The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

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Akari was sure that she had Phoebe beat after that Crunchy, but the Hot Topic proved her wrong. Maybe it was the fact that the Hot Topic had taken the words of the Sea Turtle too close to heart because the goth's blood began to boil with a renewed hatred as she vigorously summoned up what remained of her strength and stamina to break free from the pin attempt, kicking out right before the referee's hand made contact with the mat for what would've been the third and FINAL time. With two near falls this early into the match, the crowd was thoroughly engaged with the event, and since Phoebe kicked out, they could continue to watch this intense match unfold. In truth, they were a little more swayed toward Akari. Though there were some cheers for the Hot Topic, they remained partially drowned out by the volume of cheers for the raven-haired Japanese woman. As for the Sea Turtle herself, she was a little upset that Phoebe managed to break free after that but still kept her head in the game. She moved over and attempted to drag Phoebe onto her feet and bully her into a corner with a few good shoves.
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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Phoebe had definitely been on the receiving end of most of the offense in the match, many were surprised when she kicked out of the Crunchy except her, because Phoebe knew it would take a lot more than that to defeat her, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before she can get back at Akari.

Phoebe still kept her ring awareness as she was being pulled up to her feet by Akari, and she immediately saw an opportunity to turn the match around in her favor.

She quickly launched a knee to Akari's gut as soon as she got up, and if that worked, would yell "Eat that, lowlife!" then quickly attempt a snap suplex on Akari, hoping to get the Sea Turtle reeling and on her backfoot.

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

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Akari had managed to lift the woman up onto her feet, but just as she did, the haughty, goth-themed wrestler managed to find her second wind as she lifts her knee up and SLAMS it into the Sea Turtle's abdomen, harshly driving a lot of air out of her body. However, despite this, Akari hadn't buckled quite yet, she still remained on her feet, albeit winded. This didn't deter Phoebe though as she managed to utilize the situation to her utmost advantage as she grabs hold of Akari and lifts her up in a quick, but devastating, Snap Suplex, burying her head and the back of her neck down onto the canvas in a rough fashion that leaves the woman disoriented.

Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

The sudden impact of Phoebe's snap suplex onto Akari Ito was felt throughout the arena, especially onto Akari. Phoebe however, just looked as smug as ever as she quickly kipped up to her feet and looked down at the groaning Akari. "Aww, poor little turtle can't get up huh." Phoebe taunted the downed Akari, before she was gonna put Akari in some real pain.

Phoebe decided to lay down on her back, and then use her legs to wrap around Akari's head and neck area. If she was successful, Phoebe would lock on a Figure Four Headlock, and try to force a submission out of the Fallen Akari, and try to humiliate her.

Everything was going according to plan.

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

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Akari was a bit roughed up, but she was far from out of the running. Of course, leave it to Phoebe to taunt her opponent before securing her victory, that mocking statement from the Hot Topic served as fuel to further boost Akari's fury, as when she Figure Four Headlock was cinched in tightly, the Sea Turtle immediately began to resist and fight back, attempting to pry her opponent's legs off from around her neck to free herself as she gripped onto Phoebe's legs with a dangerous level of ferocity, showing no signs of backing down just because she was in a bad position.
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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Phoebe managed to indeed wrap her fishnet covered legs around the Sea Turtle's head in an attempt to suffocate the black haired Akari Ito. But her struggling was hard to keep her legs on, and Phoebe's smugness turned to anger. "Stop struggling, brat!"

Phoebe would attempt to tighten the grasp her legs had on Akari, hoping that crushing any sort of air circulation she had would make her stop struggling.

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari kept her hands clamped around Phoebe's legs, doing everything in her power to prevent the woman's submission hold from locking in fully, trying to deny Phoebe the satisfaction of putting her into such a disadvantaged state. Phoebe's taunts and bitter remarks also boost Akari's drive to put this prissy, entitled brat in her rightful place as she breaks free from the hold, gasping for air and slipping her head out from between Phoebe's legs.
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Akari Ito:

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

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Phoebe held onto Akari's neck as long as she could, just hoping that Akari would know what's better for her and submit to some of the best thighs in the business. She knew how humiliating this would be for Akari and she had to keep it locked in.

But Akari kept struggling, and used the room she created to get loose from the headlock, catching Phoebe in an unamused surprise.

"You are gonna fuckin regret this." Phoebe said, the smugness of her aura being replaced with bitter anger towards the Sea Turtle.

Phoebe, from a seated position, tried to throw a slow kick at Akari's head in anger, not even thinking, just acting.

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari attempts to get back up to her feet quickly, but Phoebe starts to assault her with a kick. Thankfully it was a little slow and sloppily delivered, allowing the Sea Turtle to grab hold of her foot by its ankle and twist it. Akari begins slowly standing up to gain more leverage over her opponent as she reverses Phoebe's kick attempt into a One-Legged Boston Crab, aiming to bend and pull the woman's captured leg back to its absolute limit. "What was that about regretting something?" Akari asked mockingly.
Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Re: The Turtle & The Topic: Akari Ito vs Phoebe Duclair

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Phoebe attempted to throw a kick right at Akari's head, something that was not very well thought out by the goth girl. The only thing her sneaker met was air as Akari managed to catch it. "HUH?! Phoebe gasped as she Akari manage to catch it.

And then before she knew it, Phoebe was on her back, and her leg being wrenched back in a Single Leg Boston Crab. "AAAAGH!" Phoebe screamed as she felt her leg being pulled back, not being able to pull a signature smug response to what Akari said.

Phoebe attempted to slowly crawl towards the ropes, trying to grab them and end the pain she was in.

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