Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Fingers danced in Alizeh's hair delicately as Cheyenne watched the greenette's face with a simple smile. It was quite a lovely feeling as her body was still aflutter from the sensation of their mutual climax. Her hand would return to Midori's face, running her thumb along her brow. "You still have wonderful eyes... Striking. Deep. Very... emotive," said the Native American, sighing softly before letting out a light hum.

"If you feel up for it, I think I could go another round in a little bit..." admitted Black Rock. Her lips quivered into a smile as she closed her eyes. "You're making me feel selfish, Alizeh. But it does feel good." She teased the words, opening her eyes again to regard Midori, fingers tracing the side of Alizeh's face, watching her once more quite fondly.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Falling back on the bed and breathing deeply for a few moments Alizeh would look up and smile rather tenderly at Cheyenne as she felt the larger woman's fingers run through her hair gently. Turning to face her Alizeh would smile softly as she wrapped an arm around her waist while staring into her eyes. "Heh, thanks, I was about to say something similar about yours." Alizeh said softly while moving some stray hairs out of Cheyenne's face and behind her ear.

Although hearing Cheyenne was up to more despite the massive orgasms they just had was definitely something that surprised Alizeh. But not in a bad way as she chuckled. "Oh wow, with stamina like Chey you would be a total monster in the hentai division." Alizeh joked, unknowingly broaching the hentai division topic once again as she moved in for another kiss with the woman.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Cheyenne's smile grew at Alizeh's remark as she rolled her eyes. She returned the kiss in kind. The Native American's hand moved from her date's face and down her neck and shoulder. It moved back around and then slid down the side of Alizeh's body as she hummed. "I don't believe I have the personality for hentai matches. Or the drive. It takes a certain kind of person to compete in them, and unfortunately I don't think I am one of them," explained Black Rock before she sighed.

"Besides... I believe I enjoy sex with no stakes. Just with someone beautiful that I'm quite fond of," added Cheyenne, smirking at Alizeh as her hand rested on the girl's behind, giving her cheek a squeeze to accent her point.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Cheyenne returned the kiss in kind which was a positive thing, but the question was now still in the air. After such fantastic sex, how would things play out given the... hentai element of their careers? Cheyenne was first, responding to what Alizeh had said in jest, saying she wasn't the type of person to compete in them. Which is just what needed to be discussed.

Nodding softly while rubbing herself in a bit closer against Cheyenne, especially at the touch of her hands roaming over her Alizeh would look the dark skinned woman in the eye. "Thank you." Alizeh said softly while cupping Cheyenne's cheek gently. "But, I am the type of person that can and will compete in hentai stuff if I'm booked for it, I don't back down." Alizeh said softly while gently caressing Cheyenne's face. "Is that... something you'd be able to deal with?" Alizeh asked her, knowing this may be the make or break moment for them.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Cheyenne slid her hand back up to Alizeh's waist and watched her. Her head subconsciously moved to press her cheek against Midori's hand more as she studied her face, quietly analyzing her. She hummed quietly as she thought, hand periodically tensing slightly on Alizeh's side. Taking a deep breath, Black Rock would then lean in, pressing her forehead against her date's.

"I have two questions," said the Native American, continuing to watch her thoughtfully. "First... is that how you have sex with those you compete with? You said you would show me how it was different," started Cheyenne, hand idling running up the side of Midori again before moving to her back. She paused a moment before the next question. "And why do you compete in hentai matches?" She wasn't ever one to make rash decisions. And she certainly never made any sort of significant ones without thinking over every reasoning for why. Cheyenne thought they would be simple enough of questions for Alizeh to answer that may help her figure it out.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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This was gonna be the turning point tonight. The sex between them was fantastic but now? Well now it was hard to say. Hentai wrestling was something that could be a potential wedge in this possible relationship, and it all seemed to be coming down to how Alizeh answered these next few questions. Feeling the pressure from Cheyenne's head on her own matched what Alizeh was feeling from these questions.

