Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Veronika smiled widley as she and Sachiko approached Gorilla Position again. She really had gotten accustomed to it by now, like she got accustomed to hold her partners hand and being a horny mess around her. "Sachi?", she said with a sideglance before the sukeban was pressed against a wall, their lucious forms under their pink bathrobes squeezing together as Veronika kissed her friend passionatly.

"What do you say... Lets blow this joint, get shitfaced, maybe fuck some bar up and then fuck each others brains out?", she grinned even if the match today proved to be right along their alley.

An Oil Match against a team of a lightweight girl and a male wrestler no less. So there was much to see, grope, squeeze and fondle and so the Queen of Hearts sighed loudly as she let her hands trail under the bluenettes robey squeezing her juicy behind as she kissed her neck.

"Hmmm... Then again, lets fuck this little shits up and THEN we hit the town, huuuuuh?", the Blonde purred seductively as she kissed herself up to the face of her friend. "After... A... Long... Hot... Shower...", she said between kisses and reached her friends face again, looking into the japanese girls eyes.

"Imagine...a few months ago they hated us, laughed at us and try to humiliate us and now they wear merchandise of us, hold banners up and cheer at every sexy move we make...", she grinned and leaned her forehead against Sachikos. "Did'nt I tell you we will show them? That we will play their little game only to make it ours?", she chuckled and embraced her friend, hugging her close. "Oooh they are our slaves and we play them like a fiddle from hell, huh?", she said as their theme started.

"Ready, Sachi-chan?", she then said with a much sweeter tone as her features brightened up. It was time for the show and a show they would get...

The Heart Connection came into the arena to thunderous applause, the two delinquents in disguise waved their hands while holding each others as Veri pulled up a mic.
"Good evening LAAAWWW! We are so glad to be here again to share some love for you! I am Veri-chaaaan!", she said and gave the mic to Sachiko for her constructed overly sweet and idoly entrance that the japanese crowd had such a weakness for.

When her friend finished they turned to face each other smiling as Veri held the mic between them.
"And we are... HEART CONNECTIOOOOOOOOOON!!!! ", both cheered and then kissed as pink and golden flares exploded over them and the Titantron showed their logo!

Veri grinned. "Worked like a charm...", she said as they went down the ramp, greeting their fans kindly and then entered the ring by slipping between the middle ropes, sticking their behinds out as they walked to the middle of the ring, a bucket of oil was situated in each corner.

But if the fans cheered them now it was nothing compared to when they opened each others belts and let their robes slip down on the ground.
Veronika could swear that some debris crumbled from the roof as the crowd exploded. They struck poses for the crowd and formed a heart with their hands before Veri gave Sachi a wink and nodded to the bucket. "You, so kind, babe?", she whispered with a lick of her lips.

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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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A while ago, it was hard for Sachiko to believe there would ever come a day when she would be looking forward to a match alongside Veronika Noir. The Heart Connection was supposed to be a punishment, forcing her together with her most hated of rivals. But the more they worked together, the more Sachiko found herself in a place she could thrive. Veronika, despite her rich, petty, cultured act, was every bit as devious and willing to get her hands dirty as Sachiko was - she just needed the right excuse to admit to it, and that had been dropped right into her hands. The two of them were reaching new heights in their careers as a team, and the delinquent wasn't about to look back...

Especially not when she was sandwiched between the wall behind her and Veronika's hot body as the blonde ground up against her, meeting her in a kiss. Sachiko wriggled in closer to her, her breasts mushrooming against Veronika's own the closer she grew, and a rush of heat bubbled up inside of her. When the two of them broke away, Sachiko giggled to Veronika's proposal of ditching the match. It tickled her to see she was embracing the rebel spirit, and it did sound like her idea of a good time and then some - but she shook her head all the same. "Heheh...naaah...these two we're up against look like a couple 'a cuties, and I wanna get allllll over 'em." She moaned a little as Veronika pinched her behind, which she responded to with a squeeze to her thigh. And when Veronika's tone changed, Sachiko could only grin wider - that was a prospect even more enticing than the one before. "Oh, now you're speakin' my language..."

