Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

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Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by xalex »

Kyle was standing on the side of the octagon and was stretching and jumping from foot to foot, dancing around to keep himself warm… he was now waiting for 10 minutes and no one had showed up.

The pink haired fighter heard of a fight club in town, where you could sign up for sort of deathmatches for a good payout. Hearing of some troubles back home Kyle had to take the risk and sign up for a match there. Winning would be great for the extra payout but he was planning on giving his all. At first, he was surprised to arrive at a what looked like a normal bar, but when he asked if he was right he was told to go to the back and downstairs. He found himself in a rather special basement, with an old and worn-out octagon in the center, the door of the octagon wasn´t even working anymore and the kyle had to use a ladder to climb over the fence and jump into the cage. He was told to switch into his fighting clothe and get to the ring when he calls and fight whoever would enter next… Now he was standing there with taped hands and feet and a red pair of sport shorts.
Or he would be ready, if there was any opponent. No one talked to him since telling him to get in there. He was slowly getting nervous, thinking that he might not get payed tonight if his opponent would not appear soon. Kyle would look around hearing some booing from some of the crowd. He bit his lips. He knew how badly a crowd could turn if they didn´t get what they came for, but he could do nothing but wait for now. The boy would stop jumping up and down and tried ot wave someone form the staff over but no one would come close to the cage….

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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

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"What do you mean he didn't show up?" Alice had just come back and it's up to her to sort this out? The supervisor was so clear: the match should have started 15 minutes ago, but the other contestant is not giving any sign, is not answering calls or messages or e-mails; and the public is splitting up. Some security guards claim that those who are considering leaving and getting their entrance fee back if they don't get what they came to see are increasing in number and the supervisor had to leave her post near the cage to come and report this to her. And they don't have a half time to entertain anyone because Kyle already entered the octagon and it would be strange to displace him now.

Alice nibbled on her fingernail, pensive and quiet. The supervisor continued, but she interrupted him.
"Wants me to tell Andrew to convince ViVi to..."
"No, we'll waste more time getting her down from her dressing room than throwing a guard into the octagon." She got up and walked to the smoked window.

To the audience, they are just silhouettes in a lofty, elegant office. And Alice had an absolute view of the whole room. She could see that boy very clearly, inside the octagon. Nervous and not knowing where to turn; he was practically a first-timer in the field. Unfortunately Alice had just arrived a few nights ago and there wasn't enough time to get her up to speed with everything.

The supervisor had stopped counting time by this point. Whatever is to be done, Tim is already placating the crowd with an open bar.
"Do you want me to throw one of the new ones?" he suggested the supervisor.
But Alice just stared into that octagon, rubbing her chin as she kept squinting, muttering.
"Mmh... No. I'll go myself," she clarified, unbuttoning her jacket.
"Ah, well. I'll go to... what?!" He was stymied.
"You don't think I can't take care of it, do you?" She added, had him a condescending smile to lighten the situation as she unbuttons her shirt as well, having contemplated doing the same with her low heels.
"Well, no; but..."
"Come on, Daymetter, Don't make a tempest in a teapot and tell Andrew to get me a pair of shorts and trainers, will you?"
He listened to her

After this preface, Louis Daymetter returned ready to operate the situation from the inside. Shaking off his coat before he began. He intruded with the other ears under his direction to distribute the scoop. From them he passed to the security guards, who showered whoever asked for it with the information, with dissimulation; or whoever seemed to need it; the bartenders intercepted it from all sides and they provided it to the bartenders, who questioned it with the fans.

Finally, he ended his manoeuvre by approaching the octagon - where he should have been from the start - to attend to his main asset. "Hey kid, you didn't even ask for a glass of water while I was gone!" As Daymetter offered a bottle and reached out and did some dialogue. - these 25 minutes must not have been easy - the crowd turned towards one of the service entrances, opening up to make way for someone very, very important for this moment.


The woman hooked her hands on the fence just as her name was called out - unlike Kyle who found a ladder, she climbed the old cage to the top and dived inside, landing in a crouch like a tiger and showing her presence by standing up and seeking eye contact with her simple, calm eyes. Kyle had been showing off his experience and confidence by showing up dressed in his boxing shorts; Alice did exactly the same, clad in that sports bra, shorts and trainers to protecting her tantalisingly sculpted body from the claws and bruises that lie in wait in here. Ready to warm up on the spot with him.

