Big Bad Jungle

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Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was tired of certain detractors. One was a woman who was nice to her face then turned around to throw serious shade her way when she wasn't face to face. Clad in her two piece leopard print wrestling attire Alaina stormed out to the ring with a mic in her hand.

Alaina climbed through the ropes and raised the mic up with a stern look on her face.

"Hey everyone! Who here has heard that the 'old amazon needs to retire' sentiment?" Alaina said raising her other hand. "I know, I sure have. What is fun is when some upstart says it then gets her ass slammed over the ring by yours truly. What isn't fun is meeting someone who is nice face-to-face then is a coward who spits out venom when there isn't any chance of getting punched in the face for mouthing off." Alaina said pacing and looking back up the ramp. "Kennedy why don't you come down here and tell me why you were afraid to say what you really thought to my face!" Alaina said glaring forward up the ramp.

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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Pegasus »

The audience would turn their heads as Alania laid out the confrontation as their minds were rumbled with thoughts. Kennedy had done quite the promo calling out Astrid, Katherine, and Alania before their big bout for the LAW Heavyweight Championship which was only a week away. She had called out Astrid and Kat in a very intense rant, but when it came to Alania, Kennedy was all about looking to talk down the jungle veteran. She mentioned how Alania should throw in the towel on her career and retire back to her little home with her husband and children after failing to secure one last title run. If she somehow succeeded, Kennedy would go straight at her for the title.

Kennedy came out to a mixed reaction with no theme music as this was serious for her. She wasn’t going to mince words and be meek. Kennedy just held a stern face and went up the steel steps glaring down Alania before asking for a microphone. She then heads inside and gets right up in Alania’s face before cutting straight to the program.

To be frank with ya, Alania….I ain’t scared to say bitch, you should retire right to your face!” Kennedy exclaimed as she made Alania’s words seem untrue about her. “I was only nice to you, because I won’t get in trouble for starting stuff in public, but it’s different when it comes to the ring. People like you….who can’t stay outside these ropes for no longer than less than five years…who miss the attention and the spotlight….who can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that their time is over…’s people like you that I have a problem with. And of course, you want to make it all about you when I talked about Astrid and Kat as well. You’re just selfish and that’s what I was calling out. There’s ladies here that would love to be in your spot, but you continue to hold them down. That’s gonna end! If you win the title, I get first dibs on it! What you got to say to that?!
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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina shook her head and laughed rolling her eyes at Kennedy. "First off.... if I am holding women back then how come they can't beat me in the ring? They hold themselves back. I am good enough, and still a top level lady in the ring. Anyone who can't win and blames losing on someone else holds themself back. Second, when I win a title there are women who have been here way longer that deserve a shot. Earn it and I'll smack you right back down the ladder." Alaina said with a confident s.ike stepping right up to and bumping Kennedy with her chest.

"However I am more than happy to body slam that flabby ass of yours right here and now just to prove a point what do you say to that?"

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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Pegasus »

I don’t know if you’ve heard this, but Astrid kinda paved the way for me. She smacked down all other viable heavyweights so they need to re-earn their shots. I’m undefeated so far in LAW and I think I’ve proven I can handle anyone you throw in front of me. I handled your student, Nashi, and in my 15 years in the ring, I’ve done plenty on my resume that makes me outshine every other woman here. First woman to win a prestigious male Mexican Championship. First woman apart of an all female trios team to win the Trios Championship in the temple. Won lots of female and male titles in my quest in the indies. Even took up cage fighting at one point. Besides, these fans want to see us go at it!” Kennedy exclaimed as she pointed out to the fans that cheered at the idea of this dream match being put out there.

But if you’re still not convinced….how about this? We do Pick Your Poison. You choose an opponent for me and I choose one for you. I prove that I’m the best fit for a title shot and you prove….you even deserve one, I guess. Since I know you won’t back down from this, my chosen opponent for you is a fellow queen in LAW and is very well-traveled. Like me, she spent a majority of her time competing in Mexico and it’s someone you might know well. I’m good friends with her daughter so you’ll fight the Queen of the Skies, Aella Midori!” Kennedy announced to big cheers for the mention of the high-flying veteran’s name.
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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina shook her head while Kennedy said that Astrid went through all viable challengers. "If you think there aren't more women that have made a name here aside from who Astrid faced you don't know our roster. Sure, your accomplishments seem impressive but you need to earn your shot here. If you are so well traveled you should know that is how things work." Alaina said wagging a finger at her.

