Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Match Type: Standard
Rules: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent.

Chiyo stood in front of the mirror, her heart pounding against her chest. She was dressed in her bright burgundy and gold wrestling gear, complete with matching knee pads and boots. Her makeup was done impeccably, her hair perfectly styled in a long, neat ponytail. She was everything she'd ever dreamed of being, and yet she couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that had been with her all night.

This was her debut match in the big leagues, the moment she had been waiting for since she was a little girl. Chiyo had always been a fan of joshi wrestling, and she had idolized the women who graced the ring. Now, she was one of them. It was a dream come true, and yet... it was also terrifying.

She took a deep breath and looked herself in the eye. "You've got this," she whispered to herself. "You're ready for this."

The sound of her entrance music filled the backstage area, and Chiyo's heart rate increased. She recognized the song immediately - it was Red Hot by Mรถtley Crรผe, an apt metal theme she had used in all her past promotions. She took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance ramp, her smile widening as she saw the crowd on the other side of the curtain.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her debut here at LAW, at 5'3", and weighing in at 114 lbs! From Osaka, Japan! It's RED...HOT... CHIYOOOOO!"
Chiyo Hamamoto
As she stepped out onto the ramp, Chiyo could feel the energy of the crowd. They were cheering for her, with some even waving signs that she recognized from back in the indys! She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. This was what she had always wanted, what she had worked so hard for.

Chiyo danced her way down the ramp, her arms waving in the air. She blew kisses to the crowd, high-fiving the outstretched arms of nearby fans and viewers. She had always been a bit of a performer, and she knew that her entrance was just as important as her in-ring performance. She wanted to make a good first impression, to show the crowd what she was made of.

As she reached the ring, Chiyo climbed up onto the apron, waving to the crowd. She took a deep breath and gripped the top rope with both hands, offering the referee and the ring itself a respectful bow before stepping into the squared circle, her heart pounding. She took a moment to look around, taking in the sight of the arena. The lights were bright, the crowd was loud, and everything was just as she had imagined it would be.

Chiyo took the microphone from the ring announcer, her heart racing. She had practiced her monologue all week, but now that she was here, she felt a bit tongue-tied. She looked out at the crowd, her smile wide.

"Hello, everyone!" she said, her voice shaking slightly. "My name is Chiyo, and I am so happy to be here tonight. I have dreamed of being a wrestler here for as long as I can remember, and tonight, that dream has come true. I am so excited to face off against Katsumi, who I have known and watched for quite some time now. I know that she is tough, but I am ready to give it my all. I want to show you all what I'm made of, and I hope that you'll cheer me on!"

The crowd roared with applause, and Chiyo felt a surge of energy as she walked back to her corner, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her opponent. She had done it - she had made it to the big stage. Now, all she had to do was prove that she belonged here.
Last edited by PuroQueen on Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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It's ironic, in a way. The two of them, they shared such a similar background. Chiyo, loving professional wrestling since she was little, dreaming of one day being able to follow that yearning. Katsumi, much the same... but with parents who in no way supported that dream. She had to fight, claw, and pounce at the opportunity when it reared its head.

That thought runs through the punkette's mind as she listens to her speech backstage, pacing back and forth with an annoyed look. She's scheduled to take on another debutante. Another one! It's like the federation is trying to make her the barrier to entry, when she's gained enough skill to be a top contender! It's so irritating. Especially after how the last one went. She can't afford another screwup. She can't allow herself to be delegated to the bottom rung. This was her dream too, dammit. And someone's coming along to- wait what?

The girl stops on heel, head tilted to look at the monitor. This girl has known her? Watched her? That's kind of flattering. But... no, surely she means that in the sense of just scouting out the opposition. Whatever! Her and her infectiously perky smile and cute face can screw off! She has an intention tonight; the intent to definitively break this newbie. She's set out to make statements before, but tonight, it has to be rough. Make the management acknowledge her. Make them take notice. Putting her in the ring with new people is a sure-fire way to embarrass them.

"Tch," scoffs Katsumi, with all new speech color.

Meanwhile, in the main arena!

