The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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Background music

Pub Logo
Over a year it had happened now. And as eternal reminder the picture of Finella Edelstein and Chelsea Forster, one smirking the other snarling, their hands like talons around each other, locked tight in the stance of the arm wrestling contest they entered. Back then they hated each other. Back then both Finella and Chelsea went trough turmoil. But this was over now. After the grand finale of their feud they both had finally found what they were looking form. Understanding, love and care.

Chelsea was'nt just "One half of the Midcard Team British Bunnies" now, oh no, Chelsea was now in a new team, was named the March Hare, had a new home, a dog and co owned the pub of her boyfriend, the excentric but loveable Manager turned Wrestler George Fortunato. They lived together, they trained together and they had their fine english Pub in the heart of Tokyo, the "Wolf and the Bunny."

George had fallen in love with Chelsea on sight, and even if he was still a womanizer, his heart had beat for the liverpudlian since. George had never been so sure with anything in his life. He even took a severe beating for Chelsea just to make sure she could keep on fighting. George loved Chelsea with all that he had and he showed it to her every day , may it be with a hearty breakfast, a romantic dinner after the pub closed, fancy clothing and jewellry, George just wanted to see more of Chelseas wonderful smile and he had to say, after living together for like a year, they both worked like well oiled machines.

Now it was March the 16 and tomorrow their was another big celebration in form of "The St. Patricks Day Jello Wrestling" event on the respective day. The only thing was that both girls that were booked to fight had to drop out and now the Pub Owner made some calls until an idea hit him. He already had to tell Chelsea something and if all pieces fell together...maybe they would make even more money.

George was thrown out of his train of thought when he heard the door that connected the Pub with a staircase to their flat on the first floor, open and Anfield trotting next to Chelsea. George smiled and got up, walked up to Chelsea and cupped her chin softly. "Good Morning, Love.",he said with a warm tone and gave his girlfriend a long kiss on the lips, followed by a few short ones as they looked into each others eyes.
"I just made some tea, want a cup?", he smiled, holding Chelsea in his arms , gently cradling her from side to side. The tips of their noses touched and George softly hummed a song for his love, as he always did.

They stood there for a few minutes and then it hit him. He looked at the big old clock and then down to Chelsea. "Oi, listen Chelsea I wanted to tell you..."
As he spoke arms wrapped around him and Chelseas head was pressed into two big, fluffly pillows which moved from side to side, making Chelseas head shake in motion when she heard a voice...dark, gloomy, all too familiar...
"Cheelseaaaa, The Grim Reaper is heeeeeerreee...~"
Then a loud giggle filled the room and Chelsea was pulled away from George into a tight hug as she came to face with...Finella.

"Guten Mooorgeeeeen, lovebirds! Hope I did'nt interrupt something!",she grinned and George scratched the back of his head. "Uhm, uh, our new waitress.",he said as Fin pulled away and pointed to her impressive bust which showed the name of the pub.
"How do you like it Chels? oooh, I mean, Boss! Nehehehe!"
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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A lot had changed for Chelsea Forster, and in such a short time, too. It seemed as though her fortune was on the upswing. At last, she had put to rest a long and stressful feud against Finella Edelstein, defeating her in a brutal street fight at We Are LAW that not only ended things once and for all on her terms, but broke a long losing streak in the process and put her name back on the map, proving she had what it took to achieve success after all. Beyond that, though, her victory had done the impossible - it had won her the respect of her greatest rival, Finella Edelstein herself, and in their subsequent hospital stay she found herself growing closer to the Hellraiser that had once inspired nothing less than anger, hatred, and terror in her. At last, it seemed, the two of them would be able to move forward, and heal.

It wasn't just her outlook on Finella that had changed, though. That match had also brought her closer to George Fortunato - the owner of her favorite hangout spot, the only person she truly felt like she could open up around outside of her own family, and who she had been dating on and off for some time now. But now, the two of them had finally decided to take their relationship public - and all of a sudden, Chelsea's life had been turned around. George had allowed her to help him manage the pub. She'd moved in with them, and in some way, with their dog Anfield, the two of them were starting a family of their own. Meanwhile, in the ring, they had their plans to debut as a new stable in the Mad Tea Party, one that would see George taking up wrestling for the first time. It made Chelsea blush to think about how far she'd come so quickly. But when she realized she never thought she would ever have reason to be so happy...she could concede it was well worth it.

