Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Special Match Type: Natural Selection
The fight takes place in a cage with both fighters collared and chained to each other, the winner is to be decided by knockout only, no holds barred
The loser of this match will be a prisoner of the winner for 24 hours

When Kate got news of her upcoming fight, at first she got excited, the match idea she submitted was going to be used! Then, her excitement subsided. In a manner she almost got used to at this point, she was about to face not only a full-time wrestler but also happened to be a man who also happened to be larger than her. On top of that, whoever won the fight was to be taken by the winner for an entire day, a fact that she might not have minded if she knew the person in question but here she would just have to hope that they would be reasonable.
Entrance Music
That all passed through her head as she was waiting to make her entrance. The music slowly starting, she would wait a few seconds to let it back up properly before accompanied with flashes of purple and gold would burst on the scene, raising her fist up. Being in front of the crowd at least wasn't as hard as before, the cheers she got as she made her way to the cage also made it better, soothing her nerves somewhat. When she finally got inside she would rest her back on one of the corners, looking to the referee holding the chain and then to the stage where her opponent was about to make his own entrance.

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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As Kyle spoke, Kate almost breathed a sigh of relief, the tension that was there and could possibly pass for confidence melted away as the girl would relax and give her opponent a firm handshake. "You can just call me Kate, everybody does." She said with a faint smile as they approached the referee. "Yeah, let's have a good fight, and whoever wins, no hard feelings, right?" She said right before the collar closed around her neck, instinctively making her rub it as they backed away from each other. Then kate would give a nod to signal that she was ready and just like her opponent, took a boxing stance.


As soon as the bell rang, Kate sprung forward, she took a step, grabbed a chain and yanked it to pull Kyle closer to her as she threw a sidekick to his midsection. If that worked she would have a handful of loose chain that she would then try to swing behind his neck to pull even closer and when she had him in a clinch, throw a couple of hard knees to his abdomen. She truly hoped there would be no hard feelings as she did not plan on holding anything back.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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It was unbelievable how fast kate could move! In a split second she switched from a guard position into an offensive kick postion. Kyle tried to pull down his arm to lower his guard and catch the kick but he was moving to slow having Kate kick right through his guard and still smashing her shin into his lower ribcage. The impact was softened but still painful like hell! Kyle needed to hold in a scream of pain as he would instantly try to jump backwards to avoid a follow up.
But kate was one step ahead of him as in a swift move she would throw the chain around his neck and would pull him back close. The sudden and strong pull force kyle to stumble forwards right into her waiting arms as he pulled the bodies close together. As soon as she got her hands on him her knee shoot upwards and smashed into his abs curshing them and the stomach laying below it. Kyle´s eyes shoot open and his mouth was gasping open as the air shoot out of him.
But the one knee wasn´t all he got, instead kate was firing up more and more. The second drilled into his abs again.

But when kate tried to throw another one kyle brough one hand down catching the knee with his open flat hand before it could build up any momentum, saving his abs from more punishment. HE was still caught in the clinch though. So he would try to pull his other arm upwards and throw a fast short range hook right into the side of kate. Aiming for the area where no more ribs would protect the inners of her opponent for the biggest impact. He would fire punch after punch trying to hit the girl with all his might. He knew he needed to throw a lot at her to slow her down, but right now all he wanted was that she would loosen the clinch just a little bit.

As soon as kyle felt how the grip of his opponent wasn´t as thight anymore he would try to put one of his arms under her armpit and threw his upper body to the side spinning around while pushing out her hip. He would got for a basic hip throw against kate to break the clinch fully and send the woman flying down to the mat!

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Kate's initial offensive was working, the guard Kyle put up certainly lessened the impact of her kick but it was still enough for her to get in close and fire off the knees. That would not last for too long as a series of hooks crashed into her side just inches short of the liver and she was happy that it did as she let out a pained grunt with the strike landing, was it any closer to the organ it might have just popped right there but it wasn't all, the second and than the third strikes came, making her back out just a little and bend to the side which too was quickly capitalized on. Kyle grabbed a hold of her and with little effort sent her crashing down to the mat.

The strikes however did not take her out of her game enough to not have a plan. As she was falling she would grab the chain right next to his neck and hold onto it so he would have to fall to the ground as well. then despite the impact, she made she would try to roll on top of him to get a mount after which she would instinctively grab the hand she was just battered with and shoot the leg below it and then over her opponent's chest to lock in an armbar!

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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The sudden pull on the chain took kyle totally by surprise and he was dragged down with his opponent. His chest and upper body were just flopping onto the mat as his legs would break down, dropping to his knees. This made him crash onto the mat right next to his opponent, the impact wasn´t the wrose he ever took in a fight but still the unexpected nature made it way worse… Kyle would groan out quietly before he tried to get up to his hands and knees. HE was dazed just for a moment, giving Kate enough time to throw him over onto his back. When he was on his back he looked up to the muscular frame of Kate getting onto top of him and reaching for the arm… NO! NOT THAT! Not an armbar!

