Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson
Normal match
Win by K.O , Submission , Count out or Pinfall

Astrid was excited as she would finally make her debut as she wore an rather impressive outfit to the ring. Shoulder pats made from Fur and an battle axe that she would straight away remove or give to the folks at the time keeper era as. Her real attire was simple Blue Leather pants , Red shirt , Brown leather wristbands ,wrestling boots and an brown skirt as she hoped to pull off the viking look off pretty well. As the Norway native thought she stood an decent chance of winning as she figured she was not being booked against some veteran , but likely an fellow newcomer to the promotion. So with that in mind she would calmly walk towards the gorilla position .

Her theme song would maybe cause some confusing considering who else used it , but the blond felt it was fitting since she hoped to get the nickname of Valkyrie Astrid over. So with that in mind she went for an classic by the composer wager as she would soon hear the orchestral version of flight by the Valkyrie begin to play. As the blond would make her way through the curtain , and onto the stage as she was meet with slight disappointed by some while anger by others as she would hear them call for an name that certainly was not hers. Still she had expected this as she calmly walked to the ring as the announcer said ''now making her debut for LAw. Standing at 5 Foot 9 . Weighing in at 160ibs. Hailing from Oslo , Norway , It's the Norwegian Valkyrie herself Astrid Anderson''as she dropped off her axe and shoulder pats at the time keeper era before climbing into the ring to await the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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The crowd erupted into a loud, but mixed reaction as Skylar's music hit, the woman coming down the ramp with a carton of chocolate milk in hand, quickly drinking it as she approached the ring. Tonight she was wrestling some viking looking bitch. As she finished the milk, she crushed the carton in her hand, tossing it aside before high fiving a few fans.
"And her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRRRRR JOOOOONES!!!!!!!!

Skylar grabbed the top rope, jumping over and into the ring. Sizing Astrid up, she noticed they were the exact same size, which made her even more excited to throw down with this chick. She looked her opponent in the eye, staring her down with a smirk. "I'm gonna fucking dog walk you." She taunted.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Astrid would look at her opponent as she wondered how she should approach the other wrestler when Skylar would straight away taunt her. Showing the blond no respect as she just glared back as she retorted ''I will look forward to making you eat those words. As I won't make you walk on all fours or bark like the Bitch you are , but you will be black and blue when this is all said and done''as she waited for the bell to ring
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Thu Jul 21, 2022 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Skylar smirked at Astrid's threat, cracking her firsts as she looked her opponent-to-be dead in the eye. "Yeah, sure doggy." She jabbed. Astrid was gonna feel pretty stupid when Sky was done kicking her teeth in and dragging her around the ring by the ponytail. The bell rang, and Skylar rose her arms, challenging Astrid to a test of strength. "Let's go, Blondie!" She taunted. If Astrid accepts, Sky pushes forward, mashing their busts together as each girl tries to outmuscle the other.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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''I am an Viking warrioress , and not an dog you annoying brat. Still keep taunting me , and we see how much you regret it the moment after the match is over''growled Astrid as she would eagerly accept the challenge the other woman was putting out. As her hands would entwine with the other wrestler's own as she would push her breasts forward as their busts collide as she tried to overpower the arrogant bitch she currently was in the ring with .
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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The adrenaline began to pump through Skylar's body as she and Astrid locked up, pushing into each other with all their strength. Despite her taunts, Sky wasn't taking Astrid lightly by any means. She knew this woman could give her a challenge, but she also knew by the end of it, she'd be pinning this cute little warrioress or whatever the fuck she called herself on the ground for the 1-2-3.

Her muscles strained as their struggle continued, grunting in exertion as she gave Astrid everything she had. If she managed to get Astrid's back to the ropes, she'd let go of her, before throwing a hard jab into the viking's stomach.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Astrid and Skylar seemed to be evenly matches at the beginning , but then the blond would slowly be pushed back. As she would be forced to take an step backwards one after another until she was almost near the ropes as her opponent would punch her in the stomach. The blow caused the Valkyrie to let go of the other woman as she would pull her right fist back as she attempted to punch the other woman right in her smug face as she yelled ''take thiss''in an attempt to get her to back off.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Skylar grinned through grit teeth as she managed to outmuscle Astrid, forcing her into the ropes. She shoved the norsewomam back, before draping her arms over the ropes, and shooting a hard punch into her stomach!

She smiled smugly, turning to the audience and punching the air. "Yeah-!" She yelled with an excited growl in her voice, before turning back to Astrid and getting decked in the face! "GRAGH-!" She grunted in pain, before swinging wildly for a nasty blow to the side of Astrid's neck!

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Astrid had managed to land an blow on her opponent's face after she had bin forced into the ropes as she had hoped this would cause Skylar to back off. However all it did was get the other woman angry or excited as the blond was unsure as an second later she would get punched right back as she took an nasty blow to the neck as an loud ''Argggg''could be hear by those close to the ring.

Still the Valkyrie was not gonna take that down as she went for an simple , but effective punch right on the button as she tried to punch the other woman right in the nose as she yelled ''take this''

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Re: Skylar Jones vs Astrid Anderson

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Skylar had Astrid's back against the ropes as they pummeled each other. Sky grinned with satisfaction as she tagged her rival with a good blow to the back of the neck, only to get a receipt in the form of a nasty punch to the nose! "GRAGH, FUCK!" She roared, her system overflowing with the sudden burst of pain, as she felt a warm liquid dripping down her lips. Her nose was bleeding. Locking her eyes on Astrid with a bloodthirsty glare, she grabbed the warrioress by the hair, yanking her in and biting her in the forehead! She'd make damn sure Astrid lost more blood than her in this fight.

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