Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Reference Image, but wrong attire!
Katsumi didn't care so much for beach matches. The fans loved them, though most tended to avoid it due to being stuck out under the sun and packed like sardines with strangers. Access to the theatric special effects, such as strobes, lasers, and smoke was basically all gone. The music has to work with a gimped P.A. system. Really, the biggest perk was getting to wear a swimsuit and not tight ring gear. At least she'll get to be kind of cool.

As for her suit in question, it's nothing daring. She kept to her word, and is behind the curtain waiting in a bikini. There are no loose ties that can easily be snagged and tugged loose. The primary color is a deep, dark amethyst purple, trimmed in black. Her top is a triangle style, kept snug and held together by a criss-crossing strap at her back. If worse comes to worst and she finds herself flat on her back, at least she won't be lying on any uncomfortable knots! The bottoms are modest in coverage, leaving the entirety of her thighs bare. But there are no thongs or strings to be found here. All in all, she likes the look. It's sexy, sporty, and secure.

While she has precious little to work with in terms of theatrics for her entrance, she does at least get to pick her song! And if there's anything consistent about her entrance music, it's that it changes constantly. Today, she picked something she felt was more beach-appropriate. It still makes liberal use of synths, but lends itself to a smooth cruising groove.

Speaking of...
Her music kicks on!
"And now, for the match you've been waiting for!," begins the announcer. "Introducing first! At 5'5", weighing in at 124lbs.! From Osaka, Japan! The Punk Princess! KATSUMI! OOOSHIROOO!"

Katsumi tosses the curtain back and steps out onto the flimsy entrance board. Her hands raise, soaking up the very vocal audience's praise with some residual trepidation. She's pretty sure at least half of them are only cheering her on for the skimpy state of her attire, and while that doesn't really bother her, it highlights the setup of this particular match a little more in her mind. Sienna unnerves her a little. But she won't let that show. Instead, she tips her head back with a relaxed smile, facing the sun with closed eyes.

She has no opponent in the ring already, so she has no one to taunt. She isn't even wearing a shirt, so she has nothing to toss aside. She's left with only one thing to do: march directly for the ring dominating the center of the crowd. She begins down the ramp, her hands raising to fluff out her punkishly-stylish hair, discreetly using her elbows to shield her face at either side, giving herself a moment to get her nerves under control.

By the time she reaches the edge of the ring, she's feeling... well, no different. She climbs up onto the ring apron, takes a breath, then whirls around to face out at the audience with her near-trademarked cocky, confident smile. Her hands grip the top rope at either side, and she shoots a wink out at the audience before arching her back. The arch gives the audience an exquisite view of her curves and toned, trim body before she smoothly somersaults over the rope to land bare feet neatly on the ring mat proper.

"Get out here, Sienna!," she shouts towards the opposite entrance. "Get out here and see what's good!"

She moves back into her corner, the bikini-clad referee-girl starting to check her for illegal objects before Katsumi places a hand atop her head to nudge-push her back. "Where the Hell am I gonna hide something!?" The referee-girl backs away, hands raised in submission!
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Sienna was completely in her element, tonight. The black haired vixen wrestled in beach attire on the regular. Although it didn't differ much from a regular match outside of attire and venue changes, the tone of the match and the plentiful opportunity to get up close and personal in ways that weren't always available in your standard LAW ring was something that Smith was more than looking forward to.

Sienna had answered the Punk Princess' open challenge. Katsumi had an impressive debut at LAW. She steamrolled Marissa and went on to put on some memorable matches since. Surely Kat had stood out and put a name for herself. And it was that reputation that she sought to further by putting that challenge out there to anyone who was willing to accept it. And the time had finally come for both rising stars to test themselves against one another!

As the peering eyes, whistles, and cheers of the crowd all communicated approval for Katsumi's outfit, the cheers would grow that much louder when the confident and sexy, bikini clad Sienna appeared to the sound of her music!

"AAAAAannnnnd her opponent! Standing at 5'7"! Weighing in at 155 pounds! Siiiiiiiiienna! Ssssmmmiiiiith!"
Sienna Smith
Sienna had no qualms with flaunting her sex appeal. She posed for the audience, just as she usually did during her entrance, showing off her toned abs and backside before tracing a line down her side and thigh with her fingers. The dark skinned diva would wink at Kat in the ring before making her way towards the squared circle, blowing kisses to some of the fans along the way. Sienna was excited to get things started. She smiled at Katsumi after she rolled in the ring and stood up.

Smith would walk over to Oshiro whilst commenting "Ohhh Kat, you actually showed up! Good, cause today, you're gonna get aaaalll of this and then some." She said with a lustful stare as she shook her chest from side to side.