But she would take a breath before answering. "Well.. In hentai matches it's usually a lot faster, rougher and more compulsory. What we did was slow, and passionate, aggressive in our way sure, but a lot more organically. Hentai matches is usually a lot of changed gears, stop and start, and what. its competition first beyond anything else." Alizeh said, trying her best to explain how hentai matches operated compared to normal sex.

Next up came the second part of Cheyenne's question and Alizhe wasn't sure if this was easier or harder to answer. "Well... I do it to prove myself. Like it or not hentai is a big draw at LAW, and I aim to be one of the best competitors in all the divisions I can compete in. Standard, Hardcore, tag, hentai. I wanna do them all, hentai just so happens to.. kinda gel with me since I'm so open and, as you can attest, naturally flirty ya know?" Alizeh explained, now left to wonder how Cheyenne would take the answer.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Cheyenne studied Alizeh's expression as she spoke. The girl seemed to be having a bit of a difficult time--the answer wearing heavily on her. And then the following answer as well. Black Rock's hand moved to Midori's cheek to gently cup it in her hand, and she seemed thoughtful, peering at her in contemplation as she hummed quietly. She took her time--not rushing it as she stared into Alizeh's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, the Native American pulled her head back and let her hand rest on the side of Alizeh's neck, thumb idly brushing along her jaw line. "Thank you for answering honestly," she started, speaking in a softer tone. "It's... funny. I'm thinking about what Deanna would say since she is... better equipped for things like this. She would tell me to go for it, and try. That there would be nothing to lose and I may regret it if I didn't give it a shot. And then eventually when she calmed down... tell me to make sure to do so with how much I'm comfortable. I can't help but think that may be the best way to go about this." Cheyenne would take a deep breath, giving Alizeh a sincere look.

"I think ground rules would be beneficial. You had mentioned informing me when you would be involved in one of those matches. I think that is a good idea," said Black Rock, taking another deep breath. "And then... being exclusive, when competition isn't involved. No sleeping around." Cheyenne would then smile softly as she watched her. "And you would have to be very sweet to me too. Obviously. Tremendously so. I would like to feel special," she concluded, half-joking about the last one. She would continued to regard her, unsure of how Alizeh may respond to her ground rules.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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It was suspenseful this moment. Alizeh had answered Cheyenne's questions as honestly as possible and hoped they were acceptable to the woman one way or another, now however she had to wait and see what she would think. Thankfully she'd get her answer sooner than later as Cheyenne began talking, making Alizeh nod along with her. Still as Cheyenne spoke she had a disarming way about her, even making Alizeh chuckle softly at the comparison to her friend Deanna who she met briefly at the bar. Still as Cheyenne continued Alizeh would nod, listening and staying silent for a moment before looking back up at Cheyenne. "I see..." Alizeh said mulling it over, considering things before focusing on Cheyenne's eyes. "Honestly fair terms, but if its ok I think I need some time to think about it. Maybe say till after breakfast tomorrow?" Alizeh said, cracking a smile at the end with her half joking response.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Cheyenne let out a brief laugh after Alizeh's remark, nodding as well, watching her fondly as her hand moved back to her cheek, stealing another kiss from her. This time, longer, letting her lips linger on Midori's and concluding with a hum of delight from it. She seemed content with Alizeh's response and answered, "I can wait until after breakfast. I think we can take as much time as we'd need." Taking a deep breath, Cheyenne continued to speak. "I have really enjoyed my night though, Alizeh. Thank you."

Black Rock would then turn, peeling herself away from her lovely date to lay on her back, looking over at Alizeh with a smirk. "Unless our night isn't over yet...?" said the Native American suggestively.

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Re: Peaceful Date Under Moonlight

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Smiling softly at the kiss she received from Cheyenne that was at least a good sign to Alizeh before the two pulled away and Cheyenne answered, giving Alizeh a sigh of relief. Before making her smile happily at the follow response about having a good time. "Well I'm glad I got you to break out of you're shell a bit then." Alizeh would say before smirking a bit more deviously at the suggestive cliffhanger Cheyenne left off on. Pushing forward and rolling Cheyenne on her back so she was straddling the larger woman Alizeh would grin down at her. "I don't think we're quite done yet..." She breathed before going down on her date once more.


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