Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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"Oh, no I will be alright. You have nothing to apologise for, it is merely some ailments. As you say yourself they will pass in time." Sophia would explain, no doubt being stubborn at this point as it was clear the poor young woman was in discomfort. She was about to stand, but a small shudder made her settle down before she could even get up off her knees, her hands placed firmly against her lower back on either side of her spine. She stretched her body slightly, biting on her lower lip to stifle any potential complaints her body might try and form.

Sophia realised all at once that she actually needed a moment, watching as Asp slowly began to shift behind her in a slow and purposeful manner.
"You have already done more than enough for me today. I could not ask for any more of you." Sophia would try to protest, watching as Asp began to rub her hands to warm them up, slipping up close behind her. She held up her hands, not willing to commit however, sensing the apprehensions Sophia possessed as she spoke... Sophia took a brief moment, feeling somehow guilty that she was making Asp go to work. Sophia was one who always suffered in silence, and having all this sudden attention was foreign to her.

She tried to move one last time, but a twinge in her spine told her all she needed to know. With a small sigh, Sophia would finally concede to Asp's care, managing to give her a small nod to give her permission to work her magic once more. In truth, her massage from earlier had been an absolute delight, knowing what Asp was capable of achieving with just the few minutes work she applied upon Sophia. Given the complaint in her lower spine this time though, Sophia feared this experience might not be quite as pleasant as the previous... but the work was clearly necessary.
"A... alright..."

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Despite the protests, Asp couldn't help but smile at Sophia’s defiance, brief as it was. It was easy to write her off as just being shy, but she suspected it went deeper than even that. Habits ingrained from a lifetime, an isolated lifestyle, and then coming to LAW and being thrust into such a treacherous environment. She herself had been lucky with her short time in the company, having not crossed anyone who meant to do her harm beyond the match, but she knew her companion couldn't say the same.

But she gave in. Of course. A good thing, too, because Asp had no intention of letting up on the subject. ”Put yourself at ease. Relax. This will take but a moment.”

Asp began to reach forward with her hands, but stopped halfway, as a better idea came to mind. While her fingers would be deft at dealing with small aches and pains, Sophia’s troubles seemed deeper, stronger, and more pervasive. She needed something a little hardier.

”Just keep calm.” Asp brought her legs around Sophia’s waist, locked her ankles in front of her, and started a slow, grinding squeeze on her back, manipulating her muscles and making them press deep into her body with strong, rhythmic pulse. A little pressure here, then there, then here again, coming at her in waves.

And yes, she was quite enjoying the contact. She closed her eyes and hummed, falling into a comfortable rhythm as she inched even closer, letting her body lazily rest against Sophia’s. Cuddling.

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Sophia remained flat upon her knees as Asp slowly and delicately shifted along the soft and luxurious rug to position herself behind Sophia. She felt her hands briefly run down her exposed back, slipping lower towards the area of torment in her lower spine. Even her touch was soft and almost caressing, as if searching out for the ailment, but it was short lived. Sophia had virtually braced herself for that first amount of pressure against the lower back, but instead Asp's hands slipped away. Sophia gasped quietly when Asp made a more unique approach, her bare legs slipping methodically at either side of Sophia, before her ankles softly crossed together.

Sophia was clearly taken off guard, her first instinct to grasp at Asp's thighs, that infamous knot of nerves building up within her at the sudden amount of skin contact as those thighs pressed in against her own exposed core. Asp slid up close behind her, whispering softly near her ear for her to remain calm. It was a little difficult to do, this amount of contact taking the alluring German off guard as she felt a breath catch within her throat. Suddenly there was pressure, those powerful legs of a dancer tensing, thigh muscles hardening as both legs slowly began to close in around Sophia's waist and squeeze. Sophia felt a soft moan slip from her lips, the pressure catching her off guard.

Such was the squeeze, that it turned Sophia, those thighs pressing firmly against her lower stomach and back now, with Asp at her side, one arm coming around Sophia's shoulder to support herself. Sophia's breathing sharpened slightly, the stunning platinum blonde looking like she wanted to form words, but her mind drawing nothing. A second squeeze grinded against her lower midriff and spine, this time catching that ailment. Sophia grunted, feeling her back straighten. She leaned back against her arms briefly, biting on her lower lip as a low groan was forced from her lips. Her stomach muscles slowly began to tense to try and endure, her toes curling as Sophia felt that strength within Asp's legs.

