Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Handicap match

Win by Pin, submission or KO

Yunaka must defeat both members of Lyrical Recoil to win. Once a member has been defeated, she is not allowed to interfere with the rest of the match.

After what could only be described as a disastrous debut, Chelsea and Iroha were feeling less than confident in their abilities. Their first match had been a bit of a setup for them as they faced an incredibly strong opponent, but it was a two against one and they both got utterly crushed! That left both girls shaken, but they were still enthusiastic and ready to take on more matches. Chelsea especially wasn't letting that match get her down, as she bounced around the backstage trying to cheer Iroha up. Of course, the Japanese girl was less sad and more focused, trying to keep her head cool so she could win this fight.

"Alright, I'm ready for this!" Iroha said, slamming her fist into her palm as she fired herself up, "Come on Chelsea, let's go take this new girl down!"

"Woohoo! That's the spirit Iroha!" Chelsea said, cheerily jumping up, "It's two against one again, this time we'll work together even better than last time and best this girl silly!"

The tag partners made their way to the entrance ramp, waiting for their music to start. On cue, their song began to play, and both Young Lionesses stepped out to the cheers of the crowd. Though they had been utterly crushed in their last fight, the pair had gotten their fair share of fans, as both girls were very pretty, and there was quite a large subset of the fans who liked seeing cute girls struggle. Neither Chelsea nor Iroha let themselves mind though, as they walked down the entrance ramp towards the ring, waving at all the people cheering them on.
Both girls entered the ring, Chelsea spending her time bouncing about firing up the crowd, while Iroha focused on stretching out and warming up. Neither girl could wait for this match to start, they wanted to wipe that last match out of everyone's memory and show that they knew how to fight!

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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Outwardly, Yunaka Rubi looked jumpy and excited for her professional fighting debut. But inside, she really felt more relieved. Relieved that the former gang enforcer had been able to find a way to use her talent for fighting in a way that wasn't illegal, made somewhat consistent money, and far less dangerous. Yunaka really had two marketable aspects about herself: fighting skill and physical attractiveness. Thankfully for the redhead, that was all LAW really cared about.

So while many people standing in Yunaka's position would be nervous or jittery, she felt at peace. Freed by the fact that it didn't matter whether she won or lost. Of course Yunaka wanted to win, and fully intended to do so. But it didn't matter if she failed and lost. Winning and losing was no longer held the possibility of being the difference difference between life and death for her. The music that Yunaka had chosen came on for her, not something she usually came to a fight with, but the redhead supposed this was her new normal now.
"ZAPPY!" Yunaka came bursting out from backstage with a cheer. She'd jump and skip down the ramp, a bright smile plastered to her face as she waved to the crowd. Once Yunaka had gotten to the ring, she'd greet her opponents with the same cheeriness that she'd given to the audience. "My name's Yunaka. Hiya papaya!" she said. "So I'm taking on two, huh? This match'll be wrestle-rific!"

Yes, two opponents. Yunaka believed she understood the message LAW was trying to send with this. They knew damn well that her fighting ability was already well beyond what's expected of Young Lionesses. Why else would LAW put a rookie wrestler in the developmental program in a 2v1 for her debut? But as long as they let her stay in the small pond until she was financially stable enough to move out of the YL dorms, Yunaka didn't care. Two opponents at once was something she knew how to deal with anyways. Yunaka figured that she'd be fine unless these these two were strong enough to fight her with their skill and abilities rather than relying on their numbers.
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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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This opponent was very different from the previous ones they had faced. Their first opponent was quite and reserved, Yunaka was bright and energetic, with a infectious positive attitude. Chelsea immediately played a long, smiling brightly as Yunaka greeted them. "Hiya!" she said in response, "I'm Chelsea Sato! It's a pleasure to be facing you tonight!"

Iroha was a bit more reserved, but even she gave Yunaka a smile. "I'm Iroha," she said, "Let's have a good match!"

Both girls stepped forward, extending their hands for a quick shake, with Chelsea going first as she gave Yunaka a big bright smile, and Iroha coming afterwards. Chelsea was more about having fun, but Iroha took the moment to size up and evaluate her opponent. Yunaka didn't seem too threatening, but Iroha had no real way of telling what was going on behind that bright exterior. For management to put her against both of them though, it must mean that Yunaka was plenty strong.

After the handshakes both girls went back to their corner. "I'll go first," Chelsea said, "She won't be able to keep up with me!"

"Be careful Chelsea, we don't know what she's capable of," Iroha warned, but Chelsea wasn't really listening. After giving each other a big hug, the tag partners separated, with Iroha climbing out of the ring and Chelsea turning to face her opponent.

