Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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It had become no secret that the rise of The Selection would be hitting the top news sites of LAW and everyone had to wonder if there would be an end to the recruitment of disciples. Would there be anyone left to stop The Selection? Would they seek to reign over LAW entirely? It was a slow growth, but at the same time, there didn’t even appear to be a true end to them just yet. The same could be said for a certain veteran wrestler named Cyber Widow. Thereisa had been wrestling since the golden era of the sport and broke necks of whoever got in her way. She may have been blacklisted back then, but she came back with a serious wrath. Thereisa first targeted Astrid and her family for Lars’s part in taking her out of what was helping support her family.

This concluded in Thereisa wanting to break Astrid’s neck and take the world title for herself. Thankfully for those in LAW, Astrid overcame Thereisa in her title bid, but that wouldn’t end things for Thereisa. Thereisa is like the chicken that Peter Griffin always faced on the Family Guy cartoon. They fought all over Quahog in an over-the-top animated war to see who could come out on top. No matter how many times that chicken went down, he always came back for more. Thereisa has fallen from grace since then and has taken losses that would’ve benefitted her in the long run. She has been stuck taking on lightweights and Young Lionesses as the fans no longer fear her or even Cyber Legacy. Even coming back from suspension and rebranding the faction only caused a slight increase in fear. No one wanted to take Cyber Widow seriously anymore as a threat.

For Jonathan, he was backstage leaning against a vending machine and reading from the book he gave Kanon. His red eyes reading the transcriptions deep within and the pages feeling ever so crisp with each turn. This book….once belonged to a man that hated society and hated socializing, but he had a small heart of gold for humanity. He tried burning the pages to lock away their evil within black ashes, but it seems you can’t kill evil for good. Jonathan closed the book as a pleasant smile came to his face and he turned to walk away from the scene.
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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Thereisa is resting after another long match, which she was able to win by the skin of her teeth. But she adds another victory to her name and is just one more step closer to getting another title shot in the future. That is what she is banking on as one of the backstage crew gives her an ice pack to place on her shoulder to help with the pain and ease the muscle out some more.

Since coming back, her matches are getting fewer and fewer as her body is not recovering like it was when she was younger, but having the mystery backer give full support to Cyber Legacy is nice because it allows Serilda and Ana to come into their own as wrestlers even though they are full-blown heels and get business done with more ease than when the girls first came into the company.

But for now, it seems that no matter what she does or how many matches she wrestles, the thing that seems so far out of reach is the heavyweight title. The one thing that would make her comeback worth it is that title, and right now she is zero for two in trying to claim it as a challenger, as she has been passed up again for another title shot and is being made to jump through hoops at even getting another look or a glance at the damn thing... "It feels like I take one step forward and ten steps backward going through hoops to see if I can get another title shot... But I can keep going, I just have to tough it out some more... "I am so close to getting what I want, and soon this whole journey will be worth it," she says as she leans back in the chair she is sitting in.

Her eyes closed as she relaxed, even while wearing her expensive dress. Since she is still feared by most, people know not to mess with her when she is feeling high fashion and wanting to show others how much more money she has than them.


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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Jonathan walks around a corner and stops seeing Thereisa resting herself as he smirks. He walks right up to the Cyber Widow and playfully flicks her forehead as he walks by snickering. Jonathan sets the book down on a wooden table and puts his hands behind his back as his red eyes stare back into Thereisa’s.

Finally,” he uttered. “I get to meet the woman that put my best friend in the hospital. Look at her now, though. You may think you’re still some scary monster that people should fear, but all I see is someone who can barely handle a hurt shoulder. What’s there to be scared of? Your daughters? Hahahahahaha….Cyber Legacy, like your career as it stands, is a joke. Just a punchline at this stage.

Jonathan knew he could get under Thereisa’s skin with his pokes and probes of her mind. He knew Thereisa would mask her insecurities about the latter part of her career saying she could drop Jonathan into a trash bin and be done with it. However, he knew the older woman wasn’t in any position to come at him. He could lose a battle, but still win the war of words knowing he got a silver of truth to his statements. Jonathan inched a bit closer and stared Thereisa down crossing his arms.