She brought herself closer against Veronika for another kiss before the two again broke away. And when they did, Veronika took a moment to reflect on how far they had come. They'd gone from being some of LAW's most hated and feared heels, to being made a mockery of as the Heart Connection, to managing to capture the hearts of fans in earnest. The more Sachiko thought about it, the more she smiled, nodding her head in approval. When she had set out in the wrestling business, she thought she was only out for herself, and she didn't care if she was cheered or booed. But Veronika had helped her see that she held a greater power than ever before, turning everyone in the arena to her whim. "Eheheh, yeah...these pervs will eat everything we do up," she said with a wink. "Y'know, I should owe it to you, babe...you're the one who convinced me to give it a chance. And look at us now..." Sachiko pulled Veronika into a tight hug, and this time, it wasn't even to reach around far enough to smack her on the ass. Well...maybe it was a little.

Either way, though, it was time for them to head out there and strut their stuff again, and Sachiko wasn't about to disappoint! The moment she heard the cheers ring out from the stands, the Japanese girl grinned wide; she could barely hold back the excitement of knowing she had the whole arena wrapped around her finger. When she took the microphone to call out "And Iiiii'm Sachi-chan!~" with a wink and a kiss blown to the crowd, the cheers they got were almost enough to make her forget how insipidly stupid the entrance was. She didn't even care as she strode down the ramp at Veronika's side, greeting all the cheers they got, the camera flashes, and the high-fives the fans reached out for. She just nodded her head to Veronika - she had to give her something; she knew a thing or two about marketing.

But what would really catch the fans' attention came next, as Sachiko reached for the belt of Veronika's robe at the same time the dancer did for hers, letting their robes drop to reveal the exceptionally tiny swimsuits they wore beneath, even by their standards! Sachiko faced every cheer she got with a grin, strutting for the crowd and hopping up and down a few times to let her breasts jiggle. Knowing she was getting this much attention, that people actually wanted to see her, made Sachiko even more excited for the coming match. But of course, she was also looking forward to having the honor of oiling her partner up.

"Don'cha worry, babe..." she said, taking the bucket, "I got this covered~" Working the oil in her hands, she slathered Veronika's body with a generous coating, rubbing it up and down her sides, around the sweep of her breasts, and all the way down her thighs. She couldn't help but give a squeeze in all the right places when her hands graced their presence, scooting a little closer to Veronika with eager glee while also sticking her rear out further to the crowd. It was almost enough to make her forget the match would be even more thrilling. But of course, that was still to come.

Once she was happy with her handiwork, Sachiko took a step back, winking to Veronika. "Lookin' good to me," she said. "Not like you're ever not, of course...~" Giving her hips a wiggle, she placed her hands on Veronika's shoulders to look her in the eye. "My turn next?~"
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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Veronika had to give it to Sachi, she could be a little slow and be stubborn as a mule BUT when she saw an opportunity to spread some chaos, to make all her perverted fantasies come true, well, she would trust Veronika and the European had buried the hatchet with Sachiko finally.

Of course their feud had been fun, she had to admit, but in the end, sticking their heads together, creating something for their own out of something that was forced on them was much, much more fulfilling and they both became very close over the course of this months, spending time together, getting called by Viktor or Sia, it was'nt annoying or bad, Veronika looked forward to it.

She had found someone in Sachiko with whom she not just could have incredible sex, and they had plenty of it, but also someone who listened to her, who really had touched her heart. And so the Dancer decided to do everything her powers to make Sachiko smile, to make her feel well and have all her perverted fantasies fullfilled.

