"What do you say... Lets blow this joint, get shitfaced, maybe fuck some bar up and then fuck each others brains out?", she grinned even if the match today proved to be right along their alley.
An Oil Match against a team of a lightweight girl and a male wrestler no less. So there was much to see, grope, squeeze and fondle and so the Queen of Hearts sighed loudly as she let her hands trail under the bluenettes robey squeezing her juicy behind as she kissed her neck.
"Hmmm... Then again, lets fuck this little shits up and THEN we hit the town, huuuuuh?", the Blonde purred seductively as she kissed herself up to the face of her friend. "After... A... Long... Hot... Shower...", she said between kisses and reached her friends face again, looking into the japanese girls eyes.
"Imagine...a few months ago they hated us, laughed at us and try to humiliate us and now they wear merchandise of us, hold banners up and cheer at every sexy move we make...", she grinned and leaned her forehead against Sachikos. "Did'nt I tell you we will show them? That we will play their little game only to make it ours?", she chuckled and embraced her friend, hugging her close. "Oooh they are our slaves and we play them like a fiddle from hell, huh?", she said as their theme started.
"Ready, Sachi-chan?", she then said with a much sweeter tone as her features brightened up. It was time for the show and a show they would get...
The Heart Connection came into the arena to thunderous applause, the two delinquents in disguise waved their hands while holding each others as Veri pulled up a mic.

When her friend finished they turned to face each other smiling as Veri held the mic between them.
"And we are... HEART CONNECTIOOOOOOOOOON!!!! ", both cheered and then kissed as pink and golden flares exploded over them and the Titantron showed their logo!
Veri grinned. "Worked like a charm...", she said as they went down the ramp, greeting their fans kindly and then entered the ring by slipping between the middle ropes, sticking their behinds out as they walked to the middle of the ring, a bucket of oil was situated in each corner.
But if the fans cheered them now it was nothing compared to when they opened each others belts and let their robes slip down on the ground.