The moment she opened the door to the pub, she was greeted by George's smiling face. And in an instant, she grinned wider, pulling her arms tightly around him as she leaned into a kiss. With every kiss he planted on her lips, she let herself relax a little, sighing contentedly as she leaned in against his chest. In most situations, Chelsea would retch at the thought of being this openly sentimental with anyone. But with was okay.

Then, George said he had an announcement to make - and to that, Chelsea drew back, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Hmm..?" He had something to tell her? She had to wonder what that was - and her heart beat a little faster at the thought of it. Did he have a present to get her? Was he...about to propose? Her eyes went wider, and she leaned in a little closer...

Just before she was swiftly cut off, as something grabbed her behind and pulled her back. At the sensation of the two hefty breasts hugging the sides of her head, Chelsea realized who it was - and the sound of Finella's voice only confirmed it. But that only raised further questions for the Englishwoman, who cried out with a loud "WHAT?!"

The moment Finella let her go, Chelsea spun back around, facing her with her mouth agape. "I...wha!? Jud, wha' de 'ell is this about!? Why is SHE 'ere!?" She and Finella might have made their peace...but she still felt a little embarrassed about showing affection so openly, and when her greatest rival had caught her at an intimate moment, she was taken completely off-guard.

And when George explained the situation, it did little to calm Chelsea's nerves! She glanced frantically back and forth between Finella and George, stammering through a few half-formed words. "I...wha'? What!? Waitress? 'er? Ye did wha'?! Jud, wha' made ye think THIS wuz a good idea!?" When she looked back at Finella displaying the logo of the pub on her shirt, her eye twitched a little nervously at the all-too-unappreciated reminder of Finella's larger bust. Even if they'd made up, Chelsea could only imagine that putting her and Finella so close together at work was only going to lead to disaster!
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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George was proud, proud and happy to have this Chelsea, this Chelsea that lived under the brutish behaviour all to himself. And she only showed this side to him. He knew that she did trust him and so she had opened up. Even more, she loved him, dearly and George could'nt get over the fact that Chelsea behaved much more "girlish" around him. He saw her looks when he left the bath shirtless, she came to him all by herself to snuggle up to George on the couch and she finally had managed to ask herself when she "felt like it".

But still she was this tough northern girl which had grown to love and George loved the whole package from head to toe. Finella came over often to drink and chat with both of them and most of the time it was a nice time had by all, but being friends and respecting each other aside, there still was flickering glimmer of rivalry between the two wild girls from europe who had roamed bars and fought on the streets and the schoolyard and why not making something out of it. There would be no brutal beatdown anymore, that was out of the question and for what he was about to propose there was'nt fierce violance allowed anyway.

Finella smirked at Chelsea and shook her head, her breasts jiggling in motion. "Relax, Chels. You are my buddy now! This will be fun!",she grinned and threw one arm over Chelseas shoulder, pulling her in and pressing the side of her face into her breast.
"Maybe we can have a threeway when the pub closes!",she said and George, usually not the type to get surprised by sexual innuendos looked at them with big eyes.

Finella laughed and released Chelsea. "Joking, joking! Sorry Chels, I will do my best here, I promise. It surely will be fun! Please say yes...pweeaaase...",the bespectacled girl said with big eyes and took Chelseas hands before she turned to George. "Why did you want me here at 8am by the way?",she asked and George cleared his throat.

"About this...yeah. Darling, Fin,you know that tomorrow will be one of our busiest days. Forget Christmas, for a british pub, St. Patricks Day is the most frequent day of the year. But we have a problem.",he said and took another sip of tea before the turned behind him and pulled some rolled in poster out from behind the counter.
Finella and and Chelsea looked at each other and then back to the Cockney Flame as he unfolded the upper half.
"The people are looking forward to the Beauty Contest/ Jello Match for a year and yesterday both girls that I booked dropped out. I was calling other wrestlers the whole day but its too short of a timeframe for them and so I got an idea...",he said and unfolded the poster completely.

Finella looked at and read. "Rematch...Hellraiser...March Hare! Oh Woooooow! Chels you see that? We gonna have a Jello Match! How awesome is that!",she said jumping up and down with excitement without even considering Chelseas feeling about it.
"Had them printed yesterday and they came in an hour ago...", George said and looked at Chelsea. "Its for the pub, Darling...", he said with pleading eyes.
"Yeah for the Pub! Come on Chels, that will be awesooooome!"

