy had exploded all over the front of her clothes. Whatever was left anyway. So she held her shoulder, hissing, “What the fuck maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… It’s you!” And when she shook her head to ward away this spell, Cecilia was still there. That moment, Angelina’s feet moved on their own, scurrying up the vehicle to try and get onto the roof. The woman lost all her colour. Her heart punched a million jabs a second. “S-Shit! I-It really is!” She took a deep breath.

“Y-You found me that fast?! Damn… Er…” She cupped her sweating nape, tapping with the index, humming and delaying. Perhaps she was choking on what to say. “Mmmm…” A weak chuckle forced its way through. Her hand left her neck and was held out with a finger. Then she turned smug, going into a strange auto pilot. “Well, you see… I … don't want to do that! Ya know when ya work real hard to get what ya got? Weeeeell, I worked supah hard to get those things from ya. A-And ya know what they say. Finders keepers.”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Devastated »

Cecilia's anger was bubbling over, it was spilling out and she wasn't even trying to contain it. She just wanted to let it all out. She wanted to vent, she wanted to let all that steam out and at the moment she had also been able to find the reason for her anger! The perfect target to unleash her fury upon. Though truth be told if she hadn't found Angelina she would probably had let all of it out on some poor bastard, probably who ever was closest at the time.

The blonde had grabbed a hold of Angelina and tossed her as if she was nothing but a feather! Seemingly effort less throw of the smaller wrestler! She watched as she crashed onto the car hood and then scrambled her way onto the roof of the car. Cecilia stomped towards the car and raised her left arm, bashing it down right on the hood and leaving a semi-deep dent in the already messed up hood of the car.

The Hardcore Queen would reach out and try and grab a hold of Angelina's leg! Looking to snatch it by her ankle and try and yank her off of the roof of the car! Trying to yank her right back down onto the hood so she was in better striking range! From there the blonde would try and swing her other hand down and try and burry her fist right into Angelina's belly!

"You ain't keeping nothing! Give them back, right now! Or I swear to god I'll fucking end you!"

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Monsy »

Things accelerated so fast. Not only was her body stumbling to respond, but her thoughts too, but a soup of instinct that scurried her up the car. The bull was right fucking there, and she was steeling herself to look it in the eye. She needed to get on her feet. Now. But before her kip-up, she was snatched, pulled down onto the hood. She winced, saw the fist, and only had time to receive it into her palms. But that too was crushed into her stomach, and her eyes bulged into perfect bloodshot spheres. Spit flung from her mouth, her upper-shoulders and legs flung up before it reset, limp, “KEGGH!”

What was leftover was a heaving pile, gritting her teeth with her face dipped in white. She gulped, tensing her eyes until one peeked. Her hands were still pinned into her gut, “That f-fuckin’ hurt like dick. D-Don’t be such a sour puss… Ya c-can get it back… Just use ya fuckin’ big gal words, and we can settle it mano a mano, propa’-ly…” A strained voice mused a weakened chuckle, and perhaps a lopsided smirk. The sweat was dripping down the side of her head as she kept swallowing to wet her mouth.

“Or… Gnnng…” She yanked on her arms until the biceps burned, then splayed them out across the hood, shoulder-height while looking Cecilia in the eye, “Ya can try and take it from me now, Cecilia Northman.”
Last edited by Monsy on Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Devastated »

It felt good to drive her fist down into Angie's belly felt good. Hearing that loud gasp. Though she was annoyed that the redhead had enough wherewithal to defend against the blow, albeit in a futile attempt. Cecilia kept her fist down against those palms, practically pushing it down as if she was trying to use her arm and fist as a hydraulic press. Trying to force Angelina's hands and belly flat.

After a bit of squirming though from the redhead, Cecilia eased up and allowed her to pull her arms free. She glared at girl, eyes shooting dagger as her gaze could almost be considered murderous. The words of Angelina only spurred the blonde into more anger, she would swing her arm down again! This time with even more force as she tried to send yet another brutal punch straight into that belly of Angelina!

"Try?! You want me to try and take them back?! You want a fight?!" Cecilia shouted out, anger filled voice as she would pull her arm back, reaching up to try and clasp a hand around Angelina's throat. She would attempt to pluck the shorter girl up off of the hood of the car and lift her high. Only to then try and throw her back down with a makeshift chokeslam right onto that very same hood. Whoever owned that car better have insurance....

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Monsy »

First hit threw her for a damn hard spin.
Why couldn’t they just be normal and haymaker her jaw? But, woof. Stuck with so killer eyes… It was almost. Inviting. Couldn’t really muster her own. She’s half breathy, a quarter ghost-pale, a fifth weak in her knees and the last five percent was queasy. Right when she finished her breath too, that fuckin’ brick of a fist put a dent into her gut. She heaves up, shoulders, half her spine, her knees lifted. Sounded like a puppy getting their tail stepped on. Pure whimpering as she tightened up in the face. “A-agh…”

It sunk so deep her skin started showing her ribs. Almost had her drooling from how much she seethed on her clenched teeth. And up she went, high, like a body of foam, crashed and shattered like glass. “AAGH!” Her hands had half a mind to protect her head, but her back was nearly totaled, now resting in a huge dent. Her legs went spread eagle as she gripped onto Cecilia's fist.