By now the squeezing was consistent, pressing against her lower spine, whilst Asp adjusted her form, slipping her core deeper between those bare thighs. By now, Asp was up close against her side, her legs applying deep pressure, slowly beginning to press against the issue in Sophia's spine. It made Sophia strain, but she tried her best to relax, knowing it was no doubt required. A slight blush had appeared upon Sophia's cheeks, up close and personal with Asp as she continued to bodyscissors her form in an attempt to crack her lower back.

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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As Asp expected from trying something like this for the first time, the results were a tad mixed. Sophia had predictably and understandably not seen it coming, so she was taken aback by the unique form of massage. Given her own experiences, it was a wonder that she didn’t react violently. How many times had someone tried to crush her in this manner? How many foes had attempted to break her with their bodies, squeezing and crushing with brutal intent? She could’ve fought out of this if she’d wanted, struggled and denied it.

But she didn’t. She gave Asp her trust, and that gesture was rewarded when the perfect spot to squeeze was found. She zeroed in on the kink in Sophia’s back and set her legs to work on pressing it down, controlling her muscles to perfection and wearing the trouble spot down, bit by bit and squeeze by squeeze.

And they were close. So close.

It was to be expected, given what Asp was trying to do, but even so, Asp underestimated how good it would be so close to Sophia. They had been fighting the last time they were like this, with her teasing the German while she tried to crush the fight out of her. She hadn't been able to appreciate how good her skin felt or wonderful her hair smelled. Her gleaming eyes had gone unnoticed. And her lips, so succulent and moist…

Asp didn’t give it any thought - she moved over, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips to Sophia’s in search of a kiss. A gentle touch, not forceful, merely reaching in the hopes that her friend would reciprocate.

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Asp's legs continued to methodically apply pressure against her waist, her bare thighs tensing and relaxing in a slow pulsating and firm manner. Each time, it felt like Asp would edge closer, her arms wrapping a little more around Sophia's back whilst another arm loosely draped across her chest, firmly grasping at her shoulder. Such was the power of her legs, Sophia could not fight it when a soft moan was forced from her lips. For a moment, there was discomfort from her lower spine, causing Sophia to tense a little and writhe. Asp found the culprit area, her focus upon that part of her lower back as the squeezing slowly became a little more intense.

Biting on her lower lip, Sophia was in a mind to ask Asp to stop. Whatever it was she was attempting to do, it was not working, and Sophia was already at her limit of comfort with Asp wrapped around her as she was, all this sudden skin contact and being between the thighs of the red haired beauty causing her nerves to get the better of her. Suddenly, a firmer squeeze was applied that took Sophia a little off guard. She gasped out, arching back against the pressure, before a series of muffled clicks and pops sounded out. Her body jolted briefly, before she gasped out, feeling the pressure ease all at once. Asp had cracked her back, and though the shock of it caught Sophia off guard... she instantly felt that tension leave her spine.

She took a few deep breaths, feeling Asp's body hold upon her ease, though her grip remained firm for the time being.
"Oh... I... I believe that might have actually did the..." Sophia's whisper of relief was cut short when she turned to Asp in an attempt to praise her successful efforts. The moment she turned her head, Asp moved in upon her. Her legs squeezed once again, though this time more in the fashion of a deep embrace, before her soft and succulent lips slipped against her own. Sophia's eyes went wide in a brief moment, her heart feeling like it caught within her own chest.

Her initial panic made her want to push Asp away, her experience with kisses not all so desirable, especially since joining the LAW where such a thing was used against her forcibly and undesirably... but there was something different about this kiss. It was not forced, it was soft and careful, it was gentle. Sophia had audibly gasped almost in fright when it first happened, her body tensing up at the shoulders... But she did not retreat, feeling Asp's own soft lips slowly dance at her own, teasing and willing for her to join in... and ever so softly, her body began to relax as her eyes would softly close. It felt like it had been minutes, but only seconds had passed, but slowly, Sophia began to kiss back, her lips softly meshing at Asp's, sharing a kiss with her.

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Asp had to be careful, here. While she was an advocate of free love, having no qualms with giving herself to anyone she deemed worthy and fulfilling desires, she knew that Sophia was, in many ways, her polar opposite. She was, to some degree, taking advantage of the woman’s experience, and taking the risk of her being in a situation for which she was wholly unprepared.

She was also aware that the German had trust issues, and understandable ones at that. LAW had not been kind to her, she had been tricked and betrayed, and while the physical scars may have vanished, the mental ones lingered. She wanted there to be something between them, but Asp was not so enthralled with Sophia as to be blinded. This could be nothing. This could be her wishing for something that was never truly there.

