Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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This was'nt either Monis nor Mollys first PPV but where Harmonias first outing turned out to be a glorious start, the match of the Bunnies had turned to be a devastating loss for their young team against their rivals, the Carnival Girls. Molly was a different Molly then. She was at her sisters side no matter what, using every underhanded technique imaginable and even if the sheer brutality they faced at the end of the match had spiraled out of control, many people argued it was a wake up call that the two brits needed.

With this loss their dreams of making it big were pushed back as were the matches they had. While Harmonias star was rising, it seemed that Molly was about to fade into obscurity. And the tag team match between Austria and England was not supposed to change anything. But it was then and there that Harmonia had meet Molly for the first time, smitten by her beauty, her grace and her talent. Harmonia fell in love immediatly and all things considered, this should have been a match that the Bunnies should have won but when Harmonia got hurt, it was again Molly who cared for her, looked after her and cried tears for the downed Austrian.

From then on everything went fast and today, months later, they already were a well coordinated team! Molly was not a girl anymore, Harmonia had made her a woman in one more then one way and their hearts were beating for each other.
And now in this PPV they would make history. The Superstars would defeat every threat in their way, presenting LAW with a brandnew start for Molly Forster!

And when the blonde Bunny climbed the turnbuckle, standing over Jem, the crowd couldnt hold back anymore. The ref already was done with Lexys cheating and so she did'nt care if Molly or Jem had a tussle, it seemed that things went for an end already.

Harmonia had been rolled up by Lexy and if she had'nt been the student of Dana Ashford she most likely would have lost here and there. But the smiling demon had formed Harmonia into her most formidable student and the reflexes of the Austrian were as sharp as blade. Of course the surprise of the attack delayed her jumping out of the pin but nontheless, just when the ref hit a second time she kicked out with a loud scream, throwing Lexy off of her to thunderous cheers.

She got up and saw Molly taking care of Jem and shot a thumbs up to her girlfriend before she turned and got Lexy in a sleeperhold, ready to end this charade. All this time Molly and her looked into each others eyes and Harmonia smiled. Finally she felt the greenette passing out, but before the ref could check on her to end this match, Harmonia dropped her.
"Oh no, this is'nt over yet...", she said and took a step forward over the interviewers limp body.

Molly got Harmonias plea and shoved Jem into the ring where Harmonia finally got to handle the person she really wanted to face. She grabbed Jem by her hair and pulled her up to face her. "You just should have said yes, JemJem...", Harmonia said and spiked a knee into the streamers unprotected belly. Then she wrapped her arms around her and lifted her into a tight bearhug, crushing down on Jem with all her strength. Her muscles rippled, her body strained and the fans went wild with what "The Superstars", presented them with.
"I took your advice to heart Jem. I got stronger and now the" big bad E-Girl is not such a big threat anymore, is'nt she? ", she grinned while compressing Jems midsection. After a good minute of torturing the E-Girl, Harmonia turned to Molly. "Let's finish them off, Molly!", she said and turned around for the debut of their finisher called "Crazy Train". And to really make an impression on both women she placed herself over Lexy, the shadow of Jem and her looming like a threat over the downed wrestler.
Harmonia got ready and now waited for Molly to end their PPV debut as team with a bang!
"Alright Jem Holland get set...to get motherfucking WRECKT!"

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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Molly couldn't have imagined a more perfect night for the Superstars to debut. Even if things were looking rough for a moment, Harmonia had more than turned things around - and she had done so in a way that would show the whole world what their team was all about. They wanted to make an impact with their stunning high-speed style, and it looked as though Jem and Lexy were about to become their unwilling partners when it came to their little demonstration! Now, all that was left was to cap things off in style - and they had plans for that, too.

When Molly saw Harmonia kick out of Lexy's pin, the Englishwoman giggled with glee, practically jumping up for joy. The old Harmonia might have fallen for tricks like these - but this was the new, improved Harmonia Edelstein, and she was out to prove it to the world. Nothing was going to keep her down, especially not an underhanded trick like this from an old rival! When she shot Molly the thumbs-up, Molly was quick to return it, nodding her head to Harmonia with a beaming grin on her face. And when Harmonia scooped Lexy up to manuever her into the sleeperhold, clenching down until the moment the green-haired girl went limp in her grasp, Molly was cheering her every step of the way, hopping up and down and waving her hands! "YEAH!! You got this, Moni - show her what for!!"

