Silver Linings

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Smother Princess
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Arista »

When things got tricky, Gil was able to find a way to make it work! Her limited area for her tickle attack was a problem, but it seemed to do the trick just fine, that is until Silver began to spin round, and round, quickly swinging her in a loop as Gil's feet swayed out and dangled off the floor!

"...Put me doooooown...!" Gil whined as her head began to match the pace of their spins, making her incredibly dizzy, struggling to see exactly where Silver was despite the two not even being a foot apart...! "...I think I'm going to be sick..." Gil began to fake gagging at Silver's chest...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Sick with defeat..!" Silver laughed immediately at Gil's retort, until it became seemingly apparent that Gil wasn't kidding. She was about to vomit all over Silver's huge goods!

"OHH..OHHH..!" Panicking and then some, silver briefly shook her head left and right as if she was searching for answers, before she put Gil down to her feet. Bending over with her arms extended, she'd reach for a nearby bin, to pull it close!

"Breathe deep! DEEEEEP!"

Smother Princess
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had successfully faked her hurling all over Silver, and managed to get put down without getting too dizzy, even if there was still a bit of a wobble in her step...! "...Oh... Thank you..." Gil kept the act going for a moment longer, before...

"SUPPRISE ATTACK...!" Gil hooked her foot behind Silver's ankle and gave her a shove, hoping to catch her off guard, and send her falling ass first onto the ground below! Her craftiness was all she had going for her against such a foe, especially in these conditions, but she was going to let Silver know that challenging her suddenly was no strategy that would keep Gil from having her victory...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Once Silver had put Gil down, her hand was to Gil's back. It was a rarity that her moves caused sickness over outright breathlessness, but it wasn't unheard of. Though on this rare occasion, it was her job to check on her 'opponent' over a non-present official.

"I'm so-HEY!" Silver began an apology that never was allowed to finish, as Gil hooked a leg before pushing at the bigger woman's meaty body! Tripped with her arms flailing in the air, Silver screamed all the way to the ground, with her jiggly rear bouncing off it as she hit the deck!

Her cheeks were a little red and her eyes were wide, as she realised Gil had played her!


Smother Princess
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had managed to Get Silver down onto the ground, in prime position for the little gremlin to strike! "...Ehehe...!" Gil giggled and quickly mounted the larger woman's chest, trapping her arms at her sides as she sat on her large bust! "...Never let your guard down, especially not against me, the most masterful, tricky, and evil mind in all of wrestling...!" Gil threw her arms up and mocked an evil laugh...! "...MWAHAHAHA!"

"...Ahem, now that we got that out of the way, it's time to claim my victory...!" Gil bounced up and down with some force, giving the same effect a bronco buster might! "...You know, if you really wanted to have a real match, we could have like, setup something, spared at the Gym, heck, I have a queen-sized mattress at home...!" Gil blushed, realizing what that implied and kept bouncing...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The lighting behind her friend inadvertedly, or perhaps purposefully on Gil's part, made the much smaller gal appear all the more sinister as she chuckled - with the room casting a shadow over Silver, as she looked up at Gil akin to staring at a monster!

Though she wouldn't be left with that clueless gape to bare for long, as Gil practically kicked off her feet seemingly to try and drop her butt on Silver's face. Only, she wouldn't go quite so far!

Instead, she'd look to thrust her rear against Silver's top half and keep bouncing - in an effort to seemingly drive all of the air and wind out of Silver's sails! A move that proved effective and then some, as Silver mewled and moaned!

Smother Princess
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had seemed to get the upper-hand with her rather under-handed tactics, but there was no shame in that, all that mattered was that Silver wasn't hurt, and that Gil was winning, and right now, both those boxes were checked...!

Gil bounced her bottom up and down, on and off of Silver chest, forcing Silver's breath out of her with every single bounce! "...That was fun, it was like a trampoline...!" Gil giggled, finally halting her playful bouncing.

"...But now..." Gil looked toward the door, a bit out of reach, she looked to lock it but she would just have to hope no-one walked in. "...Let's finish this little squabble...!" Gil reached down for the hem of her skirt, slowly pulling it up her thighs, showing off some garter belts that attached themselves to her panties! She wore rather typical office-esq attire, a white button-up with a tighter fitting skirt that she usually was comfortable with, all complete with the fancy lingerie that Silver was getting a good look at now! "...Like what you see? Let's get you a closer look!" Gil's skirt now pulled all the way up, she scooted forward to sit on Sivler's face...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Silver was being jiggled by the hips of her small foe to not only a surprising, but frightening degree! Gil had quite a lot of life and energy in her, which more than made up for the size advantage Silver held over her. At least whilst the bedroom queen was to her back!

But as Gil went for the finish, Silver herself began to stir. Wheezing and moaning as she tried her best to catch her breath, the small Gil would find her pantie-clad butt soon sat upon Silver's chest, but it would go no further. At least not without intervention from her foe!

With red cheeks, Silver brought up her hands to Gil's thighs as she heaved with her hips in tandem. To throw Gil up and off her, in a sudden, forceful show of strength!

Shaking her head at how close she had come to literally being sat on, Silver felt it was only fitting to return Gil's efforts with a similar assault of her own. As she pushed herself onto all fours, before crawling rapidly over to her smaller foe. In an effort to find a top mount - with Silver sat upon Gil's bosom!

Smother Princess
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Arista »

Gil had the tables turned on her rather quickly! Silver took her by surprise as Gil tried to be seductive in her taunting, scooting her way up to Silver's face, but that only made it that much easier for Silver to take Gil off-guard, and end up the one on top...!

"...Hey! That's not fair...!" Gil giggled, hitting her back against the floor as Silver sat her weight down onto Gil's chest, doing a much better job at keeping her pinned than Gil ever could! "...Alright, you win..." Gil sighed. "...Is what I would say if I didn't have this...!" Gil bucked wildly two or three times, none really even budged the larger woman. "...Umm, nevermind, I guess willpower won't get me out of this one..." Gil giggled again!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Linings

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Silver began to laugh at Gil's rather cute wiggles. Even pinned beneath her considerably larger frame, Silver found Gil still giving it her all despite the fun premise of the impromptu tickle and smother fight. Though all that was about to end, as Silver scooted her large butt across Gil's collarbone. To take a full seat upon her face!

Supporting her weight by pressing her hands down to her knees as firmly as she could, Gil wouldn't feel the crushing pressure of having the two hundred plus pounder sat upon her head but she'd certainly be deprived all the same. By the sheer size of Silver's butt!

The bedroom queen wouldn't even have to wiggle, as she sat almost perfectly still! Humming and laughing, as Gil no doubt began to struggle. In absolute vain!

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