Win by making your opponent cum twice
Though Qin had some hentai experience after wrestling in a previous league, being asked to debut in a steamy hentai match still made her feel a bit embarrassed. The acrobat pulled on her tight-fitting leotard, a little self-conscious that her bodysuit hugged her curves to tightly, her nipples slightly poking through the molded-on outfit, the material hugging her butt tightly and slightly digging into her ass and crotch. Of course, this being a hentai match, she wore the extra-thin version of her acrobat leotard, so under the lights some parts of her body were clearly visible underneath the slightly translucent material. Looking at herself in the mirror made her blush, but Qin held her head high and swallowed her pride, taking a deep breath before making her way out to the entrance ramp.
Her music played over the speakers as mist blew out from the stage. The acrobat made her flashy entrance, tumbling out onto the ramp with a cartwheel, leaping and flipping through the air before landing on the ground in a full splits. The crowd roared as they saw her performance, watching her push up in a full handstand, spreading her legs open wide until they were parallel with the ground, before bending backwards to place her feet on the ground, straightening up in a single smooth motion. She was athletic, flexible, well trained, and incredibly sexy, putting on a performance that elicited wild cheers of approval. The acrobat tumbled her way down the ramp, executing perfect flips the whole way, before vaulting herself onto the ring apron and then flipping over the top ropes, landing lightly on her feet as the crowd cheered.