Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

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Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

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The 'Orchard of Gold', Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...making her gloriously gilded debut in LAW...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"

"Mmm, that's right BOW before me, peons...recognize your QUEEN." A snarky, arrogant voice called out from the top of the stage. Carmelita De Leon, the self-proclaimed future 'Queen of LAW', someone with an attitude and sense of entitlement and self-importance that seemingly rivaled all the degenerate, middle-aged women caught on camera being nuisances in stores and public areas. Carmelita's entire demeanor screamed for attention and praise, if someone wasn't basking in her divine glory, then they'd need to be suitably punished for their insolence. She walked down the ramp, strutting her hips from side-to-side as she posed confidently at the edge of the ring, walking up the steel steps and entering through the ropes.

She continues to strut around within the confines of the squared circle, letting all of her lackeys, entourage groupies, and 'fans' embellish her elegance with their cheers of was almost cult-like how they revered the Spanish woman. Her soft-tanned skin glistened under the lighting above, it was nice and oiled up, shining like a bejeweled amulet in the sunlight. Her floral crown shimmered in the light as if it was made of gold itself...which was actually true!! Given how rich and spoiled she was, the woman always had a fresh crown of laurels recreated perfectly from gold to fit her standards. As stated previously in haughty, egotistical interviews, she NEVER wore the same gear piece twice. She was rich enough to continuously commission the same gear over and over from one of her favorite tailors, single-handedly buying out their store and allowing no one else to set foot in their building, keeping the tailor in question in business...but being their ONLY lifeline. Even during a rare occasion when she was TECHNICALLY helping someone, she made it so that their livelihood was constantly hanging in the balance at her beck-and-call. To say that the tailor had a stressful job was an understatement...


After allowing her pathetic fans to drool over her and grovel at her feet, the Spaniard moved away from the ropes, letting her hips sway in the air before she moved over to her corner, impatiently awaiting the arrival of her soon-to-be VICTIM. Normally, one would say opponent and think nothing of it, but the extraordinarily delusional and overconfident mind of Carmelita made it so that she saw everyone else as beneath her in every capacity. For her, it didn't matter who'd she was facing...she'd make light work of them soon enough.
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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Joyce_Hilda »

"...And on the other side, standing at 5'6 and weighing in 158lbs, the lovely Japanese American cutie pie... THICK AS A SNICKER... SANA!!! HANAYO!!!"
Sana's theme song
Sana made her way to the ring with a lot of energy, a lot of charisma. People loved her grace and innocence. This was something Carmelita wouldn't take long to notice. She hopped on her way to the ring, making all her thickness to bounce on her small, skimpy attire.

"Thank you, thank you very much, my beloved fans! I love all of you! I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!" Unlike Carmelita, Sana showed a lot of respect for her fans.

Sana already had a solid name from other indie brands. She was known for her charisma, caring for her fans, her kindness... and her delicious curves and sexiness. Sana was the "sexy, but not vulgar" type of girl. She knew people find her body attractive, and she liked it. People whistled at her, took pictures of her curves, but she never cared about it. On the contrary: whenever she noticed somebody feasting on her eye-candy appearance, she blowed a kiss for them, or even positioned herself in a way to make things easier for her fans. Fanservice apart, her fans loved and respected her. They cheered with her, they suffered with her. That was loyalty, something money can't buy.

Entering at the ring, at last, unaware of the behavior of her opponent, Sana would approach Carmelita in a hop and offer a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Sana! Sana Hanayo! It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. De Leon" Sana said with a smile

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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Carmelita paid NO attention to her opponent's entrance, all she was focusing on was herself and her beauty, nothing but 'me, myself, and I'...that was the Spanish woman's usual go-to attitude about things. If she wasn't tearing someone apart, insulting somebody, barking orders, or just being a nuisance, she was looking at herself and admiring her own beauty. This woman was a walking example of vain, a textbook definition of arrogant, and the quintessential paradigm of overconfidence. It didn't matter who was she facing, it didn't matter about their story, their skills, their background...none of it mattered. So when Sana sauntered down to the ring with her bright smile, greeting fans with a warm and fuzzy attitude, and attempting to make a pleasant introduction toward Carmelita...the Spanish woman did not respond so kindly.