"Alright Yunaka! Get ready to rumble!" Chelsea said, bouncing on her feet as she eagerly awaited the signal then get started!

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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Smile's were all around the ring Yunaka's starting opponent would be Chelsea, the much more cheery and energetic of the enemy team. Their eyes were locked as they waited for the moment when the bell rung. Yunaka, and likely the crowd as fell, fully expected both wrestlers to charge until they met with a giant clash in the center of the ring. Though Yunaka was hoping that it'd be more of a bowl over rather than a clash.

When the bell rang, Yunaka charged headlong at Chelsea. Of course she had an eye out for if her opponent did something other than what the redhead was expecting, but Yunaka had always been a rushdown style of fighter. If Chelsea did charge ahead the same Yunaka, once the met in the middle, the star-faced wrestler would bypass an sort of lock up, and instead she would turn her body and launch herself at Chloe. Yunaka was trying to use her shoulder and body to put a big charge into Chelsea's smaller frame and knock to the floor.

If Yunaka was successful, she could've stayed upright despite her own attack throwing her off balance. But with Chloe on the ground, Yunaka figured that she may as well follow her down to the mat. Falling on top of Chelsea, Yunaka would take advantage of her position by sitting up and straddling Chelsea's chest, resting her crotch on top of the pinkette's cleavage. Yunaka's default instinct was to start ground and pounding, but she didn't want to be defined by that kind of style as a wrestler. So instead, Yunaka would grab one of Chelsea's arms, start twisting it, and then lean down and wrap her own arms around Chelsea's arm so that she could start bending her elbow back as well. "So Chelsea, are you're lyrics gonna sing a sad tune?" said Yunaka.
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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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As Yunaka expected, Chelsea came out full tilt as well, rushing towards the center of the ring at a full sprint to try and get the jump on Yunaka. Her opponents was just as fast though, the two of them meeting in the middle of the ring in a titanic clash of bodies and wills! But it was a fight that Chelsea was destined to lose, as the bigger and stronger Yunaka completely bowled over Chelsea, sending the blonde crashing into the mats with her long arms and legs kicking into the air!

"Oof!" Chelsea grunted as she landed. The impact elicited a cry of surprise from Iroha, who was immediately worried about her prospects.

"Come on Chelsea!" Iroha cheered, "Get up!" But her encouragement could only go so far, as when Chelsea tried to roll back up, Yunaka was already all over her. "Ahh!" Chelsea cried as Yunaka came down upon her, tackling her onto her back once more, before straddling her chest and grabbing her arms to hold her down.

"Ow ow owwwwww!" Chelsea cried as Yunaka twisted an arm behind her back. She kicked uselessly against the mats, unable to push her opponent off of her. Suddenly that bright smile seemed much more sinister, as Yunaka grinned down at her trapped and helpless prey!

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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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"Ah, the Twister Blues. A classic song," said Yunaka, continuing her little bit playing with the opposing team's name. The redhead had certainly gotten off to the type of start that she'd been hoping for. Now she just had to make the most of it. And as long as Yunaka didn't allow herself to slip into her street fighting mentality and break something by accident, she was confident that she could accomplish that.

Firstly, Yunaka had knocked Chelsea onto her back. She would change that, flipping her opponent over onto, her stomach, Yunaka would then sit down on Chelsea's twisted arm, trapping it between her own back and the butt that was sitting on it. Next, the redheaded wrestler would grab the pinkette's other arm and similarly try to twist it, before letting up with her butt enough to slide Chelsea's second arm under there as well. As well as not letting up enough to allow Chelsea the chance to free her first arm if Yunaka did it right.

When fighting multiple opponents, keeping them separated and unable to help each other was the best method for victory. Tag wrestling only made that easier. By restraining Chelsea's arms, Yunaka had rendered her incapable of reaching out for help. Now it was just a matter of picking her off, then beating Iroha in the 1 on 1 to win the whole match.

To dispatch Chelsea, Yunaka would begin by grabbing the pinkette's chin and trying to pull it up. It was a type of variant Camel Clutch, with the difference obviously being how the victim's arms were restrained. Yunaka herself wasn't experienced enough with wrestling technique to really understand the differences in the holds effectiveness from a standard Camel Clutch, but Chelsea would feel it. The pain on her neck and back wouldn't be as intense, but her arms would be even more useless than normal, and in significantly more pain. "This is my first submission hold in a real match, how exciting!" the dominant redhead would cheer.
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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Getting bowled over by Yunaka left Chelsea stunned and breathless, unable to resist her opponent as she grabbed the blonde's arm and flipped her over onto her front. She let out a soft groan as Yunaka grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back, sitting on them to keep them trapped. Then she felt her chin getting pulled back, forcing her into a painful backbend that applied a lot of pressure to her trapped limbs. "Hrrrgh!" Chelsea grunted through gritted teeth.

