[Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time Charlotte had encountered a misunderstanding. There was no place left in her memory for her debut, but she remembered her second match perfectly. She managed to literally knock Ember out outside the ring. She knew that her opponent would not have time to get up. She knew that to win, she just had to return to the ring. But instead, the Frenchwoman lifted Ember's body and carried her to the edge of the ring with her own hands.

For one reason or another, Ember herself practically did not attach any significance to this gesture. However, the audience was shocked by the act of the Sand Lizard. They couldn't figure out what to make her voluntarily give up an honest victory. Some even suggested that in this way she wanted to show her superiority over her rival. Although, of course, it wasn't the case.

Yes, once inside the walls of LAW, Charlotte has already managed to face misunderstanding. But now, when Aira started asking the same question, the pink-haired woman for the first time faced misunderstanding directly from her rival. She heard it in the blue-haired woman's voice. It was a very subtle note, but Charlotte could hear the contempt in Aira's voice.

It was easy to see that the act of the Sand Lizard angered the Indonesian woman. Experiencing terrible pain after the fall, Aira began to get to her feet. Perhaps someone did not understand this, but it was obvious to Charlotte that this anger was the fuel for her rival. This anger even helped Aira to overcome the pain in her body. Like Charlotte, she was in a terrible state, but even so she managed to get to her feet.

There was no emotion on Charlotte's face at that moment. No anger, no sadness. Why? She understood what caused the dissonance in Aira's head. Yes, the blue-haired woman realized her guilt for the mean blow at the beginning of the match. But she still believed that victory is victory, no matter what price was paid for it. This principle was adhered to by most of the fighters of LAW. This principle was a stable part of their world. But when you come across something that is not familiar to you, when you come across something that violates the principles of your world, you will always show the same reaction as Aira.

Charlotte showed the first signs of emotion after Aira said she wouldn't blame her if she took advantage of the weakened condition of the blue-haired woman. The martial arts master blinked slowly, saying without words that she knew it. Charlotte wasn't going to blame Aira for the low blow or her broken nose either. The point was that Charlotte understood Aira's actions. But Aira didn't understand Charlotte's actions. The Indonesian woman demanded an answer. And Charlotte had that answer.

"Because..." she said at the moment when Aira with a furious cry rushed at her.

The Sand Lizard closed her eyes literally for half a second in an attempt to gather both thoughts and strength. They both crossed the Rubicon. This was their last round. And so, in that short moment, Charlotte tried to find a balance in her soul. She tried to remember what a real fighter should be like. Yes. Right. Resistant. Like a stone.

The Frenchwoman pushed off from the mat and rushed towards her opponent. The atmosphere in the arena seemed to have reached its apogee. The audience shouted their names. They didn't need a favorite anymore. Now they needed a worthy winner. Now that these incredible women had dragged each other through such a tough match, they wanted to find out which one of them had the strength to overcome the other.

They met in the very center of the ring. Their hands began to move almost simultaneously. Charlotte did not take her eyes off her rival's eyes. For her at that moment, time seemed to have stopped. She knew how strong and skilled this woman was. She knew how much Aira wanted to win. But she wanted the same thing. Martial arts was the only life Charlotte had known since the moment her family kicked her out. Therefore, she wanted to go forward while she had the strength. That's why she wanted to reach the top. That's why she wanted to show everyone without exception that...

There was a deafening bang, followed by silence. Even for those who were closest to the ring, there was no doubt. Aira's fist was right on the Sand Lizard's face. A few drops of blood fell on the mat. The young woman's arms and legs were shaking as if she was in death throes. Even the air around them became very heavy.


And only after a second or two, something else became clear. The Sand Lizard's right palm was right in front of her face. And this palm was squeezing Aira's fist. Resistant as a stone. Because if a fighter's body is flabby, and fear lives in their heart, then they will never find the courage to meet an opponent's blow. Continuing to squeeze the fist of the blue-haired woman, Charlotte slightly lowered her palm. She wanted to look into the eyes of her rival. Now she was ready to give the answer.


"We must be better," she said.