When they entered and showed their barely covered goods to the crowd it still made the roof blow up even if there was plenty of picture and movie material of their naked bodies online. But still, they were two of the most hottest and shameless women in LAW and them working together and not against each other was a wet dream come true for many fans.

"Hmmmm... You do that so well, we should do oil stuff more often...", she said and moaned under her breath whenever her friend managed to get a squeeze in. When Sachiko was finished, the Queen of Hearts only chuckled.

"Thought you never ask...", she said but instead of taking the bucket, the Queen of Hearts decided for something much more fun as she pushed Sachiko into a corner, and raised the mic to her lips. "Sachi-chan, fans... This is just for the all of you...", she smiled, and raised her other hand, snipping her fingers. The arena lights turned red and the sound of an old 30s theme started to play as Veronika presented them with a sexy dance, her eyes always on her friend as she came up to her friend, her hips swaying from side to side.

When she approached Sachi she pressed her body into hers but as the sukeban wanted to touch, Veronika shooked her head and put her busy hands back in place. She lifted one leg, the other shoving itself between Sachikos thighs and with soft motions starting to hump against it, all the oil on Veronikas body dripping onto the sukebans pale skin while the Blonde went on, grabbing Sachikos shoulders and pulling her in, their lips only inches from each other before she shoved her friend back again, but in turn let her hands slip under Sachikos skimpy bikini top, massaging and putting oil all over her big breasts.

The crowd approved every sensual minute of it and Veronika let her hands slip away before she turned around, letting her behind circle in front of her friend before shoving it into her pelvis, rubbing on Sachiko, leaning back and putting the Sukebans arms around her. She grabbed them and guided them upwards, under her top, finally letting Sachiko take a squeeze, her head turned to her friend, her eyes halflided, her body leaning into Sachikos fully oiled body as the music faded and the lights turned bright again. Veronikas chest went up and down, every match was just another chance for Heart Connection, the most perverted team of LAW to show off another erotic sensation

Their gazes tough lingered at each other for a long time, Veronikas face carrying a pink shimmer, her lips half open, her eyes...wondering. Before they got interrupted in their thoughts tough as a match was at hand and while still leaning onto her friend, Veronikas thoughts came back to the here and yet. "Lets see what poor little basterds they serve us today...", she grinned, purring like a devious siamese cat...

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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Sachiko thought she had put on a little show with oiling Veronika up for the match, taking care to work her hands over her magnificent body slowly and sensually to really make it count. Of course, most of that was because Sachiko herself was simply too smitten with Veronika's good looks to not give them the meticulous attention they deserved - but they were the Heart Connection, and that was all about the presentation. They had a style and a brand they were here to sell, and as much as they resented it at first, it didn't take them long to see how much the fans ate it up. That made them feel powerful, successful; they were ready to ride that wave. Sachiko knew she was - she thrived when she could feel in charge, and now she felt like she had more supporters she could bend to her will with the right wink and smile and wiggle of her hips than she could ever dream of. It wasn't hard to see how that would go to her head.

But for as hot as Sachiko thought she was...Veronika just might have blown all of that out of the water! Sachiko had barely finished nodding her head in approval to Veronika's proposal they do more oil matches when the blonde snapped her fingers, and the ring was bathed in red light. The delinquent's eyes went wide in shock as she stared back at her partner, finding herself hopelessly under her spell. She knew Veronika, as the dancer she was, knew a thing or two about making an impression...but this was going above and beyond!

Veronika's motions were doing just as good a job at seducing Sachiko as they were to anyone else who might have been in attendance. The blue-haired girl's eyes followed Veronika this way and that, watching her for every swing and sway she made from one side to the other; she didn't want to look away for a moment, lest she miss a second of it all! Her heart beat faster and faster the closer Veronika came to her; by the time she was grinding up against her body, she felt like she was about to faint. She purred as Veronika ground up against her, brushing her body this way and that as she wormed her way as close as she could into Veronika's presence. When Veronika's hips bucked and thrusted against her own, Sachiko mirrored each motion with a low moan - and those moans only grew louder as the blonde kneaded at her breasts.

