Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory is obtained by pinfall, submission, countout, DQ, or knockout
Maxine Rossi
Theme Song
After a recent string of hentai victories, Maxine returns to her debut attire and fights her second normal match. The song started and boos started raining down from the crowd as Maxine comes through the curtain starting the trash talk. Men and women jabbed their thumbs down at her as Maxine walked the ramp to the ring throwing up her middle fingers or spanking her ass to get on their nerves. A nervous male fan held up a “MARRY ME, MAXINE!” sign as Maxine saw it and held both hands to her heart. She went over to give the guy a nice hug before grabbing his sign and showing it to the camera before she ripped it into two clear pieces throwing them back the guy.

Commitment is for chumps, loser!” Maxine yelled as she went ringside getting on the apron.

The following contest is set for one-fall! Introducing first, from the L.A. Hills in California, weighing 180 lbs., The World’s Sexiest Love Machine, The Badass Booty Warrior, Maxine Rossi!

Maxine heads in and throws up her middle fingers once more sticking her tongue out and parading around the ring. The fans threw plastic red cups at her as security had to keep the droves back and even kicked out some rowdy fans that had a disgust for Maxine. Maxine waved goodbye to them in a slow wave and blew her tongue at them before waiting for her opponent.
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Once Maxine's entrance had concluded, the announcers piped up to introduce Kimiko.

"...Now entering the ring, hailing from Japan...Standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 142 lbs... She's LAW's newest cutie-rookie, it's THE STARRR POWERRRRR!!!"
Kimiko's Entrance Music
The crowd roared welcoming Kimiko into the spotlight, a completely opposite tone of what had just transpired with Maxine. The spotlights focused on Kimiko as her entrance music echoes throughout the stadium. Kimiko took a moment to show off her form to the crowd, gathering some cheers and whistles. Her outfit was quite revealing in some areas, but it's exactly how she wanted to present herself! She did her usual routine, taking quick pictures and posing with her fans for the camera. She made a show of her appearance by waving to the crowd as she approached the ring. Kimiko climbed on the side of the ring and did her classic haul over the ropes, landing with a solid THUD on the mat. She walked in a big circle around the ring waving one last time to the audience before going to her corner.
Kimiko's Appearance
As she arrived at the turnbuckle, she took a look at her opponent. She was surprised about just how good Maxine looked. It was the first time Kimiko saw Maxine in person. To be honest, it was a little intimidating. She was gorgeous, one of the most attractive women Kimiko had ever seen. The woman was nearly a foot taller and 40 pounds heavier. It was a little intimidating, but Kimiko knew she could handle her! Kimiko's gaze was then immediately caught on Maxine's form, showed off by her tight outfit. Kimiko's heart started racing as her sight crossed her dark exposed skin and perfect breasts. She couldn't help but just ogle at them. Kimiko didn't realize just how long she was staring at them until she noticed Maxine had caught her. Kimiko slightly reeled back in shock that she was found out, her face turning a light pink.

Kimiko tried to awkwardly cover up what she just did by shouting over to cheerily challenge Maxine. "H-... H-Hey, Maxy-girl! I saw how you treated your own fans. Someone needs to teach you a lesson in humility- you better ready to be taken down a few rungs tonight! You might be bigger, but there's a reason why they call me THE STAR POWER!" Kimiko knew that she sounded a little awkward and corny, but she was new to this and had to compensate for being caught in the act. Despite the daunting size and beauty comparison between Kimiko and her opponent, Kimiko was very optimistic and looking for a win. Things had been rough after her uninterrupted losing streak since her debut. But she was certain that tonight was going to be the night where she'd change that. She was very proud of the hard work she'd put into training recently. Besides, Maxine seemed rather sour and Kimiko wanted to show her what she was made of!
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Maxine saw her opponent come down the ramp and vaulting herself over the ropes shaking the ring a little bit. To say she was unimpressed was the understatement of the century. Maxine had saw many flashy wrestlers back home and she crushed them all. This bitch also thought to not get caught staring at Maxine’s pristine body and big boobies. Maxine smirked as Star Power tried to hide away the flustered feelings with a generic babyface speech, but Maxine just used her left hand to mock her.

Bitch, you ain’t worth a bottle of whiskey and burbon! I bet you can’t even hold your liquor! You wanna teach me humility? Humiliation is more my speed and you’re about to get decked and dog walked all across this arena!” Maxine exclaimed as she cracked her knuckles.

Maxine stomped across the ring and met Star Power in the middle with her hands on her hips as she literally towered over the small middleweight jobber. Maxine licked her lips and felt up Kimiko’s arms.