Deep breath. Easier said than done. But…
Her voice croaked raspy-like, stuck coughing her few syllables.
“That’s… What I invited you for... didn’t I?”
She coughed again. This time clearing her throat.
“I didn’t take ya shit and announce it so I can get a date. I wanted to see what a really pissed off Cecilia Northman looked like. Not just pissed. Murderously and positively livid, yo. Then, kick its shit in.”
She smiled.
“Not bad, huh?”
Monsy's Jobbers

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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Devastated »

The impact onto the hood of that car rang out a bit, the clanging of metal and buckling that it went through after having the lithe frame of Angelina being driven down upon it. However owned the car was certainly not going to be happy about what Cecilia had just done. She glared down at her downed frame, still seething but she couldn't lie, slamming Angelina down like this was down-right satisfying.

The redhead begun to speak though, Cecilia raised an eyebrow. Curious as to hear what she had to say. That raspy voice of hers was almost impossible to understand at first. Her words caused Cecilia's grip to tighten around that throat. She grit her teeth, practically gnashing them together, arm flexed as it was like she was trying to choke Angelina with the grip of her singular hand that was wrapped around that neck. Fingers curled tighter and tighter as Cecilia's forearm flexed.

She would drag Angelina, pulling her off of the hood of the car as she sought to lift her up by her throat. "Are you actually this stupid?..." Cecilia let out as she sought to keep her afloat in the air by that one arm alone. Then throw her towards a car, more of a shove into the side of the vehicle. She'd step right up to the much shorter girl, hand gripping at Angelina's chin instead to force her to look up at her face.

" Murderously pissed huh?..."

Clicking her tongue, Cecilia would take a deep breath.

" A really cocky little twig.... I'm going to give you one more chance, give my stuff back. I won't warn you again." Her words were laced with fury, it seemed almost clear that she didn't want Angelina to give in. She was giving her and out, but with the way those eyes of hers glared down at the redhead, it seemed as if she truly wanted to hurt her.

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Monsy »

One hell of a fuckin’ buy in. If her arm was caught underneath, she might’ve found it busted. Still left her feeling it. Like her innards were slapped directly and all the nerves fired off at once. Her muscles constricted. She felt tight. Lifted off the car, she held onto Cecilia’s wrist, eyes bulged into spheres, wet and bloodshot. Her throat shrunk thin. It went red. She seethed drool between her teeth as she kicked, whimpered and gasped. Soon her heart was punching her ribs and black spots spilled into her vision. A face-wide blush swept.

Then she hit the fender of the neighbouring car. Her upper-half whiplashed and spilled over the hood. An arch snapped into her spine. The whole thing sounded ugly, like a cinder block hitting a drum, this heavy thunk then meagre slap as her skin, bones and muscle clapped against the asphalt, hitting the street where she laid on her side, biting her teeth as she shivered. “M-Mgh…” Breathe.

She reached up, pawed the car door until she gripped the handle, pulling herself up with two hands to find a knee. Then she’s taken by the jaw and peered up.

“A-Aheh…” Angelina rested her head in Cecilia’s strong grasp, letting her cheek nuzzle into the palm. Her gaze darted around. As if looking for an out. But, when resolved, she peered up to the woman who had a foot and nearly eighty pounds on her, and sighed. “Ya want ma’ shit?” Angelina reached into her pocket, pulling out a key and necklace with a Nordic pendant, hanging off her clutching hand. “Then stop fuckin’ around and try and take it. DO IT!”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Devastated »

The Hardcore Queen only glared angrily as she watched Angelina push and pull herself up, forcing her way up from the ground with the hold of gripping onto that car door handle. She figured that she must be out of it at this point. Such a small and scrawny frame being tossed around and slammed into these cars, she wasn't going to be able to hold up for long.

As it seemed the redhead wasn't even able to stay upright properly on her own. Cecilia had thought that Angelina was maybe going to just pass out then and there. Though to her surprise, she reached into her pocket and pulled out exactly what Cecilia was looking for. Though her attitude and words seemed off. The blonde scoffed. She thought nothing off it, she would figure that perhaps she simply scrambled her brain with one of the slams.

"Yeah?..." Cecilia would reach for the necklace and key. Trying to grab a hold of it and afterwards shove Angelina back up against the car door, rather lazily with one arm.

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Re: Boiling Point

Unread post by Monsy »

They had one killer stare. Maybe it’s all the muscle and size. Or the fact she already dented a car hood with her back. Lifted with one hand. Then tossed almost six feet. It didn’t change one thing. It was just too much fun pissing off this tiger. So when Cecilia reached for her stuff, Angelina tossed it across her person, catching it with her other hand as she was backed up against the car door. It allowed her to straighten. Well, stand upright with her back curving against the car frame. She held her hands up like you would to police, the stuff dangling off her opposite hand.

“Uhh, ya blind or somethin’? Wrong hand, dumbfuck.” Angelina said in a matter-of-fact tone, rolling her eyes. Her head tilted, jangling the key and necklace. “I’m literally holdin’ it out here. Helloooo.”
Last edited by Monsy on Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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