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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At the first mention of a three-way, Chelsea's eyes practically bugged out of their sockets. Had she been drinking anything at the time, it would have ended up splattered all over the nearest surface as she went sputtering and gasping. Even if she and Finella had made peace, and even if she had found it in her to open up about her and George, old habits died hard - and she didn't think she would ever be used to anyone being so open about their sex life, especially not someone who had been her greatest rival. She was about to sputter out what was no doubt to be a long string of expletives and exclaimations when she saw Finella lean in closer, asking to be allowed to stay, and insisting that "it" would be fun. At that, Chelsea fell silent, blinking a few times but staring back at Finella in disbelief. "...beg ye pardon..?" And then she had turned to George to talk about being asked there. The Englishwoman stood stiffer, and the corner of her eye began to twitch. Was there something here that George wasn't telling her? God forbid, was there a threesome planned!?

As it turned out, no. But as George began to unfurl the poster, Chelsea's face went pale nonetheless. The moment she heard the word "jello," she had an idea of what lay in store for her. And when she saw her own name on the poster, she felt as though she could faint, then and there.

"Jud, you're...only now tellin' me about this, like!?" The pallor in Chelsea's face soon turned to a vivid blush, as Finella was quick to remind her just what she was getting into. It wasn't as though this sort of thing was anything new to her - she was no stranger to the events George held, after all - but she had never anticipated she would be getting involved. But when she was an accomplished wrestler herself...she supposed it was inevitable.

Chelsea's mouth hung open, prepared to voice some sort of objection. But with every word that left Finella's mouth, her spirits sank lower. There was no way she was getting out of this. The word had already gotten out, and Finella was already on board. But was it really worth embarrassing herself like this?

Letting out a sigh, Chelsea turned away from George...and it was there that her eyes began to wander around the room. But they came to rest on the picture of her and Finella arm-wrestling, in the match that had started it all. That gave Chelsea a brief pause. Their rivalry had consistently been a top draw, and their match at We Are LAW was both one of the most hotly anticipated matches of the PPV, and a highlight that was still being discussed to this day. A rematch was sure to draw all the more attention - jello or no. And now that she had moved in with George, she was every bit invested in the success of the pub as he was...

Clearing her throat, Chelsea looked back up. Whether she liked it or not, her mind was made up. "Oi, fine...I'll do it. But juss this once, yous 'ear dat?"
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Neither George nor Finella knew what to expect from the Blonde. Would she lash out? Slap George? So many possibilities and the Londoner scratched the back of his head. "Sawwy, Swee'hea, but it had to happen fast. We only got the posters in time because I paid a little extra.", George said as he started to put it up on a wall.

Finella blinked a few times and waited for Chelseas answer, knowing that it all depended on her. When George had asked the wolf, she enthusiastically agreed. Most importantly because she loved down and dirty matches and had much to little opportunity to engage in something like that and secondly, to fight against Chelsea again ,this time under more fair and a evenly conditions was a chance she would not pass on.

So when Chelsea agreed George sighed in relief and Finella jumped in the air. "Yeah! You rock Chels!"
George smiled and hugged Chelsea from behind. "Got a little businesssense too, huh?",he chuckled as he kissed her cheek while pointing to the picture of Finella and Chelsea...

March 17th, 8 pm

Background music:
The Ring
George Fortunato the owner of the Wolf and the Bunny, Manager/Wrestler and partner of Chelsea Forster dimmed the lights of the pub as the big crowd, already filled with countless whiskeys and beers, started to cheer and holler as the appropriatly dressed man entered the scenery. In the Middle of the bar was set up small ring, like two times smaller then usual wrestling ring, it had no canvas but instead it had the bottom of an inflatable swimmingpool, not that anyone could have seen it as the entire ringfloor was covered in shiny green jello, giving the match to come its name.
George put a mic to his face. "Dia-Duit my lads! Happy St. Paddys Day from the crew of your favourite pub in the world, The famous Wolf and the Bunny!"
The crowd cheered and clapped their hands as George took in the atmosphere. "Thank you, Thank you, Ladies and Gentleman. As you know, our original wrestlers left us hanging."
Booing was to be heard before George lifted his arm.
"But, as you already saw, if life is giving you lemons, you make lemonade! Because today, a good year after their supposedly final confrontation, both the March Hare and the Hellraiser are here to settle things again and the big reeeeeemaaaaaatch!",he cheered and waved his arm before him, a cloud of green confetti forming a cloverleaf made the people cheer.

