Now, though, it was finally time to make good on her promises. With Astrid becoming a prominent trainer for LAW's Young Lioness Program, it didn't take long before the Rodouko Gym realized that the Norsewoman could show its members a few pointers. She remembered everything she had discussed with the folks behind the scenes, and she was more eager than ever to finally do her visit justice - not to mention to check in on the gym's members, when she knew that a lot had happened since her last visit.
Now, Astrid had taken point on the gym mats, addressing two of the Rodouko Gym's most noted names - Jenny and Rose, who had formed the tag team Sweet Lust together. She was arranged to join them for a spar, and now it was time to get things underway. "All right," Astrid explained, standing tall with her hands on her hips, "let me just say, I'm glad to be back. It's been a while, but I see you've kept the place in good working order..."
In particular, Astrid's attention drifted to Jenny. Out of everyone, she had perhaps faced the most changes of all. Since Astrid's last visit, Hitomi Rodouko, the manager of the gym, had suffered injuries against Kathleen Hendricks that forced her to retire, and now Jenny, her daughter, had to shoulder greater responsibilities than ever before. Just thinking on how Thereisa was up to her old tricks again made the Norwegian grimace, her body going tense. But her eyes rested on Jenny with a look of concern. She knew she had to be going through a lot and was surely under a lot of pressure to live up to what her mother had started, and she could only hope she was handling them okay.
"So..." Astrid said, clearing her throat, "Are we ready?"