And you can save the bravado. Ever since you failed against Astrid Ostberg, no one takes you seriously. All that talk for nothing. You theoretically could’ve won the title by now….that I have no doubt. Astrid was powerless against you. You could’ve easily trampled her and rule LAW with an iron fist. But there’s one thing you didn’t count on…, ” Jonathan explained.
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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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just when Thereisa was about to fall asleep for a bit. Someone just knew how to ruin it for her as someone flicked her forehead and woke her up. There was a glare on her face as she looked at one of the most annoying people in the company, some cult leader who thinks he knows everything with his speeches and nonsense. But she's been around the block a few times when it comes to mind games.

One thing her ex-husband was good at was playing mind games with his opponents before putting them down for good. So she never looks away from the man who inches closer to her as she crosses her leg and folds her arms beneath her busty chest, a look of superiority on her face as she waits for her return to respond.

"It's nice to meet the man who Will was begging for help when that joke of a stable you mentioned put him in the hospital, and you're too young to poke and prod at me with your insults, boy." "Compared to you and those little games you play about being someone who watches and such, I see more threats from Kennedy when we spar than I am getting from you right now,"
Thereisa would say. Because both wanted the same thing, the title, her meeting with the younger, hungry blond heavyweight almost came to blows. But, because Ana returned her to the stable, it is now her daughter's problem, not hers.

Leaning forward, her own red eyes staring right back into the man's own, she said, "Now have a seat; it seems you have something to say, and do make it worth my while, because what you think is bravado, I call it pride, unlike the man in front of me who has done nothing but walk around like a rejected Edgar Allan Poe."

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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Jonathan smirked as he grabbed a chair and unfolded it in order to sit down across from Thereisa fiddling with his fingers. He had his opening to talk smack as much as he wanted to, but Cyber Widow wouldn’t be easy to faze. This woman was all talk, sure, but her persistence had been a nagging trait to the cult leader and even demons had so much they could do before just ending someone annoying. He had seen all the crap she talks on Twitter so that was evidence enough, but they now could meet face-to-face.

Ah yes, you beat Will down and I know I won’t get an apology for it so why waste that space for a question? But…..I didn’t come to even get an apology. I came to….see the great and fearless Cyber Widow….and I’m hardly impressed to say the least. Nearing 50 and yes, you’re built well, but….you haven’t received the results you wanted. Having to take back-handed favors just to get ahead and cut to the front of the line for a title match. Just give it up, Thereisa. No matter what you do…you’ll be one step behind everyone…you’ll never get to the top. As for Kennedy, you two don’t even like each other so why bring her up?” Jonathan wondered.
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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Sitting regal was drilled into Thereisa when she was young. Her parents made her do it, and even her teacher's strict methods were beaten into her to keep her composed while dealing with someone, no matter how annoying or biting their words. A queen never forgets that her rank is higher than a loud mouth like the man standing in front of her. "Are you done?" she says with that smug tone still in her voice.

"Oh yes, I took backhanded favors to get a title shot that I earned, mind you. But to think that I would be insulted by a cult leader who hasn't had any matches since you were signed, Jonathan So how are you going to lecture me about not getting results when you yourself haven't even gotten anything done since? She leaned forward, her smirk still on her face, knowing that she had rarely shown this side of herself since her return, even during her heel run when she returned to the company.

"You act as if you've accomplished things, but here I've accomplished more than you... and at the end of the day, I'm still accomplishing more than you wish you could as a cult leader." Now, if you haven't anything worth using common sense to say, do so because your presence is annoying.

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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Jonathan just had a sly smirk on his face when faced with Thereisa. The German colossus could spit her venom where she pleased, because it wouldn’t be the first time a heavyweight tried talking him down. He called out Selket before their match in Egypt and she sat upon the turnbuckle looking down on him and putting him down as a supernaturalist. When they met in Egypt, The Anomaly was front and center as even though Selket nullified his immunity to pain with her purple mist, the demon made Selket pass out on her home turf in HIS dimension. Thereisa was just a step lower than Selket and Jonathan wouldn’t be fazed the slightest by her prattle. She couldn’t beat the Ostbergs, what hope had she against a demon? Even without her daughters or Kennedy around to blindside him? He didn’t know that for sure so he kept his wits about him.