"I'm sorry...who do you think you are?" She asked coyly. "Scratch that. It doesn't matter who or WHAT you are, lard ball...First, get that 'thing' out of my face...Second, step back a few hundred feet why don't you, you're invading my personal space. Lastly, and by the way, please clean out the was in your ears for this part, don't waste my time. Make everything easier for EVERYBODY and stand there while I kick your sorry, fat ass. Okay? Can you follow those simple instructions? Or do I need to dumb it down even further? Seriously, you think people paid to see YOU? No, the only reason you're here is so that I can crush you like the bug you are. Honestly, you should be THANKING me for even talking to're over here trying to SHAKE MY HAND as if we're associates, or god forbid...FRIENDS...ugh-....what you SHOULD be doing is groveling at my FEET." She said, firing off a series of sharp insults and statements, she was wholly uncaring about what she said, how she said it, and how it might affect Sana...needless to say, Carmelita wasn't the best at first impressions.
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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Joyce_Hilda »

Any other girl would feel hurt by all those nasty words of Carmelita. Heck, Sana herself used to feel very hurt by that kind of treatment, in her year 1 of wrestling. However, as she went fighting, on and on, she got used to see wrestlers with that kind of behavior, so she ended up developing some attitude to stand for herself in front of these types.

"Hey, what's your problem? We're here to give this people a spectacle, can't we have some fun while doing this?" Sana was very upset by that behavior "People paid their entrances to have fun here, not to see a very unpleasant and unfunny party-pooper throwing a tantrum!"

After taking that out of her chest, Sana decided to make her counterback.

"Also, I'm 'invading your personal space'?" Sana giggled "Maybe you didn't notice, but this is a wrestling ring. There is no such thing as 'personal space' here. What exists here is a arena where thick girls choke their opponents with their powerful thighs, and then sit on their faces, with their hot, fat asses. Got it?" Sana highlighted what she just said by pulling the string of her bottoms and letting it smack on her skin, making a characteristic noise, while her fans went nuts, also taking photos of her butt that she conveniently posed for them.

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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

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"Fun? Ex-CUSE you? The only FUN to be had here is when I pummel you into the canvas and embarrass you in front of all of MY fans. All of which are here to see ME put your UGLY face in its rightful place, buried beneath my ass." She said, glaring at Sana with a vile amount of vigor and nastiness. "Since you really think that you're ALL that, I'll prove my point by crushing you in just a few minutes. Then once you're beaten and broken, I'll take my time savoring your humiliation before finally finishing you off and putting you to pasture, you cow." She said, grinning as the bell finally rings.

DING ! ! !

With a smirk on her face, Carmelita would pose for the crowd, grinning as they all began to cheer HER on, not Sana. Her ego only became more and more infalted with every clap, cheer, and holler as she sneered at Sana shortly after, bragging about the amount of adoration she just receive. "HAH!!! See that?!! They're here for ME, not...YOU!!!" She said, punctuating that last part by rushing over toward Sana and ramming her with a heavy chop against her chest, specifically targeting the woman's breasts as she began hitting her with a series of Rapid Chest Slaps, attempting to bully the big-bodied and skimpily-dressed woman into her corner.

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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Joyce_Hilda »

Sana didn't reply, not because she didn't have anything to say, but because she was given no time for a reply: Carmelita's attacks came, as nasty as quick. A flurry of slaps smacked on Sana's breasts, over and over and over.

The Spaniard's contempt for the plump Japanese girl was explicit, both for Sana's personality and for her body. Mainly because of her body. Sana didn't have the skinny figure that other wrestlers usually had. Her beauty was in her curves and her volume, which constantly drew stinging and envious comments from heels. The first backhand chop ended up catching Sana's nipple, causing a wave of shock and pain to spread through her body, breaking her guard and leaving her totally vulnerable, making Sana yell in pain as each slap echoed through the ring. Sadistically, Carmelita took the opportunity to slap Sana's breasts several more times, setting her skin on fire. Sana's thick, plump legs wobbled into the corner as the punishment continued, until her back touched the turnbuckle, and she had to protect her chest—which was already turning red—with her arms.

