Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Match Type: Two of Three Falls
Victory Conditions: First to forcing Two Orgasms on their opponent wins.

The Woman from France was smirking to herself, her first match in the professional wrestling world was finally at hand. And of course it was a match that was going to highlight her beauty and grace as a woman, a match seeking to profit off of sexualized combat. Although it wouldn't have been the first thing that Octavie would've chosen for herself, the French woman was more than happy to climb to victory at the humiliating defeat of another woman as she walked out from the back and on to stage.
The tight nature of her dress gave everyone a well formed outline of all of her assets, half of her large breasts almost spilling out of it as she made her way to the ring with a confident strut as she rounded the ring, heading up the stairs and entering in the ring. Very confident in her looks as much as her skills, Octavie posted in the center of the ring for all to bask in her beauty with the spotlight on her, eager to show everyone what happens when someone dares to cross her! She would soon cease her posing as she backed up into her corner, her eyes turned on to the stage to see who was going to be the victim for her debut match!
Last edited by TheManVan on Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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A largely unfamiliar feeling was possessing Sarah - nervousness. She wasn't afraid of people in the slightest, or even a crowd, but...and audience? Being recorded, and broadcasted to an unfathomably larger one watching from all over the world? Such an overwhelming force made it quite difficult for the former street fighter to just brush off. Guess taking a hit before the match wasn't a good idea after all...

Sarah would slam her fist against her locker and splash her face with some water, in an aggressive attempt to drive out this feeling. Did it work? Well, it was hard to say for sure, but it at least got her engines revving. "Fuck it, just calm down and go. Don't mess this up Sarah, don't mess this up."
Sarah was sick of this feeling, she just wanted it gone. She would harden herself up and simply stomp out to make her entrance.
Entrance Music
Sarah's energetic and aggressive theme would play as she walked out to the roaring crowd. Maybe it was the music, but somehow, that fear that she had, that nagging fucking stage fright - it, thankfully, would melt away from her "Thank god, it's gone..." Sarah would think to herself, letting out a sigh of relief. It seems once push came to shove, once she was finally out there with that gigantic crowd in front of all those cameras, the rough and rowdy purple-haired woman would take it on the chest in stride - like she did with everything else. Funny that.

Back to how she normally was, Sarah would put on a strong and cocky smile before throwing both her arms up and confidently strutting down the ramp. Taking it all in now that she had her emotions under control, she would walk up to the apron before casting off her huge jacket, revealing the tight fishnet outfit that she was wearing underneath. Once she got in, she would take a look at her first opponent. "God DAMN is she fine." She thought to herself, before walking right up to her to introduce herself.

"What it do bitch, I'm Sarah! Nice to meet ya, hope we have a good match." Sarah said, flashing a toothy grin and putting out her hand for her beautiful opponent to shake.
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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Octavie waited in the ring, leaning against the corner with her arms resting on the top ropes as her eyes never left the entrance stage. With each passing second the features on her face twisted with irritation with how her opponent was making her wait even though it hadn't even been a minute since her entrance was over. The impatience of the woman grew until she finally heard another song beginning to play, a smile cracking across of her face as she pushed off of the corner and making her way towards the center, standing with her chest puffed out in confidence as she waited to see just what kind of woman she was up against.

It didn't take long for her to lay eyes on the woman, she seemed well above the level of acceptable as Octavie thought she had a good gauge of the woman's looks half way up the ramp. However, when she gotten into the ring after taking off her jackets, it became clear that she was packing more than originally thought as Octavie's eyes widened at the tits that the jacket was hiding.

A lot in attendance would say that the breasts were of equal size to Octavie's, but the French Woman would not accept that. Her own pair were two marvels in of their own right and she would not accept them having equals or betters! Octavie would get all she needed to know the second her opponent opened her mouth, such a crass and rude way of speaking as if she had no dignity. A condescending smirk was Octavie's first reaction as her eyes trailed down to the extended hand of sportswomanship, but Octavie made no effort to return the gesture. "Such a mouth on you. But I guess it's normal for women such as yourself." she sneered, moving her hand up and batting Sarah's hand away before taking a step towards her opponent, shoving their massive chests together as she tilted her head back to look right into the taller girl's eyes.

"Oh I will have a good match, but as for you and your regrettable attitude, I will make sure you have anything but that."

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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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In Octavie, Sarah saw something she had become all too familiar with - being looked down on. From well-off to poor, from America to Japan, it seems wherever Sarah Anamaru went, bitch-ass motherfuckers looked at her with contempt. Octavie was far from the first, and sadly she probably wouldn't be the last.

But the weathered street fighter would simply let it roll off her back, as she had been accustomed to for some time. As Octavie pressed her fine chest into hers, she would wear a wicked grin and press her forehead against the silver-haired girls', staring deep into her with fierce eyes.

"Oh man, you don't know how happy I am that you're a bitch. It's gonna be so much easier for me to beat the fuck out of you now."

Sarah would then push her chest right into Octavie's. Bumping her as she would then back away. The bell didn't ring yet and Sarah had no desire to get into trouble during her debut match. She would puff out her chest and place her hands on her hips, while sexily spilling her long tongue out of her mouth. She may have been a bitch, but Octavie was still fine as fuck, and Sarah couldn't wait to get a piece of her.
Last edited by Yugo on Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Such a fierce response from her opponent, Octavie couldn't help but scoff again at her assertion. "Ha! As if someone like you can do such a thing." Octavie sneered back, the other woman shoving back into her as their foreheads locked along with the large assets squishing between the heavyweight bodies. Her opponent was very confident, much like how Octavie was as they both had on smiles in contrast of the other, Octavie's condescending sneer opposite of Sarah's fierce smile.

