"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"

Carmelita arrived on the scene with what appeared to be a small squadron of coattail-riding cronies and heavy-lifting grunts to serve as her entourage, giving her a PROPER entrance fit for a wrestler as AMAZING as herself. They cordoned off the sides of the arena from the already barricaded stands, they roll out a red carpet all the way down to the ring, and they place a custom-made set of marble stairs to allow Carmelita to ascend toward the ring's apron, taking her sweet time to taunt and brag as if she had already won the match. The amount of bravado this woman was showing was nigh incalculable and it only seemed to grow with each and every bit of praise she got from some fan who was fawning over her.
She looked around and smirked with this vile sense of glee as she ate up the crowd's obedient cheers, their sentiments only serve to stroke the woman's ego as she shows arrogance and entitlement instead of humility and gratefulness. "That's right PRAISE me...you ALL know your places EXACTLY. All of you have one job and that's to cheer me on and shower me with attention and affection. Because you all know that I'M the single greatest wrestler in this entire INDUSTRY. I'm the woman who redefines what it means to be a professional wrestler. I'm the woman who turns every single ring and arena she touches into GOLD. Spain's finest princess and the world's finest wrestler...I'm better than you and you know it~!!!" She said with a peppery tone to her, flaunting her figure as her entourage continuously took photos of her as she posed. She then shooed them all away like they were suddenly the most detestable things to ever be in her presence. And like that...they rolled up the red carpet and dispersed, leaving Carmelita all alone until her opponent appeared, the Spaniard spending her time checking out her immaculate nails.