Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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Veronikas body of course felt hot as Sachiko grabbed it and pressed her forms into her back. The lucious body of the sukeban squeezed into her frame, both women fitting into each other like a puzzle, like they were meant to spend all their time connected, in love, in lust, in fight. Heart Connection was a name Viktor had given them and Veronika could'nt stop wondering if he really had created that name for them rather then having invented it before.

Either way, now Veronikas body was presented to a cheering crowd, her breasts jiggling, her luxurious forms on display for all to see. And Sachiko holding her tight, asserting dominance that made Veronikas legs weak. But still this was a match and they would havr to knock each other down, there was no other way this would end.

Veronika grunted and tried to escape. "Grrr, shut up, shut up, shut up, Lunkhead!", she snarled while pressing her hips into Sachikos. They were a living, breathing contradiction, but then again...was'nt that the fun? Was'nt that the entertainment value of their team?

But before Veronika could elaborate more, Sachiko already made her move. Without the cream and Veronikas momentum of surprise, the sukeban could show what she really was about and without any trouble slammed her overhead with a big suplex that shook the ring, laying Veronika out on the canvas, her limbs splayed from her, her eyes glazed over and her head dizzy.
"Uungh...", she groaned, hating the fact that Sachiko was standing over her, in the position to brag, which the Bluenette surely wouldnt resist as she got cheered on...

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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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With every move Veronika made, twisting and turning in an effort to worm her way free from the sukeban's grip, Sachiko was ready with a move of her own to even things out. Each time Veronika brought herself an inch in one direction, Sachiko jerked her back the other way. Her chest began to sway back and forth from the rapid movements as she was pulled this way and that. Sachiko clenched her teeth, fixing a glare on Veronika. No matter what invective she spat back her way, she would hold firm. She knew that Veronika had mocked her and belittled her strength. She was determined to prove her wrong!

And if the Nelson hold wasn't going to do it for Veronika...then Sachiko was ready to take things a step further! She whipped the blonde straight around in the air, planting her into the ground - and the whole ring shook as she made impact! Even when Sachiko often invited boos with her brutality and her dirty tactics, few could resist the urge to cheer her after such an impressive say nothing of her good looks when the white bikini she wore did little to conceal her figure. She grinned wide, puffing out her chest to flaunt to the crowd as she ran one hand through her hair and planted the other on her hip. "'re welcome~" But Sachiko wasn't just here to show off, either her strength or her body. She turned back around to face the fallen Veronika, and her eyes narrowed. She knew what needed to be done. Veronika was vulnerable, and she was intent on taking advantage!

While Veronika was down, Sachiko backed up toward the ropes behind her, pressing her back against the cables to stretch them against her weight. Gathering their momentum, she sprung herself straight toward Veronika, where she would hop off the ground as she came close to fall chest-first on top of her face for a breast smother!
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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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Veronika had made an impressive display of her power at the first match against Sachiko, their powers seemingly outweighed, like in their backstage brawl. That much was true, both women had much to prove and much too show and with Veronika shoving all the rich bitch stuff away, she had become as dangerous as Sachiko herself.

But for now the Sukeban was at the offense, holding Veronikas body close, outweighing every offense the Franco-Austrian would start. And then Sachiko knew what had to be done to make Veronika shut up for a while as a ringshaking suplex sent the Blonde sprawling on the floor.

Veronika was not out of course but she could hear her and see how she posed for the crowd. Veronika licked her lips and hated herself how hot Sachiko looked in this small white bikini, she closes her legs, trying to think of other things but before it could get better, it went worse as Sachiko went for the ropes.

She leaned against them and gave her rival an evil look before catapulting herself up with a bodysplash onto the dancers body!
"GUUUUOOOGFFFFHH!", the Queen of Hearts screamed as Sachikos bigger weight went down onto her.
Her arms and legs jumped upward before dropping down and soon as she felt was Sachiko was about to do, probably to knock her out and pin her, she wrapped her arms around her.

Both women presented to USPW what they had gifted LAW with, pure and steaming sexappeal and hard moves. Sachikos lucious body pressed against Veronikas forms and her sizeable chest started to smother her rival while the crowd had good view of her scantly cladded behind!

"Mgfhhh, mhhhh!
", she groaned as her lower instincts told her to stay where she were, deep into the soft flesh of Sachikos tits, enjoying it, letting herself get knocked out, yes, it would be so peaceful and hot...

