Kimiko never got over the rumble of the crowd right before going out into the arena. Kimiko was lost in thought about the identity of mysterious opponent she was about to fight. All she was given was a calling card with the time she was fighting and that it was an anything-goes match. She didn't know anything about who she was going up against- not like that mattered to her! Kimiko was not one to back down from any challenge! However, she just couldn't shake the thought of something ominous about to unfold. She bounced up and down to break her mind from thinking too deep about it, making sure her body was loose and ready to move. She had to stay focused! Kimiko had a string of brutal and humiliating losses since her unceremonious debut, and she was intent on changing this tonight. For all she knew if she lost this her wrestling career could go into a permanent death spiral, taking her down with it. "It doesn't matter. You'll win! You're THE Star Power!" she assured herself.
Kimiko heard music blare in the arena followed by the echoed voice of the announcer "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HERE'S THE ONE, THE ONLY, STARRRRR POWERRRRR!!!" Kimiko's upbeat entrance music began to reverberate throughout the stadium!
Kimiko's Entrance Music
Kimiko's Appearance