Soon, Veronika was ready to draw Sachiko into the dance, running her hands along her body. Sachiko felt every curve, every contour; she could feel each swell and rise of a body she had explored so many times, yet never grew tired of. When she felt Veronika's soft breasts in the palm of her hand, she couldn't help but squeeze them tighter. Veronika was captivating; she simply commanded every bit of Sachiko's attention with every move she made. In fact, as they stopped to look into each others' eyes, Sachiko felt as though time was slowing down around her, save for the racing tempo of her heart. There was something about that look in Veronika's sparkling violet eyes that tugged at Sachiko, that made her want to know it deeper. For a moment, she had to ask herself about just how deep her feelings went. Was Veronika truly just a friend? Or...was there more?

It was just then that Veronika reminded her that they still had a match at stake, and with that, everything came grinding to a halt. For a moment, Sachiko looked back at her tag partner blankly, but then she shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs that had taken hold. "Right!! Right, hahah...yeah, uh, I knew that!" Clearing her throat - and still clinging to Veronika - she looked back at the ramp, waiting for her opponents to arrive. She was eager to see what awaited her, but she knew one thing - it would be hard for them to outdo their entrance!
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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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"Soooo... They definitely win as far as the entrance goes, we didn't even plan for this." Kenshin said looking up at the screen as their opponents were making their entrance. "Babe, I don't think we are winning this anyway... unless you think you can take two of them yourself, you saw me fight." Ilaria made a comment in a dispassionate tone, she knew what she was here and it didn't really matter to her but dragging others under her own umbrella was in fact rubbing her the wrong way. "Yeah but oil changes things..." He started but Ilaria cut in "So I'll slide around the ring instead of being slammed, maybe knock myself out on the ring post? We both know I'm bad at this, just wish you were paired with Akiko..." and then he interrupted her for a change. "So what? We go out there and maybe you are right, maybe we lose, but we can at least try to have some fun right?" He said, kneeling down and hoping her on the nose. She lit up just slightly at that and nodded before Kenshin stood up and offered her a hand which she accepted. "About time we go out there."
Kenshin (without the jacket)
As they neared the stage entrance, tango music began to play and Ilaria nearly jumped out of her boots. "You remember the steps, right? Right?" She beamed at him completely rejuvenated but before he could have the time to answer she would already have grabbed him and started on their way onto the stage. Kenshin for his part did remember the steps well enough to keep up with the Italian in that short dance in which they circled and weaved through the stage before Kenshin dipped Ilaria just as she threw her arms around his neck for a short kiss. It might have not been as exciting as the idol act put on by their opponents but it drew cheers from the audience well enough as they continued down the ramp.

When they reached the ring and the bucket Ilaria made a gesture to Kenshin for him to follow. They both dipped their hands in oil before Ilaria reached to his face and pulled him down for a kiss as they started trailing each other's bodies, slowly working the oil all over. Then Ilaria pushed him away and hopped into the ring, leaving mightily confused Kenshin at the side who thought she would be the more reserved one. "Ok, ladies, which one wants a crack at me first?" Ilaria said loudly, hands on hips, the dance putting her back in good spirits for whatever would happen now.

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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Veronika smiled as Sachikos barely clad, oiled body leaned against her. She always had had a fondness for the sukebans delicious forms but over the course of their friendship and their countless nights of passion she had developed something else. Hunger, Lust... Love? It was'nt just that Sachikos body made her hot and needy, having her friend lean on to her felt right, it felt warm and welcoming. It was a feeling Veronika never wanted to miss again. Sachiko had became more then a partner in crime, Veronika cared for her, Veronika wanted her to be happy, she started to acknowledge the little things that made the person Sachiko Koizumi, little querks, speech patterns and even if the Bluenette did'nt seem like there was anything deeper, Veronika had to admit as she now knew the person behind the sukeban, that there was much more to explore then she would have given her friend credit for.