But this wasn't just the debut of a new Harmonia - the Austrian was only one half of the whole picture. Molly was just as much a part of the Superstars, and she too was ready to show everyone just how much she had grown under her girlfriend's teachings. She had given a tease of that when she had dealt with Jem, but now was the time to show off what she and Harmonia could really accomplish when they put their heads together. When Harmonia called for her to join the fray, Molly hardly needed any more encouragement when she was already hyped up for her big moment!

"Way ahead of you, Moni!!" With a cheer, she leaped up onto the ropes, letting out a battle cry as she flung herself through the air. As Harmonia held Jem in place, Molly would reach out to grab her by the head as she got close - as she flew by, she would pull her out of Harmonia's grasp to send her crashing down onto her own unconscious tag partner!
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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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The Superstars were having an impressive outing! Despite all the chaos that had unfurled in the match so far, Molly and Moni took control of things beat for beat! The two of them had more than just a rhythm going on! This was no ordinary chemistry or hot streak! The Superstars were special! And at We Are LAW 5, the world found out exactly how special!

"...." Lexy was left listless and lifeless at Moni's feet after the Sleeper hold.

For all her foul play and her multiple attempts to steal the match right from under Edelstein's nose, the truth was Lexy had been running on adrenaline and desperation for some time now! Moni very well could have ended the match if she were content to simply choke Alan out, but she wanted more! The Superstars wanted more!

"Ohhhh boy..." Jem would exhale in exasperation when she found herself rolled into the ring.

The crowd made noise in anticipation as The E-Girl pushed herself up to her feet! But there would be little time for the moment to breathe! Moni had set her sights on Jem! And as LAW had come to learn by now, that situation often worked in Moni's favor!

"W-wait! I never said no!" Holland protested! But it was too late!

"Uuuf!" Jem would groan deeply as Harmonia drove her knee upwards into Jem's thinly veiled abs!

The blow knocked the wind out of Jem! Her arms hung limply as Harmonia effortlessly hauled her up into a dominating and crushing Bearhug hold!

Jem's back would arch backward! She'd close her eyes and grimace in pain! Moni's upper body strength was no joke! And she was giving the world an impressive reminder of that now!

"Agh...!" Jem would gasp breathlessly as she was forced to bend to Moni's will, quite literally!

"Y... yeah you're doing great...kohai...! Ack!" Holland coughed and sputtered to get the words out! It was about all she could do while she was trapped like this! Jem practically had swirls in her eyes as she was hugged down a couple of dress sizes! And yet somehow! The worst was yet to come!

The crowd roared with positive reactions as Moni hugged Jem long enough to make Jem go completely limp, live on PPV! And when Jem was semi-conscious, Moni turned to her girlfriend and tag partner and called for their Crazy Train finisher to close this out! And by lining Jem up such that she'd land on Lexy when they hit the move, The Superstars got ready to give the people what they wanted! An amazing showing from one of LAW's fastest-rising tag teams!

Jem could only stare haplessly into the distance as Harmonia held her in her arms! Jem's bust and upper body slumped over Moni's shoulder, and that was the exact region of her body Molly targeted when she springboarded off the ropes and connected with a dynamic and high-impact aerial clothesline! At the same time that Molly connected, Harmonia would sit out to lay Holland out with a Spinebuster! The pair of Superstars hit their Crazy Train finisher for the second time this match! And this time, they dropped they used the move to great effect, slamming Jem Holland onto the fallen, passed-out body of Harmonia's PPV opponent Lexy Alan!

The scene that followed saw The Superstars stack Jem and Lexy to make a pile of defeated wrestlers! Lexy remained an unconscious, drooling mess underneath Jem! Jem was stretched out and laid out perpendicular to her conniving friend! The E-Girl's hair was disheveled! Her core and her leotard had some visible wrinkles of Harmonia having hugged the life out of her! After making every attempt to help Lexy without slighting or laying a finger on Moni and Molly, Jem was paid for her efforts by being done in by The Superstars in record time!

