The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

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The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Weonna »

Walking backstage, Anna Evans was on her way to greet her debuting opponent named Camalette Faucher. Anna was already dressed in her wrestling attire and neon purple party shades.

Eventually the party girl was able to locate her French adversary as she knocks on the locker room door and enters inside.

"Heyyo! Nice to finally meet you~ My name is "Electronica" How are you? You ready to electrify the crowd tonight!?"

Anna asked with excitement in her voice as she would offer Camalette a gift, which was a spare neon party shades for her to wear.
"Ohh!... Here ya go! Consider this a gift~ I'm always excited to put a great show for the people in attendance...and since this is your first time wrestling in L.A.W, I just wanted to make you feel comfortable."

The Purple haired Brit had a welcoming smile on her face as she wanted to know more about who she was going up against.
Last edited by Weonna on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Camalette Faucher
Camalette was busy in her locker room, she was applying make up before a photo shoot, as the local fashion magazine in her area was gonna do an interview with her before she made her big LAW debut. Clad in a purple dress and heels, Camalette heard knocking on the door to her locker room, and before she knew it, Anna Evans had already made her way inside.

"Don't you see I'm busy right now. Us people with class and dignity get big important things to do before we make laughing stocks out of people like you." Camalette said in an angered tone, not wanting to deal with her eventual first victim right before this big interview.

And then Anna tried to hand her over glasses, but Camalette snatched them out of her hands, and threw them on the floor, in an attempt to break them. "And don't offer me such gaudy eyewear, no person with a decent sense of fashion would be caught wearing that." Camalette said as she proceeded to get in Anna's face.

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Re: The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Weonna »

"Whooaaa...why the hostility? I know your my opponent and all but no need to be so rude."

Anna would reply to back to Camalette before the French woman knocked her spare neon party shades off her hand which only upset the Pirple haired Brit even more!

"Ok...fine...if it's like that then...your not invited in my party club! Was trying to be your mate, but I see that your some cunt posh girl."

As Camalette got closer to her to stare her down face to face, Anna would take off her shades to reveal her green eyes. She had a frown on her face and was not gonna back down as she stared back.

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Re: The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Really, this low class reject really thought Camalette would go to her "party club". Camalette wanted no part of that as Anna got straight into her face.

"Only club I'm going to is the send you back down to the lowlife slums so you are not even in the same city as me." Camalette replied, before doing something no one expected.

Camalette quickly attempted to wrap her around Anna's neck, and go for a Standing Guillotine Choke, hoping to exert her dominance on Anna.

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Re: The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Weonna »

The two, now rivals, were staring down at each other till Camalette would suprize the Brit and lock in her Standing Guillotine choke!

Anna was suprized how quickly the move was as she finds her legs placed on top of Camalette's thighs and her neck being choked while the hold cranked on the purple haired girl's back!


Anna cried out in agony as she was placed in that hold for about 6 seconds until someone from the crowd had to break it up!

Once Camalette does let go of the hold, Anna would collapse and land on her ass as she clenched her neck. This made her look like the weaker one as she couldn't find an immediate escape, which was something her opponent could capitalize on later.

Eventually Anna did get back up and tried to put on a brave face...although she was just humiliated in front of those people as she would point at Camalette and say.

"No fair! That was a cheap shot! I promise you that in the ring you'll never put me in that hold again!"

Anna would leave the locker room, not wanting to stay in any longer as she needed to recover from taking a dangerous move. Luckily she was still able to fught when a staff member asked if she was OK and not wanting to back down from a rich snob, Anna would continue the match but wait a couple of minutes just to rest her aching neck.

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Re: The Party Girl meets The Deadly Runaway!

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Camalette stared down at Anna with a look many would call belittling to her opponent, an obvious disdain across her face, before someone else decided to break the hold up between the two. Camalette did indeed let go, she was no savage, only the most beautiful and fashionable LAW Wrestler there is.

Camalette could not help but chuckle to herself at Anna's harsh words, before turning her back to Anna, declaring that she was not worth paying attention to.

She would take care of her interview, before getting dressed for the match.

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