Rules: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out her opponent.
Chiyo stood in front of the mirror, her heart pounding against her chest. She was dressed in her bright burgundy and gold wrestling gear, complete with matching knee pads and boots. Her makeup was done impeccably, her hair perfectly styled in a long, neat ponytail. She was everything she'd ever dreamed of being, and yet she couldn't shake the feeling of nervousness that had been with her all night.
This was her debut match in the big leagues, the moment she had been waiting for since she was a little girl. Chiyo had always been a fan of joshi wrestling, and she had idolized the women who graced the ring. Now, she was one of them. It was a dream come true, and yet... it was also terrifying.
She took a deep breath and looked herself in the eye. "You've got this," she whispered to herself. "You're ready for this."
The sound of her entrance music filled the backstage area, and Chiyo's heart rate increased. She recognized the song immediately - it was Red Hot by Mรถtley Crรผe, an apt metal theme she had used in all her past promotions. She took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance ramp, her smile widening as she saw the crowd on the other side of the curtain.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her debut here at LAW, at 5'3", and weighing in at 114 lbs! From Osaka, Japan! It's RED...HOT... CHIYOOOOO!"
Chiyo Hamamoto

Chiyo danced her way down the ramp, her arms waving in the air. She blew kisses to the crowd, high-fiving the outstretched arms of nearby fans and viewers. She had always been a bit of a performer, and she knew that her entrance was just as important as her in-ring performance. She wanted to make a good first impression, to show the crowd what she was made of.
As she reached the ring, Chiyo climbed up onto the apron, waving to the crowd. She took a deep breath and gripped the top rope with both hands, offering the referee and the ring itself a respectful bow before stepping into the squared circle, her heart pounding. She took a moment to look around, taking in the sight of the arena. The lights were bright, the crowd was loud, and everything was just as she had imagined it would be.
Chiyo took the microphone from the ring announcer, her heart racing. She had practiced her monologue all week, but now that she was here, she felt a bit tongue-tied. She looked out at the crowd, her smile wide.
"Hello, everyone!" she said, her voice shaking slightly. "My name is Chiyo, and I am so happy to be here tonight. I have dreamed of being a wrestler here for as long as I can remember, and tonight, that dream has come true. I am so excited to face off against Katsumi, who I have known and watched for quite some time now. I know that she is tough, but I am ready to give it my all. I want to show you all what I'm made of, and I hope that you'll cheer me on!"
The crowd roared with applause, and Chiyo felt a surge of energy as she walked back to her corner, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her opponent. She had done it - she had made it to the big stage. Now, all she had to do was prove that she belonged here.