Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

Unread post by SRG »

Rules:both competitors will be fighting in a bed and just to obtain victory must make the opponent cum 3 times

Nashi was getting her self ready for another hotel match. She had on a pink robe as she walked through the halls of the hotel before entering her room number. The idol saw a lot of camera’s in almost everywhere”geez they really want a piece of the action” she chuckled before climbing on the bed and removing her robe and waited on her knees for her opponent.
Last edited by SRG on Thu Dec 08, 2022 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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The Tyrant Queen seems to have been challenged into a Bedroom hentai match as she doesn't seems to mind, she can be seen driving a Lexus SUV as she arrived the address which is a hotel, she can be seen wearing a simple white shirt and skirt as she walk into the room with a bored look on her face, unlike her daughter who was cheerful face, she is a a cold heel as she start undress to show off her black and blue lacy underwear and garter belt "So you're the bitch that gonna get dominate by me?" She said with her arms folded and a matter of fact voice, looking down at the little girl who dare challenge her

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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

Unread post by SRG »

Nashi would wait and see the door opening. The tyrant queen walked in and already could tell she was importing. Nashi sat up and when Morgan brought up her being dominant the idol said”sorry but I won’t” she said with a confident smirk! When Morgan would get on the bell would ring and Nashi went go to the center of the bed and put her arms for a lock up!
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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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Morgan would look at Nashi made a made a hmm noise before she would walk toward her "We'll see about it" she simply said before the bell would ring, signal the start of the match as she walk toward the idol and accepted the lock up at the center of the bed, cause her to smile before she would start pushing at the woman and start to attempt to push the poor idol down

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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

Unread post by SRG »

Nashi and Morgan were in a lock up in the center of the bed. The idol grit trying to use all she could to push Morgan down. Unfortunately Morgan was a bit stronger and took the early advantage shoving Nashi down on her back. The idol had a last plan of aiming to raise her leg up to try and kick Morgan in the stomach!
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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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Morgan would smirk as she pushed Nashi down, only to be kicked in the stomach as she made a tsk noise as she fell to her butt before she would pull herself back up and face Nashi, attempt to take advantage of her being on herself as she attempt to rush a her before she would get back up by push her down and pull her into a deep kiss with a smirk

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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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Nashi was successful with her kick and began to sit up on the bed. When the idol finally got up however, Morgan tackled her back down like a bull and began to kiss her”MPPHM! STOP!” Nashi screamed muffled trying to push Morgan off by sending punches to her stomach hoping she’d be released!
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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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She would felt Nashi start to struggle as she felt the idol start to fight back before she would felt her stomach being punched few times as she would quickly rolled away as she stand back up and look at Nashi "What? Running away already?"

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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

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Nashi looked down at Morgan as she rolled back and said”No Im going to beat ya!” She said back confident before going back to Morgan and went for a knee to face to keep her down!
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Re: Bedroom Hentai! Nashi Dragneel Vs Morgan Harper!

Unread post by Void-Effect »

Hmmph, look like I have to properly punish you” Morgan said to the Idol as she look down at her and fold her arms, but to the Idol’s credit, she did surprised her as she grunt from the knees to the face and proceed to force Morgan to her knees before she would attempt to pull herself back up
Last edited by Void-Effect on Sat Dec 24, 2022 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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