Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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After Barbara's incredible schoolgirl uniform match with the hapless Honoka, the entire world of LAW was clamoring for a sequel. All of Barbara's fans wanted to see the cute idol wrestle another cutie in lewd schoolgirl outfits once more! With such demand, it was only natural that there be a sequel, and soon management found the perfect opponent for Barbara to tussle with. When Barbara saw Fuuka's profile, she couldn't help but grin to herself, her mind filling with devious thoughts about how she was going to ruin the poor cutie. The idol simply could not wait to wrestle with her!

As Barbara stepped out onto the entrance ramp in her idol outfit, waving to the crowd and smiling that trademark idol smile, the crowd's cheers intensified then quickly died down as they all awaited the start of her performance. Barbara stood for a moment in the center of the stage, taking a deep breath, before her music began to play. On cue, the idol began her performance, dancing to her upbeat some while singing her heart out. She was in a particularly good mood tonight after all!
After finishing her performance, the idol bowed, waving to the crowd before quickly ducking back behind the entrance ramp to change her outfit. She emerged only moments later, dressed to impress in her schoolgirl attire. Seeing Barbara look simultaneously so innocent and naughty drove the crowd wild, as they all eagerly awaited what devious acts the idol had in store to entertain them all tonight!
After entering the ring, Barbara did a quick circle, waving to everyone while posing cutely, teasing the audience with just a tiny peek of what was underneath her skirt. The bouncy bubbly idol felt extremely good about what was to come. She couldn't wait to see how Fuuka looked in her school uniform, and especially her reactions when Barbara stripped her just like she did with Honoka!

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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Fuuka Yamagishi was... rather confused about her upcoming match. What puzzled her in particular was the attire she was wearing. When LAW booked her for this match, they had told her that it was a schoolgirl themed match, and instructed her to the outfit of a schoolgirl. It could be a cheap costume, or a real uniform. It just had to be a Japanese schoolgirl outfit.
Fuuka chose to wear her old high school uniform since she didn't want to go out and buy something new, but it was a decision she was coming to second guess. "It was never this, ugh, tight" Fuuka moaned to herself as she tugged on the cyan turtleneck that she wore under her black dress shirt. It wasn't very embarrassing to be in, but the outfit just wasn't a size that fit Fuuka anymore. Her chest felt constricted as it pushed against the fabric, and her white tights had never lived up to their name so well before. And Fuuka was certain that her skirt never used to stick out so far behind her.

As Fuuka's music played, and she made her way towards the ring, she could only surmise that her decision to become a wrestler was the reason her attire fit her body so tightly now. While she was still as adorably short now as she was in high school, back then, Fuuka was tiny in every sense of the word. Her frame was so thin that a male student who just entered middle school was more likely to come away standing than a high school aged Fuuka if the two were two bump into each other. But since Fuuka had become a wrestler, it was only natural that her body had bulked up somewhat as she had grown strong.

Fuuka's movements were somewhat awkward as she entered the ring, due to the constricting nature of her attire. On the other hand, her opponent looked quite at ease in her sailor fuku, which was clearly not a real school uniform. "Excuse me Barbara," Fuuka said to her opponent once she had entered the ring. "Would you happen to know why LAW wanted us to wear school uniforms? I must admit that my old high school uniform is uncomfortably tight nowadays." Fuuka didn't have any reason to suspect that her opponent knew anymore than she did, but she also figured that it wouldn't hurt to ask.
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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Seeing her cute opponent finally make her entrance, Barbara couldn't help but gawl along with the rest of the crowd. The girl was adorably tiny, looking more like a child than the grown woman she was. Her short turquoise-colored hair was cut into a cute bob, her eyes wide, cheeks red from embarrassment, her schoolgirl outfit somehow looking quite tight on that tiny frame. She looked like the perfect prey for the devious blonde idol, whose mind was already going wild with naughty thoughts about what she was going to do to the poor little cutie.

The idol looked confident and relaxed as Fuuka entered the ring. Then her opponent addressed her with a question that sounded extremely weird to the idol. "Ah... Huh?" Barbara opened her mouth to respond, but found herself unable to find the right words. She was just too incredulous, was her opponent actually this innocent?

"Well, no need to hold back!" Barbara thought as a devious grin crept onto her face. She left her corner, stepping forward to approach Fuuka, standing tall and looking down on the girl. "Ohh you're just too cute!" Barbara said, "Management wants us to wrestle as schoolgirls because we look super cute when we fight in these clothes. There's a lot of pervs in the audience who are into that!"

