Facing Evil

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Re: Facing Evil

Unread post by KillerV »

Demikon can feel her strength building up the rushes inside of her when she managed to come right at Reiko and send a big boot aiming to the face, but see that her opponent able to bring the arms up to block it but it wasnt enough to stop the demonic wrestler blows, and it was forceful enough to knock her down hard to the mat, seeing it was enough to make Reiko clutching on her head and seem to be dazed, the masked woman is fine by that and yet, have the urge to beat her some more. "Get up"

She hunches over to reach for her wrist to pull up by force as she wanted to hold on the wrist firmly, other hand onto the back of Reiko hair to pull back, glaring down at her face, examining like reading her mind to see her status before using her arm to whipping to the furthest corner wanted her to resting up there. "Hmph!" Once hoped that she stay there, the masked demon patting her shin as shes ready to do another boot to the face. "Taste another!" Demikon rushes for Reiko in the corner until she get close enough going for another big boot to the face, with the corner behind her opponent, will be much more painful.

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Re: Facing Evil

Unread post by Devastated »

Reiko was dazed from that big boot, even if she had managed to block much of the impact, it was still something that had certainly rung her bell. She groaned as she remained on the canvas, trying to gather her senses. As she was busy doing that, the masked wrestler would grab at her arm and the back of her head, guiding the blonde up to her feet before she sent her running with a powerful Irish-whip! Literally whipping Reiko off towards the far off corner. She turned at the last minute and hit the corner back first, releasing a soft grunt upon impact.

The blonde's head moved up and her eyes fixed on the charging Demikon! She was coming right at her, and this was it. She had to fight back...at the last moment Reiko would attempt to duck out of the corner and leave Demikon charging right into the turnbuckle! Stepping out of the corner and trying to slip in behind her masked opponent, Reiko would try and wrap her arms around that waist and pick Demikon up! Backing up a few steps before throwing them backwards as she would try and go for a delayed German Suplex, with an aim to smash Demikon shoulder and neck first into the canvas.

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