She was not a woman full of animosity like other top fighters here, but from her side of the fence, her eyes were relaxed and her mouth curved into a polite smile, seeking eye contact to convey to him what she hopes to do to him as soon as one gets rough with the other to win and, if of course, he wants the top prize so badly as for he can finish her and claim it.

"Well, I wish you luck with her, tiger." Daymetter encouraged him before detonating three hammers blows to the bell. "There'll be a consolation prize, huh"

Alice's attire
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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by xalex »

Reaching out with his hand the boy took the bottle of water thanful and would unscrewd the top fast. “I tried to ask for one but no one was talking to me anymore! For a moment I though this was some kind of cruel joke. So did you guys find my opponent what is going on here…” was kyle about to ask when he noticed a shift in the arena and how the static sound from the loudspeakers came back on.

He spun around and watched a figure walk down to the cage, that must be his opponent. The young man began to stretch again, his blood starting to pump faster and faster as he was looking forward to the fight, a smile appearing on his lips and his eyes would narrow down on his opponent…
Then she jumped into the ring and kyle would look at her In a mixture of amazement and shock. He was used to face woman inside the cage but damn this woman was something different. Her aura demanded respect at the same time as hypnotizing all. She might be beautiful and hot but for sure she was a skilled and capable fighter!

Kyle would shake his head trying to get his head straight. He needed to focus, he could not allow his mind to wonder anywhere, not even spend any time about the consolation prize…

As soon as the bell rung kyle´s arms shoot upwards into a guard. He began to circle his opponent slowly and carefully not letting her out of his sight.
“Nice to meet you miss EVAANS!” would kyle say still staying at a distance. “lets have a good match and give these people a shower!”

After the introduction Kyle would dart forwards towards his opponent. He would duck down and tried to pick up as much speed as he could. not wasting any time or holding back he would shoot back up into a standing postion and throw an uppercut from his right towards the chin of his opponent. He would follow this first punch up by spinning his upper body around and throw a left hook towards her head, trying to find out how fast her reflexes where.
After that first attack kyle would jump back and pull his arms back into his guard trying ot protect himself.

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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

The Miss was not slow; as soon as Daymetter struck the bell, she turned her arms upwards and took a firm step, subverting her pose to a martial one in the same instance as the kid. Both prowling in circles like lions in front of the watchful eyes.

"Well, I hope it was worth the charm and the wait too, then," she murmured, hard to praise and focused on what she was about to do. Since her return, has not had a chance in the ring, the truth was that this exercise was something addictive, and needed it. Maybe the rest of what Kyle said was sincere, maybe it was just a distraction or good sportsmanship, but Alice could only tease him with something else before she was taken aback by the boy's fierceness. "I hope so, because I wouldn't want to be cannon fodder anymor... Huh!!"

Before she could bring her eyelids together, the boy abruptly cut the distance between them! The Club representative's eyes widened while tilted her head back, stupefied. She had him in front of! The need to blink in that time lapse felt like a lethal mistake and was able to react against the incoming right uppercut, inlining backwards and letting it go on its way inches away from grazing her chin. But before her footwork could settle her to counterattack, her head jerked shallowly with a southern hook that connected with her temple, gracefully interrupting her. And that was enough to alarm her! Causing her raise her right knee and extend a thrust kick at him for settle the score. But Kyle had already distanced himself half a second earlier. Fleeting!

Perhaps they could both make out the whisper of astonishment from the onlookers or how Daymetter was dumbfounded because a few seconds ago wished luck to the guy who won't need it. The kid really will deliver what he promised. And that was enough to make the secretary slow down and to liven up her pace and her guard while they went back to hovering. She kept her distance, but not out of suspicion; Alice had a plan. When she was in her office and spotted him, she felt Kyle had some potential, but she was wrong to take him as an amateur. And the truth was that the Secretary was only thinking about warming up with someone, but that way of testing her... now Alice knows that doesn't have to be soft on him since Kyle won't be like that with her.