But Veronika knew that this was not about what their hearts felt for each other but their pride and soon her soft hug turned into a squeeze, her fingers became talons and she grabbed Sachikos bikinistrap, with one little move it was open but what was more important to the Queen of Hearts was that she had to turn things around, letting her hands go for Sachikos hair and rip at it with all she had left.

When she managed to get her opponent up, she took a deep breath and snarled. "Bitch!" Her other arm raked over Sachikos eyes as she interlocked their legs, her hands in het hair again and then USPW got something that the world of LAW still celebrated (and watched) as Veronika and Sachiko started to roll around the floor in a tight and brutal catball, that made the crowd explode, especially as Sachikos top started to come off...
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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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Sachiko had been pushed around for too long. Not just in this match, but in all the other times she and Veronika had butted heads in the ring, the blonde was always so determined to stand up for herself that she never accepted defeat, and she kept throwing herself at her rival no matter what lengths Sachiko went to keep her down. Sure, they had made amends since. They weren't enemies any more - in fact, over in LAW, they had come together into an effective and well-oiled tag team, defying everyone's expectations. But they had never settled the question of which one of them could win in a real fight, with no one to interfere or stop them. Now that they finally had that opportunity, all goodwill could be forgotten. It didn't matter how she felt about Veronika any more - Sachiko was standing up for her pride!

Pinning her opponent down beneath her chest, she chuckled to herself as she watched Veronika ease, the tension flowing away from her as she began to sink lower into the mat. She knew that Veronika was enjoying this, and it seemed as though even now, those lusts were too much for her. The delinquent looked down at her with a smug smile; it pleased her vainer side to know that her curves were so captivating that not even her opponents could look away, even in the middle of a grudge match. "Likin' the view down there, babe? Can't say I blame you, I-"

Sachiko didn't even have the chance to finish her sentence. In an instant, Veronika's arms snapped into place around her, and her fingers grabbed at the strap of her bikini top, yanking it hard! As the fabric was driven deeper into her breasts, squeezing them into her ribcage, the sukeban threw her head back with a scream. Even when the flimsy strap gave way in a matter of seconds, Sachiko would get no reprieve, when Veronika almost immediately went for her hair instead, grabbing and tearing at it in every direction!

"Gaah!! HEY!! Ow, YOU'RE the bitch!! Shut it!!" she snapped. This was not something that could go unpunished! Whipped into a fury, Sachiko grabbed for Veronika's hair as well, pulling and yanking with one hand, then two, as each hand alternated going after Veronika's blonde tresses and clawing and slapping at her sides, back, and thighs. The two began to roll back and forth across the ring as both girls tried to muscle out control of the other, with Sachiko ramming her chest and shoulders into Veronika's own. It didn't matter how much the dancer ravaged her, or how many times she clambored to the top position. Sachiko was determined to pay her back every time, as they were whipped into a struggle just as furious as any that had characterized their previous encounters!

The fans cheered them on, hurling encouragement to either of the two fighters. Unwilling to yield, Sachiko kept fighting at Veronika with everything she had, bucking, scratching, punching, kicking, and yanking whatever she could find. At last, her stamina began to dwindle from the exertion they were putting each other through, and she began to pant, her body growing heavy and her motions slowing down. As she tumbled to her side, Sachiko knew she was going to have to get some distance between the two of them. She was losing breath, and she would rather die than be at Veronika's mercy when she burned out! Her teeth clenching in a defiant snarl, she would suddenly grab for Veronika's shoulders with both hands to drive her back. If that worked, she would rise to her hands and knees, panting and groaning. Without the close embrace of Veronika's body to keep it there, her top dropped to the mat, leaving her bare breasts dangling, but Sachiko didn't seem to notice or care. All she could do was stare back at Veronika with hatred in her eyes!
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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika and Sachikos relationship was...complicated to say at least. First it had started with pure distain and hate for the other, Veronika trying to prove herself as bad bitch, by beating up one of the baddest bitches of LAW. But this challenge from the new girl to the current gangleader did'nt went as smoothly as both had hoped. The match got out of hand fast, what had set up to be a fun roll around in whipped cream, dressed in skimpy costume became an all out war!

And even if they had made ammends, became a team and friends, the fire burning in those two streetgirls was still burning and their had'nt be a decision who could beat the other one on one. Despite their friendship and budding feelings for each other there was a question that not just remained with those two but with the fans and the media. Would there finally be a decision? And here in the USA, in a cage, with no referee to get between them it seemed that this decision finally would come as both women fought tooth and nail.

