Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Ayana Suzuki

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Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Ayana Suzuki

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: Bikini submision Match
Victory Conditions: Submision only
Specjal Condition: Both fighters are to be wearing bikinis

Once more, Alicja was landing in the ring with someone from the main roster, to put it simply, she was not thrilled. It was true that her physical strength was something hard to match for other girls her size, a result of years of conditioning and working on her body but what was also true was she lacked any substantial skill in fighting and her time in the young lioness program while definitely helpful, did not change that fact all that much. And there was the matter of the lewder stipulations... She certainly did not want to think about how they made her feel and sometimes what they made her do. Thankfully, this match was at least under standard rules so those worries would likely not come into play.
Alicja(but way more buff)
Soon enough she would be summoned to make her entrance. Hre music playing in the background, Alicja would casually walk to the centre of the stage and slip her shades down her nose to look at the audience with a smirk. She looked way more confident than she actually was but playing her part was like second nature at this point. She would now casually walk down the ramp and high-five a few spectators reaching out their hands before handing her shades to the last one. Then she would climb into the ring and slip between the ropes to head for her corner where she would rest her back, looking as relaxed as it was possible.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sat Dec 24, 2022 6:34 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Ayana Suzuki

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

As Alicja's entrance finished, classical piano music started over the speakers as Ayana Suzuki gracefully strode down the ramp, a stoic expression on her face as she donned a purple bikini. Tonight was just another match to her. Another woman who would probably be far too easy for her. She was indifferent to the audience's cheering, as if tuning them out entirely as she focused on the ring, and the woman who stood inside of it.

"Aaaand her opponent, from Miyazaki, Japan, weighing in at 146 pounds, AYANAAAAAA SUUUUZUKIIIIIIII!!!!!!"
The heiress stepped through the ropes, looking her opponent up and down, her brain already thinking of ways to make her submit, and even better, ways to have fun with her. Alicia was quite the beautiful woman Surely, toying with her would be entertaining to Ayana. "You have beautiful muscles." She complimented, her face as stoic as ever. "Do you know how to use them?"

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Ayana Suzuki

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

"Thank you, and I'd say so but you can judge for yourself soon enough." Alicja said with a smile, the compliment caught her slightly off guard. At least this time it seemed to be off to a good start. At least the initial impression led her to think that Ayana was a friendly sort even if her tone somewhat undercut the statement she made. "I would be remiss not to notice how stunning you look as well." She would add, her tone more cheerful than that of her opponent.

Soon enough they would be separated and the bell would ring. Alicja was cautious, submissions and grappling in general were definitely not her thing if she could be even said to have a thing at this point so she had to stay alert. To begin with, she would step forward, her hands up in a position to offer her opponent a tie-up.

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