Without any hesitation, she intended to grab her opponent's wrist and then pull it towards her so that Aira would lose her balance. At the same time, the Sand Lizard was about to turn her left side towards the Indonesian woman. Was Aira able to understand this answer? Charlotte didn't know. But her words were true. She believed it with all her heart. There is always a choice. And very often, especially when it comes to the ring, the choice is between what is right and what is easy.


The pink-haired woman made her choice a long time ago. No matter how difficult the circumstances are. No matter how desperate the situation is one way or another. No matter how strong her opponent is. Charlotte believed there was another way. Victory is victory. This was believed by the majority in this federation. But not Charlotte. For her, the victory gained by dishonor was worth nothing.

Even the majority of champions were ready to go to any baseness in order to keep the belt. That's why Charlotte decided to go through Apex. She wanted to prove and show that there is always another way. That's why she wanted to become the first openweight champion. Exhaling air from her lungs in order to relieve the pressure in her lungs, she intended to send her left elbow straight into the center of Aira's face, trying to hit her with a reverse elbow strike!


They say that the goal is always important, but the path to this goal not always is. Charlotte couldn't agree with that. The goal can be noble. But what's the point if your path to this goal is filled only with meanness and excuses? Charlotte's goal was extremely simple and even in a sense banal. She wanted to become the strongest fighter. Would she have been called the strongest if she could have become the first world champion? Yes, in the eyes of most it would certainly be so. So was this goal really worthy of going in it like most others? No.

Charlotte was not ready to go to meanness for the sake of victory. She wasn't ready to give up the honor in order to become a champion. What was she ready for? She was ready to train, sparing no effort. Every single day she tried to push herself to the limit, honing her skills and developing her body. She flayed the skin off her fists every damn day. That was her life. And she didn't want another one.

The team that Victoria assembled consisted exclusively of outstanding girls and women. Each of them, from Margarita to Astrid, was a proud and purposeful person. But no one would dare to deny that it is Charlotte who strives for self-improvement more than anyone else. Nothing else was as important to her.

And now she had a chance to demonstrate it in all its glory, because if she managed to stun Aira, she would immediately let go of her wrist. However, this was only the beginning. Charlotte's eyes would have flashed pink lightning at the moment when she intended to take a step forward, pulling her right hand back. And then, using all her amazing speed, Charlotte was going to send an almost literally supersonic right uppercut into the solar plexus of the blue-haired woman. In this way, she wanted to make Aira not only lose air, but bend in half.


Fatigue dragged her down as if someone had thrown her into a lake with a stone tied to her feet. But did she really come to this point only to stumble on the last step? It is necessary to fight for any beliefs. Charlotte learned this very well as a child. Her parents wanted her to become just another Ravel'. She Charlotte didn't want to be who they saw her to be. She resisted their will, which led to her exile. She lost everything. Even her own sister, whom she loved so much, hated her. But in return, she got her freedom. At that time, she was not afraid to fight fate. And today she wasn't going to be afraid to fight Aira. Her lungs filled with air. Oxygen ran through her veins, giving her strength.

"SHANNAROOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Charlotte roared.

Uttering a deafening battle cry, the young woman directed the force into her right leg. She was determined to push off the mat. And if Aira had really leaned forward after the uppercut, then nothing would have prevented the Sand Lizard from bending her right leg at the knee and pointing it vertically upwards. She intended to hit the Indonesian woman with a knee strike right in the chin, hoping not only to knock out her remaining strength, but also to send her to the ropes behind her!


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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Aira could feel her fist hit something. There was a considerable pause and silence when Aira's fist landed. She couldn't comprehend why Charlotte chose to fight in a fully honored way when... Things just don't work like that in the real life. And even this very ring to a certain extent. She wanted answers. And if Charlotte couldn't provide her answer, she'd force her current idea of victory is a victory, no other way around it. Even if the means to achieve it were not so honorable.

She tried to retract her fist but unable to do so. It was then, she felt Charlotte grips onto her fist strongly, lowering her fist slowly as their eyes met. It was then, she hear Charlotte's answer. The short answer took her by surprise, she remembered that while the goal is important. Charlotte reminded her that the road she took to reach that goal is as important if not more important than the goal itself. It was then, her strength wavered. Her heart have been moved with such honest answer from Charlotte. She was then pulled in by the wrist... Her eyes saw the incoming elbow zeroing into her face...