"Though... If you are uncomfortable..." Barbara said, her eyes running up and down the cutie's body, "I'd be happy to help you take every bit of that adorable uniform off!" Her giggle was tinged with devious glee, making it obvious that even if Fuuka wasn't going to just let her, she wasn't going to stop Barbara from undressing her!

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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Fuuka let out a sigh when she heard Barbara's explanation for their attire. "I'm not surprised," she said. "I had hoped it might have been something else since most wrestling outfits are already rather risque, but I should've known that it was just the obvious explanation. Well, I suppose it's better than people getting their fix off of actual schoolgirls at least." As Fuuka looked up at Barbara, who had almost a half foot of height on her, the bluenette could tell that the idol was a lot more into this.

And then Barbara announced her intention to strip Fuuka down to nothing. "Heh," Fuuka chuckled. "Our outfits are the whole gimmick of the match, and all you want is to get me out of mine. Good luck trying," said Fuuka. "With how tight this fit is, it'd probably take so much time to get stuff off that I'll have time to counterattack." It wasn't as if the bluenette was hoping to get stripped, but with how uncomfortable she was, Fuuka felt she would mind it significantly less than usual. Maybe getting stripped down to her bra and panties would be best, since those were much more properly sized.

"Well, I'm as ready to start as I'm going to be," said Fuuka as she stretched her arms up before bringing them back down in front of herself in a grappling stance. Barbara was already at close range, with Fuuka's back to her own corner. The smaller wrestler wasn't sure whether or not the idol had set this up intentionally, but Fuuka had an idea to turn it against her.

Fuuka believed that based on Barbara's behavior, the idol was likely to come at Fuuka aggressively once the bell rung. So once the match started, Fuuka would immediately sidestep to try to slip away. Her hope was that Barbara would lunge forward at where Fuuka was, then reverse the position and corner herself as she missed, and then Fuuka would try to capitalize by jumping back into the corner and throwing her body into Barbara. This would hopefully result in the idol being painfully sandwiched between Fuuka's body and the ring post.
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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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"Sure it will," Barbara replied with a small snide nod. Even if it was tight on Fuuka she was getting that uniform off. It didn't have to come off in one piece after all. And she could always just knock Fuuka out before stripping her. As a matter of fact, that was exactly what she was going to do. Barbara had great success after humiliating her previous schoolgirl opponent to the point she passed out after all, the same strategy ought to work very well on Fuuka!

With that thought in mind, Barbara immediately went after Fuuka when the bell rang. She moved in so quick her short skirt whipped up as she rushed forward, the wind flipping it up to reveal the cute panties she wore underneath. Not that Barbara cared, she liked teasing the crowd with little peeks like that. She was focused on trying to get to Fuuka as quickly as possible to begin the domination!

Only, once she got close, Fuuka suddenly wasn't there! "Oh!" Barbara gasped when her grasping attempt came up empty handed. Suddenly she felt a weight smash into her back. "Ack!" Barbara gasped as Fuuka tackled her from behind, flattening the idol against the turnbuckle! She groaned as she felt Fuuka up the pressure, squashing her between the her light weight and the ring post!

"Ooof!" Barbara groaned. Fuuka wasn't so heavy that she couldn't push off though. Getting a good grasp on the ring ropes, Barbara bucked backwards butt first, smashing her perky posterior into Fuuka's hips to shove her back and give her some space. "Get off!"

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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Fuuka's plan worked to perfection. The moment the bell rang, Barbara jumped at the bluenette like a dog jumps at a cut of meat. And as punishment for her over eagerness, the idol landed into the corner before getting slammed against it by Fuuka's own body following up. Fuuka was pushed back a couple of steps once Barbara starting fighting back, the blonde getting some much needed separation with her hip thrust.

But Fuuka had an advantage, and she wanted to try to press it. While Barbara had forced the smaller wrestler away, they were still only a step or two apart. And the idol had both her hands on the ropes as well as her back turned to Fuuka. Offense was not something that came to Fuuka naturally, but even she could tell Barbara was in a position to be attacked.

Fuuka went back up against Barbara's body, her own tight clothes making Fuuka feel the contact all the more. The bluenette's first idea was to wrap her arms around the idol's waist and suplex her backwards, but Fuuka wasn't certain she could actually pull that off. So instead she opted to try getting her underneath Barbara's armpits to put her in a Full Nelson. If she succeeded, Fuuka would back up a few steps to get out of the corner before then trying to drop down to her butt and locking her legs around the idol's waist.
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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Barbara only had Fuuka off of her for a second before the smaller girl jumped on her back again. "Ack!" the idol gasped, "You really don't want to let go do you?" She grunted in frustration as Fuuka tied her arms up into a full Nelson before jumping up onto her back, scissoring her waist with those cute legs. Fuuka attempted to pull Barbara down, but the idol stood her ground stubbornly, standing firm and refusing to fall, demonstrating a significant different in strength between the two girls.

