Two new stars

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Two new stars

Unread post by xalex »

Mio was sitting in the center of the ring in a chair holding a microphone in her hand.
On her left and right were each standing a empty chair. She would lean backwards into her chair looking around. She would slowly lift the microphone up to her mouth and would start talking. “GOOD EVENING EVERYONE, thanks for coming.” She would take a short break leaning forwards. “tonight we will have a short promo duel of our two top girls in the rising star tournament. I think they don´t need any introduction anymore so just welcome them!”

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Re: Two new stars

Unread post by Highfly »

Tina heard the announcement and smiled. She was backstage in her tight, form fitting two piece tiger print attire waiting for the signal. She was all smiles as she bounced out to the arena, waving at fans as she trotted down the ramp. She high fived a few on the way down before sliding into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Once Tina stood she waved again as she walked around the ring, having a mic tossed up to her as she settled near Mio. Still grinning ear to ear, taking in the loud cheers of the crowd Tina held the mic up to speak.

"Hey Mio, thanks for having me here for the interview. How are ya doing?" Tina asked politely as she stood by, knowing full well the other woman Tina was facing in the tourney final was on her way out. Tina just felt like it was impolite to not ask how Mio was and she felt the need to thank her for the chance to speak.

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Re: Two new stars

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Summer would wait backstage as she was using an headset as she was talking to her followers who were sitting in the crowd. ''So you all know the plan right.I am going to walk down , and then introduce one of you as my ringside quest as were going to see if this Tina is worthy to face me. Plus if either that greenette or that wild child show up to try and attack me from behind like the cowards they are you stop them'' as she had not expected anyone to reply when she heard ''no worries Summer we stop those meanies if they try''.

Their was only one of her followers who talked like that , and she wondered if Avril had bin dropped on her head as nobody could be this stupid right. That foolish girl actually believed they were nice. Seriously those she not notice everyone booing them when they get to the ringas she finally heard her music as she walked down as she made her way to the ring wearing her usual pink attire. Looking at Tina and Mio she would just smirk as she replied ''well it was only right that you asked me for this interview. As you should know who will win Mio as this loser does not stand a chance against me as she will fall , and kiss my foot like those other two did'' while the crowd booed loudly.

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Re: Two new stars

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Mio would watch tina enter the ring and smile right at her and would reach out with her hand to shake it. “Thank you I am doing all right, how are you doing tonight? It is great to have you here!” but right after she was done another music would hit and she would turn her head to see down the other challenger for the crown come down to the ring. She would step back a bit and would watch the red haired woman enter and hear what she got to say. She would sit back down into her chair listening closely. This was going to be very interesting.  

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Re: Two new stars

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Tina raised an eyebrow as Summer came out. She listened to the trash talk and leaned back non-chalantly against the ropes and yawned, lazily raiding the Mic to her mouth. "We're you talking to me? I mean do ya seriously think a little cheerleader link is going to make me kiss their feet let alone actually handle this in a fight?" Tina said as she tensed up her muscles to show off her sleek, powerful, well defined body.

"I ain't gonna make ya do anything dumb or stupid. I am just gonna kick your prissy princess ads all over the ring and win the tournament." Tina said, holding her mix high as the crowd cheered her proclamation!

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Re: Two new stars

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Summer would just glare as unlike her future opponent , Mio did not offer her a greeting. Then to make it worse this Tina or whatever her name was seems to act as if she was not a worthy opponent. If anyone should act like that it should be her as she growled at the other wrestler ''Are you really going to act like I am some nobody. I have beaten two wrestlers just as you did to get here , and guess what they both said that they would never bow down and kiss my feet.Well they were both wrong , and you will be too as I got more talent , beauty , brains and a plan to take down anyone as nobody can take down a queen''screamed the redhead in anger as she got in Tina's face

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Re: Two new stars

Unread post by Highfly »

Tina smiled and laughed at Summer as she spoke. "Lady you are all coat n' no trousers. Noth ing but talk. I have beaten everyone in the middle of the ring clean. No controversy. You can't win a straight fight if your life depended on it!" Tina said, the crowd cheering her claim.

"Without that little posse o' yours I'd be willing g to bet you wouldn't even have a LAW contract." Tina said, smiling as she lowered her mix, standing right in Summers face to rile her up.

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Re: Two new stars

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''Please your saying the same thing those losers did.That I never beat them fair and square in the ring , but answer me this Tina.If I am always cheating then why does the referee never seem to notice it , and secondly I earned my contract before my friends had even heard about LAW''screamed the redhead in responds as she would get into Tina's face as the crowd were hoping to see the redhead get what was coming to her.

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Re: Two new stars

Unread post by Highfly »

"You are good at the cheap shots ya pull. Sneaky. Stealthy. Unnoticed." Tina said, her expression cooling off a bit. "I won't get caught by that. I am better and nastier than any woman you have ever faced in the ring." Tina growled, tensing up her body to look as intimidating as she could before looking Summer in the eye with a nasty glare.

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Re: Two new stars

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''And I ask you where it she prove.I can already tell you their is no prove to your accusations since I don't cheat.I have never needed to cheat as I'm just way to talented compared to the rest of the roster''growled Summer right back as the fans in an attentions started to chant ''bullshit''. In responds to those chants she then screamed at those same fans ''shut up as both the so called wild child , and Melody knows I have beaten them fair and square as neither had the guts to face me after making those false accusations''.

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