Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Luiza is struggling as she is looking up in a daze at the ring lights above her head, as she can hear the ref counting but her body just refuses to move from taking another power punch from her opponent who is starting to beat her from pillar to post right now. As she makes a motion to roll over onto her side and try to get to her feet but Kennedy is not allowing that to happen, as the younger woman would crawl on top of her body and start to grope and massage her breasts with her boxing gloves on.

To make matters worse was that Kennedy had silenced her moans with a kiss that she was in control of, as the older woman would moan into the other woman's mouth as her body would arch itself off the canvas.

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Kennedy massaged Luiza’s breasts with a firm grip of her gloves and the kiss was so exhilarating as it activated Kennedy’s primal instincts. Kennedy began sitting up and then put her gloves up starting to punch Luiza’s big boobs like punching bags. The dominant feeling was starting to take over and Kennedy would oblige heavily. She had been the winner before this match even began and she was going to have some fun. Her punches became more fierce as they punished the breasts of the older jobber.

I think we all know who is winning this match, hon, but it’s far too easy to just let you get counted out. Take this! And some of this! And some of that!” Kennedy declared with her punches sinking into Luiza’s boobies.
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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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'AAAAHHHHHH' Luiza would scream out as she had been beaten before and some losses were just plain embarrassing for the older woman. But this one just feels worse as Kennedy had her beaten as soon as she entered the ring.

But what the younger woman is doing to her is just pure domination and Luiza feels like she won't recover from this beating at all after it is done, as her breasts are starting to take the punishment as each blow thrown from Kennedy rocks her orbs and leaving them bruised for all to see.

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Kennedy then got off her opponent as the referee had to eventually step in to make the count. The referee checked out Luiza and considered just calling for the bell right there. The bruises were apparent all around the older woman and Kennedy had did quite a number on her boobies. Purple and black was surely the new color for this tigress and Kennedy just relaxed in a neutral corner just smirking. The referee had to ask the question.

“Luiza, can you continue? If not, I shall end the match and Kennedy is the victor,” The referee instructed.
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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Beaten and bruised with her breasts taking most of the beating by her blond opponent, Luiza would curl up into a ball clutching her beaten orbs with her gloved hands.

Small whimpers come from her beaten form as she doesn't even pay attention to the ref coming over to ask if she gives up or not... But the older woman is stubborn as she reaches to put her mouth guard back into her mouth and stumbles to her feet. Leaning against the ref and holding her gloves up "Don't stop the fight ... Don't stop it just yet. Alright."

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Kennedy huffed with her gloves on her hips as she looked unimpressed at Luiza. The bell rang ending the second round and it wasn’t a long shot to guess who won this fight. Kennedy practically buried her gloves in Luiza’s breasts making a mockery of her in front of this crowd. Kennedy sat on her stool and took a few deep breaths to gear up some of her strength. She planned on ending this fight next round.
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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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crawling over to her corner as she is saved by the bell again. Luiza just sits on the stool at this point, gasping and heaving from being hurt so much during this boxing match, her head down as she allows her mouthpiece to fall from her mouth. She knows she is nothing more than a sexy punching bag for Kennedy to play with now. The bell rings to begin the next round, and Luiza is still sitting on her stool, sweat coating her body as she looks like a loser in the corner of the ring for everyone to see.

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Awww, come on, Luiza. You can’t be done with already. I barely have any scratches on me and you’re just my bitch at this point. Tell you what….let’s make a deal. I’ll let you forfeit this match on the spot and become my prisoner of war for at least one week. You’ll pleasure me in that time and be my maid until I’m good and satisfied with your work. if you don’t take this deal, you’ll wake up in the hospital. Take your pick,” Kennedy offered as she crossed her arms and winked at her victim.
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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Luiza would barely stir at the offer being made to her by Kennedy. Her mouth guard has fallen from her mouth and is lying on the canvas in front of her as the ref comes over to check on her some more and starts to raise her hands to call it off since the woman is not moving at all from her stool. But Luiza slowly rises to her feet, gloves outstretched, and leans against the ref.

"No. I'm not stopping the fight. I won't let her embarrass me like this,"
she mumbles before staggering forward to continue fighting. Some fans begin a small cheer upon seeing her betrayal before refusing to lose, and some small chants for her are heard. 

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Re: Out Boxed: Kennedy vs Luiza

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Kennedy boringly blew some blonde strands from her eyes and sighed. She did give Luiza an easy way out of this, but some people preferred the hard way it seems. Time to end this. The referee would just call for the bell starting the third round as Kennedy came in rushing forward and went for one simple right hook to the cheek. This would be the winning shot and then Kennedy would have her way with Luiza to get some satisfaction winning.
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