Custom Match Rules
Smush Match
Both wrestlers enter the ring. Ring out is allowed, but not encouraged. No DQ, but illegal moves discriminated against.
Striking is discouraged.
Every member of the audience is given a pad. On it, Are the option to vote for either wrestler. Voting goes live five minutes into the match.
Votes are to be given when the viewer believes one is 'Smushing' (crushing, smothering) the other.
E.G. Karen smothering Jenny would gain Karen votes.
A viewer regains their vote after five minutes have passed.
Match ends when the first wrestler achieves a number of votes equal to five times the audience attendance.
E.G. 100 viewers in attendance. Match ends when One Wrestler has 500 votes.
Whilst the surprise factor of the matches extreme rules had been somewhat ruined, the effect of the encounter that Karen Starring was forced into was no less so. Whilst being aware of the rules did give her something of a perk, the fact that the match discriminated against those at the lighter side of the heavyweight scale, which surprisingly included the extremely robust Ms. Starring, still remained. Still, she forced herself to commit to the task at hand, more so than anything because she simply had to. It was either take her licks now, or suffer the wrath of the management.
And whilst it had not been stated just how said wrath could incur, Karen Starring knew for one thing. When she deemed the time right, absolutely nothing was stopping her claiming the LAW Heavyweight Title as her own.
Descending with swagger to her step, a harsh glare to her mug, Karen would find her figure in the ring just as quickly as it had found itself on the ramp. Standing with a jiggle, massive orbs practically shaking the room, Karen evidently didn't opt to waste time as she settled in the corner, arms over the top ropes as she glared to the ramp. An earlier cock-up between match orders had left the previously secret rules of the bout now public to both Karen and the audience, something that still forced the amazon to glare. Given the size of some of the women within the division, any number of behemoths could have emerged to challenge her in such a bout. More than a few would likely find it fun.
Little did Karen know that she was about to share the ring with possibly one of the biggest. Certainly by name alone.