"Alright with no further ado, first, let's welcome our referee for the evening! Even if she has family ties with one of the participants I assure you, she will judge totally neutral. You all knew her as fluffy British Bunny but she is now part of the Superstars! One of LAWs most beloved teams! I present to you, the one, the only, beautiful, Molllyyyyyyy Forsteeeeeeer!"
The crowd gave loud cheers of appreciation but one voice was louder then everyone else.
"Mollyyyy! Yeeeaaah! Molly! Molly! Molly!", a slightly tipsy Harmonia in a green dress, sitting at the bar, a guiness in hand cheered.
"That's my girlfriend!",she shouted proudly as the lights turned to the "Backstage Door"...

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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"Oi...and ye didn't tell me about needin' ter spend de rips ed rushin' deez ter de printis, did ye?" Chelsea grumbled to herself, rubbing at her forehead with the tips of her fingers. She always had a feeling that at some point or another, George's impulsiveness was going to cost her - and now it seemed as though both the pub's funds and her own dignity were on the line. Still, if there was one upside to this...Chelsea was sure the revenue from whatever attention this match would draw would help recoup the costs of printing, and then some.

And at least Finella was happy to see it, too. When she heard the Wolf eagerly burst into cheers, Chelsea looked back up toward her, and she smiled just a little wider. After how hard they had struggled, how much hate they had thrown at one another, and how much blood they had shed at both of their felt nice to hear Finella saying something good about her. The tension flowed away from Chelsea's body as she let out a long sigh of relief. If there was anything to stand as proof that they had managed to put the past behind them, this would be it. "Dun mention it..."

And, as Chelsea looked up to the picture hanging on the wall, she could only smile a little wider when she thought about how much had happened since that fateful arm wrestling match. They really had come a long way.
Soon, the stage had been set. The bar was packed; every seat had been filled, and there were still more patrons packed into wherever they could stand and sitting on tables, all gathered around the jello-filled pool. Many a murmur could be heard, some voices audibly more slurred than others. Tonight was a big night - everyone knew that. St. Patrick's Day always drew big crowds at the bars. So did George's various wrestling events. When those two things were combined, it was only natural the place would be bustling. But what was even more special about this night was that these weren't any waitresses with side jobs or half-inebriated college girls with nothing better to do who were getting down and dirty. These were bona fide LAW wrestlers! For many patrons, this was a rare opportunity to see them up close and personal. And when Chelsea and Finella were riding off the waves they'd made with their historic match at We Are LAW, the hype was even greater!

When George made his entrance, every eye in the room turned to face him - his sense of showmanship never failed to catch the attention of any onlooker. The sight of him appearing from a puff of smoke drew a few peals of applause. But every head turned just as quickly to the door, as Molly burst into the room!
Befitting her duties as the referee of this match, Molly had donned a striped shirt, though to fit the occasion hers had green stripes instead of the traditional black - and, given what she'd be dealing with, she wore it over a green bikini that left much of her figure on display, in case she'd have to get in the pool herself. The sight drew a few cheers and wolf-whistles as Molly pranced toward the pool, her fists thrown in the air. She waved to several of the patrons as she passed - and of course, she was quick to blow a kiss toward Harmonia, in particular.

"Thaaaank you, everybody!!" Molly cheered, coming to a stop by the side of the pool. "I'm so glad to see how excited we are tonight! It's gonna be my first time taking on referee duties - but if you guys have your faith in me, I'm sure I'll make you proud!" Slipping back into her old cosplayer ways, Molly struck a pose, flashing a peace sign with one hand and a salute with the other as she turned to the crowd with a grin and a wink, all while camera flashes went off around her. Then, though, her foot slipped on a bit of jello that had slipped over the edge of the pool - and, with a yelp, she went skidding a few feet across the floor, dropping to her knee before she caught herself. "Whew, that was close! Eheh...well, if that's any indication, we've got some action to look forward to tonight!~" Giving the crowd another wink, Molly then looked back at George, awaiting his next announcement...
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

George, still halfnaked, put his arms closer around Chelsea and liftied her chin with his indexfinger. "Darlin', when did I ever dissapointed you?",he smiled as Fin grinned excitedly. She was hyped for this match and all it would bring...

The crowd did'nt need more then to see Molly in a sexy referee outfit, her breasts jiggling up and down with the excitement she felt and George smiled. Everything according to plan. "Molly Forster lads! My future sister in law!",he quipped and raised Mollys hand.
Backstage Finella and Chelsea got ready and stood behind the door.
When Chelsea came in sight, the Wolf tipped her cap. "Miss...",she grinned and looked up and down. "Let me tell you boss, you never looked any hotter.",she whistled and took Chelseas hand to kiss it. It made sense as Finella went for a more "boyish" approach for a costume, looking like a young british lad that just was picked from the streets of 30s Dublin.

