Theatrical disturbances

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Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Aeri »

Vidya was excited today. A movie, she was off to watch a movie! This was her first time doing it in theatres, since she hadn’t really ever had much time for luxury prior to coming here.

And she had picked a good one. Glass Onion, the sequel to Knives Out, something she had enjoyed dearly when she had seen it for the first time last year. So, adorned in a plain white shirt, some trousers and her glasses, Vidya was squirming in her seat as the movie was unfolding. They were at a point just prior to the second half, around when the big influencer dude was killed and the lights started to die down.

“.. Poisoned.. he was totally poisoned.. but how..?”

She murmured to herself softly. She had squirmed a little, tossing her head back and looking to the side on accident. The person next to her was on the aisle seat, a silver haired man. In the dim lights of the theatre, she couldn’t see much more, but she didn’t need to, really. Or she wouldn’t if she hadn’t kept hearing snide comments from him all in the past hour.

Grumbling a little, she’d shake her head and affix her view back onto the screen, a hand on her cheek as she watched it intently, letting herself be drawn into the movie.
Last edited by Aeri on Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Bare »

Vesper was bored out of his mind right now as he watched this absolute C rated movie Glass Onion. "God if mom was here we'd be roasting the shit out of this absolute dud right now." He said to himself before taking a loud sip of his drink before leaning on his hand, rolling his eyes after Bautista fell over dead. "Miles literally handed him the glass so its obvious he did it, do they just expect everyone watching this to be a total moron?" He said loudly, not bothered at all if anyone heard him, thankfully though there was hardly anyone here but him and some other girl with green hair or something. but again its not like he cared.

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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Aeri »


Vidya grumped, pushing her finger against her lip after he spoke for the first time. She wasn’t very loud because really, she didn’t wanna be noticed too much..

.. but then the white haired man just slurped his drink harder. She’d wrinkle her face, turning to him and shushing him once more. But to no avail as he was moaning for the THIRD time! She’d groan in annoyance, as Vidya stood up, and straight up sat down on the divider between her seat and Vespers, leaning down and pressing her finger to HIS lips this time, leaning down with a slight huff.

“ShhHhhHhhhHh!! Must you be a spoilsport, you white haired pendejo!” (idiot)
Last edited by Aeri on Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Theatrical disturbances

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Sitting back and continued to comment derisively about the film he was watching Vesper paid no mind to the shifting movement next to him. Well up until he felt a bit pressure and warmth against his side and looked up to see a rather cute girl sitting on the divider of his seat.

Just about to comment and probably flirt he would be cut off by a finger on his lips preventing him from doing so as the girl apparently took exception to his criticisms making him nod.. for a moment before reaching up and gently grabbing her wrist before pulling her finger off his mouth.

Looking the bespectacled girl in the eyes he would just smirk before responding. cálmate guacamole para el cerebro, no es mi culpa este programa de mierda es tan predecible que duele/quiet down guacamole for brains, it's not my fault this shit show is so predictable it hurts." He shot back to her in perfect spanish before leaning taking another, deliberately loud sip of his drink. "But I can think of some much more interesting things to talk about.. in private maybe." He suggested with a wink up towards her, despite having a pretty strong gut feeling as to her answer.

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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Aeri »

After she scolded the boy next to her, Vidya was honestly expecting an easy victory. Cause really, the only type of person she could imagine sitting down and moaning about movies as they happen would be a fat nerd who had no bitches, and she was practically sure that whoever this punk was, he would quiet down and be unable to talk after seeing her pretty face!


Obviously, that wasn't what happened. The "fat nerd" was surprisingly eloquent in Spanish and sent her reeling mentally, her brain reworking her image of him. She was also processing the fact that he knew better spanish than her, and what exactly did he said.. predictable.. guacamole..? She did know Cerebro was brain, she watched X-men smh. But before it clicked she had already shot back, lightly pushing her glasses up, looking to the side and speaking rather huffily.

"As if I'd spend time with you privately, idiot-head.. and if its soo predictable, what'll happen next?"

Aaaaand then it clicked

"Wait.. I'M NOT a guacamole head! You little.. ch**** - ****- ***********.." (Upstart, asshat, onion faced jerk-)..

Yeah, insults were more creative where she came from. To be fair, she wasn't used to insults and mostly spewed because the flustered Vidya didnt know what to say after the wink.
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Re: Theatrical disturbances

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Smirking a bit smugly at the girl's response to his bilingual come back Vesper quickly deduced that whoever this girl was she was in fact nowhere near as fluent as he was in spanish, since it was definitely taking her a minute to put together what he said in her brain.

