Time passed as Kira continued to violently brutalize Kimiko's unconscious body. Kimiko's lifeless face was turning a dark purple. Permanent brain damage occurs at 3 minutes without oxygen, and time had been ticking. If Kimiko didn't get air soon she could be irreversibly injured if not killed. That's not to speak of the damage she likely suffered from being thrown around over and over again with no way to soften the blows to her head.
But Kimiko was suddenly and violently torn away from unconsciousness when Kira unleashed a horrifying barrage of punches, denting in her soft delicate stomach to wake her up!! Kimiko was completely dazed and tried to breathe in once more for air, but her throat was still closed. One particular punch drove so deep and hard that it collided with her spine! But this punch had the unintended effect of forcing her diaphragm up, which in turn forced the air through her out and out of her body! Kimiko's oxygen deprived mind sparked back up, "
MY THROAT! I CAN BREATHE?!" she internally exclaimed. Kimiko tried to gasp a breath but her diaphragm wouldn't listen, still in trauma from Kira's onslaught.
Kimiko's hope would suddenly vanish as Kira crushed Kimiko's fragile neck between her powerful legs. Kimiko squirmed around trying to break out of the hold but Kira was too much for the poor weak jobber. Kimiko panicked with what little consciousness she had left. Between already being oxygen-deprived, having her remaining air be ripped from her lungs, and being choked out, Kimiko faded quickly. Her hopeless attempts to get free disappeared along with the life in her face as she drifted back into dreamland.
Even more time passed. This couldn't be good for Kimiko. After standing by horrified and just watching the beatdown unfurl, the referee finally gained the courage to try and do something. The ref waved their hands to the side of the ring to call the match!
The bells rang and the referee hesitated to approach the bloodthirsty wrestler. But the ref needed to do something or else Kimiko could be hurt. They feared for their own safety but the referee approached Kira with the intent to separate the two wrestlers. "
Kira! KIRA!! Get off of her. PLEASE, Kira! She needs immediate medical attention!"