Then she nodded to Chelsea. "Over a year huh...and see were we are now...",she smiled and gave Chelsea a warm smile.
"I like how it is and I like being your friend Chelsea. Believe me that. As reckless, stubborn and foolish I can be, I know whom I like and you I like very much. I grew big time in and after our feud and thats all thanks to you...",she said as George made his remark. "Ooooh, did you hear that? I think someone is ready to propose...question is...are you ready? You know husband,",she grinned a little wider but in a mocking way, in a way a sister would tease her sister about this topic.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, two women who you were waiting for. Two women that were mortal enemies and started their feud right here in this very pub! The Wolf and the Bunny...fought in the Wolf and the Bunny! I tell you, St. Patrick and all Saints considered...that this was bloody fate! Now, to not leave you hanging lads,I present to you, from Graz, Austria. The one, the only...Finella...Hellraiser...Edelsteeeiiin!"

Finella heard her name and nodded. "Alright then Chels! Let's have some fuuuun!", she said and burst out the door, raising her arms to a waiting crowd. While she walked on she kicked her shoes off and unbuttoned her west, getting to one of the sitting customers and sat on his lap, giving him a little motorboat to a big reaction from the crowd and put her cap on his head before leaving with an unbuttoned shirt.

She walked around the ring, puttin off her shirt and west entirely and revealing the skimpy top beneath it, not more then two green patches of fabric that barely covered her nipples as the crowd went wild. Finella used all her experience from her times as a stripper and performed a handstand before another costumer she found cute and let her behind sink on him.
"Would you help me, pleaaaasseee?",she asked as the guy immediatly thumbled with her pants nervously and finally after some more or less friendly advice from his laughing buddies he finally presented Finellas juicy behind to the hootimg and hollering crowd. Finella slipped out of it by rolling forward and got back up, in her full or rather not so full outfit now, bending forward and kissing the guy on the cheek. "Dankeschön...",she grinned and when one of his friends tried to cup a feel she took his arm and twisted it brutally.
"As employee of this fine establishment I must remind you that the only touching comes from the crew...not you...",she said with a wink and gave him another push. "Understood? Good. Would hate to send my boss at you. And I don't mean that nice fella there...",she said as he nodded and turned to the pool.
She jumped in and greeted Molly with a big hug. "Siiiis! Oh sorry,Moni has not proposed yet. Uuuh not that I know of any plans! I know nothing!", she chuckled and Harmonia tilted her head, questionmarks over it.

George smiled about the little joke and cleared his throat. "Finella Edelsteeeein, Ladies and Gentlemen! Is'nt she magnificent? But like every wolf she can bite, so better leave your busy hands out of the wolf cage!",he said before pointing to the door.
"Aaaand her opponent, again, someone I don't really have to introduce. She started out as the other part of the British Bunnies,now she is the March Hare to my Mad Hatter, one part of Mad Tea Party, the beloved lady of this pub and...", he paused a little.
"The love of my life!",he said while looking to where Chelsea peeked through the door. A big chorus of "Aaaaaws", filled the room.
"...alright,alright you bloody perverts, back to business! From Liverpooooool, England, she kicks your butts, she pours your drinks,welcome with a warm applause the beautiful, stunning, talented...Chelseeeeaaaa March Haaaaarrrre Fooooorsteeeeer!", he shouted and pointed to the door!
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

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On her way out from backstage, Chelsea stopped ever so briefly to face Finella - once her rival and worst enemy, now her employee (and that in and of itself was hard to swallow), but once again her opponent. And when she heard her actually praising her, let alone calling her "boss" without a hint of irony, Chelsea almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. It seemed absurd enough that Finella, the wild, outspoken free spirit she was, would willingly take orders from anyone - when they were coming from Chelsea, it seemed like something out of a dream. For a few seconds, Chelsea stared back at her wide-eyed and incredulous; even she herself needed a moment to tell herself she really was seeing what she thought she was. But soon enough, she smiled. After so many long and agonizing months of hating each other, of watching every corner for an ambush, of holding onto all the resentment and scorn in their was a relief to finally get to let go.