At that moment, out of sheer reflex, Sana pushed Carmelita back, grabbing her breasts without realizing it.

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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

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Carmelita was bulldozing through the plump woman's thick breasts, the way Sana crumpled and cowered back in fear as the pain began to set in was like visual pleasure to the Orchard of Gold's eyes, and furthermore, the big-bodied wrestler's screams and yelps of terror were music to Carmelita's ears. It was all too satisfying, but the egotistical Spanish wrestler couldn't get enough of it. She just HAD to have more, she NEEDED more, and so she continued to punish Sana's chest with slap after slap, making it her goal to make sure that she ended up battered and humiliated in front of a watchful audience. She thought that SHE was attractive? More attractive than Carmelita? Of all the mistakes to make in the presence of the gilded grappler, this was the worst one that you could ever perform. Of course, attractiveness was subjective, and Sana WAS quite beautiful, but to a delusional, arrogant woman like Carmelita, NOBODY was better than her in ANY regard. Sana's biggest offense would be punished severely until the Spaniard had her fill, though her hunger for dominance was seeming pretty insatiable tonight~

"Aha!! Look at you, poor pathetic Sana...Helpless and moaning like the half-witted BITCH you are." She said, lining up another chop to the woman's chest but that's when Sana grabbed hold of Carmelita's breasts during her shove, shocking the Spanish woman as her eyes widened. "AUGHH!!! LET GO OF MY TITS YOU SLUT!!!" She yelled, pulling back and covering her own boobs with her arms, face carrying the same hue of red as that of a cherry.
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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Joyce_Hilda »

Sana's move on Carmelita's breasts was completely unintentional. If the Spaniard would believe it or not, it didn't matter. What mattered was the fact such move bought Sana enough time to recover herself and go for a counter attack.


Sana shouted as she charged at Carmelita, with a jumping Lariat, aiming on her neck. Sana used her momentum and weight to increase the damage of her attack and take both of them to the mat.

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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

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Carmelita was utterly FURIOUS at the nerve of this woman. Not only was she spouting meaningless nonsense at her and attempting to flaunt that ugly body of hers, but she had the AUDACITY to grope her in the midst of their match. Carmelita was well aware of how fine her body was compared to everyone else's, but you were only allowed to LOOK, never TOUCH. Rare was the occasion when the Orchard of Gold willing allowed someone the golden opportunity to feel upon her soft, supple skin. To have the luxurious sensation of her divine body and beauty touch one's fingertips was quite the blessing, but this cow really believed that she could just walk up and touch her, Carmelita now believed the woman to be of lesser status than even cows themselves because cows were at least useful and knew their place.

Sana, however, seemed adamant about continuing this unruly assault upon the Spaniard as she hopped up and SLAMMED Carmelita down into the canvas...the Spanish beauty wasn't sure how, but an attack like that shouldn't have even GRAZED her...but it wasn't HER fault that it did. The lighting from above got in her eye and blinded her, and the groping from earlier distracted her, so of course, she wasn't able to move in time, and as a result, she was left winded on the canvas, gasping for air..
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Re: Gold-Studded Beatdown: Carmelita De Leon vs Sana Hanayo (D)

Unread post by Joyce_Hilda »

Sana managed to buy her some time with that desperate attack of her. Of course, a more skilled and experienced fighter would have no problem avoiding that, but that wasn't the time to wonder about how her move managed to work. No, it was time to take advantage of that, and this is what Sana was intending to do: Sana kneeled at the same level Carmelita was into, then wrapped her Spaniard opponent into a Dragon Sleeper Hold. She tightened the hold, as much as she could, exposing Carmelita's belly and bust to the wrestling fans.

After that, she would roll in the canvas, pulling Carmelita into a Triangle Choke hold, in a stance that left Carmelita's tanned ass completely exposed to anybody watching.

"Give up, Carmelita? Do you give up?" The ref kept asking, in a tone that probably would sound annoying to the rich girl.

"Well, there is a reason why they enjoy so much when we wrestle in skimpy attires" Sana mocked Carmelita's currently position.

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