House lights go down. The crowd stirs in anticipation. The heavy thrums of an electric guitar riff begin pumping through the stadium as amethyst and emerald laserlights dance through the air. On the titantron, a moonlit backdrop appears. A pair of vivid green feline-esque eyes fades into view, soon framed by 'KATSUMI OSHIRO' in in dramatic shimmer.
Her Intro Video...
"And her opponent!," belts the announcer. "At 5'7", and weighing in at 124 lbs.! Also from Osaka, Japan...! The Punk Princess, herself! KATSUMI! OOOSHIIIIROOOO!"

Timed perfectly for the kick-in to her sizzle reel, Katsumi charges onto the stage, momentum terminating with a quick spin and both fists raised high. The sunglasses rest perched atop her crown, leather jacket drawn wide around her svelte frame as she poses, soaking in the noticeably mixed reaction from the fans. Easily half despise the upstart and her less than honorable ways, while the other half revels in her raw, scoundrel-y nature. Then there are those edgelords out there who simply root for the meaner person in the ring, even at their own cost.
Entrance Attire
It doesn't matter to her. She's bathing in the energy they provide, awash in their love and hate, their adoration and scorn. As her arms lower, she brings a finger forward to point at the sporty girl already in the ring. Those eyes narrow, lips drawn back in a disdainful little snarl. Rather atypical her puckish demeanor for most entrances! But after that non-verbal message was delivered, she fans out the luxurious tresses of her blueblack hair and uptilts her chin, eyes briefly lidded in deliberately aloof fashion.

And then?

A confident, even cocky sashay down the ramp. One hand propped to her waist as her hips sway, the other arm left to swing loose and carefree, her step perky and light. Upon reaching the edge of the ring, she grabs onto the middle rope and swings herself up onto the apron smoothly. Spinning over, her back presses against the ropes and she lifts a fist. The other hand joins to begin cranking... cranking... cranking... up pops a middle finger to the audience. "Muah~," she air-kisses at them.

More boos. More scorn. She flashes a coy smile.

Arching over the top rope, she cleanly rolls up and over to alight gold-soled boots on the mat, only to race up the furthest turnbuckle. Perching on the middle rope, she leans out over the crowd. "LEMME HEAR YA!," she shouts over the fevered noise, and thumps a fist to her chest a couple times.

At last, she drops to the mat and plucks the shades from her brow to tuck them away in an inner-pocket of the jacket. The outerwear is shrugged from her narrow shoulders and slide off, depositing it at the edge of the ring, outside of convenient reach. Then, at last, she turns to face her opponent for the evening, the corner of her lips quirked into a confident little smirk, her hands propped to her hips.
Katsumi, Ready to Go
Her opponent is, perhaps woefully at that, cute. Definitely the sporty type, with a pretty face and great energy. She bets she was a hit, wherever she came from. But here, tonight, she has to use her to break out of this debutante hell. So as the referee issues the pat-down, she leans back into her corner.

"Now's your last chance to tell your family'n friends to watch somethin' else~," she calls.
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

Unread post by PuroQueen »

Chiyo bounced on the balls of her feet as she finished her stretches in the corner of the ring, feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins. This was her chance to shine, to prove to everyone watching that she had what it took to be a star in the world of wrestling. The lights overhead were almost blinding, and the roar of the crowd filled her with spirit.

Suddenly, the arena darkened, and the crowd hushed. Chiyo's heart skipped a beat as she heard the first notes of her opponent's entrance music. She turned to face the ramp, watching as Katsumi stepped into view. The other wrestler exuded a sense of menace and aggression that she had seen many times on TV, but now that it was right in front of her, it made Chiyo's stomach clench. Katsumi strode towards the ring with purpose, pausing at the ropes only to pop a cold, scornful middle finger towards the crowd!

Chiyo couldn't help but gasp as Katsumi waved the crude gesture towards the fans, disrespecting scores of people who had come to watch their fight! The rookie had been excited to face off against the fellow Osaka native, but she quickly realized that the difference between them couldn't have been any more stark. A dark, punk aesthetic clouded her appearance as a mix of jeers and cheers accompanied her every step into the ring.

As if Chiyo couldn't be any more displeased with her opponent's attitude, Katsumi decided to seal the deal with a few dismissive words thrown her way. Chiyo clenched her fists tightly by her side. She knew that being the new girl made her the underdog in this match, but that, combined with her opponent's complete disregard for the fans and the ring, only made her more determined to come out on top. Chiyo squared her shoulders and stretched out her limbs as the referee approached her for the pat-down, her bright smile belying her fierce determination.

