First Day Workout (for Highfly)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Sarabeth’s Workout Gear
Sarabeth came in the main LAW gym through the doors and checked in with the receptionist sliding her ID card in the scanner in order to be let in. It was a very long flight from America to Japan as her adoptive father set her on the path to signing with her first big promotion. Not to mention, Hunter said he would be working getting Sarabeth appearances in other feds in America in order to heighten her status as a freelancer since she mainly wrestled for his promotion and other locals in Arkansas. Done was the days of wrestling in high school gyms and abandoned warehouses. Now, she would be getting the professional treatment wrestling legit athletes in arenas and stadiums.

Today was her first official day in Japan as a participant in the Young Lioness Program and she moved into the dorms yesterday, but rarely had time to talk to anyone as she moved in, slept for a few hours after a long flight, and then got a gym membership. Sarabeth just wanted to be by herself and she had to admit that she was kinda homesick already, but she had to push the nerves aside in order to achieve her dream. Alania texted her about her first workout session as a rookie of LAW and Sarabeth was glad it would be with her.

Alania was like a second mother to Sarabeth after all the times they trained back in America and she has Alania to thank for getting her this far. Sarabeth was told to get a light run on the treadmill started as Alania would be running late attending to a family emergency. Sarabeth went to the locker room and took off her hat and black hoodie revealing a bright red “TAPOUT” shirt underneath as well as black gym shorts and white sneakers. She stuffed her bag, hat, and hoodie inside her locker and closed it off fiddling with the lock to create her combination so no one could steal her belongings.

Sarabeth came out and went to one of the empty treadmills at the back of the gym setting up the controls before the conveyor belt under her whirled into motion. She started off with a light jog and just watched a news report from Japanese media on the television to pass the time.
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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Alaina stepped out into the gym ready to go. She wasn't in typical workout attire. Instead she was in a pair of light blue briefs, a light blue sports bra, white kneepads and white boots. Sometimes the old amazon worked out in wrestling attire but that was more common for her home gym then at the LAW gym.

She was meeting up with a young lady she knew for a while, happy to see her start to really breakout in her career.

Alaina looked around seeing her on a treadmill waving to her as she approached with a smile. "Well well look who it is? How have you been?" Alaina asked as she waited for Sarabeth to get off the treadmill to hug her.

"I hope the trip over was good! How has everything been inside and outside the ring?" Alaina asked.

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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Sarabeth would hear the voice of her trainer and mentor as she smiled turning her head, but didn’t spread her feet to stop herself as she nearly tripped off the treadmill. After dancing around in a circle and balancing herself, Sarabeth gave the Amazon a big hug welcoming her to the gym.

It’s so good to see you again, Alania! When I heard you were tutoring my first workout as a Young Lioness, I knew I would be able to adapt to here. Wait….you’re wearing wrestling attire?” Sarabeth wondered as she looked over Alania’s appearance, but her attention was now focused on Alania’s question about her career.

Mainly just working the local indies and getting my name out there. My dad is working on getting me some appearances back in America. I’ll be honest….I’m a little nervous working here. It’s kind of intimidating,” Sarabeth replied as she rubbed her left arm.
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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Alaina smiled as Sarabeth got off the treadmill thankful that the girl didn't fall. "It is great to have you here and I get it, Japan is very different and has a long history of treating womens wrestling like the serious, top dog wrestling that it is. I am glad things caught up back home but for a long time if you weren't a woman wrestling in Japan you were considered second rate years ago." Alaina said.

She smiled and shrugged as Sarabeth mentioned her attire. "I do work out in wrestling gear sometimes especially if mat work or in-ring stuff is involved. I wanted to get used to wearing it in front of a crowd so I wore it in gyms when people weren't looking so I was more comfortable." Alaina said. "We are gonna do some good endurance work today, and that means running ropes." Added the amazon with a smile.

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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Alania mentioned that Japan is where women’s wrestling gets considered the most in the world and Sarabeth did watch a few joshi matches before coming here noticing how the women incorporated Strong Style in their matches. They weren’t afraid to hit hard when needed and put their bodies on the line just as hard as men did. It definitely took America awhile to become the same as the wrestling scene was mostly big muscular men in the golden ages when Alania started wrestling. Alania is a big inspiration for female wrestling coming from a time where women struggled to gain notoriety. She got equal pay in contracts and wasn’t afraid to show her stuff against the men of her time even in her prime. That’s what Sarabeth strived to be one day.

Well, then this is the right place to be for my career. You’ve told me about LAW and how it prioritizes female wresting here. Although, I do know they have….steamier options as well,” Sarabeth mentioned as she blushed. “Please don’t let management put me in Hentai matches. It’d be really embarrassing.