The Catball they started was nothing short of wild, like two alleycats both girls rolled around the ring from side to side, locked into a hateful embrace, slapping, punching, scratching and trying to get on top of each other desperatly. This was not an elaborate, technical style match, there was nothing refined or anything. It was a brawl, a brawl between two proud women who would'nt back down, who knew how to throw a punch and who were both driven by their sexual desires.

The crowd was entranced as the two beauties fought for the top position but soon it clear that the stamina of both left them as their movements grew weaker with every turn. But this was just the beginning, they hardly scratched the surface here, there was much more left in the two busty beauties then that! Their breasts mashed against each other, their legs entangled, their hands in their hairs, they came to a halt and with a snarl, Sachiko shoved Veronika to the side who came to a rest on her back, her big breasts going up and down, jiggling with every motion of the panting and sweating Queen of Hearts who looked to the side were her old rival already had gotten to her feet.

"You still don't fucking know when you are outmatched,huh Sachi?", she grunted as she got to her knees too, panting and blowing one lose streak of hair out of her face. "But fine by me, I will kick your ass so hard you still will have trouble sitting in Japan!",she hissed as she came closer on her knees, grabbed Sachikos hair, pulled her head back to push her breasts out and then sent a chop into her breasts and collarbone so loud and sickening that the crowd cringed in their seats.
"OOOOOOOOOOH!", the arena screamed waiting for Sachikos answer as Veronika remained on her knees, her hands on her hips. "Aaaaaw...poor baby, did that hurt? It definetly sounded like it...", she teased, leaving herself wide open...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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With how much fire and fury the two girls threw at each other, it seemed as though their struggle would never cease - their bodies were entangled in a knot of twisting and writhing limbs, and even in close contact with each other they flung every blow they could think of, intent on dishing out as much pain as they could. From the cheers of the crowd, no one wanted them to slow down. Some of these people had no prior knowledge of Sachiko and Veronika, but it hardly mattered to them. When they saw their intensity and their spirit, they were entranced by what these two were capable of, and they wanted to see it to its limit!

But for as driven as Sachiko and Veronika were, they still had their limits. Eventually, Sachiko managed to shove her rival back from her, leaving her landing in a heap. When the sukeban righted herself on all fours - dripping with sweat, her body covered in bruises and welts, her hair a tangled mess, and her chest rising and falling with each pant she took - the fatigue finally caught up to them, and they remembered the strain their bodies were under. It was enough to bring their war to a halt so that they could collect themselves. But the passion of their battle was still raging. Sachiko still glared at Veronika with hatred in her eyes. When she heard her taunts, her teeth only clenched tighter in a snarl. Veronika still refused to go down, no matter how much the delinquent tried to put her in her place. Until she learned her lesson, this wouldn't be over!

This ceasefire wouldn't last long. Soon, Veronika found it in her to throw herself back into the fire - and she threw herself toward Sachiko, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back! The blue-haired girl yelped as her spine was twisted into an arc, but when Veronika delivered a chop straight across her bare breasts, she let loose a scream! The blow was hard enough to send her chest swaying, and a red mark was forming across where it had landed. When Veronika sat back to admire her efforts, Sachiko looked her in the eye, still panting for air. One of her eyes was squeezed shut in a wince, but the other glared daggers at her foe. No matter how much they had made up in all the time since their fateful first encounter, some things never died. Sachiko could hear that smugness in Veronika's voice, that mockery of all her efforts, the way she tried to tear her down no matter how much the delinquent tried to stake out a place for herself. That was exactly what made her hate her in the first place. And now, it was enough to make her hate her all over again.

Sachiko knew that Veronika wasn't going to get away with this. She couldn't let her believe she could hold dominance over her. She was going to have to get even! "Pssht..." she hissed. "Yeah, it hurt! Wanna see for yourself!?" Just as Veronika had done before, Sachiko's hand whipped toward her hair, grabbing a fistful and yanking backward before she swung a chop of her own straight at the blonde's breasts!
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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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And with one wild ride around the ring, it was all Halloween again were two perverted, sexy delinquents had met and started to hate each other. As their catball went one, Veronika gave every punch, every scratch and every insult back the her bluenette rival. Rival. Yes, even if they had became partners in crime, best friends even, for now, in this cage it was last year again and both women knew that finally it would be settled, one way or another.