When Kennedy mentioned picking her poison Alaina smiled and nodded. "I accept, give me your worst." Alaina said. She nodded and clapped when Kennedy mentioned the name Midori. Alaina was well versed with Alizeh, so facing Aella seemed like it would be a fun challenge. "Very well... nice pick. You will face Brynhild Ederne. Have fun with her she is quite the big brute." Alaina said with a shrug as the fans roared at her selection.

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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Pegasus »

Fine, I’ll take on your big brute. I know Astrid threw out an open challenge, but what exactly have you done to earn a shot at the heavyweight title? Five years you came out of retirement to just fall into obscurity. After you and Tina took on The SWAT Cats at We Are LAW this past year, you’re now training pop idols and are just a walking nostalgia trip. That’s why your best days are behind you and the bell is tolling. Meanwhile, I’ve busted my ass the last 15 years and put my body through so much hell that I became a household name in this industry. In America and Mexico. Hell, some fans even tell me that I’m better than you. That should tell you something, Momma Amazon!” Kennedy exclaimed.

The fans gave a mixed reaction as the boos came from the Alania fans and the cheers came from some fans that proved her point. Some of them thought Alania was just trying to remain relevant in the industry when she had done all she could for her career. Kennedy put out her mic to the fans and smirked at Alania as she continued her statement.

What did I tell ya? You better hope you win Alania, because if you don’t, that’s it for you. You had best just come out to this ring the next night after Fight The LAW and put those shitty boots in the middle of the ring. It’s like I said. It might as well be your last match if you fail. Beating an Ostberg isn’t gonna do too much for you anyway, because people saw it 30 years ago. You ain’t nothing special anymore no matter how hard you try. And it must suck knowing you raised those kids of yours with the burden of one day telling them their mother is a dumbass bitch and a huge failure!” Kennedy added as the crowd went “OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” as Kennedy struck where the iron was hot and she was sure that last comment would make Alania’s blood boil.
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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was laughing as Kennedy spoke and raised the mic up as a few fans were cheering her. Alaina herself clapped mockingly. "Congrats Kennedy, ya have a few fans who are haters on your side. I love that your whole argument is my age, and the real reason you are acting like such a child is that you are threatened by me and afriad. I can't wait to beat you in the ring then play your grandstanding speech here today. The headlines from the fans who agree with you could say something nice like 'soccer mom beats self-appointed great' or something." Alaina said with a shrug.

"Not special? Yeah because your opinion matters to me oh so much! You are just a blonde bimbo whose style is just like mine. If I suck so bad then why do so many women call me the prototype of a dominant female who made being buff accepted for women, who fought to get women equal pay in wrestling contracts? What the hell have you done for wrestling as a whole that I haven't? And taking a shot at my family just shows how much of a petty bitch that you are! I can't wait to beat Astrid and Kat, walk out with gold around my waist again then rub it in your face after I stand tall over you while you are laid out flat on your back in this ring!"

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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Pegasus »

I helped made intergender wrestling a hot commodity in Mexico and Japan. I wasn’t afraid to show that women can stand up to men in the modern age of wrestling. No matter where I traveled, I took on the fiercest of males and threw down with the best luchadors there ever were. You may have done it before me, but I made a part of my career excelling in wrestling men. I also showed that women don’t have to be hunkered down by gender norms when I started winning championships usually reserved for men. You like to think I haven’t done my part for wrestling, but I have been one step ahead of you before I even came into the sport. I grew up in the jungle, you just cosplay it. I made friends with so many animals and I even own three of them to this day. Face it, Alania, when the times comes, I’m gonna prove I’m the better jungle wrestler,” Kennedy remarked.

Kennedy then heard Alania remark that going after Alania’s family made her petty and Kennedy just chuckled at the assertion.

How else am I suppose to rile you up?” Kennedy asked as both women glared and snarled at each other foreheads pressing together.
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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Highfly »

"That is great and I give you credit for that, I really do." Alaina said. "Again, your era treated women more equally. You never were treated like a sideshow or some sex appeal commodity like I was." Alaina added recalling some of her early work and even early USWW days including the initial contract.

"You want to rile me up just face me like a woman, straight up. Stop talking and start doing stuff in the ring." Alaina said. "You know what? Why not have a match right now?" Alaina said with a smile.

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Re: Big Bad Jungle

Unread post by Pegasus »

If you say so,” Kennedy stated as she put down the mic seemingly offering a fight here and now as she took off her leather jacket with the crowd getting hyped!

However, Kennedy would abandon their expectations of a dream showdown and simply slapped Alania right across the face! The crowd chanted “OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!” as Kennedy smirked like a devil that finally gained their horns. Alania can’t say she didn’t ask for this and Kennedy would make her regret it wholeheartedly. Kennedy then reached up to try and rake Alania’s eyes to get a better advantage!
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