Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Hikaru was hurting and she tried meekly to crawl on top of Kira sending punches with her less hurt left hand! "Shut up already! SHUT UP!" Hikaru screamed, the usually quiet and reserved Japanese woman now angry and tired of the arrogance of Kira. Hikaru knew she was still on the back foot but she knew she couldn't just lay there and take whatever Kira threw at her. She had to fight back regardless of how ineffective it was.

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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Kira was laid down and it seem as if that little brat had the strength to crawl on top and send punches towards her”Ugh!” She groaned as the little Japanese girl was trying her hardest even if her land was weak. “WHY DON’T YOU SHUT UP!!!” She roared as the crowd was watching this go from a wrestling match to a pure street fight. Kira yelled in pain but despite that she had one last trick up her sleeve”DIE HIKARU!!!” She let out as she tried to raise her hand to have her nails slash against her face!
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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Hikaru was swinging away as best she could, but her face was wide open as Kira raked her with her nails! Hikaru screamed and rolled off Kira as the nails raked across her whole face. Hikaru was frantically kicking the mat in pain as her hands covered her face. She was blinded and her whole face stung, throbbing with pain as she was stunned for the moment giving Kira the time she needed to recover and go back on the attack.

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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Kira would let out a sigh of relief as she knocked Hikaru off of her. Now that the annoying Angel was crying in agony from the rake, it gave the goddess time to recover. She let out some deep breathes before pushing herself to stand”now you die!” The goddess cried out as she walked over to her opponent as she reached to grab her by her hair to pull her up in a standing postion. The goddess would interlock her arms around Hikaru’s and went to use her remaining strength to pull her up into the air. If she was successful she would let Hikaru look at the crowd, wanting her to see their disappointed looks as the underdog wasn’t able to beat the Goddess. When she was finished she slammed her down hard the mat and went for a hook of the leg for a pin

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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Hikaru wanted to kick out. She wanted to pull off the upset and show LAW that she wasn't just some joke or undercard underdog who could never win with anything on the line. However after being planted to the mat by Kira and covered she simply had nothing left in her. She was done and motionless as she was pinned with the count marching on.


The bell rang and Hikari was done, she had lost yet again and in the biggest match with the most on the line so far in her career. She groaned and covered her face in her arms, not wanting to look at anyone.

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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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HERE IS YOUR WINNER BY PINFALL…. KIRA KUSANGI!!!!” the announcer shouted into the microphones. The audience was left in silence, some were even wondering if Hikaru had to be sent to the hospital. The ref came and helped Kira stand, raising her arm up victoriously as she let out nothing but huff’s and buffs. Soon the golden goddess came to her senses and gestured for the microphone. Once she was given the mic she said”you did better then I excepted….. but know this….. this…
Is…. My… ring
” She said in breathes before collapsing ontop of defeated Angel. Even with Kira taunts, Hikaru fought her heart out and managed to give Kira only enough energy to say only words.
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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Hikaru was hurting, and in very bad shape right now. She had no answer for Kira and when she fell on top of her all Hikaru wanted to do was shove her off and roll towards the ropes to get out of the ring. She fell short... yet again.... and wanted to disappear. Hikaru seemed to almost always fall short no matter what, and wanted to forget about tonight as soon as she could.

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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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It took Kira a minute or two to wake up from falling down. Thankfully Hikaru broke her fall it was like landing a pillow for her. She goddess pushed herself to her knees and pushed Hikaru out of the ring. Hoping she would roll down near the trash can where she belonged. The goddess would stand up and stumble out of the ring before grabbing her championship belt. She walked up the ramp not uttering a word as she left the arena to go backstage.
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Re: Apex Match: Kira Kusanagi vs. Hikaru Sawazaki

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Apex Match Winner Via Pinfall: Kira Kusanagi

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