With a strong shove of the breasts, Sarah had forced into Octavie as her features tightened, her breasts being pushed back into her chest as she was forced a step back. It was a small action with little effects of breaking the dead lock between them, but Octavie ever the proud woman found it as an insult to be put on the backstep.

Her eyes narrowed at Sarah, standing there with her hands on her hips and her peculiarly long tongue lashing about. Another scoff left Octavie at her opponent's antics, her hands on her hips as well standing across of Sarah as the bell would ring.

Looking to make a statement, she stomped across of the ring with an open hand and swung it to smack Sarah right across the face to set the tone of this fight!

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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Sarah was raring for a fight, and Octavie was shaping up to be a choice one. The strong aura emanating from her mingled well with hers, and she couldn't wait for that goddamn bell to get off its ass and ring already.

Once it did, Octavie would march to Snakebite and deliver a fierce open-hand smack across her face. Sarah would remain stationary, but the blow would decidedly knock her face to the side, and with it an unconscious echo of her opponents strength.

This Octavie girl - as pompous as she came off - certainly had some power to back up that inflated ego. Sarah couldn't help but take in just how hard she smacked her - "This girl's gonna be fun."

She would turn her head towards her curvaceous silver-haired opponent, bringing out a truly diabolical smile, wearing eyes equally as wicked. She would say nothing, simply staring into the French woman's eyes as she moved her fist up to her mouth to coat it in her venomous saliva. Once her knuckles were good and Envenomed In the blink of an eye she would wind back and deliver a vicious punch aimed directly at Octavie's mouth!
Last edited by Yugo on Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Octavie was assured of herself that she could beat some ruffian they found off of the streets. But the level of depravity that her opponent had was something she was not expecting as she watched her opponent lick her own fist. Disgust quickly overcame Octavie’s face as she was left in awe of not only the act but by the long tongue that slathered across it.

The disgust and shock was enough to keep Octavie frozen enough to stand there and take the solid punch to the face with no form of defense as she was almost floored by the hit. Staggering back with a hand on her cheek, Octavie’s eyes widened in shock, anger, and disgust all at once! Not only the ruffian hit her in the face like some common thug, but she had the audacity to apply her spit across of her with a single blow!

She couldn’t believe this indignity!

Removing her hand, now applied with the saliva from her opponent that served as the symbol of Sarah’s disrespect. Fury overran Octavie’s mind as she whipped her head back to Sarah as she rushed forward, No semblance of grace or plan in her mind as she charged at her opponent and lunging at her to try and slam her shoulder into her gut and tackle her to the mat!

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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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"Oh wow, I'm surprised." Gloated The Mamushi. "I thought you'd start crying or something. You're tougher than you look!" Sarah would have continued talking shit, but a furious charge from Octavie would put a halt to that. Sarah would have enough time to anticipate it though, so she would brace herself for the coming impact.

"NNGH!" She groaned as her hot opponent's shoulder collided with her. Though painful and strong, Sarah would manage to hold her ground, wrapping her arm around Octavies' head as she did so. "Nice try, bitch." SMACK! Sarah would reach back to deliver a powerful slap to her opponents quality backside - both to enhance her taunting words and to christen the attack to come.

If things went Sarah's way, she would take advantage of the situation she was in, diving back with Octavie's head still wrapped under her arm to deliver a bulldog unto the pompous girl!
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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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Filled and fueled with rage, Octavie charged at her opponent as she buried her shoulder into Sarah’s shoulder with her arms slapping tight around her opponent with her intent trying to take her down to the mat. The resulting thud echoed out as the two women collided, Octavie digging her feet into the mat as Sarah did the same. Her opponent still stood, Octavie’s teeth gritted with her opponent managing to stay vertical as she held off Octavie’s advance.

Stubborn the silver haired beauty continued to push in to try and force Sarah off balance, but with each passing second that window was closing faster along with Sarah’s arm around her head. “Rrrggh! Shut up and go do-AHH!” Octavie’s growls soon took on a high pitch with her luscious butt becoming the target of a firm smack that echoed out throughout the arena in humiliating fashion. Octavie had little time to have the feeling really sink in, the weight on her head quickly moving downwards and soon Sarah drove her face first into the mat!

“Nnnnnhaaa!” Octavie let out, her head recoiling off of the mat, stunning her for a moment as she laid on the mat with her head raised off and a hand on her nose!

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Re: Octavie [D] vs Snakebite [D] (2 out of 3 Hentai Match)

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"HA!" Sarah couldn't contain her enjoyment at her attack landing perfectly, giving the uptight bitch she was fighting against a well-deserved slam in the face. Unfortunately for her, Sarah was only getting started.

The dusty purplette would straddle the reeling Octavie, ready and raring to deliver unto her a Beatdown. Sarah would deliver some swift and powerful punches to her silver-haired foes' stomach to tenderize her for something...else...

"Fuck, you are so hot though, that I can't deny." Sarah's eyes would would run over Octavie, mentally undressing her before she would decide to start physically undressing her - starting with that poorly-contained bust of hers! "Time to let these puppies free!" Sarah would then yank Octavie's top straight down, letting her huge breasts flop right out! "Niiiice~"

Delivering one more punch to (hopefully) keep the French girl stunned, Sarah would do what her and everybody watching and home had wanted to do since they laid eyes on the gorgeous silver-haired girl - getting two big handfuls of those honkers of hers and greedily grope them!
Last edited by Yugo on Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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