Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Apex Qualifier Standard Match: Winner determined by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Match will count towards both characters' number of required qualifier matches. Disqualifications and Count-Outs are on.

"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"


Carmelita arrived on the scene with what appeared to be a small squadron of coattail-riding cronies and heavy-lifting grunts to serve as her entourage, giving her a PROPER entrance fit for a wrestler as AMAZING as herself. They cordoned off the sides of the arena from the already barricaded stands, they roll out a red carpet all the way down to the ring, and they place a custom-made set of marble stairs to allow Carmelita to ascend toward the ring's apron, taking her sweet time to taunt and brag as if she had already won the match. The amount of bravado this woman was showing was nigh incalculable and it only seemed to grow with each and every bit of praise she got from some fan who was fawning over her.

She looked around and smirked with this vile sense of glee as she ate up the crowd's obedient cheers, their sentiments only serve to stroke the woman's ego as she shows arrogance and entitlement instead of humility and gratefulness. "That's right PRAISE ALL know your places EXACTLY. All of you have one job and that's to cheer me on and shower me with attention and affection. Because you all know that I'M the single greatest wrestler in this entire INDUSTRY. I'm the woman who redefines what it means to be a professional wrestler. I'm the woman who turns every single ring and arena she touches into GOLD. Spain's finest princess and the world's finest wrestler...I'm better than you and you know it~!!!" She said with a peppery tone to her, flaunting her figure as her entourage continuously took photos of her as she posed. She then shooed them all away like they were suddenly the most detestable things to ever be in her presence. And like that...they rolled up the red carpet and dispersed, leaving Carmelita all alone until her opponent appeared, the Spaniard spending her time checking out her immaculate nails.
Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Tue Feb 07, 2023 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

Unread post by The460Slayer »

After Carmelita ended her speech, the crowds remain silent for many seconds, waiting for the Orchard's opponent. Everything seemed almost quiet, except for the fans who were talking between themselves, until... the lights of the arena turn blue and purple, as Melissa's song started playing through the arena.
As her theme was playing, fireworks of the same colours burst out in the beginning of the ramp, and after those the Midnight Lady appears, standing there for a moment while looking at everyone, with a microphone at hand.

"And her opponent, from the United Kingdom... Standing in 5'7" and weighing in 138 lbs... The Midnight Lady... MELISSA MOOOOOOOON!"
After she got presented by the announcer, Melissa walks over the ramp while looking at the Orchard of Gold with a serious expression before keep going, then she goes to the ring by sliding under the bottom rope to get up and stand in front of Carmelita, a face to face moment in which she just changed her expression into a soft chuckle, as the lights go back to normal and the music is cutted.

"Well, i heard your speech from there and i must say that you're right. People must know their places, cheering for both of us and nothing else, and i don't have anything against it... except for one thing... Melissa changes her smile and shows her serious expression again. "TONIGHT you will know your place, and I'LL BE THE ONE TO TAKE YOU DOWN." Melissa said those last words with no fear or regret about facing the Orchard. Instead of that, she instantly drops her microphone, the sunglasses and the leather jacket to her corner, then she clashes her forehead with Carmelita's before the bell rings.

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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Carmelita was minding her own business as she was checking out her nails when all of a sudden...a NUISANCE came onto the stage, ruining her mojo and throwing off her serene state of being with her presence. The Orchard of Gold was beginning to feel VERY irritated already. It was one thing to interrupt the Spanish woman's private time in the ring, but it was a whole other ballgame when you decided to actually TALK to her. Carmelita stopped DEAD in her tracks upon hearing Melissa open her mouth, turning her head to look at her with this detestable look of cringe in her eye. "Excuse you...? EXCUSE YOU!? Who the fuck do you think YOU are just walking up to me ALL OF A SUDDEN. Coming in here with your tacky thrift store jacket, your dingy microphone, and your UGLY, mismatched outfit...I don't know who you are but I'm going to tell you something right now. If even for a second you think that we're on the same tier of the totem pole...we're NOT. I'm BETTER THAN YOU, I'm in a different LEAGUE. You should be thanking me for even being here, I'm gracing you with my presence and you're over here trying to TALK to me. As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist, 'kay? You're a worthless SPECK and a WASTE of my TIME. So as punishment for wasting my time, I'm going to make sure that this entire audience knows what happens to people who don't recognize their place. Because for SOME reason, you idiots in the locker room just can't seem to comprehend that." She said, going on a long and drawn-out tirade as she got up in Melissa's face and mouthed off to her.
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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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Melissa didn't cared about Carnelita's speech and instantly goes to her corner to get ready for few seconds, focusing on beat the Orchard and shut her mouth. As soon as the bell rang, the Lady walks around Carmelita and gets up into a stance with both hands up, trying to reach the Orchard's hands and lock them up into a test of strength, struggling against the Spanish girl.

At first it seemed to be fair, until Melissa takes the advantage and puts Carmelita against the ropes behind her, then she would start with a knee hit in her stomach and follow with a chop on her chest.
Last edited by The460Slayer on Wed Feb 08, 2023 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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Melissa managed to bully Carmelita back into the corner, overpowering her after a few moments of struggling in their opening grapple. Once she had the woman where she wanted her, the Midnight Lady wasted no time laying it on thick, NAILING Carmelita in the bread basket with her knee, forcing the Spaniard to grunt and gasp as she felt a lot of air being knocked out of her system. Her legs buckled for a moment, but she was quick to focus and duck under the chop aimed at her chest, dropping down low to avoid the strike and wrapping her arms around Melissa's waist, trying to push forward and then lean back to toss her into the Corner with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Melissa thought that she could had the advantage for longer by taking the spanish girl against the ropes after that knee, but her chop attempt gets dodged and the Lady gets taken from the waist by Carmelita, who sent Melissa against the corner with the belly to belly suplex. Melissa let out a little louder grunt after landing upside down, holding her lower back with the Orchard near her.

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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With Melissa down in the corner, an enraged Carmelita stands back up, rubbing her stomach and glaring down at her opponent. She grabs Melissa by her hair and sits her up against the turnbuckle. She proceeds to lift one of her legs up for just a moment before bringing it back down much harder and much faster, slamming the sole of her boot down onto Melissa's upper chest as she delivers a wrathful series of Crushing Stomps to her opponent. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET YOU FUCKING SLUT!!!" She yelled viciously.

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Melissa gets grabbed and pulled of the hair by Carmelita, getting forced to stay sitting in the turnbuckle in which the Midnight Lady gets stomped in the chest by the Orchard, grunting at each stomp and standing there a little defenseless, holding her chest after the series of stomps,

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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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"Right where you belong, you BITCH." Carmelita said, grabbing Melissa and standing her up, preparing to hit her with another move, but the Spaniard decided to showboat a little, immediately getting cocky even though her opponent wasn't dazed. "I bet you're already regretting coming out here and facing me. However, I AM a merciful queen...if you grovel and beg for my mercy, I might just spare you~." She said mockingly.
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Re: Gold Under the Moon: Carmelita De Leon vs Melissa Moon

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Melissa was still a litte hurt after getting her chest stomped and forced to stand on both feet by Carmelita, who mocked her while standing against the corner until the Midnight Lady swaps places with the Orchard and delivers a leg sweep, forcing her to stay sitting as well. Later, Melissa runs to the other corner and rebounds back to the one where Carmelita is, jumping off and rolling to hit her with a Cannonball move.

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