Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Standard Match
Win by Pin fall or Submission
Cyber Legacy is allowed at RIngside
Nor can be banished from the ring by the ref

Unmei ga waratteiruno? Kikoeru
Kousasuru kietsu to itami
Ano hi tsugerareta koe ni kasumeru

Hyouri no tsuyosa wo kakaeta
Ima wa tokenai wake wo himotoite
Kaneta negai no sono saki e habataku

As much as the crowd wants to boo the young idol in the ring, they can't because the woman has the voice of an angel signing cover songs from well-known anime series, so they're getting a wrestling match and concert for free even after deciding to boo Ana for the misdeeds and bad things she's done since.

But to the blue-haired woman, she got what she wanted in the end—a best-of-series situation where the odds are in her favor due to picking the odd number matches. So even if the series is tied at two a piece, in the final match she can rig things in her favor and claim the other woman's outfit with ease. Thereisa and Serilda are at ringside in tracksuits dressed up like the old Joshi style matches of the past, but before she can do all of that, he has something to say for everybody to listen to.

'Now now settle down please, I have something to say before I kick Sakura ass from pillar to post,' she says, holding up an Aurora star prop from her tail and her afro, which she cut off with scissors during the Swat Cats attack. 'As you can see from my trophies, I am no longer that cute little loser you all want me to be; from now on, I am the bitch who hunts and goes after people. I'm the new baddest little idol bitch in this company, and there's not a bitch backstage who can prove me wrong. Aurora, well, she looks like she can get a another hair cut. Alizeh, that coward, all talk and no bite. Tina, nothing more than a brunt out former champion whose career is peaking down harder than you fans sex drives.' she says with her cocky grin on her face.

Dropping the microphone and giving her trophies back to her sister and mother figure outside the ring, she starts to stretch and bounce on her feet, ready for this match to begin and get off to a dominant victory over the woman she hates above all in the company.

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Tonight was a night that Sakura had been waiting for for a long, long time. Almost since she returned to LAW was she hounded by Ana Akira. The rather arrogant idol taking any and all chances she could to trash talk Sakura, whether it be on social media, on the mic, interviews or whatever else. Sakura had tried to be the bigger woman about it too, tried to ignore Ana but the girl just kept coming and finally laid out this challenge and Sakura just could't take it anymore. So here she was about, dressed in her new ring attire and ready to finally put Ana in her place.
Getting up as she heard Ana's entrance finish Sakura would prepare herself for what she was about to do. It would be a first for her in LAW, or wrestling in general since she usually tried to create a separation between her wrestling and idol careers, but given how she knew Ana liked to come to the ring she figured this would be an appropriate exception, even if it wouldn't quite be the same without the other members of Sweet Diva here.

No matter though, because it was time. The lights had turned off and, thanks to a well timed mass tweet to her fansite, multiple glow sticks would come out... and then her entrance song kicked on. But not the one that Sakura normally used for her entrances. This time itw as Fan Fanfare, the most well known song from Sweet Diva!
This was just instrumental and background from the other girl's however, the main voice singing... was in fact Sakura! Coming out from behind the curtain with a smile Sakura would expertly and sweetly sing the lyrics she knew by heart, getting just as, if not an even bigger reaction for the performance than Ana had gotten for hers.

Dancing down to the ring while singing with moves adapted from her usual performance with the rest of her group Sakura would hop onto the outside apron right as the song finished, and upon the last lyric, Sakura would leap backwards, clear over the ropes for her sakura special that always completed that performance earning an even more massive cheer from the audience. Turning to Ana with a smug smirk on her face as the lights came back on Sakura would raise the mic she used for the entrance up... before letting it drop acting as the last word for her before sliding it out of the ring with her foot, never once breaking eye contact with Ana, effectively ignoring the rest of Cyber Legacy at ringside.

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Ana would be pissed seeing the reaction Sakura is getting from everyone and the crowd. This is one of the biggest insults she can face as she is forced to watch her so-called chant and even bring out glow sticks for Sakura, but they didn't do that for her when she was performing at all, like they value her opponent over her, and she has been doing this since she arrived in the company.

And the nerve of seeing the other woman drop the mic, so to speak, on her... sends Ana into a temper tantrum as the young woman starts kicking the turnbuckle in anger at being shown up by someone else, before Theresa pops up onto the ring apron and grabs Ana by the head and gives her a smack... 'Stay focused. Your job tonight is to win. Don't get mad because some fake wrestler outdid you on stage," the older woman says before hopping down to the ground again after giving the younger woman a stern talking to.

Taking a deep breath and nodding her head to the advice given to her by her mother figure, Ana would march right up to her opponent before putting her hands up and shoving Sakura in the ace with a smug look on her face.

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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After entering the ring and dropping down the mic Sakura would watch with an immense amount of self satisfaction at seeing the absolute tantrum Ana went on, kicking the ring post like a child and only stopping when her mother calmed her down. 'She does not like being shown up.' Sakura thought to herself with a grin.