His expierence told him that a hold like this could be match deciding, even if it was not match ending. An armbar with the power that kate processed could easily snap the elbow of Kyle, breaking his arm… or at least wearing it out to the point of being a huge Handicap… Kate knew what she was doing, and she was doing it fast and aggressive without hesitation.

Seeing the danger in this hold Kyle tried to act fast bringing his hands together and holding them together as good as he could. He had one task and only this one! He could not kate let force him to stretch out his arm comeptly. If that would happen with her power she could break his arm, just snapping it into two!
Kyle would hang on to his own hand, praying that he somehow could convince kate to let go first, change the position up a bit. He would grind his teeth a little bit as he needed all his strength to keep his hands together.

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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As Kate was about the drop down onto the mat she met a formidable resistance as her opponent was holding tight onto his limb. At this speed the hold had a high chance of failing and trying to scramble for it would only mean they would both get tired without securing much in a way of an advantage. Still, she had to commend the instinct Kyle had just shown by reacting as fast as he did, from what she saw of other wrestlers, many would be left hoping that the person locking the hold would be nice enough not to break their arm but he was doing well.

The fact of how well her opponent was adapting however meant that Kate would need to get ahead even more. To that effect she would relax her back, and shift her leg, letting some of Kyle's own pull help her get back to sitting before she would curl her legs to land on top of him in a half mount. She would put all her weight on the knee now pressing onto his stomach, her left hand moving to catch one of his and pull it away as she started raining punches down on his head.

If that worked well enough she would proceed to shift into a full mount again before dropping low and working for her hands behind his back. Then she would shift her legs so the soles of her feet were on the mat before pushing off of it in an attempt at a deadlift belly-to-belly overhead suplex!

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Feeling how kate gave in on the idea of armbar made the young man relieved for a moment. But again kate moved like fast cat and switched up positions ending up ontop of Kyle in just a moment. This time his reflexes could not save him as the a flurry of fast punches came down smashing his head against the mat! Kyle´s head would snap to the side salvia flying onto the mat as Kate brutalized his head! Kyle would try to lift his arm upwards and flood it into a triangle shape to protect the side of his head… he would soften the impacts of some of the punches but still kate´s aggression made it hard for him to find a opening to counter…

Only after her onslaught ended and she picked him up, pulling her abs packes stomachs together. Kyle felt how the tension was building up for a moment as she lowered her center of mass and was about to throw it upwards… The byo would jump as hard as he could launching himself over his opponent when she tried to go for the belly to belly suplex. He would flip right over her and land back on her feet again. The boy would stumble around for a moment catching the momentum and spin around to look at kate. He would reach for the chain around his neck grabbing with both of his hands and gave it a hard pull to not allow Kate to get back to her feet, as he tried to pull her forwards with the sudden pull and take her by surprise. Afterwards Kyle would step forwards and went for a big soccer kick, swinging his legs towards the ribs of his opponent going for an dirty but effective kick on kate.

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Once more Kate's offensive was going great until it stopped. She noticed that something was off in the way Kyle moved through the air but by that point, it was too late to do anything about it. Soon enough he slipped her grasp completely forcing her to make an impromptu bridge to keep her head from hitting the mat. That position was rather unstable though and as he pulled the chain, Kate collapsed, rolling in his direction. She got to all fours and even before the kick connected gritted her teeth.

The impact to her ribs coxed a yelp of pain to escape her as she tumbled a few feet away. She kept enough bearings to grab the chain near her neck and plan for the next move. She rolled, putting the chain over her shoulder and making sure it was taut. Then she would get to her knees, her back facing Kyle for one a split second as she pulled on the chain again and bent her body as if trying to throw something over her shoulder to pull with great force at the object keeping them together, hoping that it would force Kyle to stumble forward and trip just as she extended her leg backward and up at an angle to meet his fall.

Hit or no she would then quickly turn and jump up to her feet to not leave herself exposed.

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Re: Chained together: Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Kyle Preze

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Seeing how kate was tumbling away made the young man feel bad for a moment… but then relized he was in a match so he was about to go after her. But Kate seemingly wanted him close as she suddenly yanked at the chain and pulled him towards her.

Kyle was taken by surprised and stumbled right into the extended leg of the girl, which was pushing his foot away from him. SO kyles leg simply disappeared from under his body and the young man would come down. He would drop onto his hands and knees, forcing a loud groan out of him. After that kyle would crawl backwards away, knowing his momentum was already gone and so all he could do was recover for a moment before attacking anew.

Kyle would stumble around from side to side after getting back up to his feet. He got to a boxing position again. “damn you’re great at this!” would kyle compliment her. “you are way tougher then you look… and you already look tough as nails!” he said as he slowly began to circle her… when he though the right moment came darted forwards taking a big step and sending a kick from the side towards her head. A big gamble that he hoped would pay off…

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