Not accomplished? Someone hasn’t paid attention! I ended the farce winning streak of The Heartbreakers and gave them a new purpose. I defeated Selket and established myself as the new lone supernaturalist of LAW. In a few weeks time, I’ll take on Cecelia Lombard and she may have her own impressive record, but her and I go back some time so I know her weaknesses as much as I do her strengths. Point being Thereisa that I’ve accomplished much in my short time here and I’m an astounded trainer. I’ve brought plenty of results to my students and atone their skills to lead the future of this company. Hopefully, a future without you in it,” Jonathan explained as he laughed to himself in a dark chuckle.

If anyone here is annoying, it’s you, you old bat. I have a career I am happy with while you struggle to even keep up. You’ve lost and have to play around with the kiddies to stay relevant. You’ve barely manage to keep down a rookie pop idol. You’ve danced the bunny with Nico and Mary. You took on a spider at the last pay-per-view. I would say your own daughters have surpassed you in staying on top of their careers. You may have accomplished more, but it’s hardly worth boasting now seeing the state you are in. I can tell you just want to knock my lights out and be done with me. Well, go ahead, Thereisa. Hit me. Get it out of your system,” Jonathan challenged as he walked right up to Thereisa and met his face with hers.
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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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If it had been anybody else, Theresa would have knocked their head off with one of her kicks, but she is trying to hold in her anger at the words coming from Jonathan's mouth as if he has done something worthwhile in the company while she has been grinding day in and day out to stay in the hunt. But for all of his bragging about some heavyweight who doesn't hold a candle to her or some silly little tag team who think they are something special, he has another thing coming when it comes to talking about the future and careers.

Lean close to the man in front of her, doing something she hasn't done since she was married to her bastard of a husband, getting right next to Jonathan's ear, and starts to speak in her honey-toned voice: "Congratulations on defeating two girls who were trying to make something of themselves in the company, and you beat some wanna-be priests in a match that was more of a movie than an actual match. And yet you want to say I am struggling and trying to play around being relevant. You are either a fool... or, if I get a good look at you up close, a bigger idiot than most. But I know what I see, and that is a man trying to pretend that he is some monster when you're nothing more than a fake demon or, better yet, you're nothing more than a low-level wrestler here." She says this before pulling away and giving the man a smirk.

As she gets to her feet and brushes her hair to the side, almost as if she is done talking with the man in front of her, she says, "Now if you'll excuse me, some people in this company have things to do unlike you, my fake baby demon," as she turns and walks over to the mirror to place one of her contacts in her eyes, since she has an interview later with the backstage crew and she needs to look her best.

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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Jonathan just had to laugh and smirk in a dark manner as Thereisa was just playing him off to be this pretend demon that just wanted to spook people and be a creep. He was definitely much more than just smoke and mirrors. Something Jonathan would show Cyber Widow as he strolled up to her wrapping his right arm around her waist to pull her over to face him. He looked her up and down grinning like a madman.

You want a closer look? Hehehehehe…you have quite the curious mind. What I see when I look close is an elegant older woman…who just needs a little chill pill. But maybe you desire more. More power. More domination. It’s what anyone of your status would want,” Jonathan explained as he put his left hand over Thereisa’s forehead trying to change her mood with a soft touch.

The Anomaly’s touch was purely for his psychological mind games and a manner of calming someone’s inner doubts with just the slightest touch. Calm them down until he can exploit them that is.
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Re: Birth of the Silver Demon (for The Riders)

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Just when Thereisa was about to leave. The man reached out and was able to wrap his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body; she was able to get her hand out and just as his hand touched her forehead... her hand was at his neck in a ready to strike but something holds her back as is frozen in a standstill.

His hand rough and scared showing signs of battles his taken part in, is also cold compared to her body which is always warm and hot but it's as if a cold chill has goosebumps running up and down her skin... even a shiver goes up her spine from the mere touch before that familiar glare is back on her face. "Only one man was allowed to touch me... and that is not you, so let go or we see how long you last before I strike your throat." she says. All the while, that cold feeling is going through her body as the room has gotten colder.

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