Maya "The Mantis" Mason
The stoic huntress with an iron grip!
ProfileReal Name: Maya Mason
Nicknames: The Mantis, The Karen-suplexer
Also called Mantis-grip pussy... don't ask her why, though, she gets embarrassed about it.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Dark green
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 170 lbs
Nationality: Mexico
Alignment: Tweener
Favorite Match types: Standard, Hardcore, Hentai, Smother, Sumo
Entrance Music:
Casual theme
Entrance/Main theme
A dark skinned gal with well-toned muscles, dark green hair, and golden yellow eyes.
Wrestling outfit

Casual outfit

Bikini/Hentai outfit

Straight forward, dutiful and stoic. She speaks in a calm monotone and usually seems unaffected by the world around her. She never seems to be very happy, excited, or surprised, just as she never appears sad, annoyed, or angry as well (In other words, she's a total Kuudere). Its rare to see her genuinely smiling, unless she's either particularly impressed by an opponent, or genuinely touched by something someone else said. It's also uncommon to see her flustered, but an easy way to get her to blush is calling her by her secret nickname... One that'll often be thrown around by her girlfriend whenever she's assigned as the announcer for a match.
When in a match, Maya is also known for always allowing her opponent to attack first, since her strategy mainly relies on her opponents getting close and missing an attack.
Maya is also particularly observant, much like an actual mantis, a skill she incorporates both in her time off, and on the ring. This attention to detail of hers is actually the reason as to why she has several notebooks filled with detailed drawings of various things, such as plants and animals she's seen when walking around town, as well as drawings of other wrestlers, with small notes on their fighting styles.
She also takes scheduling very seriously, and almost always arrives 5 minutes earlier to most events she agrees to, including matches. She also keeps track of things using post-it notes and several lists, which she often pastes on her fridge as a way to keep herself on track. In spite of her dutifulness, however, she can also be fairly clumsy at times, a quality of hers that she tries her hardest to avoid showing in a match.
She's secretly a comic-book fan, but doesn't tend to talk about them much, and will usually only read comics when she's certain no one is watching her.
Wrestling Information
Type: Grappler/Submission artist.
Strategy: Much like a Mantis, Maya's strategy doesn't include a whole lot of moving. Instead, she simply allows her opponents to get close to e stop them in their tracks with one of her many painful holds, which she tends to keep going for excruciatingly long periods of time. She's also known for leaving small hickeys on her opponent's necks in hentai matches, but no one's completely sure as to why.
Preferred Attacks:
- Clotheslines
- Knee strikes
- Elbows
- Head/body-scissors
- Headbutts
- Chokes
- Chokeslams
- Abdominal stretches
- Bearhugs
- Suplex
- Clawholds
- Headlocks
Attitude To Hentai: "...Alright, but you better be prepared for the consequences of this. After all, there's a reason why they say sex with a mantis can be dangerous~"
General Statistics
[Endurance ★ ★ ★ ★
Strength ★ ★ ★
Speed ★
Defence ★ ★ ★ ★
Technique ★ ★
(A tank by definition, she has an admirable amount of resilience, and perfectly landing a hit on her is particularly difficult. That being said, though, her speed is... not the best, to say the least, and her strategy can be easily countered once an opponent figures out what she's going for.)
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★ ★ ★
Submissions ★ ★ ★ ★
Powerhouse ★ ★ ★
Aerials ★
Counters ★ ★ ★ ★
(Her high arm strength makes her strikes particularly painful, and her submissions something to fear! And coupled with her ability to get out of most situations, Maya's quite a menace when it comes to ground-based moves! ...to bad she sucks at landing aerial moves :/ )
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
Name Of The Moves:
Mantis' strike

Claw to crotch (Mostly used in Hentai matches)
180 Claw drop

Iron Claw Slam with an added spin before slamming her opponent to the ground
Name Of The Move:
Mantis Claw

Backbreaker strech/claw combo (Claw is also aimed for the crotch in Hentai matches)
Little bug with big ambitions
Maya had a fairly normal childhood and adolescence. Although she didn't get to see her parents all that often thanks to how busy their work-lives were, she still cherishes the time she DID share with them to this day... Though one event in her early life that would push her to become the wrestler she is today is the time she went to an Insectarium with her parents when she was 10 years old. During this visit, she found herself particularly enthralled by a Mantis, which she saw effortlessly grabbing a fly while it was flying. The rest of the kids at the exhibit looked away, but she couldn't help but feel amazed by the Mantis' speed, and developed an adoration for the species that would carry on to her older years.
Another notable moment in her life happened around the time she was getting her bachelor's degree. She was studying entomology at the time, but joined a wrestling club at her college because she thought it would be a fun way to de-stress... and she was right! Although she didn't really win most of the matches she participated in, she still had a lot of fun, and even met her girlfriend at this club! This little wrestling club is also the place where both her wrestler name "The mantis" and her nickname "Mantis-grip pussy" would originate. The ladder being a playful nickname given to her by her girlfriend after she accidentally broke four of her opponents' fingers with her thighs alone.
After graduating, Maya would then get a job as a McDonalds employee, since her degree in Entomology didn't really open as many doors for her as she had hoped. And during a particularly rough shift, ended up suplexing a particularly annoying customer after they started complaining about their order, in spite of her and her coworkers giving her exactly what she asked for. Although she was obviously fired for this behavior, her coworkers have placed a picture of her on their break room, in memory of the legendary Karen-suplexer.
This event, combined with her pre-existing love for wrestling she developed in her time at college, were enough to make her realize what her true calling in life was... Wrestling! Though she wouldn't truly be satisfied with just BEING a wrestler, but instead, inspired by Honie B.Bea's success, would incorporate her favorite bug into her outfit design and her fighting style to become "The Mantis"! Soon after participating in a few obscure events before being picked up by LAW, where she now aims to test her skills against as many people as she possibly can!
Another notable moment in her life happened around the time she was getting her bachelor's degree. She was studying entomology at the time, but joined a wrestling club at her college because she thought it would be a fun way to de-stress... and she was right! Although she didn't really win most of the matches she participated in, she still had a lot of fun, and even met her girlfriend at this club! This little wrestling club is also the place where both her wrestler name "The mantis" and her nickname "Mantis-grip pussy" would originate. The ladder being a playful nickname given to her by her girlfriend after she accidentally broke four of her opponents' fingers with her thighs alone.
After graduating, Maya would then get a job as a McDonalds employee, since her degree in Entomology didn't really open as many doors for her as she had hoped. And during a particularly rough shift, ended up suplexing a particularly annoying customer after they started complaining about their order, in spite of her and her coworkers giving her exactly what she asked for. Although she was obviously fired for this behavior, her coworkers have placed a picture of her on their break room, in memory of the legendary Karen-suplexer.
This event, combined with her pre-existing love for wrestling she developed in her time at college, were enough to make her realize what her true calling in life was... Wrestling! Though she wouldn't truly be satisfied with just BEING a wrestler, but instead, inspired by Honie B.Bea's success, would incorporate her favorite bug into her outfit design and her fighting style to become "The Mantis"! Soon after participating in a few obscure events before being picked up by LAW, where she now aims to test her skills against as many people as she possibly can!
0 wins 0 losses
Friends: None for now
Allies: None for now
Rivals: None for now
Crushes: None for now
Enemies: None for now