"Bhhhhhh---" Aira took the strike head on, her vision rocked from the harsh elbow. Stunting her movement which allowed Charlotte to disappear from her sight to her next strike... There was no way that Aira would be able to react to the next strike in time...

"Guhhhaaaaahhhhkkhhh..." Aira coughed out the air as Charlotte's fist digged onto her solar plexus. Her knees shaken, struggling to even keep herself standing as she buckled down, her arms dropped their guard... As she was about to fall down once again... Charlotte's knee raises up with such force and...

"Gehkhhhhhh...." Charlotte's knee landed onto Aira's chin with such force that instead of falling down, Aira was pushed back. Stumbling her steps as she fell backwards... Aira then felt the top rope. Her arms instinctively latches onto the rope and broke her fall.

Fatigue already sets in and her body was screaming that enough is enough. But Aira doesn't want to lose... She sluggishly tried to rise up with the help of the ropes. She wondered if she can even win... She looked over towards Charlotte, glaring at her as she intends to win, despite her already at her limits. "Koi!!!" She shouted out, gathering all the strength she had left in an attempt to give Charlotte one last fight, she's not going to give up that easy...
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Charlotte had her own reasons for choosing this path. A long time ago, she was a completely different person. An impulsive little girl who was driven by emotions. We all make mistakes, some smaller, some bigger. Charlotte has managed to make many big mistakes in her life. Her past still follows her around, which is why she sometimes wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. And, nevertheless, the Frenchwoman was not going to turn away from the path she had chosen for herself.

She had practically nothing left to offer her rival. But she tried to put the maximum into every strike. Endurance was never her strong point, it was the main reason why the Sand Lizard preferred a smoother pace of the match.

However, today was not the case. As soon as the match started, Charlotte realized that she could forget about the smooth pace. The open wound on her nape, the broken nose, bruises all over the body and almost complete exhaustion. Yes, she expected Aira to give her a tough match, because that's what she wanted. But she did not even imagine that everything would turn out this way.

It was difficult for the Sand Lizard to understand how well Aira took her answer, because she didn't have time. Right now, the fate of each of them was being decided. The match was confidently coming to an end. And so now was not the time to delay. Using almost all of her remaining strength, Charlotte began a series of strikes.

Her elbow slammed into the blue-haired woman's head, stunning her. And this was immediately followed by a quick and hard punch to the solar plexus. Aira even started to fall forward, but there was the Sand Lizard's knee waiting for her, aimed at her chin. The force of the last strike forced the Indonesian woman to back away. And she probably would have fallen if there were no ropes behind her back that allowed her to maintain a standing position.

Charlotte was about to take a step forward, but suddenly felt as if her heart had stopped. Her vision was covered with darkness, as if someone had completely turned off the light. The Frenchwoman staggered. The truth was that willpower is really capable of a lot. However, everything has a limit. Due to the damage that Charlotte received during the match, her body began to refuse to function properly.

"Stay focused, Charlotte..." she muttered before biting her lower lip.

This allowed her to focus her vision to some extent. But when she raised her head to look at her rival, she saw something she hadn't expected. Even now, there was confidence in Aira's eyes. The desire to win was clearly visible in the look of this woman. Despite the pain and fatigue. And when Charlotte heard the loud call, a slight smile appeared on her bloody face.

"Let it be your way then..."

Charlotte couldn't remember the last time she had to use all her skill. Aira repeatedly refused to stay down, finding the strength to continue the match. Literally from the first minute, she made it clear to the pink-haired woman that in order to at least just get a chance to win, she needed to squeeze every last drop out of herself. That's exactly what the Sand Lizard was going to do right now.

Taking as deep a inhale as possible, Charlotte held her breath. And then she rushed forward. She knew what she had to do to win. If she wanted to put Aira through the table, she had to make sure that the Indonesian woman couldn't prevent it. And considering how many times Aira managed to surprise Charlotte in this match, the Sand Lizard has only one thing left.

The pink-haired woman abruptly put her right foot slightly to the left of her left foot. Inertia dragged her forward, thanks to which the Frenchwoman began to spin to the left. Yes, that's right, it was supposed to be a kick. Her legs were the best part of her body. And kicks were her strongest weapon. However, Charlotte understood that just a kick, even a powerful one, would not be enough. Not for Aira. Therefore...