There was no way out of this hold from the blonde's perspective. Her arms were totally trapped underneath her opponent's weight, which pressed down on her and kept her body from being able to squirm. She tried twisting and rocking from side to side, but could barely move, both due to Yunaka sitting on her and from the pain of the hold itself. She couldn't even go for the ropes or a tag!

"Chelsea hang on!" Iroha said, trying to get inside the ring to help her friend. But before she could make her way in, the referee ran up and stopped her, standing in her way and holding her outside the ring. "You can't do that!" the referee said, distracted by Iroha's attempts to get inside to help her friend.

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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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With great speed was Yunaka able to establish a position of dominance over Chelsea. The strawberry blonde tried to fight her way out from underneath, but Yunaka had left Chelsea's range of motion too limited for her to make any sort of headway. Understanding the predicament her partner was in, Iroha made a move to try assisting, but the referee cut her off before she could accomplish anything.

Yunaka had the first part of this match squarely in the bag. All she had to do was to not let up. However, one of the first things that had been drilled into her head at one of the YL Program's classes was that in LAW, wrestlers were also expected to act as entertainers in at least a minor capacity. And a major part of that was that a wrestler needed to keep the concept of crowd spectacle in mind.

Yunaka had little eye for combat aesthetics, but she thought that beat Chelsea like this, so quick and easily that it practically turned the fight into two separate 1 on 1s, likely came up short in the regard of spectacle. An impressive show of Yunaka's ability, to be sure. Yet a viewing experience that would measure up as lackluster. So Yunaka would do something she had never done before in a fight; let up before it was over. "Don't get yourself all tied up in a knot, Iroha. That's my job!" Yunaka said as she released Chelsea's head and stood up. Then the redhead would grab the strawberry blonde, pick her up, swing her around a bit to pick up some momentum, and then chuck her in the direction of her partner.
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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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Chelsea let out a sigh of relief as Yunaka released her, evidently not planning on submitting her so quickly in this fight. But she was not out of trouble yet, as Yunaka grabbed Chelsea by her legs before she could even push up to her knees, lifting her up off the mats and swinging her into the air! "AAAAAHHHHHH!" Chelsea screamed as she swung through the air, the momentum of her movement forcing all the blood to rush to her head. Chelsea didn't hold onto her for long though, as the girl suddenly released Chelsea, sending her flying towards her corner.

"WATCH OUT!" Chelsea screamed as she flew towards Iroha. The referee managed to jump aside, but Iroha had no idea what was coming as her vision was blocked. Chelsea barreled right into Iroha's stomach, knocking the wind out of her in a single blow, and sending her crashing off the ring apron onto the thin mats beneath! The crowd let out a roar of approval, loving how YUnaka was able to take out both tag partners in a single move!

Iroha groaned as she lay on the hard ground, back arching as she rolled around, eyes screamed shut from the pain. Chelsea was totally stunned as well, limp body draped over the middle ropes, half in and half out of the ring.

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Re: Yunaka Rubi vs. Lyrical Recoil!

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"Ooooh, well, I guess I'll take it," Yunaka said as she had left both members of Lyrical Recoil incapacitated when she threw Chelsea into Iroha. However, that genuinely had not been her intention. Yunaka was just trying to send Chelsea near Iroha so they could swap and she could fight Iroha. But Yunaka wasn't really accustomed to fighting people smaller than herself, so it would seem the redhead had underestimated how far Chelsea would fly as a result. Crowd seemed to like it at least, so Yunaka just rolled with it.

With Iroha outside the ring, Chelsea hanging over the ropes, and Yunaka wanting Iroha to be switched in, the redhead decided to get a bit creative. She would push Chelsea all the way through the ropes, dropping the strawberry blonde down to the floor next to her partner. Yunaka would then follow the pair out of the ring, grab Chelsea by the wrist, and slap her and down into Iroha to swap the black haired girl in.

Yunaka would then pick up Iroha, carrying her back to the ring when a realization struck her. She had no idea if forcibly tagging an opposing tag team to force a swap was actually legal. Well if it isn't, the ref will stop me," Though the redhead as she rolled her opponent under the ropes and into the ring. Yunaka would enter the ring herself and move to lock Iroha into a Boston Crab. And with how Yunaka had positioned her opponent, Iroha was facing the opposite direction from the nearest ropes. Meaning that she was as far away as possible from any ropes that she could actually reach.
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