Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

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Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by Weonna »

Standing in the center of the ring was Akane who was showered with boos coming inside the ring as she had a microphone in her hand. Three days ago she had a match with Ilaria Santarossa.

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The match itself wasent something to write home about as it was a snooze fest and it was basically a one sided beating that had to be cut short due to someone being injured in that bout. Not only that but the audience was disinterested in watching Akane, who was a threat in the indie scene, go up against someone not on her level as many wanted to see the Evil Queen of Strong-Style go up against an up and comer like Ogata Akiko.

"罰金!落ち着けバカ!(Fine! Calm down you idiots!)....I know lots of you didn't find my last match to be interesting, but what can I do? It's not my fault I had to go up against such a weak opponent!"

The crowd booed even more as Akane just shook her head in annoyance as she began to speak louder into the mic.

"おい!私をブーイングしないでください!(Hey! Don't boo me!) If there is anyone to blame here is Ilaria's cowardly friend Akiko! If she would've taken the time to take Pro-Wrestling seriously instead of treating it like a Part-Time job then her loser friend wouldn't have to be in the hospital right now! She disrespected my time schedule, she disrespected me, and most importantly she disrespected Pro-Wrestling, the sport that i love and worked throughout my entire life. And I get it...she has school and everything, but that's gonna be part of life! If you can't have time to balance school and Pro wrestling, then don't do Wrestling and waste my fucking time!"

The tone of Akane sounded Vulgar and mean-spirited as the audience kept booing at her which only annoyed her even more.

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

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Akiko's music would roar for a few seconds before abruptly cutting off, the blond woman walking onto the stage, making a clear gesture backstage for them to cut it out. She would look down the ramp and at Akane with murderous intent before raising a mic to her lips.

"Ok, shit for brains, let's get a few things straight first. I accepted your challenge, all I wanted is time to write an exam but apparently asking you to be patient and wait a week like a real martial artist would be too much. And now you are here, talking about me disrespecting Pro-wrestling, now, what's more disrespectful, taking time to be able to commit to a match at 100% or beating up someone who can't defend herself? Because, let's be honest, it wasn't just a match, you wanted to brutalize Ilaria to send a message. Why else would you slam her head against the fucking steps?"

Akiko spoke as she walked down the ramp and into the ring to face Akane. The crowd cheered for her.

"But guess what, message fucking received, I'm here now. So you have the balls to actually fight or would you rather keep punching down, bitch?

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by Weonna »

Akane would stand there with a grin on her face as she was proud of what she did to Illaria (though not really) as Akiko got to mouth off to Akane and it was obvious the crowd was pro-Akiko.

However there was one thing that bothered Akane as she completely blacked out everything Akiko just said.

"Hey! No speak Engrish! Sorry...No speak Engrish that good!!! あなたの日本語は正しいですか?私たちの母国語で話してください!あなたはそれを知っているあなたの不名誉ですか?(Your Japanese right? Speak to me in our Native Language idiot! Your a disgrace you know that!)"

The crowd booed even more as Akane's grin only widened.

"あのね?あなたが理解できる唯一の方法であなたに話します!(you know what? I will speak to you in the only way you can understand!) BAKA!!!!!! BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA! BAKABAKABAKABAKABAKA!!!! BBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! AWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

Akane began laughing like an Hyena as she also clucked like a chicken as this got some laughs from the audience!

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

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Akiko only raised an eyebrow at Akane's display before speaking while looking to the audience.

"You all see what I'm dealing with, right?" Then she turned back to the redhead. "We are in front of an international audience and I'd rather they understand me than you... And I already knew who I was dealing with, there was no need for an introduction. Now, are doing it, or would you rather keep being a clown?"

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

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"ああ、あなたの言うことを待って? (Oh? Wait what you say?) Me still no speak engrish! No Engrish!!!!! NNNOOOOO EEEEENNNNNNNGGGGGRRRRRRIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Akane started to shout while Akiko was talking to her as she completely blocked out her dialouge with her obnoxious screaming. Once Akiko would try to open her mouth she was met with.

"何のばか!!? 私はあなたを理解することはできません !(What Idiot!!? I can't understand you!) BBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

The audience started to groan in annoyance as they can't decipher what Akiko said with Akane's loud screaming. It seems that Akane was intent in blocking out Akiko's dialouge and no matter what Akiko says to her, the Evil Queen would drown it out with more screaming.

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Akiko shook her head, she was willing to cut Akane a little slack before, based on what Ilaria told her but the redhead just proved obnoxious beyond belief.

"これが分かりますか?"(can you understand this?) She said before turning off her mic and throwing a punch at Akane's face before stepping back and tossing the mic out as her patience run out.

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by Weonna »

Akane got the reaction she wanted as she let out a big evil grin as she got punched in the face...of course she had to stumble back but when she turned to look at Akiko in the eyes all she can say was,

"You know what? I don't think I find you worthy to speak in I'll speak in english~"

Akane let out a hackle like a hyena as all this time she could speak english!

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Akiko would just shake her head.

"Done making a clown of yourself? Everyone here knew you speak English, they heard you speak it before. Now, are you gonna square up or are you too scared to take on someone who can actually fight?" She said and despite the loud tone, the mic she had before was gone so only those gathered near the ring would hear her speak.

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Re: Last Match was Lackluster feat. AKANE and Ogata Akiko

Unread post by Weonna »

"Me scared of you? A little school girl? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Well considering that you just laid your filthy hand at me...let's get it on!"


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