Hissing and snarling the furious hellcats came to an halt as Sachiko shoved Veronika away, both women rolling to their knees, sweating, panting, starring into each others eyes not with the love and lust they were accustomed to, but with icecold hate. If gazes could kill, both girls would instantly drop down dead. They knew what to expect of each other and neither Sachiko nor Veronika would back down until the magical words "I give", if they made it to that round. If one of them managed to get two victories then it would be over before the most intense round, the round were they would be weak, tired and even more beaten up then now. Veronika knew that she wanted this, she wanted it all, as much as she loved her friend, she wanted to beat her down, hearing her beg!

Veronika grabbed her friends head, being faster then Sachi and pulled it back at her hair, bending her spine before she lifted her hand for a hard chop right against Sachikos naked breasts. She grinned and then started to laugh impishly as the Sukeban squirmed, her breasts jiggling up and down.
"Ouch...that sure hurt.", she grinned and admired her work, Sachiko and her bruised and sweaty bodies on good display for the cheering crowd.

"Now what lunkhead?", she said and put her hands on her thighs. "Was that all?", she teased in her usual cocky way and threw her head back, laughing even louder as her hair got grabbed.
"AUUUGH! Bitch, let go!", she screamed as her head got pulled back, her breasts pushed out and when she saw Sachikos arm lifting itself up, her eyes went wide.
The chop of Sachiko echoed through the entire arena as the highpitched scream of Veronika followed, ripping the eardrums of all the people in the closer stands.

Sachiko was at least half a head bigger and weighed 20 pounds more then Veronika and even if the Queen of Hearts was far from weak, if Sachiko Koizumi managed to punch, slap or chop someone, it would hurt, really hurt! And that was what happened as Veronika grabbed her collarbone were a red spot appeared, her eyes closed, tears forming in her corners as she gritted her teeth.

She opened her mouth in short gasps like a fish as the brutal attack had drove the air out of her too. But she could'nt give up, no she had to ignore the pain, as Sachiko would dish out much, much more brutal stuff then this. She shook her head and then turned to Sachiko, stretching out her hands to grab the shoulders of the sukeban as her body went limp, dropping against the pale skin of the japanese woman.

Sachiko surely would use this time to brag, to give Veronika back all the hateful words that she had spat, but the Queen of Hearts was devious and so she looked up, her eyes amused as a hateful grin came over her face. "You want it fucking catty and brutal? Why did'nt you say so!", she said as her fingers turned into sharp talons, mauling the big breasts of Sachiko that she was used to knead, massage and even kiss. Now she was bound to destroy them and if the sukeban showed the right reaction, trying to pry her hands off she would escape Sachiko grip, sending them down, brutally raking her sharp nails over Sachikos sensitive breasts and nipples with glee in her eyes.
"TAKE THIS!", she screamed as she raked down as hard as she could!

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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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Right now, the fact that Sachiko and Veronika had made up, formed a tag team, and had plans set in motion to usher in a bigger and better era for the Heart Connection than either one of them had ever seen before had all but been forgotten. Now they flung themselves at each other with all the hatred and intensity that had marked their first encounters; if anything, that hate burned brighter now than ever, when every move they made reminded each other of all the pain and indignity they'd had to suffer at each others' hands before. When the two of them went rolling across the ring, bodies locked in an unbreakable tangle of grabbing hands and kicking legs, they had been focused only on causing one another as much pain as they could possibly manage, no matter how much they incurred in the process. And now that they had risen on their knees, they had entered a duel of chops. As much as Veronika's last blow had hit hard, leaving a red streak growing across her bare breasts, Sachiko was determined not to let the dancer outdo her. It was a matter of pride, and it was something she had to prove!

Veronika's taunts were still echoing in Sachiko's ears as she watched the blonde reel back, feeling where her chest had smacked against her arm. Her brow furrowed at the thought, but a look of smug satisfaction then came to her face, content with the knowledge she had shut Veronika up - and it felt all the more satisfying to see her crumble into a heap before her. Tightening her grip on Veronika's hair, Sachiko gave a jerk downward, rubbing her knuckles against the back of her skull as she twisted it tighter just to pack on the pain. "Nope! It was far from all I can do. And y'know what? That wasn't even all I can do, either! Ya getting any regrets yet?"

