A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

the match is a hentai submission kiss my ass POW match: the match can only be won by way of hentai submission, a mixture of pleasure attacks and wrestling moves can be used, the loser is the property of the winner for one week
attire:hentai wear

Serena was preparing herself mentally for this, her first match was gonna be a hentai match against another idol, she had a mixture of nervousness and excitement in her stomach, like she was going to spit up butterflies

”Relax Serena, she’s an idol, just like you, she probably will be just as out of her element as you are, just act natural, and you’ll do fantastic

Serena said to calm herself down, before putting on the outfit that she ended up getting for this match, she felt like she was barely wearing anything considering how revealing it was, but she knew she had too wear it, as soon as her music started playing, she jumped up and ran out onto the catwalk, singing along to the song that was playing and waving to all of the fans of hers in the audience, she knew all she had to do was think of them and she would be golden




Last edited by DarknessMaster on Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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When Barbara heard that there was a new idol group joining LAW, she was very eager to get to meet them and introduce herself as their sempai. She was delighted that management had the same idea, deciding to put her into a debut match for one of them! As the blonde idol watched Techstar Purple take to the stage, giving her all in a cute idol performance, her lips couldn't help but form a devious grin. "Oooh, Serena's a real cutie!" she said, licking her lips. She couldn't wait to get her hands all over this girl and show her what being an idol at LAW was all about!

After Serena's performance finished, the lights dimmed as the stage was prepared for Barbara's entrance. Two spotlights shone down as the blonde idol stepped out onto the stage, the crowd cheering as she took center stage. The blonde idol gave everyone a deep bow, then raised the microphone in her hand up as her music began to play over the speakers.
As she was going up against a fellow idol, Barbara gave her all in this performance, not wanting to be shown up by her kouhai. After her song finished, the crowd broke into wild cheers, loving every moment of the amazing live music show they had just gotten. Barbara bowed to the crowd again, handing off her microphone, before undoing the back of her dress and letting it slip off her shoulders. Underneath she had on her attire for the upcoming match, her usual two piece attire. The crowd cheered as the idol made her way down the ramp, spinning around a few times to show off her cute yet revealing attire to the delight of the audience.
After rolling into the ring under the bottom ropes, Barbara turned to face her opponent. Serena looked absolutely adorable with her purple hair and big wide eyes, her attire even a little more revealing than what Barbara wore. Turning on all her idol charm, Barbara approached her kouhai with arms held wide. "Ohhh aren't you adorable!" Barbara said, stepping in close.and scooping up Serena in a big hug. "Welcome to LAW Serena! I hope you're ready to have a good time tonight! I know I certainly am!" She gave Serena a big squeeze, enjoying how their nearly bare bodies rubbed together. She was going to have so much fun with this cutie!

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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Serena looked at Barbara with a soft smile

”oh umm, th-Thank you, umm

Serena said softly, hugging Barbara back with a smile

”I umm, I know this a bit too ask but can you go easy on me, this is my first match in LAW...and my first hentai match...so umm, I’m not exactly the best, you’re probably a lot better at this then I am considering you have more experience whenever it comes to LAW, but umm... I do hope we can be friends after this”

Serena said with a cute smile, cuddling with Barbara a bit more, trying to calm herself down, Barbara looked so cute, and the way her outfit hugged her body made her look like an angel, she could feel her cheeks heating up by the second, she was gonna have so much trouble with this match, she could already tell
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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Barbara giggled as Serena hugged her back, enjoying the feeling of her fellow idol's body pressing against her own. Idols truly were the best, she thought, cute in appearance with fit well-trained bodies that were so much fun to squeeze. Serena's misgivings made Barbara feel a little bad for what she had planned for her opponent. After all, Barbara didn't plan on losing, and after beating Serena she was going to take the poor girl and play with her for a full week! Still, if Serena behaved during their match, Barbara wouldn't make things too hard on her.

"Hehe, oh I'm sure we'll be friends!" Barbara said, releasing Serena as she leaned back to look the girl in her eyes, "Very good friends in fact. We'll have a full week to really get to know each other after all!"

She gave Serena a trademark idol smile, though if the purple-haired cutie looked closely she might just see a little deviant twitch at the corners of Barbara's mouth. "Don't worry Serena, I'll make sure things are very enjoyable for the both of us!" Barbara said, patting her opponent on her shoulders before taking a few steps back, raising her arms and getting ready to start the match.