"Hm~, Very... good... Kyle~..." She took the initiative now, vacillating between advancing and retreating, gauging his potential reaction, slyly provoking another blow from the American. She swayed as if hesitating to tackle him - which was untrue - because it was her turn to test him! In an instant her front knee was going to flex against the ground to let out a volley of pent-up energy in order to shoot herself to make contact into his abdomen with her shoulder! As explosive in her siege as a real detonation, to leave no chance of countermeasures, and force him to flex as soon as she surprised him. Although nothing was set in stone - and Kyle didn't seem so easy to take - but if on impact the woman entered, was going to wrap an arm around one of his legs whilst with the other hooked onto one of his biceps to lock him in a fireman's carry position and end up spinning on her knees to throw him headlong to the canvas before that second one was over! And follow this by sitting comfortably on his abdomen for the mount position and hit him in the cheeckbone with a few punches with the back of her fist - annoying rather than damaging since she still didn't feel the need to be more aggressive with the guest.
Takedown, speed and strength with which Alice would be performing it
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by xalex »

Thinking he made a good start kyle was ready to shoot forwards again but he would stop as she saw how alica was daring towards him too. Kyle had no chance to react in any way as his opponent smashed her shoulder into his abs. The boy was lifted off the mat and shoved backwards by the pure power of the impact alone. Kyle was forced to bend forwards, as all the air was pressed out of his body in a hearable sigh. He was feeling sick as his opponent used this first contact to lift him upwards into air, showing of her strength before slamming him back down again. The cagewalls would swing and shake for a moment as kyle´s back hit the mat hard.

He would lay there groaning and before he could realize where Alica was the first punch already hit him right in the cheekbone, turning his head to the side, making saliva fly through the air. Luckily his instincts kicked in and he brough his arms up into a guard position in front of his face to block the incoming punches. Each punch having so much force that if he wouldn´t block them they would do some serious damage. This was bad he needed to focus on blocking the punches while coming up with a plan on escaping fast.

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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

When that pro-style throw rattled the old walls of the cage the audience exhaled in a empathetically gasp with Kyle's back. No sooner had they fallen, Alice had already turned around to reach a hand across Kyle's chest to mount him and deliver the first blow to his face! And maybe she had overdone it by the way she turned his face and his lips sizzled with saliva. But she muttered in amusement, wasn't she unconsciously holding back? Maybe - waited with a clenched fist - though, strickers are usually glass cannons, so dentting them a bit is the best way to test them, and thus, see if Kyle's one of those too.

Those seconds of hesitation were enough for the boy to raise his defences for more and Alice contemplated it in delight! She landed another punch on the left forearm! Followed by several regulated hammer blows to the guard in general. She detonated a steady force. The Miss didn't know how long Kyle would play turtle, but with each blow, Alice's pristine smile was still there; with each impact of the siege, the woman's hips also lowered further, until they were on top of the Kyle's. Bucking, wobbling, shuddering! on top of him as a side effect of the sudden movements.

That might be a cheap trick in an inter-gender fight, but warming his head was not her plan. "You look like a veeery strong man...," Alice stopped what she was doing to put her fingers on his chest, and mercilessly dropped a punch to the pit of his stomach! "You are?" She followed up with another to the ribs in order to bend him over and knock down his barrier. "Why I'm eager to find out." If with the hook to the ribs, the woman brought Kyle's arm down, would continue with a third hook aimed to be a left uppercut against the his cheekbone. And then another hook in the opposite direction; followed by one to the shoulder; to the other ribs; firing three straight jabs into Kyle's navel with frenzy. the woman would do everything she could to deteriorate him from that privileged position if nothing moved her before finishing its boarding raising both arms and dropping them in a double axe-handle against Kyle's chest in order to sink his sternum and knock the air out of him!
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:20 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

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The boy was still trying to come up with a way to counter the situation when he suddenly felt her weight shift thinking this might be a hance for him… but how wrong he was. Her Hips would press down onto his crotch area, forcing a quiet and surprised moan out of him. He would even buckle up a little bit only for her hand on his chest to push him bhack down into the mat.

BAM! The fist of the girl drilled into his abs as she was crushing his stomach forcing him to groan out loudly again. A painful scream followed as she went for his ribs now! Alice was working him over with a plan!

