Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Adriana had tricked her! She had effortlessly dodged her, leading Kimiko right into her trap. Kimiko threw her fist as hard as she could into the solid brick wall. Her untrained knuckles crunched and cracked as it struck the wall. A splitting pain immediately flooded Kimiko‘s palm causing her to shriek out at the top of her lungs “MY HAND! MY FUCKING HAND IS BROKEN!!” She grabbed her hand and hugged it to her chest.

Kimiko was about to yell more at Adriana, but Adriana had something else planned for the poor overconfident jobber. Adriana grabbed Kimiko’s head, grasping a handful of her raven hair. And without any further notice Adriana spiked Kimiko’s head powerfully into the brick wall! Kimiko’s face made a harsh CRUNCH as blood splattered out from the brick.

Kimiko instantly fell to the ground yelping in pain, now grabbing at her nose. Her breathing was becoming gurgled as blood was running down her throat. “Uhhhhnnn… uhnnnnn… nooo… please…” she desperately moaned slowly trying to crawl away from her opponent. She was so weak she couldn’t get up to her feet, and she was so dazed she could hardly push herself forward either.

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Adriana a needed to laugh from how much of a loser her opponent was. Going from the tough playing bitch to crawling away and begging for mercy was just too funny! Kimiko was really part of the worst of law! Adriana would walk after Kimiko slowly. She didn´t need to hurry as her opponent was not getting anywhere fast! When the Italian had caught up she would slowly lift her foot up and place it on the butt of hf Kimiko.

“stop crying, you punches are too weak to break anything!” With that Adriana would shove her opponent forwards, hopefully enough to make her fall forwards and land with her chest and face on the hard ground and keep her high up high. In the next moment Adrian placed her foot between the legs of her opponent. “I am going to show you what real pain is!” With that Adriana would pull her leg upwards, she would go for a small kick trying to hit her opponent with her midfoot. The kick wasn´t the hardest Adriana ever done… but aimed at a nasty spot. She tried to kick her opponent right into the crotch! After that Adriana would step backwards and rest her head on her hand: “how was that, on a scale from 1 to 10?”

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Adriana planted her foot directly into Kimiko's crotch, smooshing it in with a soft squishy CRUNCH! Kimiko cried out with an earsplitting scream before slumping over at her side grabbing at her damaged goods. "TEN!!! TENNNN!!!- IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS SO MUCH~!!!" she yelled out. Kimiko rolled around on the ground kicking her legs. That kick did the poor rookie in good, she probably couldn't stand after that hit. She was reduced to a sobbing squirming mess on the ground, the cameras catching her full reaction.

Kimiko looked up at Adriana only able to ask "Why?... Why are you doing this to me?!..." as she clutched her injured crotch. An unrelenting stream of tears, blood, and drool flowed down her damaged face.

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Adriana watched the breakdown of her opponent! It was beautiful! Seeing Kimiko in tears and pain was brining Adriana so much joy! She would smile happily as she would walk after the young girl standing right above her, having the curled up mess that way Kimiko lay between her legs.
“if I recall right the fight was your idea wasn´t it? Don´t complain that what I said was right…” Adriana would lift her foot up and then stomp down one time as hard as she could. She would try to smash her boot right into the abs of her opponent with all her might. She tried to crush the stomach. “you don´t have what it takes to be a real law fighter!” Adriana would lift her foot up and stomp it back into the abs. “you’re eyecandy!” She would stomp down again into the abs. “your totally worthless!”

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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Each stomp went deep into Kimiko's soft unprotected gut. Her fragile belly instantly bruised, but Adriana felt the need to add insult to injury by pressing down further and crushing Kimiko's destroyed insides. "GUUUHHAH!" Kimiko gasped as Adriana's boot violently dented in her supple abs. Adriana had successfully drove the air out of her with each kick, prompting a swift wheeze from Kimiko's perpetually open mouth.

A great burning pain filled Kimiko's torso as she was too weak to even breath! Kimiko immediately felt lightheaded and her head fell back, only to be violently ripped up again as Adriana delivered another brutal stomp. But Kimiko began to fade and her head fell down once more, this time it didn't come back up when Adriana stomped again. The last things echoing in Kimiko's throbbing head were Adriana's scathing insults towards the pathetically weak rookie. Kimiko's eyes rolled back and she went completely limp. She even began to drool out of her gaping mouth. Kimiko was out cold on the alleyway pavement!

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

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“no no no!” would Adriana scream in anger and shock as she saw the light fading from the eyes of her opponent. She would kneel down over her opponent and grabbed the hair of Kimiko to pull her off the pavement a bit and hold her head up. Adriana reach back with her open hand and then twisted her upper body and slapped an open hand slap across the face of Kimiko.

“I am not done with you!” would she scream in frustration! This couldn´t be it… Kimiko got off way too easy…
Adriana would sigh as she would just let go of the girls hair. She would look over to the guy with the camera. “you got all this?” HE would just nod! Adriana grabbed the girl by the waistline. “you hopefully got all the picutres you wanted… because there is one thing she wanted!” Slowly the Italian woman would stand back up and lift her opponent over her shoulder. She would turn around and walked over to the huge trash bin and with one big throw she would throw the top half of Kimiko right in there, leaving her butt hanging out.

“hmm almost perfect!” Adriana would turn around and pick up a half empty bottle of energy drink. Adriana would turn the bottle upside down and pure the remaining drink on the poor girl.. “now!” With that Adriana throw the empty bottle on her victim and then turn around walking away from trashcan and past the guy with the camera…

“that was fun, give me another call if this should happened again!” after that adirana would walk away from the crime scene.

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Re: Backstreet Brawl - Kimiko Nagasawa vs Adriana Scarlett

Unread post by TriggerBunny »

Kimiko was effortlessly humiliated and tossed in the dumpster by Adriana. The cameramen got a full video of Kimiko's pathetic beatdown, the last shot focusing on Kimiko's ass and limp legs hanging out of the dumpster. Once the crew got the shots they wanted to showcase Kimiko's failure, they walked away laughing about how the full video was going to be uploaded for everyone to see and how Kimiko would definitely go viral. The door gym door closed and locked behind them. And just like that Kimiko was left all alone, unconscious hanging out ass-first of the dumpster behind the gym. She'd have to return from her trip to dreamland or be taken away with the rest of the trash once the garbage crew came.

Either way, Kimiko was going to be seen as LAW's trash.

Last edited by TriggerBunny on Sat Feb 04, 2023 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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