The crowd was eating it up! They had come alive with cheers all over for The Superstars! Everyone watching knew this thing was a done deal! All that was left was for Moni and perhaps even Molly to pin the blonde and greenette pair and celebrate an impressive outing for The Superstars!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

Unread post by RedShinigami »

The match was already won. There was'nt anything that had to be proved anything that had to be proved anymore but when Jem arrived to distract Harmonia and giving Lexy a cheap win, not to speak all her bragging before the match, Jem was due for some righteous punishment and Molly provided lots of it.

Now the last thing to do was ending this in a spectacular fashion, namely getting rid of both nuisances at the same time. And what better PPV debut for the Superstars then to punish one of their members feircest rivals.
Molly shoved Jem back into the ring where Harmonia welcomed her with a tight and warm embrace, squeezing the last ounces of defiance out of her rival before setting her up for the Superstars finishing move "Crazy Train",named after the Ozzy Osbourne song for whoms music, the Superstar had a fondness for.

And with a pitch perfect movenment, all pieces fell into place when Molly jumped of the ropes and sent Jem down combined with a powerbomb by Harmonia, right into poor Lexys body. The ring shook and the crowd exploded as Harmonia and Molly gave each other a high five. "Ready?",Harmonia smiled and took Mollys hand as they took a seat right on top of the two broken entertainers and the referee began to count with the crowd.

Harmonia saw Jems cellphone and took it, opening the camera and pulling Molly closer.
"Say, Superstar!",she smiled and both girls smiled into the camera while Jems face was nothing to write home about.
Still Harmonia made sure to post it into Jems various accounts with the title "Getting sat on by my idol, the Superstar Harmonia Edelstein. #dreamcometrue"

The bell rang and their theme started to play, but most importantly, Harmonia embraced Molly tight. "We won Molly...", "she said with tears in her eyes and took her friend up and onto her arms as the two Superstar greeted their fans and celebrated this grandiose victory!
"I love you Molly...",Harmonia said as both turned to each other and shared a kiss for the cheering crowd. This was truly a special match today and it would resound for quite some time around the lockerrooms of LAW! The Superstars arrived and they were here to stay!

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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Maybe the Superstars could have ended this match by now - but then, that wasn't they were out to do. This was about more than the victory. This was about making an impact, and cementing themselves as a tag team no one in the audience was going to forget any time soon. Harmonia was a showman at heart, and even when she was dominating the competition in the ring, she wanted to look great doing so. If the Superstars were going to end this match - especially their first big showing as a new team - they were going to end it with a bang, and the two of them knew exactly how to do it, bringing the match to an explosive finish in the very first appearance of a double-team manuever they had trained and worked at to perfection - and they were eager to show it off to the world!

The arena had erupted in cheers even before the ref had made a single count - as soon as Jem came crashing down onto Lexy, the stands rang out with applause at the sight of such athletic prowess and coordination from the two blondes! When Molly at last came to rest on the mat, she quickly rose to her knees, flipping back her hair to get it out of her face. But when she did, she looked out to see the whole arena united in cheers for the Superstars, and her smile could only grow wider as her eyes misted over with tears of joy and pride. They loved them. This would stand as proof enough. There were marvelous things in the Superstars' futures...and Molly could experience them right by her girlfriend's side.

Taking Harmonia by the hand, Molly looked back at her partner and nodded, her grin only growing wider as she scooted closer atop their fallen foes. "Ready!" She and Harmonia had come a long way. They had put the depths of their effort into training, into designing their new looks, and in putting out the hype behind the rise of the Superstars. Now, their wildest dreams were getting realized, and it was only the beginning. With every fall of the referee's hand, Molly's heart beat faster, anticipating the moment the bell would ring. And all the while, she leaned in a little closer to Harmonia. Getting to celebrate such a tremendous victory was one thing. But being able to do it with Harmonia meant all the more. Here and now, it was just as much of a rush as their first date had been.

And, at last, it came. As soon as the ref counted three, Molly had jumped into the air, pumping her fists over her head with a cheer before the bell had even rung! "YES!! YES!!" She didn't need any prompting to turn around to face Harmonia, running right into her arms and pulling her into a tight hug before meeting her for a kiss! It might have only been Harmonia who had her name on the card, but there was no question about it - both of them had shared this victory. And it was sure to be only the first of many more to come!
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Re: Lexy Alan vs Harmonia Edelstein

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Winner via pinfall: Superstar Harmonia Edelstein
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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