When she made the spin, her left leg began to rise up. But this was not followed by a kick, Charlotte only bent her left leg at the knee. Instead of sending a kick to the blue-haired woman's head, the Sand Lizard pushed off the mat with her right foot, soaring into the air.

Relaxing her arms, she allowed her body to begin a second spin. Streams of air burned her bloody face and, nevertheless, the Frenchwoman felt really alive at this moment. Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that this kick was the pinnacle of her skill. Fast. Powerful. Unpredictable. It took her a huge amount of time to master it, but it was worth it. Because this kick was capable of breaking any defense.

Therefore, at the end of the second spin, the young woman straightened her left leg, sending her foot into Aira's head. It was a 720 tornado kick. And with the help of this, Charlotte hoped not only to knock the last drops of her strength out of Aira, but also to throw her out of the ring!

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Broken nose, difficulty to breathe properly, her body fully at the limit. Aira's knees buckled and struggled to even stand properly without the help of the ropes. Yet, she still wants to come out of this as a winner! With that, Aira gathered every ounce of strength she had left on this last stand. It was all or nothing. And Charlotte understood it as well, Aira glanced back and noticed that there were a table awaiting her outside the ring should she fail...

No, this is not the time to doubt herself. Aira thought, she have to move forward. And so Aira stepped away from the ropes and readied herself for Charlotte's next offense. Watching Charlotte as close as she could to anticipate her next move... Aira was then surprised at how quick Charlotte moved her legs. Aira instinctively raised her arm over her head as she guessed Charlotte would go for a strong kick straight to the head.

But what surprised Aira more was that Charlotte didn't go straight for a strong kick, adding more windup for an even stronger kick!! With the way she is, she couldn't really react in time to dodge the blow. Aira's instinct told her to step forward, and so... She stepped forward, lowering her guard to do a risky move in striking down Charlotte before the kick lands...

. . .


Aira didn't manage to throw the punch in time, the kick landed square on her head!!! Aira's head rocked to the side as her body spun following the impact, her body lost almost all the resistance... Aira stumbled away from Charlotte and towards the ropes! Her body trips on the ropes and goes over the top rope! It looked as if she'd be on track to crash and break the table in half!!!

But! The unexpected happened! As her arms were about to fall down the ropes, Aira's hands managed to grip the top rope and stopped herself from falling through the table!! Her rear managed to land on the apron, the crowd gasped at the sight of her perseverance and persistence! Aira's gaze were mostly blank now as only adrenaline fueled her ability to move. Aira then slowly turned to the side and slowly plant her feet on the apron. Pulling herself up with the help of the ropes as she turned to gaze at Charlotte. There were no words coming out of Aira's mouth, only gasps and huffs but her gaze was as if she were telling Charlotte that this isn't enough to bring her down... She really wants it... But at her state... And with how she was backed against a table on the ringside... Charlotte only needed one last push to win!!!
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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It was graceful. It's unlikely that Charlotte would admit this, but she chose taekwondo as the basis of her style not only because of the wild power that kicks could provide. She liked the beauty that the kicks carried with them. The perfect harmony of the strength of the human body and exquisite movements. Jump. Spin. Hit. All this combined into one beautiful thing.

The Sand Lizard caught Aira off guard. The blue-haired woman tried to get ahead of the Frenchwoman, but she could not predict that the martial arts master would make two spins. Aira's defense was broken at the moment when Charlotte's foot crashed into her head.

The completion of this kick was a smooth landing on the right leg. It seemed that this could complete a beautiful picture. Aira flies out of the ring, while Charlotte lands on her feet accompanied by the ringing of the bell. But that didn't happen. As soon as the Sand Lizard's right foot landed on the mat, the Frenchwoman's leg gave way and she fell on all fours.

"Pha! Pha!! Kha!!" She coughed heavily.

Along with the cough, a certain amount of thick blood mixed with saliva flew out of the pink-haired woman's mouth. Due to the fact that she held her breath for the kick, too much scarlet fluid accumulated in her throat, which blocked her airways.

Charlotte's arms began to shake, and there was such a loud noise in her head that she felt an attack of nausea. She knew the feeling. The Sand Lizard had put too much into the kick and now her body had finally reached the limit. The young woman felt that her brain literally refused to give the body commands to move.