Sachiko stuck her tongue out at Veronika in one last parting gesture of scorn, if a childish one. But Veronika, too, was far from done. She made her case known as she roared back at the delinquent - just before her hands dropped from her shoulders and went for Sachiko's breasts instead! "Whoah, HEY-!" Sachiko shouted, at first surprised by Veronika's tactics - just before her words were cut off in a scream of pain as Veronika's nails dug into the flesh of her boobs, ripping at the soft, sensitive skin! Veronika had more in her than she'd bargained for, and she was willing to get just as nasty!

Wincing from the pain, Sachiko indeed let go of Veronika's hair in order to grab for her wrists with both hands, trying to pull them free. That was a mistake. As soon as Veronika was no longer being held in place, she could muscle her way in closer, grabbing Sachiko's breasts even more forcefully! Now, she was squeezing down on them with brutal force, twisting them every which way as her nails cut red trails along her skin! The blue-haired girl threw her head back, bellowing in agony as the pain surged through her body. Her hands dropped away from Veronika's wrists just as quickly. But she was just as quick to remember what else she had promised to herself. She wasn't going to let Veronika be the one to push her around, or to dominate the action. Sachiko had to get even - just to show Veronika she was better than her!

"You...really are stupid, aren't ya!?" Sachiko snapped back, lifting her hands to go for Veronika's breasts. Even now, she had to find a way to one-up her, to get under her skin. "You just sealed your own damn fate!!" With that, her nails turned inward into pointed claws, she squeezed down as hard as she could, torquing the dancer's tits with all her might!
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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

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They moved their friendship and feelings each other to the side, no, they had let them outside the cage. Here, in this unescapable hell they would fight as long as one gave up. This was the only way it could go down between the two proud women. The two proud streetgirls. Even if Veronika had been raised in a mansion, when she turned twelve she spent more time with illegal carracing, boozing, fighting and so on then she had ever spent as a rich girl.

She adored Sachiko in a way but this maybe was the reason why she wanted to dethrone her. This evening here would see the last time Heart Connection would work against each other and it would finally decide the pecking order. Sachiko the wild Sukeban or Veronika the energetic Racer. It all would come down to this.

When Sachikos hands grabbed her breasts she sent a highpitched scream into the air, both women already bruised, black and yellow spots forming on their luxurious bodies and their breasts soon would'nt look any better. But this was what they wanted. This was a fucking streetbrawl and they would use everything they had to beat each other down. When the Bluenette showed her, her tongue she gritted her teeth with a glare and would have liked to rip it out here and there!

"Aaagh... Ngh... Stop talking, you make me sick...", she grunted as Sachiko mauled her breasts. Veronika did not stand back tough as both their hands squeezed and deformed their big chests between their claws while their teeth clenched and their eyes watered. Veronika knew she could'nt stand this forever and so she decided to do something really nasty by grabbing Sachikos hard nipples and grinned.

"Kch...ever been... Ngha...TO THE TITTIE TWISTER?!", she screamed and twisted the sukebans delicate fleshy pebbles brutally to get Sachikos hands away from her. If that worked she would use this position to get her rival and force her to stand up.

The patches over her nipples already started to peel and leaving her as topless as Sachiko soon, not that the little heartshaped things did much to cover the lusty dancers assets anyway, same for the microstring that barely hid her crotch.
"Alright babe, now hold still!", she hissed and sent a brutal knee right into Sachikos gut.

If she had her good and struggling she would grin and grab for Sachikos hair, pulling her head up with a brutal twist. "Never fuck with me, have'nt you learned yet? Tsk Tsk...", she taunted her and then shoved her away, tumbling in the middle of the ring before she showboated for the crowd by raising her arms, performing a wheel, jumping back into the ropes to rebound and splash into Sachiko, getting her down as the crowd went wild with every second!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Breaking a Heart (USPW Match)

Unread post by CaptainL »

When Sachiko and Veronika had butted heads before, the delinquent's scorn was born from the fact that Veronika seemed so unlike her. In fact, she seemed to embody everything about the people Sachiko thought unbearably annoying - her wealth, her glamor, her unwillingness to get down and dirty, and how she tried to flaunt all of that as something to be proud of in order to make up for how unpleasant a person she really was. Even when she fought just as dirty and showed just as much brutality as Sachiko, the blue-haired girl was convinced she'd stop the match if she broke a nail. Now, things were different. The true Veronika had come out - those feelings she had repressed for so long, the part of her that wanted to get in trouble and stir up chaos. Sachiko and Veronika had proven to have far more in common than anyone would have expected. That had brought them together - but now, it was that fact that was fueling them to new and greater heights as they struggled for dominance. If they were both out to be the baddest bitches around, there could only be one to claim that title. Their egos were bound to clash, and Sachiko was determined to be the one to come out on top!