Though you do look sexy as fuck. Too bad this isn’t a Hentai Match cause I bet you taste just as delicious as you look. Oh well, there’s always next time. If you even make it to your next match,” Maxine teased as her mind games were just getting started. “I might just retire you after tonight.
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Kimiko was taken aback, she speechless and obviously intimidated by Maxine's proposal to take her down. Kimiko innocence had betrayed her, she could do nothing but look up at the woman towering over her. She barely even made chest height with her, trapped in her daunting. But suddenly, the silence was broken the bell rang signaling the beginning of the match.


Kimiko startled by the bells jumped back to gain some distance from Maxine. "A-Already??!" She thought to herself looking over to the staff. She turned back to Maxine and gave one last retort "Oh? And YOU are going to put ME in retirement?! AS IF!!" Kimiko began to internally strategize against Maxine "I hate to say it but I'll likely come up short in terms of strength if I try to go toe-to-toe with her. I'll need to outpace Maxine, bait out an attack and counter her weak spot to get an advantage!" Kimiko ran to the ropes and leaned back exclaiming to Maxine "I'll have to show you just how strong I am!" Kimiko launched off the ropes, attempting a tackle to bait out Maxine to overextend a retaliatory strike.

If Kimiko was successful, she would just barely duck under Maxine's counter. Kimiko would then bounce off the ropes behind Maxine, using her momentum to come at her full force with a lariat targeting to her unprotected core! "This match was over before it even began!" Kimiko confidently shouted one final time rushing in for the blow!

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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Maxine saw Kimiko try to stand up to her as the rookie tried coming back with her own retort. Maxine found it cute honestly and welcomed the pathetic challenger. The rookie tried to bait Maxine into a strike on her as Kimiko feinted a tackle off the ropes, but Maxine simply stepped aside to let Star Power run off the opposite ropes. As Star Power held out her arm for a lariat, Maxine would let the move connect with her chest, but it barely fazed her. It was like connecting into a brick wall. Maxine didn’t even flinch as her boobs jiggled from the move and she laughed her ass off.

That was pathetic! You should’ve stuck with the tackle. At least that WAS a move you could’ve affected me with. Now, I get to have my turn, string beans,” Maxine stated as she yanked Kimiko forward by the hair.

Maxine hurled Star Power over to one side of the ring with a basic throw demonstrating her pure strength. She did one more throw and then another and then another ragdolling Star Power all over the ring, but the referee quickly ended it with a verbal warning on pulling the hair too much. Maxine had to switch tactics getting Star Power in a corner and trying to punch the head to get Star Power down in a seated position. Maxine then turned around and shook the big booty in Star Power’s face before smothering her in a classic Stinkface laughing as she dominated this poor woman!
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Kimiko's attempt successfully connected hitting Maxine's chest. But she instantly panicked seeing that it didn't have any effect outside of making Maxine laugh, presumably out of pity! "W- What?!!" Kimiko exclaimed, her eyes now widened in disbelief. But after a quick taunt, Maxine grabbed a fistful of Kimiko's raven hair and forcibly yanked Kimiko forward. "AAAAH!" Kimiko instinctually yelped. Without so much as a second to recuperate, Kimiko was thrown to the other side of the ring, a demonstration of Maxine's true strength!

Kimiko collided to the ground and was sent rolling. "HOW?! How can she be so strong?!!" Kimiko internally questioned. She slowly tried to bring herself up to a crawling position, but before another moment could pass Kimiko was once again picked up by her hair and thrown with great force to the other side of the ring once more! Maxine did this over and over again, nearly tearing out Kimiko's hair every time. Kimiko barely had any strength left in her, it was all beaten out after being thrown and colliding with the mat over and over.

Kimiko was picked up and placed in the corner, unable to resist Maxine's overwhelming power. Kimiko took this opportunity to breathe, as she was completely winded getting the air knocked out of her so many times. But then Maxine started shaking her butt right in Kimiko's face, a sight Kimiko appreciated but was unsure about why it was happening. "W-... wha-?" Kimiko began to question, only for her to be immediately shut up by Maxine planting her hips into Kimiko's head, smothering her in a humiliating stinkface! Kimiko began to scream all the air in her lungs out, only to be muffled against Maxine's thicc glutes covered by thin tight fabric "Mmmmphphphph! MMMMPH!! MMMMMMMMMPH~~!!!" Kimiko desperately tried to part Maxine's ass from her face, but Kimiko was much too weak. But as Kimiko tried to breathe in, she realized she was completely smothered. She couldn't breathe! Kimiko began to panic, uselessly kicking and waving her arms around in a pathetic display of helplessness. In one last shot to get her out, she rapidly slapped at Maxine's ass, sending ripples upon her skin. She was completely at Maxine's mercy!