"I don't need to Katsumi," she said, her voice carrying itself steadily across the ring. "They're about to witness the beginning of my journey to the top... and so are you!" Chiyo exclaimed, shooting both a finger and a bright smile in her opponent's direction. The claim was met with wide approval from the crowd!

Chiyo wrapped both hands across the ropes and leaned forward, bracing herself for an explosive start as the referee made her way to the center of the ring. As soon as the bell rang out and the referee signaled the start of the match, Chiyo was off to the races! She pushed herself off from the corner with a mighty burst, picking up speed with every step. Her opponent's height and weight advantage was evident as soon as she had stepped into the ring, so a test of strength probably wouldn't have done Chiyo any favors. Instead, Chiyo attempted a far riskier but potentially more rewarding opening move, a running dropkick aimed straight for her opponent's chest!

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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Katsumi is judging absolutely everything about her opponent. The way she looks at her, the way her frame seems tense, any flinches in her expression, telltale signs that she's getting under her skin, rattling her cage, found her weak point. But it isn't just for the sake of taking a strategic advantage, nor simply the thrill of riling someone up. She fully intends to dismantle this girl, but she's eager to see what personality type she's dealing with.

Those balled fists. The rigid posturing. The smile on her face, the fingerpoint, even what she chooses to say - it's kind've refreshing to find a newbie opponent who isn't a wilting lily. One whose world isn't completely destroyed by the idea that they may not be friends, and this might not be a nice little hug-fest. The pinkette is feisty. She has fire. She's spicy. If she weren't planning to style all over her, she'd allow herself to appreciate that a little more.

"Just remember you said that~," calls Katsumi as Chiyo revs her proverbial engine. This exchange, as small and seemingly insignificant as it might have been, has told Katsumi how she intends to finish this match. It'll be the perfect signal to management to quit putting newbies in the ring with her.

Because this... this is what she'll do to them.

The bell rings. Chiyo fires off at her like a bullet. Katsumi is typically the one to charge her opponent right off the bat in unbridled aggression. But the other girl scores a little more points in the moxy department. It is, unfortunately, some distance to cover on an opponent who is watching her closely. And like a bullfighter, the slender punk weaves aside to let Chiyo's legs whiff, either hitting the pads or slipping between them to worse effect.

Either way, Katsumi is hoping the result sees Chiyo spilled semi-upside-down against the corner. And whichever way it happens, there's a bark of a laugh - that transitions quickly into an aggressive series of mudhole stomps aimed to sink into the girl's belly. Each stomp punctuated with, "You! Done! Fucked! Up! Sporty Spice!"
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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Like a speeding bullet, Chiyo soared through the air with speed and precision, the soles of her boots braced for stiff impact with her opponent! Except... bullets were supposed to have targets, and Chiyo's had managed to slip away in the nick of time.

Chiyo's crashed into the corner, her legs crumpled against the padding before inadvertently flinging upwards in awkward fashion. The rest of her body flopped down below, all that momentum now redirecting her straight towards the mat. She landed with a harsh thud on her tailbone, a sharp yelp piercing through her lips as the pain made it's way up her spine.

The gutsy move had panned out to be a disastrous failure, one that left Chiyo reeling on her head... literally. One leg was draped over the middle rope, the other spilled outside the ring, her back slumped against the corner, and her head lolling against the mat - needless to say, it took Chiyo quite a while to regain her bearings, but once she did, she was startled by what she saw. Katsumi was looming above her, a dark cackle emanating from her lips before a large boot obscured the punk girl's face from view.

Another painful cry slipped from between her clenched teeth as the first of many stomps began to rain down on the rookie's young form, her nimble body bouncing up and down from each and every strike. Katsumi's heel dug merciless into her stomach, and though Chiyo did her best to stifle a scream, there was no hiding the audible groans and yelps that interspersed the vicious kicks.

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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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None of those impacts were light. None of those were restrained, nothing held back. She saw an opportunity, an advantage, a little blood in the water, and she took it. The rookie rushed her like Hellfire and brimstone, and now the poor thing is flopping around like a beached fish under the repeated, weighty stomps of a gold-laced boot. The audience, the half that supported Katsumi's edgy devil-may-care attitude, are roaring their approval of the brutality, a few even laughing at the newcomer. The others, fuming.