Stop. Wait a minute. Why didn't she hear the sound of wood cracking? Why didn't she hear the bell ringing? She was ready to swear that with her best kick she threw Aira out of the ring. Why is the match not over yet?

She had to literally force herself to raise her head in order to see what had happened. And what she saw literally shackled her heart. Aira didn't fall on the table, breaking it. The Indonesian woman, against all odds, found the strength to grab the rope. This allowed her to land not on the table, but on the edge of the ring. Aira was on her knees, still holding on to the rope, and her eyes were directed at Charlotte.

It was at that moment that their eyes crossed. She could see that Aira's eyes were empty. It was hard to describe, but Charlotte just knew that her rival's strength had run out. But at the same time, even now, even in the midst of the boundless emptiness, she saw in Aira's eyes that she still wanted to fight. Because of the blood and bruises on her face, hardly anyone could see it, but the corners of the Sand Lizard's lips lifted.

"Ggghhmm..." she groaned.

Charlotte moved her right hand forward. Using her forearm, she found a foothold, and then pulled herself forward. It seemed to her that the pain was trying to tear her inside. Her mind demanded to stop. But how could she? What moral right did she have to stop after seeing Aira's gaze? If Aira, who could no longer move, was still striving for victory, then how could Charlotte let the pain stop her?

Under the shouts of the crowd, the Frenchwoman moved forward, using almost every part of her body. She used her hands, knees, and feet to move herself. Every inch was like a mile. After a heavy cough, blood gushed out of her nose with renewed vigor and a noticeable trail of thick red drops remained behind Charlotte.

"Mmmmhhhhh!!... Uuughhh!!!" no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep this pain inside of her.

The muscle cramps were like torture with a red-hot iron. Every movement was like self-flagellation. She could have stopped. Charlotte knew that if she stopped and relaxed, she would simply lose consciousness. And if her opponent really has no strength left, then at the same second the referee will end the match with a draw.

A worthy ending? Perhaps, yes. Any other day. But not today. Today they made a promise to each other. And Charlotte would not be able to live on peacefully if she allowed herself to stop now. Her rival did several things, the moral side of which could be questioned. But the Sand Lizard saw how strong the aspirations of the blue-haired woman were. So it was a matter of principle. Charlotte's aspirations were just as pure. And she was ready to fight for her aspirations. Therefore, despite the terrible pain, her bloody hand finally grabbed the middle rope.

Without taking her eyes off her opponent, Charlotte tumbled over the bottom rope, ending up on the edge of the ring. At that moment, the audience began to build up the noise. Louder and louder by the second. They felt the end coming. And Charlotte, who could barely find the strength to breathe, felt the same.

With a groan of agony, she rose to one knee, and then reached for Aira with her hands. Perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to say that Charlotte did not remember if she had ever been beaten as badly as she is now. But despite all this, there was joy in her soul. For a real fighter, there is nothing more valuable than a decent match with a worthy opponent. Aira's gave her such a match. Uncompromising and beautiful.

The realization of this gave the Sand Lizard strength. Overcoming the pain, Charlotte intended to slip her hands under the arms of the blue-haired woman, thereby closing her in a double underhook hold. Huffing and puffing, she was about to get to her feet in order to place Aira's head between her sweaty thighs. It was at this moment that the screams of the audience would reach their maximum.

There should always be a winner in a match. Anyone who follows the path of a fighter knows this. And when you're in the ring, you should always strive to win, despite any difficulties. When the pink-haired woman made an open challenge, Aira accepted her rules. They both gave each other everything they had. And although someone might disagree with this, Charlotte believed that this match was worthy of standing on a par with title matches.

Gathering all her willpower and all her remaining strength, Charlotte strained every part of her body. She felt like her muscles were going to burst. The pain was so unbearable that she herself did not notice how she began to scream in agony. But she intended to straighten up to her full height, lifting her opponent over the edge of the ring and turning her over. And at the very moment when Aira was upside down, the Sand Lizard intended to turn to the side in order to face the table under them.

She felt that her body had crossed the last line. Her arms and legs began to tremble so hard that it seemed that Charlotte was about to fall. And it was true. She was really going to fall. But not like that.