"I dun think I'll ever get used ter 'earin' ye call me dat, like. But...thanks." She looked back up at Finella, and she too smiled, letting out a long sigh of relief that seemed to carry all the tension in her body with it. It really had been more than a year. Thinking back on it, Chelsea knew that to be true. In some ways it felt like it was just yesterday, and in some ways it felt as though she and Finella had been enemies all her life. But it really had been right here, in this very pub, back a few Christmases ago, that had seen their rivalry really heat up. The Capture the Flag match had started it, of course. But Chelsea could have been content with that match being one and done. It was their confrontation at the Wolf and the Bunny that proved they still had a ways to go before they were ready to close the book on their feud...but one way or another, at last, it had all come to a close. Now, she could look at Finella as a friend and a coworker...and she was looking forward to being able to do that.

...what she wasn't prepared for, though, was to have Finella insinuate that she and George would soon be taking their relationship to the next level. But when she did - and when she heard George call Molly his future sister-in-law - her face went a bright red as she sputtered out a few gasps. "WHAAAAT!?" she yelped, loudly enough that she had to clasp her hand to her mouth in case anyone in the next room over might have heard her. For a moment, she stared back at Finella in stunned silence. What was she to say to that? She knew that George loved her, truly, on a deeper and more emotional level than she ever thought she'd find from anyone. They might have met as friends and drinking buddies, but they had grown to be far more than that. And yet...Chelsea wasn't used to being so open about it. How would she be ready to be married to him?

She wouldn't have much time to ponder that, though, because soon Finella was called out to the next room. And when she made her entrance, the cheers that she got soon drowned out any noise Chelsea might have made. The Englishwoman peered out the crack in the door, watching as Finella made her way down the line. And she just as quickly saw how shameless she was in flaunting her body, grinding up against the patrons; when Chelsea saw the swimsuit she had donned, she bit her lip and blushed a little harder. It easily put her own to shame! Already, Finella was winning the hearts of the fans, and all she had to do was take the easy route by playing to their baser desires! Everything seemed to be handed to her - all the success Chelsea had worked so hard for. She grit her teeth, grumbling under her breath. It was no matter. All her frustrations would do was to remind her of how emotional her rivalry had been to begin with...and that would give her all the ammunition she needed to take Finella down! Now, it was her turn to be called out the door - and Chelsea was now all the more determined to outdo Finella every way she could!

While Chelsea had always been one to favor the rowdier, more honest ways of the lower classes, tonight, she had decided to dress more the part of the position of power she held in the pub, wearing a glittering green dress that hugged her form tightly. To the sound of cheers, she sauntered out the door, shaking her hips to and fro with every step she took, and taking long strides to show off her fishnet-adorned legs as she made her way toward George. When she passed by one table, she kicked her foot up to lay her leg across its surface, drawing a gasp from one patron seated there, and she slowly and carefully ran her fingers along her leg, showing off the contours of her thighs before coming to her shoe and slipping it off. Spinning around to seat herself in a chair that was quickly cleared by its occupant for her, she brought her other foot up against the table to slowly reach up and slip off the other shoe.

Then, with a flip of her ponytail, Chelsea rose to her feet and turned toward George himself, coming up to rest against his side. She pressed her hip up against him, leaning her body weight in close - and, as she planted her hands on her hips, she leaned a little forward to slow him the zipper on the back of her dress. "Jud, if you'd do de 'onors..." If George obliged, Chelsea would let the dress drop to her feet, leaving her clad in a green bikini emblazoned with a clover on her breast to fit the occasion!

The sight would garner a fair few cheers of its own - but as Chelsea heard them, she leaned closer against George, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him close against her as she kicked up her leg to caress it against the side of his own. "Now, I wanna remind all o' yous blokes out thuz I'm spokun fe, so 'ands off!" she warned. After that, Chelsea stepped off of George's side, coming to stand side by side with Finella. She put her hands on her hips, eyeing the even more scantily-clad Hellraiser with a wary look. For tonight, at least, their conflict was far from over...
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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

George gave Finella and Molly a big smile and it only grew wider as he saw how packed, how "their" small pub was. Since a good year now, he and Chelsea shared the pub, their house and their bed together as an young english power couple no one had even thought about. Chelsea, wild, brootish and not the biggest fan of people and the womanizing George seemed like a recipe for doom but it had been this traits and what was waiting beyond that harsh looking blue eyes that made the handsome businessman fall head over heels for his countrywoman. And with his friendship, care and love, he managed to conquer Chelseas heart that belonged to him now.