The referee also has a say in the matter! "Oshiro-san, stop!"

Katsumi finishes the mashing of Chiyo's insides and turns briefly to the referee, hands up in classic dindunuffin meerkat stance. But she's right back to Chiyo, leaning in to helpfully assist her to her feet. That is to say, hook one hand under her arm, and grip hold of the base of her ponytail, pulling with both to force her up to her feet facing away from her. She yanks back on the hair to rear Chiyo into an arch, then thrusts her forward to bash her forehead against the turnbuckle pad before letting go.

"I said stop!," fusses the referee. "Don't push it!"

"I did, didn't I?," she coos innocently.

Fortunately enough, after the impact, Katsumi would step away from the corner to turn to the audience, arms spread to either side, smug smirk on her face. The booing and scorn has only ramped up in intensity at the sight of her cocky display, and for Katsumi? That's the entire point. She's soaking it in. Loving it. It's candy. Pure, sweet, electrical candy.

Meanwhile, the referee hovers near Chiyo. In part to ensure the newcomer isn't injured, and in part to make sure Katsumi doesn't continue the unsporting onslaught.
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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Gasping for breath, Chiyo could only cry out in agonizing pain as she was pummeled mercilessly into the corner. It was a humiliating turn of events, one that Chiyo couldn't believe had happened so suddenly. But from the brief glimpses of Katsumi's face between stomps, the devious punk had no intentions of stopping anytime soon. She might have even ended the match like this if it weren't for the referee's interference.

Chiyo let out a loud groan as she was finally offered some respite, both hands clutching her stomach while her body still slumped over in pain. A dull throbbing continued to work its way through her abdomen from the repeated attacks on her belly, and combined with her upside-down stature, it took a painful amount of effort not to gag.

The crowd's reaction, the referee's voice, and Katsumi's glare all faded into the background as Chiyo focused on trying to ease the pain, with futile results.

Suddenly, she felt a hand tuck itself underneath her arm, and before she could react, Chiyo was being yanked up by her ponytail! A soft whimper dribbled from her mouth as she was slowly dragged back up to her feet, her hands no longer wrapped around her stomach, but rather desperately trying to claw at Katsumi's fingers, but to no avail. She was jerked backwards, then forwards - her forehead crashing into the turnbuckle pad with a resounding thud! Chiyo's vision blurred momentarily, her brain scrambling to reassemble itself.

But the pain kept her conscious, and gritting her teeth, she tried her best to push through it!

As Katsumi was forced to step away, Chiyo slumped against the corner, arms pressed against the turnbuckles with her head tucked between them as she tried to hide her grimace from the cameras. She weakly nodded her head when the referee asked if she was okay to continue, but her eyes secretly narrowed with determination.

Chiyo could hear the crowd booing at her opponent, with a small few actually encouraging the heel's sadistic methods. She tuned it all out, realigning her focus solely on regaining her strength. No way was she going to let Katsumi get away with this. She knew she was still in pain, but she couldn't let that stop her. Chiyo had been in situations like this before, and she knew that the only way out was to fight back!

With unannounced vigor, Chiyo suddenly pushed back from the corner, her expression replaced with one of unyielding spirit! Her next move lacked the punch of its predecessor, but what it lacked in power, it made up for in valor. Chiyo's arm whipped out from the turnbuckle, her body in a full spin as her palm led the charge towards Katsumi's face. Her goal was simple: A swift, open-handed slap right into the cheek of her fierce opponent. If successful, the audacious attack would immediately be followed up by an equally powerful stare, one that would show Katsumi and the world that Chiyo wasn't afraid of anyone!
Last edited by PuroQueen on Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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"Ah-huh, ah-huh, that's right~," purrs Katsumi, accepting her role as the lightning rod of audience angst, her fingers wiggling to beckon it on into herself. As if she were drawing energy and strength from it, like some kind of dark paladin. Alas, nothing about the Punk Princess's personality is refined enough for such accolades. But she is thoroughly enjoying the visceral response she's getting. There are certain aspects to professional wrestling that drew her in as a little girl, and the idea that she could command an audience like this, be that center of attention, that point of focus, was one of them. Granted, she always imagined herself being cheered back then, but...