Abruptly releasing her rival's arms, Charlotte intended to grab the Indonesian woman around the waist instead. Taking a step forward, Charlotte was going to spread her legs to the sides. Falling into a sitting position, she wanted to pull Aira down sharply to drive her head and entire upper body right into the wooden table. Many people knew it as a double underhook powerbomb, but Charlotte called it the lizard's adaptation! It was one of her most destructive moves. And this move had only one goal. To end it all!

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Aira struggled to even move her body, kneeling at the edge of the ring. Sweat running down her body, the roaring crowd fell deaf to her ears... Aira was already at her limits, she tried to pull herself up to her feet but pain jolted throughout her body stopped her from rising up any further. One could even question if Aira was even conscious throughout this. If Charlotte were to fall unconscious there... The referee could rule out the match as a draw. Certainly a worthy ending for this match. But not to Aira, she've brought her all into this. Even to the point of breaking her body. She wouldn't accept this outcome... They've gone this far. Going for a draw would've been an insult.

Aira watches on as Charlotte rolled to the edge of the ring apron. Joining her in this one last decisive bout. With the table laid ringside awaiting either of the two, whoever loses this bout. As Charlotte gets on one knee... Aira let go of the ropes and lunged forward and swung her arm forward! Intending to strike Charlotte... But Charlotte managed to snuck her arms under Aira and hooked her arms to her back! "Gahkhh..." Aira hacked as she was forced to lower herself as Charlotte trapped her arms in a double underhook hold.

Aira barely wriggled to fight out the hold. Finding herself trapped inbetween Charlotte's thighs. She were slowly brought to her feet in a double underhook position. And soon... She were lifted upside down. She could feel all the blood rushing down to her head as Charlotte held her upside down and slowly turning to face the table. Grunting out weakly as she started to feel dizzy from the blood rush. Combined with the deafening roar of the crowd at the coming climax of the match!!

Aira could feel Charlotte was barely able to keep her in place. And that grip was fading... Aira widened her eyes as Charlotte let go, only to be catched at her waist. The Indonesian felt that this is already over... She slowly laid her arms on the back of her head as she braced herself on what comes next. Charlotte stepped forward off the apron and fall down with her legs spread and driving Aira towards the table!!


The table split in half as Aira's head and upper shoulder driven right on the middle. Cleanly splitting it as splinters flew away from the table! "Guhhhkkhhhh..." Aira coughed out as her body landed harshly on the hard floor after being driven to split the table in half. And as the referee watches on the impact. She were quick to give the signal to the bellkeeper to ring the bell! Signalling the end of the match in Charlotte's victory!!!

Aira laid there, her body curled in, her legs spread out as she looked up to the blinding lights. Breathing in and out as she heard the bell ring, knowing clearly that she had lost. She should be upset but... After all this? She was just glad that it's over. Knowing well that she showed the maximum extent of her skills and tenacity to the crowd. She have given her all, and she could always improve to be better next time... This time, Charlotte was the better woman. Aira slowly closed her eyes, sighing out in relief as her body relaxes... A faint smile could be seen in her lips as she slowly fade out of consciousness... She doesn't feel as if she had lost. Especially with the crowd cheering both women for the intense, hard hitting match they delivered.
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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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It was almost impossible to believe. No matter what. Even at the very last second. Aira's will to win was so strong that she tried to turn the tide of the match in her favor. And it would not be an exaggeration to say that the only thing that helped Charlotte at that moment was that her opponent received a little more damage than she did. Both of them were weak at that second, but still the Sand Lizard had enough strength to read Aira's last blow.

It was almost impossible to believe. When the pink-haired woman lifted Aira over the edge of the ring, everyone knew that this was the end, but no one could believe it. Not after what they saw today. When in front of your eyes two real fighters go forward, despite the blood, pain and fatigue. When the end seems inevitable, but unshakable willpower allows to do the impossible. When you see something like this, it starts to seem to you that it just can't end.

It was almost impossible to believe. But the cracking of the wood brought everyone back to reality. But the broken table reminded me that nothing lasts forever. But the ringing of the bell made it clear that everything that has a beginning has an end. The moment Charlotte put Aira through the table and they fell to the concrete floor, the match of two great women who gave themselves to each other without a trace, finally ended.