Sienna would approach Kat and eye her up and down before aiming a quick spank at her backside and laughing. "You actually look better in a bikini than I thought you would, haha" The gesture would catch the referee's attention, prompting the official to herd Sienna to her neutral corner. All that was left was for the referee to check Sienna as well before the contest could official get underway!
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi may as well have swallowed an entire basket of butterflies when Sienna's music hit. She couldn't account for it. Were her nerves really that rattled?

...Actually, yes. She's encountered some less-than-reputable sorts in the roster by now, who gave off a definite vibe that she did not care for. Usually her antics in the ring are sassy and brash, but not to be taken personally. There are lines that Katsumi wouldn't cross, no matter how much she may dislike an opponent or want to win. She can't say she trusted those individuals. She can't say she really trusts Sienna, either.

And dammit if Sienna isn't unfortunately hot. Katsumi is hating this. She's frozen with a consternated frown, dark green eyes zeroed on Sienna's. A girlie yelp escapes her as she's surprised by a swat on the rear! That hate flares, and she turns to rush the dark-skinned beauty! The referee-girl catches her, however, pushing her back.

"Don't treat me like I'm one of your dirty hoes! I'm about to beat the Hell out of you!," she fumes. Now angry on top of nervous, she moves back some distance to pace back and forth near the center of the ring, prowling like an anxious jungle cat. As soon as the referee finishes her inspection of Sienna, she moves out of the way-


Katsumi is rushing in again, arm extended with the intent to slam her bicep against Sienna's collar in a rushing clothesline! She doesn't intend to even let her opponent out of her corner!

With a flail, the referee signals the bell!

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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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While Katsumi may have been dealing with several internal struggles, on the inside she seemed composed. At least she seemed that way up until Smith got up close and personal. The smack to cute butt of Kat's was met with some animosity. But seeing the punk princess fly off the handle so quickly gave Sienna all the indicators she needed to know for certain: Katsumi was off her game.

Smith would stick her tongue out at Katsumi before sashaying back to her corner and smacking her own rear to tease her foe. She'd remove her glasses before handing them to the official and getting ready to get things underway! And that happened sooner rather than later! Oshiro came in running mere seconds before the bell sounded.

This level of initiative is something Sienna would have normally praised. But Kat's body language, her anger and confusion presented an opportunity for the curvy ebony diva. Sienna would raise both her hands and attempt to grab hold of the arm Katsumi tried to floor her with! If she was successful in blocking the clothesline, the red eyes gal would lock eyes with her fellow bikini clad wrestler before looking down at Katsumi's bikini top in surprise!

"You're spilling out!" Sienna would say to Kat in a worried tone, trying to imply that the jostling that occurred during her charge forward caused her to spill out of her top. If Kat took the bait and looked down or got embarrassed, Sienna would lift her leg upwards abruptly and bend in with the intention of kneeing a flustered Kat in her gut! Smith would attempt to follow up by hooking an arm around the Punk Princess' head and throwing herself back to take control early on with a DDT!

"Kidding~!" Smith would say in a silly tone her move connected and she floored her Japanese foe!
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi's arm is caught, but not without considerable force backing the attempt: the punkette had every intention to take Sienna's head off! But the moment her opponent mentions her top, the look of fury is replaced with wide-eyed panic.


It works flawlessly. Katsumi relents to look down at her top, despite feeling perfectly secure and in place. Sometimes these things happen, even though she picked what felt like a particularly secure top. It could've been more secure, though. God, this is not how she wanted things to go!

For all her concern, the Punk Princess finds everything to be safely in place. Everything except for the knee suddenly blasting into her toned belly. "Ghh..!" Her body folds over, head caught under Sienna's arm. In a shock of pain and unable to resist, she's easily yanked down and driven against the mat. Her legs kick out upon impact before flopping down to the mat fully. She attempts to pull free and roll over onto her back, primarily to cover her head protectively. "You.. jerk..!"
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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"Heheheh" Sienna giggled gleefully as she began to rise, having just hit that DDT.

"If you don't want me to treat you like one of my hos, you're gonna need to be a liiiitle smart than that, Punk Princess..."

"Know what I loooove about bikini matches?"

Sienna taunted as she approached Katsumi, who had just rolled onto her back. Sienna would raise her bare foot as she stood over her bikini clad foe. After a brief second , she'd begin raining repeated stomps down on the punkette. She'd aim for Kat's flat yet toned abs before moving onto her side and limbs if Oshiro began to guard. With each stomp of her bare foot, Smith would follow up her previous question with the sentence that was the answer, word by word.

"I! Just! Love! The! Skin to skin! Contact!"

