Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Last man standing match
No DQ, no Count outs, falls count anywhere

The winner is chosen by whichever wrestler is unable to stand up to their feet for a ten count!

The crowd was restless, waiting for the next match. Then Frankies music hit, followed by the vile gal strutting out with a smirk, whipping what was likely a pre-match bear from her lips and stumbling to the ring. The crowd booed and hissed as Frankie walked onto the stage, the chubby woman was someone the audience had grown to love to hate. She was rude, vulgar, and not afraid to engage the audience. This attitude made her hated, which in turn, made her popular because the audience loved to see other wrestlers try and knock her down a peg. Not that it ever seemed to work out the way they wanted, even when she lost, it really didn't feel like a win, more the survived Frankie.

She got in the ring, flopping into the corner, smirking as she was outfitted in her normal outfit, a black top with the words "The Punk Skunks" with the S in the shape of a skunk tail, referencing a band she enjoyed. Along with this, she wore a tight pair of leopard shorts and her fishnets and boots, the smug girl jiggling her gut as waited for her opposition.

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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The next opponent for Karbon was a girl named, "Frankie". It was an odd name to say the least as he associated it more to a guy than a girl, but that didn't matter much to him. He just needed to plow through them and leave them unconscious on the mat for 10 seconds. Shouldn't be too hard, right? With her entrance all done and out of the way, the lights would go out as Karbon's music began to play. The knight was used to people cheering for his theme and then instantly booing him, but... The cheering didn't stop? This was new to him... Was his opponent that much more hated than him?

This put a bit of a smirk on his face as he jogged his way down to the right with only a white strobe light illuminating him in time with his music. Karbon would then roll underneath the ropes and kneel down in the middle of the ring with a red spotlight shown upon him. He would then scream out, "NNNNNNIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAARRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!!" In time with the music. After that, the spotlight would fade out and the normal lights would come back on. Karbon would then point his finger at his opponent and say, "Now your nightmare has come to life."

To be honest, the cheering from the crowd was actually pretty nice, but Karbon wouldn't let them know that. He still scoffed them off and looked over his opponent, who was a lot different than he imagined. The knight usually faced really petite girls, but this one was a bit more plump and not as "clean" as the others.

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Frankie started down Karbon, snickering at the cheesey one liner "Oh bitch please, only one having a nightmare is the nightmare that uh, you'll be going through when I get my hands on you. I'll make ya smell so bad they're call you night-mah ass!" She mocked, not exactly saying a good insult but saying one regrdless

The referee did their checks, before the calling for the bell so the match could start, Frankie would strut forward, pretending to offer a handshake to Karbon, and if the knight took her hand she would immidtally give him a literally taste of how bad things were gonna be, pulling him into her armpit and smothering his face in her sweaty underarm!

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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"Uhhhh... Was that supposed to make sense or something?" Karbon asked as he cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Obviously this girl should have been checked out before the match, but I guess the LAW officials either don't care, or just let her be like this for some reason. The bell rang and the match began with Frankie offering her hand out to him. The knight looked down at her hand and then looked back up at her face and said, "Do you really think I'm going to fall for such an easy trick like that?"

The knight would then slap her hand away with a mixture of boos and cheers from the crowd. Karbon would then go for a kick to her mid section, hoping to double her over and leave her head exposed to him. If that worked, he would then get her into a front face lock and fall as hard as he could on his back, hoping to connect a DDT!

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Frankie would frown as her very obvious plan failed, before getting kicked in the stomach, causing her to groan and wheeze. Feeling the boy lock an arm around her neck, she knew she would need to act quickly, or she'd be getting spiked right away! She attempted to shove Karbon down as he tried pulling back, using her sweaty body to try and slip out of the DDT!

If the move worked, she would stumble back, before attempting her most well known move, running and attempting to just fall ontop of Karbon to squash him into the mat!

If it did work, Karbon would be able to slam Frankie headfirst into the mat, however, the girl's dazed frame would be vertical, before falling down, landing ass first into Karbon's stomach, the dazed Frankie not even realziing the DDT had backfired partly for Karbon!

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Getting Frankie's head locked in a DDT position was a nice first step of the match. However, the knight didn't account for her already to be sweaty! As he went to lean back to dart her head into the ground, he felt his arm slip right out as he was pushed down without her coming with him! A shocked look was on his face as he had no cushion to lessen the impact of him falling straight on his back!

The air would rush out of Karbon's body from the impact and temporarily stun him. This was enough time for Frankie to setup her next move as she started to run and fall right on top of him, "Ooomph!!!" She would now be sitting right on his stomach as his arms and legs would go up into the air a little bit before coming right back down on the mat. "Ugh... Get off of me!" Karbon protested.

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Her sweat saving her, Frankie smirked seeing the boy get flattened under her chubby frame, squashing him into the mat! She would groan before smirking seeing him weakly protesting under her. She smirked "Now way, you're bein' REAL mean and you need to learn to say sorry!" She mocked, bouncing up and down on his stomach, making it feel like his insides were being squished by a vice.

She then would attempt to transition forward, scooting forward, squatting on his chest. She then grabbed two handfuls of his hair, before then shoving him face deep into her gut! She grunted and grinded his face into her blubbery gut as they smothered his face in the squishy embrace. In the depths of the soft sea of that gut, Frankie mocked him with hair pulling as she humped her belly into his face more mocking and humiliating him

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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"As if I would ever say sorry to someone like you!" Karbon spat back at her, but she quickly silenced him by bouncing up and down on his stomach, "Ugh ugh ugh guh!" With her on top of him like this, there wasn't much he could do. Although, Frankie wasn't content to just stay there. She began to scoot up closer and sat on his chest. He then felt his hair get yanked a bit so that his face was now shoved right into her belly! "MMphphmphp!"

The fleshy prison that he was in now was actually a pretty new experience for him. Usually, Karbon's face was smushed in between a girl's breasts or ass, but never in their gut! Either way, it wasn't a pleasant thing as her sweat was now starting to get into his eyes, nose, and mouth. In order to try and escape out of this, the knight began to punch away at the sides of Frankie, hoping that he can inflict enough damage to make her release him.

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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Frankie rubbed her greasy gut all over the boys face, biting her lip as she smothered him smugly, letting out a little moan of pleasure as she bullied him, before then letting out a beltch as Karbon pouned her side. "Gah! Little brat!" She responded, leading forward and eclipsing his head under her fat belly, shaking her hips around as she rubbed her sweaty gut all over the poor boys features, less damaging his face but defineitly humiliating him!

After a few minutes of this she finally would let him go, sloppily getting off his face with his features drenched in her sweat!

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Re: Down and Dirty (Frankie vs Karbon)

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It felt like Karbon was punching into clay. With each blow, his hand would sink in and he could tell that they weren't having that great of an effect on her. The knight's face was getting more and more sweaty due to Frankie's gut and the crowd was lapping it up as the boy was getting dominated by this girl. Finally, Frankie released him from her stomach prison as she stood up to let him breathe, "Ugh... What is wrong with you!?" He would say as he started to wipe away at his face to get her sweat off of him.

With this humiliation though, it quickly turned into rage as he wanted to get his revenge. If grappling wasn't going to work on her, then some strikes ought to put her in her place! Karbon would get back up to his feet and assume a boxing stance as he made his way closer towards her. Once he was in range, he would throw a fake punch, only to follow it up with a round house kick to her head!

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