So instead she talked shit about his offer for some private time. But at least did so in a way that was honestly just adorable in his opinion. Honestly between that and her initial response to his nit picking he could already tell that she would be some great fun to mess with. "Miles Bron did it, their going into a flashback right now so they'll probably explain how th-"

As he went into the explanation to her sarcastic inquiry of what he thought would happen next the random girl had apparently pieced together the rest of his spanish statement and evidently was not happy about it which only made him chuckle.

Even more curiously though was that she had blown into a full on triade in a language that was neither english or spanish, but he still recognized it. "*Ah Hindi correct? You should watch how you speak in public, even if it's another language. Never know who can know the same words you do."* He shot back to her in near perfect hindi as well, similar to his spanish, though this time she would probably be able to understand him at least.

If not she would at least understand this next part as he flicked some popcorn at her head. "By the way that divider looks uncomfortable. You could always just close the distance and sit on my lap if you wanna keep talking." He said with a rather devious smirk back in english, though he wasn't sure if she would actually be able to see it. If nothing else though her reaction would probably be gold.

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Re: Theatrical disturbances

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She’d blink, when he responded her to her in her native language. Vidya hadn’t really much response to that, before she’d just..

.. look at him with her head tilted like a confuzzled rooster.

“Whot. How do you know hindi..? Who knows that in JAPAN?? And no way is Miles the killer, what you meann?”

She’d toss her hands up in frustration, she’d feel a popcorn bop against her head. It tumbled down but she’d lean her head back and catch it in her mouth, chewing. Vidya then heard what Vesper said..

.. and then wrinkled her face up, standing to her feet. She’d give him a small huff, her cheeks red.. but she wasn’t a pussy. So what she did next..


She’d say, before switching up and standing in front of him, her frame highlighted a little but the dim lights. She’d pull her hips back and straight up bash her booty into his gut, using her legs to adjust and sit there with a cheeky grin of her own..

“Close enough for you?”

Admittedly though, from this close proximity.. Vesper may just realise that this dork was built like a goddess underneath her loose clothing. She certainly didn’t expect to butt bump into abs, but she wasn’t.. against it, per se.
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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Bare »

Vesper would smirk once again in victory seeing, or rather hearing the confused response from the girl. Truth be told he wasn't abut to make out much beyond her hair and glasses, but she sounded cute if nothing else. Though he still wasn't able to tell if that was cause she was attractive and the voice reflected that, or if its because she was kinda.. naive.

Either way he was about to respond to her question about why Miles was the killer, the whole interaction frankly being more entertaining than the movie itself. But then the girl would suddenly stand in front of him, offering a better, but still silhouetted view of her that made him raise his eyebrows since all he could was lumps and ruffles from what had to be baggy clothing.

Not that he'd have the time to ponder it for long though before the girl turned and scooted backwards, pushing her but into his gut. "Oof!" He'd let out, caught off guard by the action but definitely not opposed too it, after all he had technically invited her to do it.

In fact... "Just about..." He would say to her asking if she was close enough, only adding to it by wrapping his arms around her, sliding his hands up her sides until they found a pair of surprisingly large mounds making Vesper smirk. "There we go." He'd say as he gently grabbed and squeeze her breasts, just knowing it would get a reaction out of her.

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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Aeri »


Vidya was pretty satisfied with his reaction as she had definitely not intended to be gentle.. ultimately it hadn't been in her favor as he'd suddenly start feeling her . Honestly? For a nerd.. as Vespers hands slid up her body, he would find that it was firm. Incredibly firm, lean, and she.. did she have a steel wall on her stomach or were those her abs? Vidya however, was steaming from embarrassment as he groped her body. She managed to keep shut.. until he gripped her booba.

"EEK!!" She squealed, tossing herself forwards, face first into the chair forwards and bumping her head- before turning around and sitting on her ass, looking up at him with her glasses askew. She'd ball her fist and bop it into Vespers thigh quite hard, grumbling a little, very quietly.. ".. you perv.. like me that much huh.."
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Re: Theatrical disturbances

Unread post by Bare »

Vesper prided himself on his ability to read and predict people, and this girl was as easy to read as a children's book. Though, admittedly he would use his hands on her body to do more than tease her, he was also finding out exactly how... built she was. Much more so than you're usual movie nerd which was interesting to say the least.

Regardless it didn't change anything once he grabbed her admittedly nice tits which caused her to immediately squeal and jump off him, accusing him which only made him smirk as he spread his legs, not bothered by her hitting his knee.

"Now, now.." He said in a drawl that dripped with smug confidence. "You're the one who sat in my lap, and now you're right between my legs as well. If anyone is attracted to anyone its you to me." He said, knowing for a fact that's not what was happening, but pointing out the girl's position was sure to disrupt her and that reaction would surely be a treat.

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