Still, sex, lust and perversions of all kind was a big factor in their relationship and so, as their opponents appeared, Veronika already had slipped two fingers into Sachikos barely covered crotch, softly fondling her while her other hand slipped under the skimpy bathingsuit that barely hid her rockhard nipples and twisted and pulled the little pebble of flesh between her competent fingers. Her hips moved into Sachikos behind, grinding against it with the slick sounds of oil as she moaned in her friends ear.

"Hmmmm... Oh look at them. So cute, so innocent...they are perfect...", she said and moved her fingers faster as her breathing got harder. "Nhhhh... Imagine what fun we will have with them. This time a dick is involved too...what you say? How about we see how long he lasts...", she grinned and bit her lower lip as she pressed her hips into Sachikos behind a long time, groaning into her friends ears before she dropped into the corner." Pheeeww... That should be enough warm up, ey babe? ", she said and bent forward, turning Sachiko around and giving her a deep lusty kiss before turning to their opponents.

"Well, well, well...so anxious to get flattened hm? I am Veri and this is Sachi.", the Queen of Hearts chuckled as both women strolled into their opponents direction. Their luxurious bodies glistened and their assets jiggled up and down with every elegant move. Still, even if they were babyfaces in their gaze there was something and it seemed more like the two siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp were approaching them, instead of two cupidthemed faces.

Veronika smiled and gave the boy a wink, blowing a kiss in his directions. "I think Sachi will be most pleased to start this match. As for you, Kenshin was it? Lets leave them their business, shall we oooor want a little date outside the ring?", she teased and stretched out her hand, tickling him under his chin.

She laughed and then let go of Sachiko, not without a last kiss." Don't hurt the little shit too bad... ", she whispered and gave her a playful wink before she left the ring, wiggling her behind, knowing that her friend definetly would look and slipped out of the ring...

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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Needless to say, Sachiko was getting excited as soon as the opposing team made their entrance. It would be a first for her LAW career in facing off against a boy, but she wasn't going to complain - it was sure to prove exciting, particularly when Kenshin had the fresh-faced good looks that made more than a few high-pitched cheers ring out from the stands as soon as he stepped down the ramp. And his partner was a real cutie herself! Not only were they both the kinds of people Sachiko was eager for a chance at getting her hands all over, their entrance showed every bit of passion and dedication they must have had as they danced down the ramp before pulling each other into a kiss. It would surely be interesting if these two were involved...and it gave Sachiko plenty of downright evil ideas.

Of course, as excited as she was, Veronika was more than competing for the blue-haired girl's attention, as her hands slipped beneath her bikini bottom, probing at the edges of the delinquent's mound. She moaned even louder now, her grip on Veronika's shoulders growing tighter to anchor herself in place as she pressed her body closer up against her own, her hips grinding against her side. "Ohhhh man, babe, THAT'S the stuff..." she purred. The sensations of their close contact flooded Sachiko's mind; they were almost enough to turn her attention away from her opponents. But she knew that would be a mistake - especially as Veronika drew away from her, giving her the chance to open things up. She needed her head to be in the game!

As disappointed as she was to cut things off right when they were getting to the good part, Sachiko knew what needed to be done. "Ohh, yeah," she said with a wink, "Don't get jealous if I...take my time with this guy. You are gonna let me have a shot at him, right?" Nodding to her partner, she clapped her hands together and sauntered toward Illaria and Kenshin, waggling her hips with every step she took. At the same time as Veronika blew a kiss to Kenshin, Sachiko set her eyes on the cute little redhead at his side, leaning down a little closer to her with her arms pressed around her breasts to accentuate her cleavage as her grin grew a little wider. She might have been eager to kick the match off, but Sachiko wanted her to know she had her eyes on her.