"Oh you want me to come down?" Barbara grunted as she carried Fuuka on her back, "I only go down on my own terms!"

With that, Barbara jumped up and threw herself backwards! This wasn't the ideal move for the idol to use, but she figured Fuuka would act as a decent enough cushion for her own fall. She would fall backwards, slamming Fuuka in a spinebuster, while simultaneously crushing her from above using her heavier weight!

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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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Fuuka's second plan did not work quite as well as her first. It started out well, as she managed to get back behind Barbara and lock in the Full Nelson. But then the trouble started. Fuuka was simply not as strong as Barbara, so she struggled to pull the idol down. Her original plan was to drag the idol down, then lock in the bodyscissor. But when that failed, Fuuka went for the scissor first, and then try to pull back with all of her body weight to get Barbara on the floor.

And when Fuuka still couldn't force Barbara down to the floor, well then the bluenette just figured that she was in trouble. And Fuuka's fears would be proven right when Barbara finally did go down. Not because she was pulled down, but because the idol leaped up and landed back first, which meant she really landed Fuuka first, on the mat.

"Urk!" Fuuka grunted as now it was her body getting sandwiched between an opponent and a hard place. It wasn't very painful drop, since she was durable and Barbara wasn't too heavy. But it was still jarring. Fuuka lost her scissor on the idol's body, and the bluenette's grip on the Full Nelson was loosened. Fuuka would focus on trying to re-tighten the grip on her Full Nelson before Barbara could break free completely and really start a counterattack on her.
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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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After bashing Fuuka into the mats, Barbara expected the girl's hold to snap open as she got crushed. And it did, partially. While the girl's bodyscissors loosened, she still stubbornly held on to the full nelson, though not nearly as tight as before. Barbara could feel Fuuka trying to tighten back up though, and the smaller girl struggling to keep her in her grasp. That gave the idol a rather devious idea.

"Not gonna just let me go eh?" Barbara said as she squirmed a little, getting her feet underneath her, "Well, you're asking for it!" With that, Barbara raised her hips all the way up as if doing a hip thrust in the gym. Then she slammed them downwards, aiming to crush Fuuka's lower belly and groin area with a big hit! She would do it again and again, repeatedly smashing her hips into Fuuka's belly until the girl let go, hoping to deal a crushing amount of damage to the smaller cutie and leave her winded and in distress!

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Re: Schoolgirls clash in the ring vol. 2 - Barbara vs. Fuuka!

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As Fuuka was trying to reestablish her Full Nelson, Barbara of course would try to prevent the bluenette from restarting her offense. When Fuuka saw the idol pull her hips up, she thought Barbara was trying to buck up to thrash and force her way free. So she was caught off guard when the blonde went on the counterattack and slammed her butt down into Fuuka's belly instead.

"Guh!" Fuuka gasped as a burst of breath came out of her mouth and blew past Barbara's ear. And then Barbara kept doing it, making the choice she was giving to Fuuka clear; release the Full Nelson if you want to stop getting hit. But after the initial hit that she Fuuka took, she braced her tummy and took a couple more hits. This was how Fuuka had to fight. Leverage her willpower and durability to stay in a fight when she's in a bad spot for as long as possible, and use the time she buys herself to try and find a way to fight back.

And after taking a couple more belly blows from Barbara's butt, Fuuka came up with her plan. Once the idol brought her hips up, the bluenette pulled back her knee. So that when the idol brought her hips down, she would smash her tailbone on Fuuka's knee. And while Barbara was stinging from that, Fuuka would get her bodyscissor and her Full Nelson and sit up. Getting the position she had wanted from the start. Fuuka really wanted to swap her Full Nelson for a chokehold, but she was wary of letting the idol's arms go free, so she kept her hold as it was.

YEAH! SPREAD HER LEGS AND STRIP HER SHIRT! screamed out a random fan. And as the crowd mostly cheered in agreement, it was clear that the people wanted this to get erotic. "That's your style, not mine," grumbled Fuuka. Only Barbara would actually be able to hear her, but Fuuka not giving into the crowds demands would be answer enough for them. The bluenette knew full well that Barbara would give Fuuka no such decency if the position was reversed, but that wasn't what was important to Fuuka. She just did not want to strip another person's clothes and expose her like that. Especially since Fuuka had no idea if Barbara was even wearing a bra or not underneath her top.
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