Her head turns sharply to spot Chiyo now standing, staring at her with wild determination. But Katsumi isn't about to surrender her pedestal, her air of superiority! With a confident swagger, she wheels around to face the newcomer, preparing a sizzling hottake for her and her budding big league career, when-


The slap almost silences the audience. The commentators are left agape.

Katsumi's head whips to the side. She isn't staggered off her feet, but her face is manually turned away, a dull pink handprint now emblazoned on her otherwise fair skin. Her head turns to face her again, emerald eyes wide and watering from the sting, stunned in the moment. Of all the things she's endured in the ring, outraged slapping? That's not been one of them to come up so often. It's enough to make the girl briefly bluescreen.

And then the audience erupts into cheer.

There's something inherently humiliating about a slap like that. Disrespectful to the max - certainly more than anything Katsumi's said or done so far! At least, in her very biased, and often socially-daft mind. Her jaw firms, a fire igniting behind those eyes, and she fires back with a series of stiff forearm shots intended to rain against her chest and collar.
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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Chiyo's eyes locked onto Katsumi with an intensity that could make a lesser opponent quiver back down in submission. But not Katsumi. No, she stared right back with a look far angrier than any words could have conveyed.

The two wrestlers stood there, each one in defiance of the other, staring daggers, staring death itself into each other's souls. Katsumi's emerald eyes burned with hate, Chiyo's brown orbs with resilience. It was a tense moment, like the calm before the storm, and the crowd waited with bated breath...

Only to transform into deafening cheers! A smile slipped through Chiyo's stoic gaze as she glanced over at the hundreds of newfound supporters. The crowd chanted their approval, but the thrilling moment would not last long for the newcomer. With flames in her eyes, Katsumi capitalized on Chiyo's distraction, launching wave after wave of chops at the pinkette's chest!

Each strike felt like lightning, eliciting sharp squeals of pain as she was slowly sent back towards the corner with each shot. Soon, she found herself backed up against the turnbuckles once again, her collar slowly becoming a patchwork of red and pink skin.

It seemed like nothing could stop Katsumi; she was like a force of nature, relentless and unyielding. But then, just as it looked like she had Chiyo trapped and dazed, something unexpected happened.

Chiyo reached out and attempted to grab her wrist mid-strike. If she was successful, she would then swivel behind her opponent, taking that arm and twisting it behind her back in a hammerlock! "You're not the only one who can dish it out, you know. Now let's see if you can take it too!" Chiyo challenged. If she was lucky enough to get this far, she would then complete the transition with a rough push forward, sandwiching Katsumi between the corner padding and Chiyo's toned body as she torqued her opponent's arm further up her back!

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Re: Katsumi Oshiro vs Chiyo Hamamoto(D) - A Spark Ignites

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Normally, Katsumi might've had some sass to deliver in the midst of that torrent of blows; insults, mockery, any number of wiles. But after that slap, the sting still fresh on her pixie face, the only thing on her mind is how red her vision has become. That has to have a chance to subside first, and the best way to do that is to indulge in her darker side. Her violent side. The side that is innately drawn to the squared circle for reasons other than fame and fortune. The girl's a fighter. A scrapper. She always has been. And in moments like these, the recent training she's undergone takes a backseat to the raw, tempestuous nature that is the adopted Oshiro.

She doesn't really know what she intends to do with her once she's forced her into the corner. If the barrage continues, it'll likely devolve into another stomping session to wear her down. But suddenly, she finds her strike caught and redirected, her target suddenly weaving in behind her back. "Ahn!," she cries, partly in pain, partly in frustration. She starts to reach back to find purchase of any kind on her rival, but it's too little, too late. She's shoved forward, planting hard into the corner chest-first. "Ungh!"

With teeth grit, she flails her free arm a moment. Only that effort is cut short as the hammerlock cinches in higher. "A-aah!" Katsumi reflexively pops onto the toes of her boot, eyes squeezing shut. The free hand suddenly clamps onto the top rope at her side. "Ref'!," she calls, her voice a little higher pitched in the strain.

Even this referee, a consummate professional, struggles with the moral quandary. Katsumi was obviously disrespecting her role and disregarding her rulings earlier, but now that it suits her, she's become a rules lawyer! With some grudging apprehension, the referee girl sidles in beside the pair. "Hamamoto-san! She has the ropes, break!"
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