Charlotte, still holding the Indonesian woman's waist, seemed frozen in time and space. She was covered by a wave of screaming so loud that it could be heard even in space, where the existence of sound is impossible. It was almost impossible to believe. It wasn't just words. After what they had been through, the Frenchwoman just couldn't believe she had the strength to make it.

When people hear about Chinese monasteries, in most cases they think that you are just following the instructions of the masters there in an attempt to learn something. But it wasn't like that. Yes, they really help you, but not in everything. You need to find answers to many questions yourself. Thanks to this, you begin to look at the world differently. Thanks to this, your way of thinking changes.

And one day, after one of the harsh sparring sessions, Charlotte suddenly caught herself on a thought that she remembered forever. Every fight is a small life. She didn't know if she was the first one to think about it. But for her, this thought has become something priceless. Was this thought true? Maybe not for everyone. But if assume that this is really the case, then her another little life has come to an end. It was only at that moment that Charlotte finally understood. She won.

The Frenchwoman's hands released Aira's waist and fell lifelessly down. Usually at the end of the match, the winner gets to their feet with a smile on their face in order to allow the referee to raise their hand. But instead, the upper part of Charlotte's body fell back and the pink-haired woman completely collapsed on the concrete floor. Yes, it was not like the end of the match, which most are used to. With one exception. There was indeed a smile on the Sand Lizard's bloody face.

She knew she was only one step ahead. Literally one moment, one second, one move and everything could have ended differently. Not only Charlotte understood this, absolutely everyone understood it. The best proof of this was that even after the bell rang, the audience did not honor Charlotte, but two women who showed them how amazing pro wrestling can be. That's why this victory was so valuable to her.

"Medical team!" The voice of the referee girl sounded somewhere nearby. "Aira, Charlotte, can you hear me?"

In fact, the only thing the Frenchwoman wanted right now was to fall asleep. Even though she was lying motionless, she felt pain in literally every cell of her body. She didn't know if she could even take a sitting position at the moment. So far, the Frenchwoman has only slowly opened her eyes. Only now she realized that she and Aira were lying on the wreckage of the table in an absolutely chaotic pose. The referee girl was on one knee and anxiously looked at Aira, then at Charlotte, trying to understand how bad their condition was.

"Oui..." Charlotte said in a weak and hoarse voice.

One of Aira's legs was lying right on the Sand Lizard's stomach. Slowly, so as not to lose consciousness due to exhaustion, Charlotte slightly shifted her opponent's leg, but did not remove it completely, only shifting it a little lower, as a result of which the blue-haired woman's thigh ended up on the Sand Lizard's thighs. And only after that, the Frenchwoman risked putting herself up and taking a sitting position.

She noticed that a medical team was rapidly approaching them in order to check them in more detail. But it didn't interest her much at that moment. The Sand Lizard looked at Aira. It was hard to say exactly how Charlotte felt about the blue-haired woman. It wasn't a monogamous feeling. Every fight is a small life. During the time that they fought, the pink-haired woman managed to experience an incredible number of very different feelings for Aira. It seemed to her that at the same time they had become friends, enemies, rivals and maybe...

"Aira?" She called her, so far not finding any other words.

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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Aira laid there, curled in and barely moving after that harsh landing on her shoulder. Ragged breathing but there were generally no fight coming out of her as she realized the bell have been rung. She was driven through the table and have lost. Strangely, Aira don't feel anything other than relief. She should've felt anger, sad, or something that spelt she lost something that felt important to her. Considering the stake of the qualifier itself. She fell just short to a woman who she considered to be worthy as a contender.

But no, she felt that she have made a statement that she can hang even if she fell short to winning. Giving Charlotte the biggest fight of it all, pulling no brakes at all on the drive to win it. It sucked to lose, but... This was her best match so far. And thus, in her exhausted, broken down body. She let out a faint smile. Even if pain flares throughout her body, even if she couldn't move her body freely. She felt like she could just drift to the world of dreams...

Until... She could hear the faint but rapid steps of the medical team approaching the two wrestlers laid in the wreckage. The calls from the referee checking if she's responding... And the sound that felt clear to her despite the deafening roar of the crowd celebrating the match... Charlotte.

