Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Where as Viviana thought her body could not have been rendered anymore mush-like, Nagato opted to prove her wrong. Having utterly compressed Viviana, digging into her fine physique as tightly as humanly possible, the simplest of motions from the frame atop was now chiselling away at Viviana's tight frame. Her chest, completely compact and mushroomed, was now being softly ground inwards by Nagato's insanely large pair. Previously tout abs were now borderline pressed in; leaving Viviana not utterly breathless, but certainly fighting for each and every gasp of fresh air. Her eyes wide in pleasure, hips trying but failing to buck against the pressure that was being exerted, Viviana's toes yet still continued to uncurl, as the giant began to bring about a release via humping.

Her abs tensing for what they could, given they were hardly their most firm under all this pressure, Viviana found her previously impeccable six-pack practically non-existent, with her eyes never leaving now Nagato's pair. Locked firmly, she didn't take her gaze of the figure now pounding her into the mat!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

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Nagato was a little disappointed; she seemed like she might have some fight left even as she toned down on the pressure. Usually she tried to get them aroused and tense, quaking with pleasure that made their bodies harden. It was a great way to remind them that even at full power, they were easily crushed by her. Yet she supposed the girls of LAW were different from those of Seaside and thus she could skip that step. That meant her favourite one was coming.

For a brief second, Nagato raised her shoulders and there was a moment of peace. It was but seconds long but after that grating punishment, it felt as valuable as a whole day's off. Nagato took a deep breath, her belly unpeeling down to the bellybutton from Viviana. The warmth and clinging sensations still lay attached to her softening, falling abs. It was a small mercy for Viviana.

For afterwards, there would be none.

Falling back on top of her, soft muscles flexed not just hard, but enormous and impervious. Her breasts crushed once more into Viviana's, punishing relief with erotic weight that once more flattened them under her own mushrooming voluptuousness. Iron hard abs decimated battle-worn ones, easily forcing once mighty monuments to mold and stretch; her own hardening muscles seemed to only grow denser and more defined, even with Viviana's skin sticking to them and stretching in due part. It was a painful feeling but the pain was tempered by warmth and intimacy, forcing her belly into a curved valley; no resistance was felt, only flattened obedience.

All the while her mound of venus mushed and kept her opponent's down and suppressed, both their holes so close to touching yet cruelly, Nagato refused to indulge her. Viviana would be fully flattened and submissive before that.

Slowly, Nagato raised her head, her neck exposed to Viviana as she leaned her shoulders further forwards. The crushing force was pushing Viviana down, feeling the hard floor under the mats. As if she was waiting for her to attend to her neck~
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Little more needed to be done to the flesh mattress Nagato had tamed so. Her feet arching yet still, toes uncurling and curling rapidly, Viviana's eyes closed at the release that followed. The giant merely squishing even more out of her, Viviana's beaten and flattened body began to wind down fully as she released; tensing up only for a final period, as Nagato's utter crushing brought about that lengthy orgasm. Moaning for what she could, what little space there was given her lungs and tummy were as flat as could be, Viviana's release coated the inside of her panties, before the figure turned outright complacent. Devoid of life, breath and now release, the Italian could do nothing but coo, as Nagato's immense frame stayed atop.

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Like a steamroller working over fruit, the ripe nectar of of Viviana's lust soon squirted and dripped, its smell mingling with that of sweat and moist fabric. Nagato felt her plaything's heat spike and her body go soft as jello. She smiled and exhaled, softening from metal tough to stone hard, still keeping Viviana trapped by virtue of raw size and weight. Quietly, she lowered her face to Viviana's, brushing against her cheek, nose, and mouth. Where she once flexed she now relaxed, laying upon her and letting her oxygen-starved tummy lightly expand and fall. Her cheek rested against Viviana's, pinning her head to the ground as she nuzzled her.

"You're much nicer now you're soft and doughy... but I require a bit of a payment for my services~"
The Lunar Fleet

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The definition of spongy now, the figure that had gone a fierce round with Alaina Sanders prior to this mashing of bodies was now nothing resembling muscular. Un-moving beneath those massive curves, tired and then some, Viviana could but let loose a lowly, heated gasp as she struggled to stay awake. Not at all of the unfair variety, she hummed her words with a tired smile.


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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"Anything? I'll take that offer."

Slowly, Nagato got up and in her arms she took the deflated Viviana. Sweaty, dripping, and submissive she was easily hoisted over her shoulders as one might a towel or a shoulder bag. Nagato exited the room, walking over to her personal chambers and the large queen sized bed. She'd place her defeated opponent down gently before stripping both herself and her new toy.

"The night is still young; let's enjoy it further~" She said as she joined her, pulling the covers over them.
The Lunar Fleet

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Nachi Kuroda

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by Devilish53 »

A daze setting over Viviana, the big Italian could but moan as she was hoisted up and over. Still dripping, both in release and sweat, her hands could but gently pat against the large firm back of Nagato as she was carried, first from the heated basement the two had shared their encounter in, to the comforting living room of the giant, to the bedroom itself.

"" She'd groan, hands to those covers as she gazed into Nagato's eyes longingly. "If's barely started..." Her tone more like a nervous, horny schoolgirl than the fierce fighter she was!

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Re: Viviana Accera/Nagato Segawa- First Day (Pt.2: Rubbing Down)

Unread post by LunarOcean »

The Lunar Fleet

From shortest to tallest:

Tatsuta Murasaki

Nachi Kuroda

Ionel Thompson

Unryuu Kisugi

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Yuudachi Kunikida < Suzuya Jukudo < Takao Okimoto < Nagato Segawa < Laurukka Koskinen < Musashi Ishimoto

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