"Hope you're ready!" Barbara said, "Let's have some fun!"

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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Serena turned an even brighter red, she knew exactly what Barbara was talking about, this was a POW match after all, and she knew exactly what happened if she lost, and considering her inexperience, that was seeming like a likely outcome

”w-well umm, I’m glad you Th-think so...B-Barbara senpai”

Serena stammered out, trying to fake a smile, even though she was even more nervous considering Barbara’s taunt, taking a few steps back and getting ready to strike
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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Her kouhai was just too cute, Barbara thought, seeing how the girl blushed in embarrassment just from the mention of the stipulations of this match. She had to wonder why she even agreed to it, after all it was such a harsh penalty for losing. Barbara would have been happy just to have her for the night! But management had their plans, and Barbara wasn't about to go against them!

"Ready or not, here I come!" Barbara said, stepping forward as the bell rang. The idol had a wide grin on her face as she moved in, offering a collar and elbow lockup to start grappling with the smaller girl. Barbara would start off slow, just testing her kouhai to see what she was capable of. After a few moments though, she would ramp up her strength, giving Serena a taste of what idols were capable of as she drove hard into her body, trying to force her all the way back and pin her against the ropes!

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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Serena attempted to push Barbara back, it was obvious that Serena was stronger than she looked, just not as strong as Barbara was, considering after a half minute of struggling with her senpai, Serena faltered, allowing Barbara too push he back too the ropes rather quickly, she was panting a little bit, not much, but Barbara could tell that her kouhai was nowhere near as experienced as she was in the ring, considering she ended up starting to pant from just a lockup between them both

”focus Serena, all I need to do is make her feel good”

Serena attempted to shove her hand down Barbara’s bottoms and panties, attempting to pleasure her so that she would falter as well so Serena could try to dominate her senpai
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Though Serena put up a valiant struggle, Barbara was both bigger and stronger than her, and her greater experience enabled her to better leverage that against the smaller girl. Of course, bullying a newbie into the corner didn't require much skill, but it was nice to gain the upper hand right from the start. Serena's desperate counterattack did catch Barbara off guard, however.

"Ah!" Barbara gasped as Serena's hand shot down into her panties, her fingers feeling for the blonde idol's sex! "Ooohh that's really naughty Serena!" Barbara chided, one hand reaching down to grab Serena's wrist, keeping her from probing deeper. "We're idols! We can't be doing naughty lewd things like that!"

An ironic statement, considering the match they were in and what Barbara had planned for the poor cutie, but Barbara wasn't above a little bit of trickery to get her way. She would forcibly remove Serena's hand, then show the purple idol what wrestling was all about. Her knee would shoot up and slam into Serena's tight belly, aiming to knock all the wind out of the girl in a single blow. Then, after doubling Serena over, Barbara would grab the cutie and lock in a tight side headlock, pulling her face right up against her boob and squeezing down as she pulled the cutie out of the corner to set her up for a big move!

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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Serena would double over, before immediately being pulled close to her senpai, the poor Purple idol blushing bright red as she was lectured by Barbara, the irony however was completely lost, considering right now she was simply trying to catch her breath, completely unaware that Barbara pulled into a side headlock, she couldn’t do anything to retaliate, right now she was just trying to catch her breath, Barbara’s kick did a number on her lungs, completely unaware that what Barbara was planning was gonna leave her hurting more


Serena whimpered, slowly recovering her breath
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A clash of idols, Serena vs Barbara (Techstar Purple vs the Sparkling idol)

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Barbara had Serena exactly where she wanted, with her opponent bent over and firmly trapped, the blonde idol was ready to execute her attack! She pulled Serena out of the corner, moving backwards with her until she had enough space to clear the turnbuckle.

"Get ready Serena!" Barbara said as she bent down and grabbed the back of her leg, hooking it upwards, "You're about to go for a ride!"

With that, the idol lifted upwards, scooping up Serena, then flipped backwards, aiming to slam the purple idol down hard in the middle of the ring with a suplex! It was rough, but Barbara was just showing Serena what she faced when she joined this league. Idols had to be strong to survive!

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