So when Chelsea entered the pub, all eyes were on her as she seductively, but not without the energy she was knowjn for, came through the crowd and kicked her shoes off to the whistles and hollees of the horny crowd. But what came next was just for George it seemed who stood there with his mouth wide open. And when Chelsea pressed her slim form against him, telling the crowd she was his, the brit had to gulp. But he knew that there was no time for being all loveydovey as he wrapped one arm around the Blondes midsection and pulled her closer, his other hand wandering to her chin, which he gently cupped, looking into her eyes as the crowd whistled.

"You heard it lads, this fine young lady is mine. So if any of you bloody swines at the trough get touchy with her, you have to stand up to me!", he said with a smirk, holding Chelsea close, her head on his chest as everyone fell into uproarous laughter.

I am more afraid of Chelsea!
Yeah, what you doin George, charm us to death?

George snickered too as he looked at Chelsea again. "I'd love to my darling.", he smiled and turned Chelsea around, his hands travelling over her sides as his hips pressed into Chelseas behind, his already hard member pressing between the sexy cheeks of his companion for a second, sending a shiver through him, before he opened the zipper and revealed Chelseas bikini clad form to the world.
He tossed the dress out that got caught by a lucky guy and blew two hands of green glitter in the air, forming two fourleaved clovers.

The crowd cheered and George tapped his cane down to get their attention back as green confetti rained around him. "Now, before we start, a little Jello Match Tradition! Let's start our beauty contest!",he shouted. "Molly wiiiiins!",a slighty drunken Harmonia shouted from behind as George laughed. "I am very sorry love but the referee is'nt allowed to participate, still she is a beautiful flower is'nt she?", he smiled and lifted Mollys hand so she could turn around herself to the excitement of the crowd!

"Alright, gents, we start with something tricky. What's more to adore in a woman then her big, deep eyes, her petit noses and her lucious lips. Now, lets hear it for Finellaaaa!",he said and Fin gave the crowd a big grin. She was the twinsister of THE Harmonia Edelstein, one of LAWs most beautiful and radiant women, she knew she had this in the bag and the crowd seemed to confirm as massive cheers filled the room.

She gave a sideglance to Chelsea and gave her a victorious smirk, friendship or not, tonight there was a little bit of nostalgia in the air...
George nodded. "Alright, Alright you've made your point. Now, the lady of the house, the one that gets you your beer so I would be careful...",he said and took a step back to let Chelsea present herself. And if they believed that Finella had gathered a storm of cheers then it was nothing against what came now as Chelsea presented herself. It seemed that the concrete came down from the ceiling as the Blonde got her fair share of cheers. George chuckled and lifted his shoulders. "I am terribly sorry Fin, but this one needs no new votes...winner of most beautiful face, Chelseeeaaaa Foooorsteeeeer!",he said and the Hellraiser pouted. "Pfff, cause they are already drunk!",she said and crossed her arms under her massive chest.

"Now my lads, something everyone enjoys, may they big, may they small, on a small girl or a tall, if there is something i like best, it is some pretty ladies breast!", he rhymed and Finellas grin went wide as she looked into Chelseas eyes, turned around and started to untie her bikini top before giving it to George and starting to hop up and down, making her impressive goods jiggle in motion. She smiled and turned to George walking on to him and pressing her bare breasts against his side as she got her top and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then put on the already too small piece of fabric that barely covered her nipples. She winked at Chelsea and stuck out her tongue as she got into position again.
George just stood there and put a finger into his collar to let off some steam. "Well...Finella everyone. No-now, the March Hare herself, lets hear it for Chelseaaa!"

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Re: The Wolf and the Bunny Pub presents: St. Patricks Day Jellowrestling!

Unread post by CaptainL »

It was only reluctantly that Chelsea had agreed to any of this at all. It was just to help out the pub, she thought - she knew that everyone would be disappointed if the much-publicized jello match got called off the day before the big night. And perhaps, if she and Finella could square off in something more friendly and light-hearted than their hatred-fueled blood feud, it could help her move on. Yes, she told herself - that would make everything worth it. At least, that's what she'd tell herself to try and make things easier...

At least when she flocked to George's side for her entrance, leaning in against him and welcoming his embrace, she smiled a little wider - even more so as George issued a threat to any onlookers, which Chelsea punctuated with a wink. No matter what happened, no matter how ridiculous this got, George would still stay by her side, and he would always hold her in the highest of esteem. She truly meant the world to him. And if anything got in the way of that...well, Chelsea would be the one to give whoever wanted to interfere a piece of her mind. Something that the rest of the pub could already acknowledge, and to which Chelsea flashed a smirk. It seemed as though her reputation was already becoming well cemented among the pub-goers. Just one more thing that made her feel all the more like she belonged here.