If Sienna's blows connected, the raven haired beauty would jump up and finish the combination with a jumping leg drop, aimed at Kat's chest! The cocky pro wrestler would then cross her legs over Katsumi's body while leaning forwards and holding her own face, staring down at Kat with a patronizing smile. It didn't take long for the referee to realize that this was in fact a pin! An arrogant pin but a pin nonetheless! The official would take a second, but she'd soon drop down and begin counting! The fans at the beach would cheer in Kat's favor, trying to spur her on and drive her out of this bad spot!

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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi's mind is a haze right now. All she can think about is the new throb in her skull and how much she hates Sienna right now. Her words grate, stoking the fire to fight back and turn things around. But unfortunately, Sienna's not all sass and no brass. Katsumi's unprotected abs take a stomp, forcing the air out of the girl. She curls in, eyes bulged, and flopping back down. The second and third hit have similar reactions, her already flat stomach mashed flatter still with each stomp. Her arms huddle around her midsection, only for her biceps and elbows to get stomps instead!

She doesn't have the oxygen needed to say what she really thinks about this situation and Sienna's treatment, but the dark-skinned girl should be assured it's nothing pleasant. Before she can do much else, a toned leg drops across her modest chest! "Hff..!" Katsumi manages to suck in a gasp after the hit, expression pained. The one-count is all Sienna earns before a frustrated punkette twists to the side away from her and shoves her legs over, denying the fall.

"Augh... gonna.. ugh..," she grumbles as she attempts to gather herself to hands and knees. It's not even a complete thought, but it's what she has to work with at the moment.
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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After working Katsumi a bit with some stomps, Sienna sat down to pin her in a most unceremonious fashion. Her legs were quickly pushed away by the punkette, breaking up the pin before a one count!

The ebony beauty was quick to rise up to her feet following the pin. She'd straddle her opponent as Kat rose up to her hands and knees, leaning forward in an attempt to cup Oshiro's breasts with her hands and hoist her up to her feet. If she were able to do this, Sienna would speak into Katsumi's ear suggestively, making no effort to hide the fact that she was simply trying to cop a feel while keeping the match going

"You're no ho. But I'm gonna make you feel like one heck of a woman!"

Sienna would then try to follow up by wrapping her arms around her foe's waist before tensing them and using her formidable strength to life Kat off her feet! She'd try and keep the pressure going by applying a reverse Bearhug to further target the Rocker's core!
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi is momentarily frozen in shock when her breasts are deliberately grabbed, her mouth hanging open. It's like all her concerns are being confirmed within the first minute of the match! God, how did she get suckered into this!? Pulled up to her feet, her heart racing and mind reeling, she has no answer for Sienna's forward, saucy taunt in her ear other than to stiffen and metaphorically bristle. Of course, the audience is eating this up. Katsumi can't even budge to take advantage of the brazen affront to both her physical well-being and her dignity.

Arms suddenly lock around the girl's toned midsection. "Ahp!" Her attention quickly snaps to that, and her hands move to Sienna's wrists. There's simply no time to do anything before she finds herself lifted a little off her feet and the arms compressing inwards against her stomach. "Ahhn!," she cries out, legs kicking with the initial squeeze. Her head tips back, eyes squeezed shut, and hands set to task attempting to pry the wrists loose!
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Re: Bikini Beach Match! Sienna Smith vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Despite staying in control of the match, Sienna would maintain a nonchalant, attitude and her play playful smile. She'd smile slyly when she saw poor Katsumi freeze up. But of course, that didn't stop the ebony beauty from capitalizing on the punkette's embarrassment!

Sienna would flex those arms around Katsumi's ribcage and hug behind before lifting her off her feet. She applied a firm bearhug with enough pressure to stifle Katsumi and elicit squeals from the opposing bikini clad wrestler. As Kat's legs kicked and her struggling manifested, Sienna would seek take advantage of the Punk Princess by continuing to flirt with her while wrestling her. Smith would lean her head forwards as Kat tilted her own head back. She'd take a moment to stick her tongue out and lick Oshiro's neck, sliding her tongue upwards along the side of Kat's throat to further add to the mix of discomfort and pleasure! If her lick had the desired effect, Sienna would chuckle before attempting her next move "Heheheh..."

Smith would stand up straight and jostle Katsumi in the hug! She'd attempt to lift her foe slightly higher off the ground before dropping down to a kneeling position with her knee between Kat's legs! If all went according to plan, Sienna would nail Katsumi with an Atomic Drop! Should her move floor the Punkette, Sienna would place a hand on her hip and casually walk around her downed foe. She'd reach for Kat's hair and attempt to wrap her long, dark, muscular thighs around the woman's cheeks for a Headscissor! Sienna would flex her arm and bicep for a moment whilst executing the hold, sparking mixed reaction from the crowd. The bombshell would then reach for Kat's hair yet again and attempt to adjust. She'd take advantage of this opportunity and attempt pull Katsumi's face towards her crotch in attempt to literally and figuratively rub in the fact that she was commanding the match thus far!
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