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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Maxine smothered Kimiko hard in the corner and just twerked her fat ass on the jobber’s face as boos rang out all around the arena. She felt Kimiko try to move her body, kick her legs, and even desperately spanking Maxine in order to become free. However, Maxine was too heavy to pull off and the jobber was running out of air quickly. Luckily, the referee had seen enough and pulled Maxine off scolding her as Kimiko easily had hold of the ropes and she threatened to count out Maxine next time she did that. Maxine rolled her eyes and saw the dazed look on Kimiko’s face smirking as she knelt down to her victim.

Tell ya what, pasty bitch…..I’ve got three options for how this can end. One, I smother you and pin you just like that, Two, you verbally submit now and I eat your pussy, or Three, you can take a Booty Drop. You’ve got ten seconds to answer before I make the decision for ya,” Maxine stated.
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Kimiko was on the brink of passing out, barely holding on but clearly losing her strength. But suddenly she was set free of Maxine's smother! Kimiko coughed and gasped for air, her face visibly red from oxygen deprivation. She slumped over, only barely propping herself up by clutching to the ropes. Kimiko heard Maxine's ultimatum, and seriously weighed her options. She knew that she didn't have a chance against Maxine's raw power and physical superiority.

But Kimiko naively held on dearly to any shred pride she had left in this match. "I-... I'LL NEVER SUBMIT TO YOU!!" Kimiko yelled out defiantly!

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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Not a choice, but I’ll roll with it!” Maxine exclaimed as she grabbed Kimiko up by the hair with the referee reminding her of hair pulling.

Maxine grabbed under Kimiko’s arms and locked her in Love Hurts (Masterlock)! She thrashed Star Power around like a rag doll and it was either tapping or napping for the jobber. The crowd booed Maxine out of the building for bullying this poor and naive girl, but Maxine couldn’t care less. Kimiko thought she was hot shit so Maxine didn’t have to feel bad. Maxine locked in the submission tighter and hoped that Kimiko prayed for mercy.
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Re: Jobber Star Burn-Out: Maxine Rossi vs. Star Power

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Kimiko's torso was thrown around helplessly, her breasts swayed around violently. You wouldn't assume the amount of pain that could be caused by such a hold by just looking at it. But Kimiko was experiencing the agonizing results of such a hold conducted by Maxine's ruthless capabilities. "AAH! AAH! AAAAAH~~!" Kimiko moaned every time she was forcibly turned and stretched past her pain threshold. She began to feel the tight cloth holding her breasts in her outfit starting to slip on her skin, each movement from Maxine causing her tits to jiggle out of its grasp! "No! They're slipping!" Kimiko couldn't help yelling out loud in a panic. Kimiko didn't know how much more she can bare with the pain, but the prospect of being exposed in front of the whole audience frightened her the most.

But without warning, Maxine locked the submission tighter by stretching Kimiko's torso! Kimiko screamed in pain. The pressure added more and more on her chest, barely secured by her outfit. But Maxine stretched it further and further. Kimiko was forced to scream louder. Kimiko's outfit squished her breasts tighter. Tighter! TIGHTER! Until...


Kimiko's boobs could no longer be contained, exploding and spilling out of her revealing outfit! Kimiko's screams paused, looking down at her bare breasts bouncing out of her outfit in pure horror. "NOOOOO!!!" Kimiko shrieked at the top of her lungs. The audience began to laugh and whistle at the pure spectacle of Kimiko's helplessness. She spun her head in every direction with wide panicked eyes. Everyone was mocking her! The flashes of the official ringside cameras lit up the ring, followed by the camera flashes throughout the entire stadium. Kimiko rapidly squirmed and twisted her body, violently trying to escape Maxine's hold. But Kimiko could never compare to Maxine's overwhelming dominance! Kimiko was forced to stop squirming, as it only made her breasts jiggle more, granting a reaction from the audience. Kimiko had no choice but to succumb back to Maxine's rigid hold. Tears began to well in her eyes. Kimiko knew how she had just professed she would never submit, but she couldn't handle being exposed in front of everyone and in being in such great pain.

"I GIVE UP! I GIVE UPPPPP!!! PLEASE LET ME GO!!! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASEEEEEEE!!!" she incessantly pleaded with desperation to Maxine.
Last edited by TriggerBunny on Thu Dec 29, 2022 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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