Stumbling into a Storm

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

"Perfect" Kate thought to herself as she saw Alizeh stumble back, bringing her leg across the body and twisting to deliver a hook kick to the side of her head and force her to turn. If that worked she would then get close behind the green-haired woman and lock her in a full nelson before lifting up and throwing her weight back to perform a suplex.

Huan would watch all of that very carefully, making sure that neither one of her students would get seriously hurt and ready to signal the end if either seemed to have had enough.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh was right and properly stunned by Kate's punch, the blow catching her off guard and leaving her defenseless. Something Kate was more than eager to take advantage of as she came in hot with a kick that smacked Alizeh's head to the side and turned her around, something Kate would seamlessly follow up with by grabbing her arms and bringing her up and over for a suplex! "Nghhh!" Releasing a grunt of pain as she made impact Alizeh's legs hung over her head, clearly still stunned and stuck in that position until Kate let go, if she chose too at least!

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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There was a tingle of excitement running through Kate after managing to string together two of her favourite moves. She still expected Alizeh to be up and eventually kick her ass into next week but the green-haired beauty seemed motionless for a moment and Kate would let her go and roll her onto her back right before Huan was about to whistle to signal them to stop. "Are you ok? I might have gone a bit far for a spar with that last one." Kate said, propping Alizeh's head on her knees and looking down clearly concerned about her well-being.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh had momentarily blacked out from the sheer force of the repeated strikes and impact of the suplex. In any other match or hell even in this spar all Kate would have had to do was bridge for the pin and that would be it. Instead Alizeh found herself released and propped up on Kate's knee with concern written all over her face.

Coming to her senses fairly quick it didn't take Alizeh long to figure out what had happened and.. "Why didn't you pin me?" Alizeh asked in confusion up at Kate. Not even upset that the girl had knocked her out for a second. Just flabbergasted she didn't go for the win.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Kate got a bit confused at the question "Ummmm... I mean, you seemed hurt, I wanted to make sure you are ok... that's more important than winning I think..." She trailed off absentmindedly brushing Alizeh's hair with her hand. Both of them would hear Huan chuckle than they would see a flash as she had her phone out and took a picture of them. "That is just too cute, don't worry I won't be posting this. Also, Alizeh, it was an MMA spar so it would be a ko anyway, no pins in the octagon needed." She said as she made her way up the stairs and inside the cage, resting her back on the wall. "You were both doing great, if not for that misjudged superman punch it might have easily gone the other way... though if you ever decide to actually get an MMA fight, I'd suggest not licking your opponent." She continued, with the last part looking at Alizeh and giving her a wink to signal that in this case, it was actually perfect.
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh blinked realizing that her head was in Kate's lap, as well as that her hair was being brushed by the girl. Neither things she minded whatsoever at all. But rather than Kate's response it was Huan's that brought her back to reality by taking a picture of them... and telling Alizeh it was technically an mma spar so no pins. "Ugh right. Honestly the rules difference is gonna be my biggest issue with these things." Alizeh said, far too used to the rules of pro wrestling compared to mma.

Still Huan's comments were positive and she was right the spar was close, but there was one thing Alizeh disagreed with. "Hey it worked though." Alizeh said, turning to the woman and winking before sitting up out of Kate's lap, but getting right up to her ear. "For the record though, I wouldn't have minded getting pinned by you ~" She said breathily into the girl's ear, curious as to how she would react to the flirty comment.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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"You don't seem the type to piledrive people so you will be fine, ref just might push you away or something... and I suppose that there is nothing in the rules stopping you from licking..." Huan said, the last part feeling weird on her tongue, it certainly wasn't something she expected to ever say.

When Alizeh sat up Kate was a bit relieved though only for a moment. The whisper sent a shiver down her spine, she managed to get rid of her blush from before just moments ago and now again she would turn red. She stuttered, not really knowing how to respond, giving a nervous chuckle. "Likewise..." A single word slipped from her, at first without even realizing it, when she did she would momentarily turn even redder and fall don't other back, trying to hide her face in her hands. "Did I really just say that?"

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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After making her flirty comment to Kate the green haired girl would turn over her shoulder to wink at Huan. "Fair enough but still." She said with a stuck out tongue before turning back to Kate just in time to hear what she said and then watch the massive blush that hit her face causing Alizeh to very nearly burst out laughing.

"Oh is that so?" Alizeh asked teasingly as she got closer and got a bold idea in her head. "Well I can make that happen." Alizeh said as she threw her leg over Kate's body and sat on her waist 'pinning' the girl and leaning forward with her hands on either side of Kate's head. "Yeah this is nice." She said wanting to see if there were any reactions from the girl. at Alizeh doing this.

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

After Alizeh's response, Huan just smiled, gave a thumbs up and left, she could smell that something was about to happen and throwing Kate into deep water in something like that was the whole point, besides, she was leaving her in good hands regardless of how it would go...

Kate did not even notice that Alizeh got closer, then a sudden sound of movement and a weight settling on her waist, she gasped, her hands falling to the side. The embarrassment from before was swept away and replaced by... nothing. Her mind completely froze for a few seconds as she stared enraptured by the sight of the woman on top of her. Then a wave of panic set in, her heart raced and she looked around to see where Huan was but her teacher was gone. She let go of the breast she didn't know she was holding and looked up, a silly idea somehow made its way to her mind, she gave an anxious smile, looking up, her hand clapped against the mat. "One..." She started the count hesitantly, getting the word out slowly, some part of her did not exactly want that moment to end...

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Re: Stumbling into a Storm

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Alizeh caught the little smirk and thumbs up from Huan and now totally understood what the woman was doing. 'Def gotta buy her lunch sometime for this.' Alizeh thought to herself before turning her attention back to Kate and smirking seeing the girl slap the mat for a self started count. "Two." Alizeh said, slapping the mat herself and leaning in a little closer so that their faces were just a few inches apart from one another. For now however that's as far as Alizeh would go, she wanted to wait and see how Kate responded before closing any distance.

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