"This assignment you've set for me, Cao. You have chosen a difficult target for me to engage with."
Demon Of The East

White Orchid Dragon

Yin bent down, picking up the photo of her proposed target.
"They are not easily provoked. A simple insult won't be enough to get them in the ring with me. And if I act too hostile in trying to get a match, it could rouse suspicion. I would risk blowing my cover." Cao was perceptive enough to tell that her expression was creasing under the mask. "Why take such a gamble on such an..." She paused, attempting to find the right word. "...Insignificant target?"
The man adjusted his glasses with his middle finger upon his nose.
"This target has undergone a...transformation, shall we say. It is unknown to us. Heiyue does not like to be kept in the dark. A match would reveal a great deal of information on the individual, as part of our intel gathering here at LAW." His eyes flashed behind the lens. "I would think you were smarter than to question orders, Yin. Remember - what does your contract with us specify?"
"...No questions asked."
"That's my girl." Cao smirked. "Your lack of faith cuts deep into me. I already have accounted for this contingency. And I have a plan in motion to overcome it. All you need to do is simply play the part I assign you. Even if it requires some...underhandedness. The point is, they will be unable to refuse a match with you. Not without risking their reputation, anyway. But be warned. Listening to my proposal means you are essentially agreeing to carry it out. No matter what feelings it may stir up within you."
"You really are a testament to the character of the organisation you represent, Cao." Was she praising him or insulting him? It ultimately didn't matter. He could tell that the Demon of the East was relenting. "You know any personal feelings are separated when I'm on a mission. So, what do you have in mind?"
"Simple. In a week's time, you will..." The voices in the room fell to a hush, as the White Orchid Dragon informed the Demon of his plan...