"Ohh, don'cha worry," she said to Veronika, letting out a soft sigh as she returned her parting kiss. "I wouldn't want the fun to end so soon~" Then, she turned back to Illaria, stretching a couple of times and giving her own rear a smack to get ready for the match. "Babe, I was ready before I even met ya!"
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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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Just the dance, that was enough to get Ilaria back in good spirits and it showed, a wide smile on her face, a spring in her step, not even a sign of how mopey she was backstage. "Sooooo... I'm Ilaria and this gentleman here is Kenshin." Ilaria said pointing at Kenshin in an exaggerated way to which the boy only gave a small wave and a smile. "Aaaaaand I think I speak for both of us when I say we hope to have found with you two. You certainly don't look like you will disappoint." She continued with a smile so wide one could practically count her teeth. Then she looked to Veri "Oh no, no, you need to get through me first if you want a go at my boy, a quality check if you will" the Italian rattled on before playfully sticking her tongue out, her attention turning back to Sachiko making a mental note to smack that booty the first chance she would get before making a come at me gesture.

When the bell finally rang, Ilaria walked forward and got her hands up in a position for a tie-up, an uncharacteristic move for her in general not to mention the size difference between her and her opponent. The redhead thought however that her small build paired with how slippery the oil would make both of them might work to her advantage in some way. If she were to be honest with herself she didn't know what way but she'd figure it out, probably...

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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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As her eyes glanced from one opponent to the other, Sachiko's grin was only growing wider and wider across her face. She didn't think she could ever have asked for a more perfect setup if she tried. Not only were she and Veronika out to cause mayhem again, not only were both of her opponents a couple of hotties she would have stood in line for a chance of rolling around in oil with...but they didn't suspect a thing. As Ilaria stepped forward to greet Sachiko, it seemed as though she had fallen for the Heart Connection's act hook, line, and sinker - despite whatever reputations both Veronika and Sachiko might have had, she was still convinced this was going to be a friendly match. Sachiko was resisting every urge to burst out laughing here and now, but she couldn't spoil the fun just yet. Ilaria was walking right into their trap, and she had the perfect opportunity to toy with her.

"Eheheh...oh, lemme tell ya this riiiiight here, babe...we're gonna have fun alright!~" Sachiko flashed Ilaria a grin and a wink, one that told everyone who knew better just what sort of fun lay ahead for the Italian. When she turned to address Veronika, Sachiko snickered. "Don'cha worry...if I may speak for my partner here, I think we'll enjoy the challenge either way~"

It was time for the match to begin, and Sachiko sank into a stance, slowly making her way toward Ilaria. She had no hesitation - she was already assured that her size advantage was going to win out over the meek girl, but she was sure she'd have plenty of fun along the way regardless. She took her in the lockup, giving a few pushes and pulls to test the waters. She wanted to lull her foe into a false sense of security - but as soon as she saw the opportunity, she'd suddenly give a yank forward at Ilaria's wrists to try and drag her off her feet, hopefully with the oil causing her to lose her balance. There, Sachiko would attempt to guide her head between her breasts, and wrap her arm around it to keep it there!
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Re: Heart Connection vs Illaria and Kenshin: Hot Oil Match

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When they locked up and Ilaria started testing the waters she found her opponent not as overpowering as she expected her to be, sure she wasn't about to take control by sheer strength but it felt as though she could keep up at least and so she moved in to try and look for a good angle of attack. And she couldn't have found the worst moment as her opponent stopped leading her on and gave a sudden pull, Ilaria swiftly found her head buried deep in Sachiko's bosom.

At first, her reaction was a panicked flailing but soon she relaxed. They were just boobs, and being buried in them was neither new nor unpleasant for Ilaria. Then there was the fact that they were both oiled up and slippery so getting out shouldn't be that hard. To get out she would get her arms under her opponent's armpits and push while turning her head and trying to get lower on her feet to slip out of her hold.

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