Sarabeth’s Workout Gear

Today was her first official day in Japan as a participant in the Young Lioness Program and she moved into the dorms yesterday, but rarely had time to talk to anyone as she moved in, slept for a few hours after a long flight, and then got a gym membership. Sarabeth just wanted to be by herself and she had to admit that she was kinda homesick already, but she had to push the nerves aside in order to achieve her dream. Alania texted her about her first workout session as a rookie of LAW and Sarabeth was glad it would be with her.
Alania was like a second mother to Sarabeth after all the times they trained back in America and she has Alania to thank for getting her this far. Sarabeth was told to get a light run on the treadmill started as Alania would be running late attending to a family emergency. Sarabeth went to the locker room and took off her hat and black hoodie revealing a bright red “TAPOUT” shirt underneath as well as black gym shorts and white sneakers. She stuffed her bag, hat, and hoodie inside her locker and closed it off fiddling with the lock to create her combination so no one could steal her belongings.
Sarabeth came out and went to one of the empty treadmills at the back of the gym setting up the controls before the conveyor belt under her whirled into motion. She started off with a light jog and just watched a news report from Japanese media on the television to pass the time.