Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or by knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, by the count of ten they will be disqualified. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Barcelona, Spain...making her gloriously gilded debut in LAW...standing at 5'9 and weighing in at 136 lbs...THE ORCHARD OF GOLD...CARMELITA DE LEON!!!!"
"Mmm, that's right BOW before me, peons...recognize your QUEEN." A snarky, arrogant voice called out from the top of the stage. Carmelita De Leon, the self-proclaimed future 'Queen of LAW', someone with an attitude and sense of entitlement and self-importance that seemingly rivaled all the degenerate, middle-aged women caught on camera being nuisances in stores and public areas. Carmelita's entire demeanor screamed for attention and praise, if someone wasn't basking in her divine glory, then they'd need to be suitably punished for their insolence. She walked down the ramp, strutting her hips from side-to-side as she posed confidently at the edge of the ring, walking up the steel steps and entering through the ropes.
She continues to strut around within the confines of the squared circle, letting all of her lackeys, entourage groupies, and 'fans' embellish her elegance with their cheers of was almost cult-like how they revered the Spanish woman. Her soft-tanned skin glistened under the lighting above, it was nice and oiled up, shining like a bejeweled amulet in the sunlight. Her floral crown shimmered in the light as if it was made of gold itself...which was actually true!! Given how rich and spoiled she was, the woman always had a fresh crown of laurels recreated perfectly from gold to fit her standards. As stated previously in haughty, egotistical interviews, she NEVER wore the same gear piece twice. She was rich enough to continuously commission the same gear over and over from one of her favorite tailors, single-handedly buying out their store and allowing no one else to set foot in their building, keeping the tailor in question in business...but being their ONLY lifeline. Even during a rare occasion when she was TECHNICALLY helping someone, she made it so that their livelihood was constantly hanging in the balance at her beck-and-call. To say that the tailor had a stressful job was an understatement...

After allowing her pathetic fans to drool over her and grovel at her feet, the Spaniard moved away from the ropes, letting her hips sway in the air before she moved over to her corner, impatiently awaiting the arrival of her soon-to-be VICTIM. Normally, one would say opponent and think nothing of it, but the extraordinarily delusional and overconfident mind of Carmelita made it so that she saw everyone else as beneath her in every capacity. For her, it didn't matter who'd she was facing...she'd make light work of them soon enough.