Hissing with rage, Sachiko squeezed down on Veronika's breasts as hard as she could. Her nails bit deep into the soft flesh as she twisted and stretched them in all directions, going after some of Veronika's most sensitive targets. Now the two girls were locked in a mutual struggle, each of them going after one anothers' breasts. It only stood as a testament to how similar they really were - both were willing to go to the same lengths to humble each other, no matter how low or how underhanded!

"Pssht!! I'm...ngh...gonna talk as much...rrgh!! I want to!" Sachiko sneered, sticking her tongue out in Veronika's direction. Even if her words came in between groans of pain, her eye twitching as her body grew tense, she was still determined to get in the last word - just to deprive Veronika of any joy she might have taken from keeping control of the situation. But then, Veronika took things a little further. She took hold of Sachiko's nipples, twisting them as hard as she could!

"KYAAAHH!!" As a burning wave of pain shot through Sachiko, she reeled back in an arc, her teeth gnashing in agony. She didn't want to yield any ground to Veronika under any circumstances, but now she had no choice. Her hands dropped from the blonde's breasts, now going to grab for her wrists to try and push her off of her. Yet her grip had begun to slip when she needed to fight her way through unbearable pain - and soon enough, Veronika dragged Sachiko to her feet by her nipples, causing her to scream every inch of the way. She was only barely staggering on uneasy footing when she was lifted up, the world around her spinning in a haze. When she already felt like she could topple over at any moment, it came as no surprise that when Veronika slammed her knee into Sachiko's stomach, it was enough to bowl her over. She coughed and wheezed as the air was driven out of her lungs, and she collapsed limply to a heap at her feet!

Panting and groaning, her eyes squeezed shut to stifle tears of pain, Sachiko clutched at her aching breasts. She needed more time to let the pain die down, and that was time Veronika wasn't affording her. She grabbed Sachiko by the hair, enough to pull her up to look her in the eye, where she could see the sukeban look back at her through a grimace. Every pore felt like it was burning, and she could barely focus on what was ahead of her. When Veronika twisted at her scalp, it only left her shuddering - and when she pushed her back down, she fell flat on her face, her groans muffled into the canvas.

Sachiko hated to admit it, but there was no denying that Veronika had come out on top in this struggle. She hadn't just overpowered Sachiko in their duel of breast-mauling, she had pushed the advantage with a volley of hard-hitting blows that had brought the sukeban low. Now, she was crumpled on the mat, too wracked with pain to find the strength in her to get back up. And Veronika was surely lining up an even more decisive blow - one that would surely end the fall in her favor.

But then, Sachiko rolled herself over, flopping onto her back. Her limbs sprawled limply over the canvas, and her chest rose and fell as she tried to get the air back in her lungs. She clenched her teeth, awaiting the inevitable end...but when she looked back up, Veronika wasn't going for the finish. She was just running back and forth, striking poses and displaying her acrobatic skills. The crowd, many of whom were seeing Veronika in the flesh for the first time, cheered on the grace and agility with which she moved. But Sachiko could only stare, blinking a few times. And the more she looked on at the scene, the more she realized that Veronika had sealed her own fate.

She almost couldn't believe her own good luck. Veronika had everything lined up perfectly to end the fall now. She could have landed the finishing blow. But her vanity got ahead of her. She was more content to show off to the crowd than actually finish the match. And although no one could deny she looked great doing what she did...she had just passed up the opportunity to cement her dominance once and for all. She'd given her rival the chance to catch her breath! At first, Sachiko was bewildered that she could have made such a mistake. Then, that confusion turned to a smug sense of superiority. Of course such a stuck-up, dumb bimbo would do this. And now, it was time for her to pay for her insolence.

Veronika at last jumped into the ropes, springing herself back at her opponent for a splash. But this time, Sachiko was ready. Just as she was about to come down on the Japanese woman, Sachiko's arms suddenly shot up, latching around Veronika's waist and pulling her out of the air! A few gasps went through the crowd as everything took a turn. Now, Sachiko had a chance at a comeback!

Holding her firmly, Sachiko got her feet beneath her and pushed herself back up, where she locked eyes on Veronika with a smirk. "Man, you really are a stupid bitch, aren'cha?" she snickered. "'s my turn!~" With that, Sachiko's arms clamped down, squeezing Veronika as hard as she could to transition into a bear hug!
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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