And yet, she took the risk. She dared. She searched around in the dark, fumbling, and found a real thing to grasp onto.

Sophia returned the kiss. A small, simple thing to most, but from her, it was a gesture of immense significance. She had prodded before, merely feeling out to test the waters, but now that they were of one mind, she pressed deeper and sought more. With her legs still wrapped around Sophia’s waist, she eased her willing captive to the floor and brought her arms around the back of her neck, keeping them tight as close, all while her lips picked up the pace. One kiss turned to two, turned to three, turned to a fourth. Long and hungry, her tongue found its way into her mouth and surveyed the territory, before she pulled away and brought her lips to Sophia’s ear.

”I want you, Sophia.” She kept her low, as if sharing a secret between the two of them, words not meant to be spoken aloud. ”Do you want me?”

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

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Sophia could not help but let slip a soft moan from her parting lips as Asp expertly was able to shift the two of them during this moment. Her legs shifted, wrapping tighter around her waist in a near yoga like manner, squeezing Sophia and causing her midriff to strain slightly. Having been victim to Asp's dangerous legs during their match, she knew what power the Egyptian beauty was capable of, and this was far from what she was capable of thankfully. Asp however was now face to face with her, easing Sophia to lie upon the soft carpet below, all but trapping Sophia completely in her leg lock with Sophia's lower back pinning her legs. Arms delicately slip around her neck, holding her close, as their lips danced together in a soft series of kisses.

Sophia had regrettably been kissed more often than she would have liked within the confines of LAW, a select portion of wrestlers using deplorable tactics to try and throw Sophia off guard... but this was different. It felt so different. It had been a long time since Sophia had felt a kiss like this. Slowly the passion began to increase, with Asp taking it a step closer, letting her tongue slip sensually into Sophia's own mouth, entwining with her own. A deep squeeze from her legs forced Sophia to writhe slightly, groaning softly with the pressure, that parting of her lips allowing Asp to explore more. Asp's bare midriff docked against Sophia's own, moving and gliding, forcing as much skin contact as possible as their bodies began to grind together.

The kiss broke, leaving Sophia a little breathless, as the embrace deepened with Asp pulling her closer. Her lips edged and brushed over her ear, her voice so low and almost hypnotising. Sophia breathed deep, which Asp took advantage of, pressing up against her, as if desiring to feel every inch of her form against Asp's own. Clad in little more than revealing Belly Dancer outfits, there was so much skin contact, Sophia's was not used to such a thing, especially not in a capacity as this. Her nerves still battled against her... this was not what she had in mind when she accepted Asp's invitation, but she could not help but feel that a small part of her knew this was how it could end.

Asp made her intent clear all at once, making Sophia gasp at the implications. She had never felt such a mix of emotions, nor experienced the desire within her from the way Asp embraced and caressed her form. She was scared... but she was also excited. Sophia did not know what she wanted, but her lips seemed to take control.
"Yes..." Sophia replied, her voice less than a whisper, but loud enough for Asp to hear.

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Re: Fortuity [Sophia & Asp]

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

The moment she laid eyes on Sophia, Asp knew that this was where she wished to be, that this was the precise moment she wanted. In a way, that was a small statement - the German was hardly the first woman she had looked upon with wanton lust, after all. She’d entertained dozens of fantasies in her time, pined after hundreds of suitors, roaming the world and living a free, unbound life. To the casual observer, this was merely another tryst. A quick dalliance. Nothing worthy of much note.

And yet, Asp could feel that it was so much more. The weight of the moment wasn’t lost on her. Getting Sophia to open up at all was a herculean challenge, but bringing her to this level of intimacy was nigh unthinkable. Was this her first time? Would she ever extend this much trust to another person? Was Asp toying with her on some level, taking advantage of a person with emotions that even she didn't quite understand?

Those questions plagued her, jackals nipping at her heels. But they all melted away when Sophia spoke one, single word.

‘Yes’. Simple as it was, hearing it sent a shiver through Asp’s body, the single sexiest thing she had ever seen this woman do. To have that level of trust from the German meant more than any gift she could ever receive. It was this precious, intangible thing, but it was a treasure she wouldn’t trade for anything.

Asp didn’t say anything. She didn't need to. She only moved in closer, and kissed again, tightening her embrace as she laid atop Sophia. She closed eyes, sighed, and let her hands roam as they pleased, savoring every touch, every moment she spent with her lover.

It was going to be a long night. A long, beautiful night.

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