"Hhh... Hnnnhh?" Aira grunted weakly as she slowly opened her eyes, gazing up to see quite a blurry figure of Charlotte looking at her in concern. "Mmnnggh..." Aira couldn't really form clear audible words right now, her exhaustion and the heavy damages she took have taken it's toll. But somehow... Aira sensed that she's not the only one feeling this turmoils of various feelings towards each other. And with the medical teams fast approaching, Aira gazed to Charlotte's eyes, smiling as she held off the pain coursing through her body...

"Charlotte... Thank you." She mouthed out, there were no sound coming out. Only lip movements. The medical team then separates both Aira and Charlotte from each other. Each of them carried both Aira and Charlotte to a separate stretcher to lay them there. And the medical team split into two as they separate Aira and Charlotte to take care of each of them separately backstage... As she were brought to the back, Aira couldn't help but to keep her glance towards the other way that the team with Charlotte took. More worried towards Charlotte than herself even though both were equally hurt physically throughout the match.
I maybe Low Definition but my girls are... High Definition.

Open for match ideas and stuffs, hit me up in Discord (cause that's mainly where I am when I'm not posting) LowDefinition#5144

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

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It was difficult for Charlotte to sort out her own feelings. She understood that they met here today to test their skills, to find out which of them is the best woman. Therefore, Charlotte shouldn't have felt sorry for Aira because of her defeat. But then why was she worried about her rival now?

The Frenchwoman could not find other words because somewhere deep down she was afraid. She wasn't the type to care too much about other people's opinions. She wasn't the type to make friends easily. She's used to being alone. But for a reason she couldn't understand herself, she was afraid that Aira felt hatred towards her. She didn't want that. So she didn't find anything to say.

The Indonesian woman slowly opened her eyes. Charlotte had no trouble seeing that Aira's gaze was unfocused. It seems she was even more exhausted than the Sand Lizard. The moment Aira looked at Charlotte, the Frenchwoman felt she had to say something. She wanted to know if Aira held a grudge against her. The Frenchwoman opened her mouth, gathering all her courage, but then...

"Thank you..."

No one heard it. Even Charlotte. But she read it on the lips of the blue-haired woman. A strange discharge, like a thousand needles, ran through Charlotte's skin. Even the pain left her for a few seconds. It was as if a huge stone had fallen from her soul. Charlotte's lower lip, torn in several places, trembled.

"And to you too..." she said almost in a whisper.

Charlotte came here for the match. And she got it. Aira gave her the hardest match of her life. But the pink-haired woman never thought that everything would end this way. She never thought that she would be able to experience so many emotions at one time. She felt happy that she had shared this match with Aira. Without noticing it, Charlotte began to reach out to her rival in order to...

"Aira... I..."

But she didn't have time to finish. The medical team, which the Frenchwoman managed to forget about, arrived to them and immediately began to perform their duties. After quickly making sure that Aira and Charlotte had no injuries that required emergency care, they prepared a stretcher. Charlotte, who, unlike Aira, took a sitting position, was asked if she could walk, to which the pink-haired woman shook her head negatively.

Therefore, both women left the arena not on their feet, which testified to how much they gave to each other today. The audience gave them the last wave of deafening shouts and applause as the medical staff carried them along the ramp. Charlotte would have liked to wave her hand in gratitude to them, but she could barely find the strength not to fall asleep.

She realized that they were at the backstage only when the noise around them had largely decreased. She heard that the members of the medical team said something about different infirmaries. Something clicked in the Frenchwoman's head. This was her last chance to look at Aira. And so, despite her fatigue, she opened her eyes and turned her head to the side.

Her gaze collided with Aira's at the very last second. The blue-haired woman was also looking at her. And, as in Charlotte's eyes, there was a worry in Aira's eyes. Two women. Two rivals. Two fighters who beat each other so hard. But each of them worried about the other more than about themselves. A faint but happy smile appeared on Charlotte's bloody face. As soon as Aira disappeared around the corner of the wall, Charlotte fell asleep. But the smile remained on her face.

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Re: [Tables Match] Charlotte Ravel' vs A I R A - Fire in our hearts and honor in our souls (Apex Qualifier Match)

Unread post by skip-stop »

The winner by putting the opponent through the table is Charlotte Ravel'

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