Don’t let looks fool you now, Sarabeth is a massive pervert if given the chance, but she’s also a virgin. It really embarrassed her to no end and being in a match where sexual moves are key wouldn’t help her shyness. She rather just keep it traditional and fight the best athletes around proving herself a capable fighter. Alania did have a conversation with Sarabeth about LAW and noticed the Amazon skimmed over Hentai matches rolling her eyes and parading on how they were pointless, but she supposed there was a market for everything…even for sexually-driven men and women. The more of those matches Sarabeth could avoid, the better. Sex was more for private affairs, anyway.

Hmph….well, I suppose that means we are sparring today as well. Just hope you don’t mind losing to a rookie,” Sarabeth teased with a playful wink at her trainer.

Sarabeth may have appeared confident, but she was letting the butterflies rumble around in her tummy. Sarabeth was no stranger to tussling with the Amazon, but Alania usually dominated her with partial strength. She ate so many Amabombs, you’d think she was a glutton for punishment. Sarabeth did have muscles, but they were small bulges compared to the massive biceps and triceps Alania sported. Sarabeth could lift up to 165 lbs. so far and could even spar well with Alania’s nephew, Daniel, throwing him around as practice. Sarabeth even made Daniel tap out to her patent Texas Cloverleaf showing she could handle herself well. However, against Alania is usually a much tougher challenge and Sarabeth holds only one victory in practice matches against Alania via a rollup pin. Other matches had Sarabeth pinned shoulders down for a three count.
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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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"No one can put you in any of those weird matches if you don't want to be in one so don't worry. I have avoided them my whole career thankfully." Alaina said looking Sarabeth over. "This is the big time so I won't be holding back, todays workout is going to be challenging. Right now we are both going to run ropes, and run for a long time. Endurance is key in this league." Alaina said in a matter of fact manner. She climbed into the ring and was running north-south leaving Sarabeth to run east-west.

"We will both run. You will know the ring from muscle memory along and increase awareness as we do not want to crash in to each other." Alaina said as she readied herself looking like she was about to start a stopwatch. "Are you ready?"

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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Sarabeth walked into the wing of the building with the wrestling rings as Alania outlined their training for the day. Running ropes and sparring the big woman….that’s a testament to how this morning will go. Sarabeth got in with Alania and nodded that she was ready as both started on their respective sides of the ring. Alania would start her running north and south as she looked very fast for her age and showed her agility despite her old age. For those saying she should retire should really get some glasses.

Sarabeth cleared her mind running the ropes and trying to avoid Alania as much as she could. Alania was very fast and got in the way a lot so Sarabeth literally had to dance around her mentor. She expected her first day of training to be a little sloppy so she figured Alania could let it slide. Sarabeth tripped over herself and landed in the middle of the ring with a big grunt as she rubbed her face.
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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Alaina didn't stop, hopping over the downed Sarabeth as she kept running herself. "Its all right, pick yourself up and get right back to it this is about moving and not stopping while learning the ring. "Keep it up.... a lot of times you need to execute in the ring when you are exhausted so this will help us simulate that really well." Alaina said as she kept going maintaining her speed. This wasn't about a quick sprint and slow down, Alaina knew a solid jog that she could keep up for a long time was the way to go.

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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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G-Gotcha! I’m back to it then!” Sarabeth stammered as she got out Alania’s way and started running the ropes again making sure to dodge to the side when Alania and her met in the middle.

Sarabeth knew Alania wanted to train her hard considering this was her first big promotion she was apart of. Sure, she was apart of a beginner’s program and wasn’t going to be considered for big storylines for the time being, but training with one of the top gals would give her name recognition very easily. Maybe she could get her best friend, Jessie, onboard training with Alania. She already signed her best friend up for the Young Lioness Program and she would be coming in like a week from now. They even planned on being a full-time tag team when her bestie came in. Ya know what, that did bring a question to Sarabeth’s mind.

Hey, Alania, why aren’t you a trainer for the Young Lioness Program? I figured with as many protégés you train, you would be onboard with something like this,” Sarabeth wondered.
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Re: First Day Workout (for Highfly)

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Alaina was running and controlling her breathing when Sarabeth spoke up asking her a question. "Well, I like doing things my way. It is a great program but I also like being more selective in who I take. Besides it fits in to some plans I have when I retire so I am trying to prevent myself from being tied to too many things." Alaina said as she kept going. The rope running had gone on for a while but they still had a little more time before they were switching up into grappling.

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