Watching as Ana approached Sakura was about to say something until she was shoved by the woman, making her frown for a moment before smirking as she retained her balance. "Aw.. didn't like the performance Ana? The fans sure did at least." Sakura said as a reminder to Ana that she had been outdone, trying to anger the blue haired girl again, inciting her to try and attack again as the ref rang the bell, knowing that stopping the two wouldn't really be possible.

As soon as the bell would ring Sakura would wait for Ana to make the first move, knowing she'd be eager to attack, and if so Sakura would duck down past the girl, turning and swinging her leg up to smack a kick into the girl's backside!

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Ana was calm and focused after doing that shove to the face of her opponent. But as soon as she was given the green light to go after and attack her opponent she took it and paid for it, as she would flinch at her backside being slapped by her opponent hand, but she takes another deep breath to try to regain control of her emotions as she is letting Sakura get under her skin and right now she is prone to messing up and making mistakes.

"Alright, if that is how you want to play, then let's play," Ana would say. Tilting her head to the side as she licks her lips eagerly to show that she means business right now, before she rushes forward going for a feint tackle but hoping Sakura ducks so that she can get behind her opponent to jump and land on the ring ropes.

Taking a page out of Serilda playbook when it comes to springboard moves that are impactful high risk reward type of moves, as Ana would land on the ropes and bounce herself backwards with her body turned to the side.. going for what looks like a flying sidekick right at Sakura head going for a quick strike like move to catch the Idol wrestler off guard.

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Sakura smirked softly after landing her kick successfully into Ana's rear end, knowing that between this and her entrance being upstage than Ana would likely be seeing red. Though not without her best efforts to try and stay calm it seemed as Ana refocused a glare onto Sakura before smiling and tilting her head to the side. 'Oh I don't like that.' Sakura thought to herself as she put her hands up in preparation.

Watching as Ana came running in towards her Sakura thought her fellow idol was going for a tackle and lowered herself accordingly but it was a feint! Gasping in realization at this the idol watched as Ana slipped right by her! 'Crap the ropes!' Sakura thought to herself, turning just in time to brace herself as Ana came right back in, bashing her in the side of the face with a kick!

"Agh!" Crying out in pain from the impact Sakura would get knocked off her feet and land on the mat before sucking in a breath and trying to tuck her legs in, attempting to make use of the momentum from her fall to roll back and get her feet under her. If she did this successfully than Sakura would get back up and despite the pain in the side of her face she'd charge right back at Ana, hopefully while the girl was still getting up before jumping and turning herself midair, trying to land a flying hip attack on Ana's face!

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Ana's expanding ring skills have been growing ever since her PPV match against Eirina. A lot of her skill set is based on other wrestlers but she had been starting to take more after her mother and sister, Thereisa speed and strikes and Serilda high risk moves and springboard moves that are flashy and painful to both opponent and user... but she is fine with that as long as her opponent suffers she is fine with tossing her body recklessly around to win matches.

As she thought the Diaster Kick would have connected and knocked Sakura out cold... but the other woman was able to get her arms up to block enough of the kick to brace herself and allow her to get back to her feet quickly and easily.

Cause as soon as Ana got back up to her feet... she would turn and right into Sakura hip that slams into her face 'AGGHHH" the impact of the blow sends her onto her back hard, taken off guard by her opponent speed before she rolls onto her side creating distance so Sakura doesn't try for any follow up moves on her down form.

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Admittedly Sakura hadn't been expecting such a high velocity attack so soon from the woman, but it was definitely a good thing that she had raised her hands up, blocking just enough to stay up. Which in turn allowed the idol to launch herself forward and drive her rear end into Ana's face with a hip attack right as she got up!

Landing on her feet after the impact Sakura would stumble forward a bit, a little dazed following the impact of the woman's foot against her temple. Turning around to face Ana after Sakura would shake her head as she glared at Ana as the girl rolled away.

"Really Ana!? All that smack talk and that's the best you can do!?" Sakura demanded as she broke out into a run, picking up speed as she neared the blue haired girl, dropping into a baseball slide to try and land a dropkick onto the girl while she was still down!

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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Ana, on the outside, is where she was most crafty and sneaky... studying a lot of different wrestling styles and tapes on how to bend the rules to her advantage, but also in a way that allows her to not be disqualified.

The blue-haired woman would grab the ring apron and yank it forward... so that Sakura would get stuck in the apron and not be able to move at all.

Which in turn will allow her to land some punches to the other idol woman's face while taunting her. 'Not so bad now you fake wannabe idol.'

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Re: Idol Wars Match 1: Ana Akira vs Sakura hagiwara

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With Ana on the outside Sakura was fully intent on capitalizing on the advantage, running to the ropes and going for a dropkick to the outside directed at Ana! Only instead the apron was pulled out from under her and she was dropped into the gap as the apron cover was released and closed around her, trapping her! 'Shit!' Sakura thought to herself before getting punched repeatedly in the face! "Ugh! Ngh! Agh!" Sakura cried out in pain with each blow before trying to pull away and send a wild slap at Ana's way to try and shut her up while pushing her away but if it didn't work then she'd be helpless!

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