(The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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(The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

match type: normal
Victory condition: by pinfall, submission, or knockout

Attire: normal
Special stipulation: the loser is owned by the winner for a day, with winner being able to do whatever they want with the loser

”alright Claire, time to show everyone what you can do”

Claire was hopping from foot to foot, cracking her knuckles and smirking

”and when I win against that virgin killer chick, I think the first thing I’m gonna do, is find out where she got that virgin killer for...research reasons”

Claire said to herself with a chuckle, before her music started up, Claire smirked and walked to the ring with a certain swagger in her step, she knew what she could do, and she knew that she was the best... or at least she thought she was the best




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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Vermeil had a special match tonight, after having humiliated a goddess this one had to fight against her friend, another goddess. Obviously, Vermeil has already met this woman, a middleweight who spoke a lot and who didn't seem very strong unlike the first one she had beaten.

When he was called, Vermeil was coming out of the locker room still in that virgin killer outfit, walking confidently towards the ring. She then climbed the ring looking down on her opponent, smiling mischievously at her as if she was going to have fun with a child.
"You come to avenge your girlfriend right? I still remember her face against my ass~"
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Claire looked up at Vermeil with a slight smirk

”hey Virgin killer, if you tell me where you got that sweater I might take it easy on you, deal?”

Claire said with a chuckle, it was obvious she was confident, she knew what she was doing, and she planning on making Vermeil pay for what she did to Samantha, by making her feel the exact same humiliation

”by the way, when you lose, the first thing I’m gonna have you do, is kiss Sam’s ass for a nice long time, and then you’re gonna kiss mine”

Claire said, cracking her knuckles and getting into a fighting stance, blowing Vermeil a kiss before getting prepared for her fight
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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"Kissing that weakling's ass? It'll never happen! But if she manages to get stronger, maybe I'll kiss her on purpose~"

Vermeil licked her lips looking at his opponent who looked very angry. Vermeil smiled sadistically and leaned forward slightly, clenching her fists.

"We'll have to fight first, I hope you're not afraid of bleeding, you seem less resistant than your girlfriend~"


The bell rang and the game began. The match did not start some matches where the two women could greet each other or wait for one to approach, this time Vermeil threw herself towards her opponent from the first second of the match to try a clothesline!
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Claire dodges by ducking under her opponent’s clothes line, attempting to retaliate by sweeping her legs

”you have to work smarter not harder, besides considering our height differences, I think I have a good amount of lead way when it comes to those clothes lines of yours, like trying to shoot an ant with a magnum”

Claire taunted, if she managed to trip Vermeil, she would have the ability of getting on top of her and delivering a few punches before retreating and recouping a bit, all she had to do was wear her down

”besides, defense doesn’t matter if you can’t hit your target does it “demoness”?”

Claire asked with a smirk
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Vermeil rushed towards her opponent for a clothesline but missed terribly, the element of surprise was not enough. Her opponent was much faster than her and Vermeil had just realized that. She tried to go to the ropes in front of her to try another clothesline but stumbled on the ground falling to the ground, lying on her back.


She clicked her tongue before seeing the little goddess get on top of her and punch her face several times with her fist. However Vermeil was not going to take the blows without doing anything in return, she firmly grabbed her opponent's hair to keep her close and then gave her a powerful punch on the stomach before letting her go.

"You may be fast but I just have to grab you and hit you!"
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Claire ended up taking the punch with a loud “aahh!”, feeling the full force of her opponent’s attack before getting off of her, and holding her stomach a bit, circling her opponent and waiting for her next move

”you know you have a pretty face, if you weren’t so sadistic I probably would’ve let you kiss me, shame that you’re power drunk and thought picking on my girlfriend was a good idea, pretty sure I can beat that out of you if I try hard enough”

Claire said with a soft chuckle, taunting Vermeil into coming over to the ropes, she knew that getting her out of the ring would probably mean she would be able to apply a lot more hurt to their moves, considering that concrete is harder than the ring they were in, mats or not
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Vermeil let the little goddess run away before straightening up. Vermeil also noticed that she felt a pain bigger than tingling, her opponent was rather powerful for a middleweight. After listening to his opponent, Vermeil smiled sadistically as he cocked his head to the side.

"Drunk on power eh? Then why are you in a relationship with a weakling?~ I can replace her if you want~"

Vermeil believed that talking about the other Goddess could bring down her opponent's attention, she will know this by running towards her opponent and leaping into the air, looking to deliver a double kick to her opponent's chest. If she touched her opponent, Vermeil could push her opponent between the ropes thanks to her strength, if she dodged her then Vermeil would pass between the ropes and fall to the ground, outside the ring.
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

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Claire dodged Vermeil’s attack with ease, and pushed her out of the ring before attempting to follow her out with a spring board off the top ropes, looking to bodyslam her opponent, if this worked then she would end up having a good amount of damage over her opponent, if she didn’t, let’s just hope this works shall we?
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Re: (The war goddess’s debut) Claire vs Vermeil

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Vermeil jumped with both feet forward but her cunning proved insufficient and Vermeil ran through the ropes to find herself outside the ring, lying on her stomach.


She sat up normally, first getting back on her knees, but her opponent decided to throw herself on her for a bodyslam, again laying Vermeil on the ground, sighing in pain and growling in anger.
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