But Kyle was not just going to lay there and take it. As she was swining a hook towards his face kyle would try to react fast and throw a lighting fast jab at the shoulder she was using to throw the hook with. Hoping to stun Alice with it, kyle hoped to be able to follow up by twisting his body and throwing his forearm towards the head of his opponent and smash his elbow into it as hard as he could!

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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

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Alice remained unperturbed as Kyle let out a couple of involuntary moans. The owner's right-hand was determined to show him what a pub-club woman had to offer in the ring. Since he wanted to test her, the bruenette was going to indulge him in full with that.

But the boy is still fast. When Alice fired her hook to his face, Kyle responded by firing a straight jab to the shoulder she was extending the hook with, backing off her strike before it made contact with him. "Gugh!" It was a good counter with which he unsettled her from the stinging pain, pushing her backwards and forcing her to cover up with her other arm while the other going numb for a few crucial seconds. The whole plan of following up with the punches fell apart and, for an instant, Alice had a déjà vu? of how a few seconds ago Kyle managed to surprise her with a fast combo.

And maybe it was that moment of brilliance, perhaps it was her experience accommodating her body by muscle memory while she was shivering, or happen it was because this time he didn't think about it, but she brought her forearm to the side of his head just in time to catch that ellbow and cushion it to it from stunning her. Though, Kyle's strength was going to dislodge her from the top! However, she dealt with the pain even though most of the damage was still absorbed by his arm and flexed her other arm upwards to grab his wrist and take advantage of her fall to pull him with her and looking to drape one leg over Kyle's shoulder while the other crosses under his armpit to bring them together at the boy's back. Wanting to go for a triangle choke. "For such a young person, where did you learn to be so skilled?" She would praise, a bit sly.

The secretary knows not than to let her guard down with any opponent, but Kyle could give her goosebumps with his speed. As if she sensed that where she let go him and let him recover, he was going to lash out in a way that would put her in trouble if she landed a good blow. And that she can't afford that.
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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

Unread post by xalex »

Kyle would feel the legs closing in around his neck. The boy was shocked how fast Alice had recovered from getting thrown off and getting on the offensive again. The young man threw up one of his arms and blocked the legs from totally closing the pressure on his neck. HE was acting as fast as he could, but all he could do was reduce the pressure she would put on his neck. She still was choking him and her legs were scary strong. Kyle felt his arm shaking as he tried his best to not let her close the choke in fully.

The young man couldn´t pull his head free and so he was on the defensive again. He lifted his free arm upwards and tried to throw his fist down performing hammer strikes towards the face of the woman. HE just hoped to hit a few good ones to make her let go and not end the fight too soon!
The fans meanwhile got fully behind the dominate and aggressive Alice and chanted her name loudly over and over as she was making kyle look old.

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Re: Money on the side: Kyle vs Alice

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Maybe it was her predatory instinct, her will or maybe it was her muscle memory, but the truth was that Alice was doing everything she could to keep Kyle at bay. They had just started and he was already making her watch as much as her eyes could to keep him under her control.

Lying supine on the canvas, the secretary pulled on his arm as she locked her legs around him like pincers to lock him in a triangle choke - although Kyle was neither a punching bag nor a novice. Showing his experience in these matches, he brought his other arm forward to prevent the choke from closing, and turned it unnoticed into a tussle for control!

He wanted to escape, she didn't want to let him go. As his arm trembled under the pressure of Alice's legs, she struggled and pulled to sink him deeper between her knees to him punishment. She would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying this fight. Alice was cornering him so much that the boy saw no other option: he stopped hammering the scissors with his free arm, giving Alice the chance she needed, but in turn, he was also able to extend it upwards and drop it in a hammer blow to the secretary's eye and loosening the submission by the jolt of her head against the cold floor!

"Guhg...!" Before she could react and realise the mistake she had made for focusing all their attention on closing the hold, Kyle repeated again! Shaking bruentte's head in the worse way against the canvas as if it were a basketball, attempting to finish what that previous blow had started! "Gough...! Guuhg...! tch!" Alice's brain was already jolted, her gaze almost lost before she tried to comeback once more and let go of his arm - which was already going to slip away from her - to cover herself and circumstantially she would also try to put a foot on his shoulder to kick him away, though her movements would already be lethargic from the daze and she would need a moment to restore herself. So much so, that it may be the faction that bet on Kyle that will have their chance to support him now.
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