She blushed softly as she felt the firmness in between George's legs pressing against her from behind - a blush came to her cheeks, but she still purred, looking back at her boyfriend with a smirk. She had never been one to think much of her appearance before, or put all that much effort into her looks, but George never failed to make her feel like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Still, she would move over to take Finella's side, as it came time for the first contest to begin. And before the two ladies got, quite literally, down and dirty, George had other matters to officiate.

At the sound of Harmonia's drunken cheers, Molly grinned, blowing a kiss and a wink in her girlfriend's direction - and as George held her hand up, she struck a pose for the crowd, giving her hips a wiggle that already won her a few cheers. But the real festivities were to begin now - it was time for Chelsea and Finella to compare their looks against one another's in a series of contests. At the announcement, Chelsea sucked in a huff, glancing nervously from Finella to the gathered crowd. Something about this seemed risky. For as much as she and Finella insisted the two of them had made peace, and that they could move forward, there were still hesitations rising at the back of her mind. Was it so wise to put them against each other in such a contest? Would it only ignite further division between them, if one of them took the patrons' favor for one as a slight against the other? Or...was Finella too drunk to remember any of this anyway?

With the first competition being between the two women's faces, Chelsea folded her arms behind her back and leaned in toward the seats, putting on the best coy smile she could manage. She let the blonde waves of her ponytail come down to frame the side of her face, batting her eyelashes and letting the sparkling blue of her eyes rest on whoever looked her way. Chelsea was almost certain that no one was really all that focused on her face right now, but she was still going to take this competition seriously, or at least as seriously as an event like this warranted. She was a part of the management of the pub now, and if this was the pub's event, she was going to play a part in it. Evidently, it worked - because Chelsea managed to garner more cheers than her competitor, causing George to crown her victorious!

When she heard the cheers in her favor, Chelsea blew a kiss out toward the fans - and another at George, as she looked back over her shoulder to send a wink his way. Now she stood a little taller, and the grin grew wider across her face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. She'd already managed to one-up Finella once - and she looked back toward the Hellraiser with a confident smirk, telling her she wasn't afraid to do it again. Something about it all reawakened those competitive urges to prove herself that had fueled her through their feud, and she was already starting to feel the adrenaline rush take hold. But that confidence all but melted away from Chelsea the moment George announced the next category.

Her face went pale, and her eyes wide. This was almost unfair. In all her feuding with Finella, Chelsea had grown all too aware that she wasn't afraid to flaunt her chest, and - as Finella was quick to remind her - it was one that put her own to shame. That had been the source of much anxiety for Chelsea, and as much as she wanted to believe she was better than falling to such superficial and pathetic concerns, it had definitely been one area she'd felt inadequate when compared to her former rival. But now, she knew that there was no chance she was going to win this. That grew even more apparent, as - much to considerable cheering and drunken hollering - Finella wasted no time in taking off her top and parading her bare breasts around!

"What-!?" Even Chelsea was taken aback, her cheeks flushing with both embarrassment at her own inadequacy, and anger at how Finella had all but sabotaged a competition she was a shoe-in to win anyway! Out of instinct she hugged her arms closer to her chest, only to soon remind herself that was about the exact opposite of what she needed to do right now. Finella had set a precedent, she realized. And if there was one thing Chelsea couldn't bear to was to let Finella one-up her. That fear of always coming in second place, of being hopeless by comparison, had stoked all her ire through their feud. For her own peace of mind if nothing else...Chelsea had to play Finella's game.

She shot a glare back at Finella, the mocking expression on her face by no means lost on her. Then, clearing her throat, the blonde took a step forward, untying her own top and tossing it back in George's direction before she leaned over and cupped her noticeably smaller, yet still firm and perky, breasts to push them together. She got her fair share of cheers, but there was no question that Finella had gotten far more - something that caused Chelsea's eye to twitch anxiously as she turned back around toward George. " we expected deez blokes ter be smart," she grumbled under her breath, before she walked back over to her boyfriend to retrieve her top as Finella had done. As she did, she crossed her arms and sucked in a deep breath, settling in place by Finella's side to await judgment, and casting her a look out of the corner of her eye. She had to remind herself that her revenge would come in time...
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